Versatile Mage Undead Fire

Chapter 354 Reappearance of the Undead

Chapter 354 Reappearance of the Undead
As soon as Lin Ran and the others got off the plane, they received a call from Qi Yang, who told them to go further north.

With this doubt, several people got into an off-road vehicle provided by the prevention team, and they drove along the Guangyuan Highway into the vast grassland...

They were driving very fast, even if there was no road, they would still go on a rampage. Judging from Qi Yang's tone, it was estimated that something big had happened.

After arriving at Backbone Grassland, Lin Ran and the others met Qi Yang's prevention team.

The prevention team has a total of ten people. Qi Yang is the team leader and he is in charge of commanding. Among the remaining nine people, two of them are battle mages, and the rest are basically hiders, watchers, and trackers...

In terms of strength, these people are not very good. Lin Ran, Zhao Manyan and Mo Fan can probably kill a group of them. However, the existence of this prevention team is to find the most powerful evidence. Once their information is sufficient, then there will be Power asks the Magic Association for annihilation action!

"What happened?" Mo Fan couldn't help asking.

"Before we received information that the town here had disappeared." Qi Yang said.

"Isn't this something that the nearby Magic Association should investigate?" Zhao Manyan said with some dissatisfaction.

You can't let them do everything, can you?You must know that they came this time to track down HJT's extraditionist. If the extraditionist escapes, then they will fall short!

"This matter has nothing to do with HJT." At this time, an unattractive man in the prevention team said.

"Let's go and have a look first." Lingling said.

A few people walked to the town, and they found that the buildings in the town were still there, and some tents scattered on the pasture looked complete, but a little messy.

This town is very chaotic, and most of the valuable things in it are not missing, which means that some bandit groups are not committing crimes. In fact, such large-scale looting is impossible here.

There is no one in the town, and no one can be seen, but there are bloodstains everywhere. These bloodstains are what the prevention team is most worried about. The more bloodstains, the more miserable things happened here...

"It seems that a lot of people died, but it is very puzzling why there is no corpse, or part of the corpse disappeared." Qi Yang said with a frown.

This is the first time the prevention team has seen such a thing. There are traces of dried blood all over the place. They can imagine that this is a massacre. Could it be that the assailant cleaned up all the wreckage afterwards? ?But this is a very huge project. Judging from the last contact time of this town, these perpetrators are unlikely to have this time.

Lingling was also checking carefully, and suddenly an informant approached Qi Yang's ear, Qi Yang couldn't help but glared at him, and the informant said directly: "We have found a mentally ill person An old herdsman who was sent to the nearest city for treatment, he seems to be a resident of this town."

"Can he still speak normally?" Qi Yang asked.

The informant shook his head.

"Then let's go ask him after he recovers mentally. By the way, what do you think of this scene?" Qi Yang asked the team members.

"I think it's likely to be wild beasts in the northern border. They inhabit the northern border. The Backbone Grassland itself is very close to the northern border. They were wiped out before they could get in touch with the city... The corpses were probably killed by those ferocious people. The desolate beasts in the northern border have been eaten." A rough-faced team member said.

"I also think what Daxie said makes sense." Said the female member of the group, they all called her Miss Fu.

"There is another possibility, that is caused by super-level magic of the poison system, which can directly turn people into blood... I found that on the grasslands to the north, all the plants there were withered, and it seemed to be infested. Certain destructive substances, this is a sign of poison magic." Qu Kang, the informant, said.

Qi Yang listened to the reports and opinions of the team members, and then fell into deep thought.

He himself still feels that what everyone said may be a bit one-sided, and he always feels that some places are particularly inconsistent.

He looked at Lin Ran and the others, and asked, "What do you think?"

"Obviously not." Mo Fan replied.

"Why not? It must be the super magic of the poison system!" Qu Kang insisted that he was right.

"You are young and experienced. This is how greedy creatures like wild beasts in the northern plains are. They can eat up human flesh and bones. There was such a case 13 years ago. At that time, I searched for a long time..." Da Xie said.

"Don't be so chatty, talk one by one." Qi Yang said.

"It goes without saying, everyone. Is there anything to eat? We haven't eaten after we got off the plane." Mo Fan asked, his expression was a little gloomy, and he looked at Lin Ran and found that Lin Ran was not very good-looking. Think about it.


The people in the prevention team stared at Mo Fan as if they were monsters.

Such a tragedy has already happened, and this guy is still in the mood to eat.You must know that there is blood all over the place nearby, it is unappetizing to see dripping, and there is still a feeling of hunger...

"Who the hell, spread this thing on the floor and let us sit down. You'll know what it is soon," Mo Fan said.

Sitting on the ground, Lin Ran cared about eating, but the people in the prevention team were dissatisfied with each other, and they were still looking for clues at the scene.


"Team leader, do I think these guys are really here to lead the team? Why do I feel that they are the second generation ancestors?" Daxie asked Qi Yang in a low voice.

