Versatile Mage Undead Fire

Chapter 347 Leng Jue

Chapter 347 Leng Jue
"I've heard about Leng Jue before." Zhao Manyan, who just came here, said that he often traveled abroad in his early years, so he has some knowledge, "Leng Jue is mainly active in the Mediterranean generation, and his main forces are in Europe and south of the Mediterranean. , no one has seen his real face, only heard that he has a pair of purple eyes."

I didn't expect to hear something amazing as soon as I came here.

"Purple eyes, this can be regarded as a very obvious feature, but this year, people wearing colored contact lenses and dark clothes are all over the street. It is really not easy to find it with this feature, not to mention that if I were Leng Jue, then I would I will wear a contact lens of another color," Mo Fan said.

"Yeah, this Leng Jue is the same type as Sa Lang..." Zhao Manyan said.

"The same type, are they all female?" Mo Fan asked.

"Men, Leng Jue is obviously a man. This can be confirmed. The same type I mentioned refers to their method of scaring the world. There are several archbishops in red who have abnormal fighting power. Even the saint The people in the Tribunal may not be able to deal with their exaggeration, but some are good at using intrigues and tricks, and they are good at layout. Their own strength may not be much higher than ours, but the masters under their hands and the ability to play tricks But it is even more chilling than the cardinal with terrifying combat power." Zhao Manyan said.

Lin Ran listened silently.

Zhao Manyan's words made Mo Fan quite agree.

In fact, all the powers of the previous Archbishop Sarang may not be enough to defeat the Tribunal. The Tribunal can summon any master at will, and they can beat them to pieces, but their latent power , and the power of layout is extremely terrifying.

Just imagine an ancient capital of thousands of years, how many troops are needed to destroy it, even if the number of the Black Vatican is increased by ten times, it may not be able to shake the walls of the ancient capital...

Although magic is terrifying, what is even more terrifying is a person who has a god-like talent in destruction and crime. The only one who can destroy human beings is human beings themselves!

"In other words, what is Leng Jue planning now, and it is likely to be a conspiracy similar to Sa Lang's catastrophe in the ancient capital?" Mo Fan said in a calm voice.

Leng Qing had desperately tried to pass the message back before, and the conspiracy that could make the life of a presiding judge so vulnerable must not be measured by some small disturbances.

"In the past, Leng Jue's reputation in the world was higher than that of Sa Long... I mean the kind of reputation that stinks to the bone, but after the catastrophe of the ancient capital, the madmen and villains all over the world regarded Sa Long as a true god , They are the strongest role models for them to harm the society and subvert the world. Therefore, don't look at Sa Long who fled abroad like a stray dog. , then she will be reborn from Nirvana, after which countless villains will worship her, countless fugitives will join her, and countless lunatics will be at her disposal..." Zhao Manyan said.

The truth is always so cruel. Hearing Zhao Manyan say this, Mo Fan was actually very sad.

In the grand ceremony of conferring the gods, Sa Lang still succeeded. She sacrificed so many lives to pay homage to her sinful throne that surpassed the world's highest peak, and also let the lunatics and deranged people all over the world see her blood-stained glory of death ...

Think about it too.

Her ability is also getting bigger and bigger, she doesn't even need to hide like before, she can even stand on the sacred Parthenon Temple Square, and then she tells everyone openly that she is Sarang , taking what she wanted openly, killing the person she wanted to kill, and disappearing calmly...

"Leng Jue is also such a person. He is good at layout. His notorious masterpiece is the Mediterranean Red Sea incident. The seawater in the eastern Mediterranean that lasted for half a month was slightly red, and the fishy smell permeated Greece, Egypt, Italy, The coastal cities of various countries in Turkey have also caused the most serious marine plague and plague beast tide in modern times in the Mediterranean, and the number of deaths caused is difficult to count." Zhao Manyan said.

"Mediterranean Red Sea incident? Why haven't I heard of it at all? Why haven't I heard about such a big event?" Mo Fan said at this time with a puzzled face.