"That's right, they didn't listen to our reports at all, didn't look for clues, and didn't investigate and investigate. How could they do such a thing?" Sister Fu snorted coldly.

"They are..." Just as Qi Yang was about to introduce Lin Ran and the others, he suddenly felt the soil under his feet loosen, as if something was about to come out from underneath.

Qi Yang was a little puzzled, but after careful inspection, there was nothing there.

At this time, Lin Ran and the others who had finished the picnic called out loudly, signaling for all of them to come back.

Everyone in the prevention team who was investigating was very dissatisfied, but they had to obey orders, because now Lin Ran and the others were the bosses of their prevention team.

"Do you know what did it?" Qu Kang asked angrily.

Lin Ran looked at Mo Fan, but Mo Fan didn't speak. He glanced at the far end of the horizon. At this moment, the setting sun was gradually sinking, and the afterglow was gradually withdrawing from the earth. the takeover of...

Seeing that Lin Ran and the others didn't answer, but were enjoying the sunset instead, Qu Kang said angrily, "What are you guys here for? If you're just here for a show, then you've already done it. Please hurry back to your Anyi to the city!"

"Qu Kang!!" Qi Yang shouted suddenly, his face was already full of displeasure.

Qu Kang was also very arrogant, he still stared at Lin Ran and the others with dissatisfied eyes.

"Look for yourselves, they should be crawling out soon." Mo Fan pointed at the blood-drenched town at this time, with a bit of helplessness, regret, and sadness in his tone.

"What are you looking at? Could it be that the murderers will crawl out by themselves!!" Qu Kang roared.

Suddenly, a cry that sounded like a beast came from the town. It was piercing and weird, and it was extremely terrifying. They came from the ground and echoed in people's ears like the cries of ghosts.

The blood-stained soil suddenly loosened, and the hard stone slab gradually cracked, and then one by one tattered hands stretched out from below, followed by mutilated heads. He poked it with a fierce light, Finally, their gray-black, rotten and blood-stained bodies!

These bodies are very disgusting. Although most of them have arms, legs and bodies, their body proportions are very uncoordinated. They are completely...completely put together with different human limbs!

On a corpse monster, I don't know how many parts there are. Some are men's heads, but the body is a slender and thin woman's body, and some have a strong and rough torso, but the arms and limbs are children's. !

If these were all plasticine figures, there might be some fun in random patchwork, but they were obviously living people not long ago, and such messy grafting is just creepy!

"Oh my God..." Sister Fu stood there, she was already screaming.

"This... these are... people from the town???" Da Xie said in disbelief at this moment.

"Undead! They are undead!" Qi Yang said.

Mo Fan watched these undead get up, without any surprise in his eyes, he said: "I saw blood, but no corpse. It is obvious that the corpse crawled into the soil by itself, and it will not appear until night. Thanks to the fact that you are still the elites of the prevention team, You don’t even have common sense about the undead!”

Mo Fan and Lin Ran, who came from the ancient capital, are too familiar with this phenomenon.

The moment they stepped into this town, they knew what was causing the murder, but what they couldn't figure out was that since the catastrophe of the ancient capital, the undead had completely returned to their tombs and their underground palaces. Come out to live wantonly...

But why is there a town ransacked by the undead here? ?
Moreover, there is still a certain distance from the land of the undead. I have never heard of the undead in the northern border before. This vast and sunny land is not suitable for the undead to live at all!

Mo Fan's reprimand made everyone in the prevention team blush.

They really didn't associate the picture in front of them with the undead.

"It seems that this matter has become complicated, I hope two unrelated things..." Lingling looked at the miserable undead.

These undead are distorted, deformed, and broken, and they can imagine their experiences in life. Apart from the pity and shocking sadness, it is more just a kind of helpless anger!
Lin Ran thought of Miyata's previous words, this incident was obviously related to the undead.

You continue to track the extradition shepherd, I will keep you informed of his whereabouts, and then activate your hiders to break in.I will personally investigate the matter in this town, if it is the work of the undead of the ancient capital..." Mo Fan stopped at this point, he couldn't help looking at Lin Ran.

Lin Ran said, "We stand together."

The disaster of the ancient capital will always be an indelible scar in Mo Fan's heart. Now that he is touched again, what is hidden under his calm face is the surging momentum of the volcano! !

Mo Fan left Lin Ran and the others in Northern Xinjiang, and then went to the ancient capital of Xi'an by himself.

He went to the Bell Tower Magic Association overnight. Mo Fan quickly found old Han Ji. Han Ji was studying some ancient things at this time. When he saw Mo Fan appearing, he was also surprised.

Speaking of which, since the catastrophe, Mo Fan has not been to the ancient capital. The city has been rebuilding, and it has been restoring its original prosperity. The people here are very strong and have no choice to leave, but after all, there are fewer What, it will take a long time to forget...