Mo Fan is very clear about how big the Mediterranean Sea is. How many people will be killed and how much blood will be shed if it can turn an ocean into blood and let the smell of blood permeate the coastlines of several countries?

"Do you think this is something worthy of publicity? Now many people are clamoring that they need the right to know, they want democracy, but in fact some things really cannot be made public, and making them public is equivalent to giving those responsible The hype, and then arouse the criminal thoughts of those lunatics, so that some people who already have great resentment against this society have the opportunity to follow suit, and then it will lead to the increasing influence of the Black Vatican in this world and help them grow! Just look at Sarang. After the catastrophe of the ancient capital, there were too many imitators in the world, big and small. I don’t know how many cities suffered. There are so many people who worship Sarang that they can fill the entire Mediterranean Sea. The young people whose families have suffered from this social resentment, when they are alone, don't they have the freakish idea of ​​"Sa Lang is real cow x" flashing in their minds. Social experimenters have proved that laughter is contagious and sinful. It can also be contagious. Some Black Vatican villains who tortured and killed people like animals may have flashed this idea in his mind when he was angry, and then got angry when something happened... They used to They are just people who go to work honestly." Lingling said with a serious face.

As long as people are human, there are good and evil sides. There is no dividing line between good and evil. You can’t say that a mother who stole money in order to be able to feed her daughter is evil, and you can’t say that she killed her and sentenced her to avenge her mother. The daughter of the judge who committed the crime of stealing is kind, and a kind person is likely to become a heinous person after being stimulated by something!

There are so many people in this world with enormous negative energy in their bodies. In their minds, they are fantasizing about killing those who bully, insult, and humiliate themselves. If they are poor and miserable, everyone will follow him. Similarly, he wished that all the rich, happy, and happy people had the same experience as him. Once there is a button in front of them, if they press it, other people will be like him, then "Anyway, I am a bad person" If he is thinking, there is a high chance that he will press down hard, and then laugh wildly...

Now this button is real, that is the Black Vatican, Zhao Pinlin is the one who pressed the button, on that bus, Zhao Pinlin was just a college student who was a little conceited, even a little proud, but when he arrived at the manor , what did he become?
If there hadn't been a catastrophe in the ancient capital before, then wouldn't those evil thoughts have sprouted in his mind at all, as if he didn't have such thoughts, then he wouldn't have chosen the trap that Fang Shaoli set for her...

The vast majority of people have not formed their own beliefs. They use indifference, disdain, jealousy, and then talk about "this is reality" to pretend to be mature, but in fact their minds are not much different from children. They have no thoughts of their own, lack of correct judgment, follow suit, are blind, and pessimistic. Adults cannot let children watch bloody and violent movies before they have correct values, but they are afraid that children will learn bad things, and in fact they do not disclose some serious and bad incidents. , or even block it, the reason is the same.

If they are not adults, they must have their own mature concepts. If some idiots don't see that they can do evil like this, then they may not become villains immediately, but there is a chance for them to be villains, and their family will If you waver, you will choose the wrong one.

Even if it only increases the probability of wrong choice by one percent or one thousandth, it will cause huge destructive power to this society. If you are unlucky, a crime similar to Leng Jue and Sa Long will be committed. Genius, then the next terrible disaster is already conceived!
Therefore, is it really important to know the right to know just to satisfy one's own gossip and gloat like the rights activists?
If this ridiculous human rights will result in tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of villains in the world, then do we still have the right to know everything?

Leng Jue's Mediterranean and Red Sea incidents are not public, and have been blocked by the European Union and the Ocean Alliance. It is impossible for Mo Fan, an illiterate man, to read this information from basic magic education books. In fact, it is concealed and There are many huge incidents that are blocked, and they are not made public. It is not that they shirk their responsibilities, but to prevent the incident from worsening to a greater extent. There is no way, because there are many idiots in this world, and a nonsense person may be able to fool a large group of people.