"Did something happen?" Han Ji asked.

"Have you been calculating Sha Yuan's position?" Mo Fan asked.

Ever since it became clear that Shayuan was the entrance to the tomb of the ancient king, Han Ji had sent people to keep an eye on Shayuan's spatial migration. Some things Han Ji no longer wanted to happen again.

"Well, I'm calculating." Han Ji nodded.

"So where is it now?" Mo Fan asked seriously.


Han Ji left for a while, and after a while he brought a thick notebook, and there was a scholar beside him, who should be a scholar of the space department, and he explained to Han Ji, Han Ji Listen carefully.

"The next migration will be at sunset tomorrow, here..." Han Ji pointed to the map.

Sha Yuan's coordinate calculation has always been under the firm control of Han Ji, and he will not allow anyone to capture Sha Yuan's spatial migration laws. However, if it is Mo Fan who asks, then it is another matter.

"I'm going here." Mo Fan said.

"Go for a trip?? You want to enter the Shayuan??? What are you going to do in the Shayuan???" Han Ji asked a few questions in one breath.

"I have something to ask in person. I'm leaving. Well, it's relatively close to Ganxi City, and there is a plane, so it should be very fast." Mo Fan said.


Mo Fan didn't stay in the ancient capital for too long. He took the opportunity to go directly to Ganxi City. Shayuan's next space drift will appear about [-] kilometers away from this city.

The next day, Mo Fan arrived on this desolate yellow land, but Sha Yuan arrived one step earlier than Mo Fan. The turbulent evil spirit seemed to be descending from a demon king. Normal people would not take half a step.

There are no undead near Shayuan, and the undead will not easily appear on the land of the living now. The tiny figure of Mo Fan has not entered the entrance of this dark furnace of hell, it is completely like escaping into it. Another mysterious and terrifying world!

He took a deep breath, and then stood on the edge of the evil abyss. Looking down at this time, what he saw were still corpse faces full of resentment, rage, hunger, hatred, and greed. Slowly rotating and being stirred together, it is clearly an endless ocean of pain.

Mo Fan has already jumped once before, and he also knows that the brilliance of the small loach pendant will protect him from falling to the bottom safely, but the sense of fear that is coming to him like this really makes people don't want to go through it a second time.

Close your eyes, the evil spirit is still undiminished.

Mo Fan jumped down at this time, and then his body was ruthlessly drawn into the sea of ​​corpses...


He fell into the black space, and Mo Fan walked straight along the barren black land. There were still hundreds of millions of corpses in the sky above his head. They formed a slowly moving cloud, and the corpses fell to the ground like rain. , smashed near Mo Fan, and then turned into puddles of moving blood mud.

Mo Fan walked forward, and he walked towards the Palace of the White Tomb. This tomb, which has stood alone for thousands of years, has not changed in the slightest, but it still gives Mo Fan a suffocating coldness.

After entering the bronze gate, the evil eyes are still there!
Walking through the gallery, there was nothing blocking him, and he walked through it smoothly.

The Immortal Demon Lotus is no longer there, and the Gateless Hall will not hinder Mo Fan.

He crossed the Nine Deaths Bridge, and chose a bridge at random. This time, this bridge did not lead to the gate of death, but guided Mo Fan directly to the Scarlet Altar, to the Scarlet Throne...

Mo Fan himself has never been to this bloody altar, this is the first time he stepped into it, it is completely black, so smooth that it can reflect his own figure, surrounding it is a dark, icy, void, eternal like the universe .


Lin Ran's gaze fell into the distance, and he suddenly said, "I'll go and have a look."

Lingling looked at Lin Ran and said, "Be careful."

Lin Ran nodded, and soon he appeared on a high slope.

Lin Ran saw dense crowds of creepy creatures moving slowly, and the monarch-level magic frog was bound by chains.

There are also some twisted undead in front of the magic frog, they drag the magic frog forward.

Lin Ran saw the tall pyramid...

Suddenly a chill hit.


A voice like that of a demon god sounded, and Lin Ran felt as if his head had been hit by a sledgehammer, and he hurriedly backed away, the emperor! ! !
Absolutely imperial class! ! !

It was a terrifying existence beyond Lin Ran's present.

Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up! ! !
This is a catastrophe that is not inferior to the ancient capital, and it will be even more terrifying because of the emperor! ! !

"Let's go, we should start too." said the tall woman, looking at herself in the mirror.

It was an increasingly coquettish and beautiful face.

"Do you like being with him at school?" the woman said suddenly.

But it soon became sarcasm.

"You obviously haven't said much..."

The woman muttered to herself.

Suddenly a girl came in, she looked at the alluring woman and said, "Yumian, I have asked for leave for you, what are you going to do?"

The coquettish woman smiled and said, "Go and help someone, a very important person."

The girl couldn't help but said, "Is he your boyfriend?"

"Should..." The alluring woman left.

(End of this chapter)

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