"The influence of Sa Long may have surpassed that of the Pope of the Black Vatican. I believe that Leng Jue, who is mentally ill, is not willing to be stepped on by Sa Long. He thinks that the Mediterranean Red Sea incident is not big enough, and it is far from Sa Long's." Bi, if Leng Jue is really planning something, then it is conceivable that it must be a disaster that can surpass the Mediterranean Red Sea incident, and it is very likely to happen in our country." Lingling said seriously.

"The Black Vatican is such a mess, there are so many countries in the world, why do they always come to our country to commit crimes?" Zhao Manyan scolded with unusual dissatisfaction.

"Maybe it's because Sa Lang succeeded here, so he also wants to succeed here." Lin Ran said at this time.

"We will never let him succeed this time!" Mo Fan said.

But they also know that it is almost impossible to solve this matter with them alone. They must unite the power of several big figures, and the first thing that comes to mind is Han Ji. Definitely the first to jump up and fight them hard!

But Han Ji only represents the Bell Tower Magic Association. If Leng Jue is really planning a big conspiracy beyond the Mediterranean and Red Sea incidents, then he must mobilize more decision makers. They must contact Zhu Meng. Zhu Meng is a member of the council. Right to speak.

"Aren't you very familiar with the Great Speaker? Go and contact the Great Speaker Shao Zheng. If he approves the investigation of Leng Jue, then the power that can be mobilized is huge enough." Zhao Manyan said.

"Try it."

Mo Fan immediately called Great Speaker Shao Zheng, but the person who answered the phone was his secretary.

"Mo Fan, do you have any totem discoveries? I read your report outside Kunyu Mountain and told the Great Speaker. We found that the big purple linden tree is not dead yet, but it was severely injured by Lin Ran. It is estimated that it will take a few days. It will take a hundred years to recover, you have done a good job." Secretary Gu Lian said.

"Well, it's not a totem, but there is something we feel is necessary to inform the Speaker, is the Speaker free now?" Mo Fan asked.

"The speaker is currently in Dalian Haizhan City. The situation on the coastline is not optimistic. There may be major events about to happen. The speaker has already initiated the '[-]-kilometer coastline warning' proposal, and will invest in this proposal for a long time. In the future, you If there is any important matter, just let me know." The secret technique Gu Lian said.

Five thousand kilometers of coastline alert? ? ?

Mo Fan thought he heard it wrong at first, so he opened his mouth to confirm, and then Gu Lian repeated it word by word!
"The coastline of our entire country is only about [-] kilometers?" Mo Fan said.

"Well, so this is a one-third national coastline warning proposal. The speaker has not closed his eyes for a long time. He is doing everything he can to get this proposal included in the national bill, but too many politicians feel that the speaker Adults are making a fuss over a molehill, they think that the sea level is rising every year, which is a normal phenomenon." Gu Lian said.

"That...a third of the country's coastline is on alert, isn't that a bit..." Mo Fan also felt that this proposal was a bit too exaggerated.

"Look, now a normal person would think our Great Speaker is crazy, alas, but the Great Speaker insisted on his prediction, you have to say something very important, will this proposal be important?" Gu Lian said.

"Uh, compared to this, what I said is indeed a bit... But I think I still need to say it." Mo Fan said.

Then Mo Fan told Gu Lian that the presiding judge was killed and Leng Jue was likely to cause chaos in the country.

"Do you have strong evidence?" Gu Lian also asked seriously.

"We have already mastered a traitor from the Trial Council, and further information has not yet been released." Mo Fan said.

"If this is the case, then I think it will be very difficult for the speaker to deal with it. The speaker has already mobilized all the forces he can dispatch to the coastline. Although the whereabouts of the cardinal of the Black Holy See cannot be ignored casually, the speaker is really at his wits end Ah. Unless you have enough evidence, our speaker will be able to go to Congress and order those congressmen who have not cooperated to prevent this." Gu Lian said.

"I thought that after the catastrophe of the ancient capital, once our people heard the message from the Black Vatican, the Congress would be very united." Mo Fan said bitterly.

Then he looked at Lin Ran, and it was very likely that they were the main force in this matter.

This is very dangerous.

(End of this chapter)

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