Versatile Mage Undead Fire

Chapter 355 The Disappeared Lin Ran

Chapter 355 The Disappeared Lin Ran

The Scarlet Altar is silently suspended in such nothingness. It may be turning slowly, but people standing on it can't feel it, because they can't tell what is up, what is down, and what is left.

On the Scarlet Throne, there is a black armored helmet sitting there, but it is empty inside, but it maintains a sitting posture that is indistinguishable from contemplation and deep sleep. It looks like a sculpture, but it has the momentum of a huge and majestic Mount Tai. ! !
"Chief Instructor." Mo Fan looked at the black robe silently, his mood fluctuating.

"You are not my descendant." The deep voice contained Zhan Kong's original timbre, the black helmet was obviously empty, but a pair of eyes lit up.

"I may not be considered an authentic Bocheng native, but I am your student." Mo Fan said.

The old king did not answer.

Mo Fan clearly knew that the "person" in this black helmet was not entirely the cruel and great king, but he still had the memory and soul of Zhan Kong, the chief instructor who swore to defend Bo City.

He even went to Tianshan Mountain and rescued Qin Yu'er, which is enough to prove that this is the Zhan Kong he knew.

Moreover, on the Nine Deaths Bridge, Mo Fan did not step into the door of death, which can also show that he has a little kindness for himself.

"A small town in northern Xinjiang was ransacked by undead. The whole town died and turned into undead... Did your subordinates do this?" Mo Fan asked.

The "person" in front of him is the king of the undead empire. Maybe even Han Ji didn't expect that Mo Fan stepped into the abyss again to question this matter face to face!

Compared with many disasters, the death of a small town may be insignificant, but in Mo Fan's opinion, this is far more serious than any disaster...

If this is what the undead of the ancient capital did, it means that the pattern of the undead will be broken again, and the undead will no longer inhabit the tomb. They will once again invade the land of the living. The identity declares war on the world, and then pulls the living into the abyss of death!
This is something Mo Fan doesn't want to see anyway!

If the answer given by the ancient king is: yes!

Then Mo Fan will declare war with the ancient king here, even if there is a person he respects the most left in him, Mo Fan will fight this dead king as a living person to the end!

"No." The old king replied.

Mo Fan's expressionless face finally had a little look of the past, and he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He was also very scared in his heart. He was afraid that the other party would answer in the affirmative, so he had to bite the bullet and say those words. He had to incarnate into a demon right here... But in fact, Mo Fan didn't have the slightest chance, even if he was an incarnation. Devil, he is definitely not the opponent of the dead king in front of him!
"She wants to see you, she said no matter what you become." Mo Fan said.

Qin Yu'er has returned to her own life, but she is also waiting alone. Mu Ningxue will go to see her and talk to her, but it can be seen...

The face of the ancient king slowly emerged in the empty helmet. This is Zhan Kong's face, but the skin is gray, so transparent that one can see the densely criss-crossed black blood vessels on the face.

But soon, his face was hidden in the empty helmet again, leaving only a pair of eyes that were indifferent to everything.

Gradually, even these eyes disappeared, leaving only a black helmet and robe in a sitting position on the Scarlet Throne, lifeless but majestic as a mountain!

"Chief Instructor..." Mo Fan called again, feeling a little messy.

There was still no answer, and only Mo Fan's own voice echoed in the Scarlet Altar.

"Thank you very much for teaching me a lot." Mo Fan took a step back at this time, and then gave the black helmet robe a mage military salute when he was training in Xuefeng Mountain, "I told Zhang Xiaohou that everyone's heart There is always a person who can serve as a spiritual pillar. With him, even when great difficulties come, he will not lose his footing. When the sky falls, he will support his heart... Zhang Xiaohou said that the person in his heart is me. Ask me if there is such a person in my heart, my answer is no."

There was still no movement in the black helmet, Mo Fan seemed to be talking to himself.

After the voice gradually quieted down, Mo Fan laughed at himself and said with a wry smile: "Actually, I have already lied to him. In many cases, I was actually playing a powerless and trembling role.


Mo Fan soon returned to Huerhot, and then transferred to Hanzhong City. Mo Fan received news just after he left Shayuan. They said that the old herdsman who had witnessed the demise of his town had woken up.

Mo Fan rushed there, but found that the whole room was silent.

When he glanced away, he found that Qu Kang and Sister Fu were not there, while other members of the prevention team were surrounded by the old herdsman's hospital bed.

The old herdsman's eyes were empty, and it was obvious that he had suffered a severe blow mentally. Mo Fan was not sure whether his spirit had returned to normal.

"Mo Fan, you'd better listen to him." Zhao Manyan said calmly.

Mo Fan immediately walked to the old herdsman's side. He saw that the old man's hands were still trembling uncontrollably.

"Old man, did you really see the pyramid?" Mo Fan asked.

On the phone, Mo Jiufan had already heard some simple descriptions, so Mo Fan flew over directly, and he felt that it was best for him to inquire about this matter in person.

The old man immediately raised his head. He looked at Mo Fan with blank eyes, and then nodded.

"Can you give me a general description of the situation of the pyramids, I have seen the pyramids in Egypt before, so I want to compare with your description." Mo Fan said.

"Light and shadow, Minghui, and many, many undead, gray-black, triangular mirror..." The old herdsman spoke very incoherently.

When people are overly fearful and overly sad, sometimes the brain will selectively forget, and let people forget some pictures that are too destructive to the soul.

Now, the old herdsman is in such a situation. He saw something extremely terrifying before. If he was asked to give a detailed description, he could not do it at all. He only remembered that he saw the pyramids, the undead, and the full it's blood...

"Minghui... Mo Fan, only the pyramids emit this thing. I asked about it before you came. The Minghui he described is exactly the same as the mirage we saw in Egypt. It’s unlikely that this old man’s insanity was fabricated out of thin air.” Zhao Manyan said.

"The undead of the ancient capital are still in the tomb. The death of this town has nothing to do with them." Mo Fan stared out the window. For some reason, the clear sky couldn't show the warmth it should have, as if something was happening. Hazy, something is blocking it.

"Could it really be the undead of Egypt, but how could the undead of Egypt appear in the northern part of our country? This is absolutely impossible!!" Qi Yang said in disbelief.

He had never heard of Egyptian undead appearing in other countries. Qi Yang had already reported this matter to the Magic Association before, but the Northern Magic Association insisted that some unruly undead came from the tomb. Run out and kill the people in town.

Mo Fan wanted to continue to make some inquiries, and a few people wearing white and orange interlaced clothes from the Judgment walked in. One of them wore a high hair cap, looking between literary and weird.

"We are He Feikun, the judge of the Northland Magic Association, and we want to ask this survivor some questions." He Feikun strode forward.

What he said was not soliciting everyone at all, but like a notice that he could do whatever he wanted.

"Old man, you said you saw the pyramid before?" He Feikun questioned, with some doubts about the old man in his words.

"I... I've already said it before!" The old herdsman was already a little out of order, but now that he was suspected like this, his mood fluctuated even more.

"Hmph, you can make up such absurd excuses. In my opinion, you are covering up the murderer, right?" He Feikun took another step forward.

"How can you ask such a question!" Qi Yang said with some dissatisfaction.

"How do I ask? That's my business. This place is under the jurisdiction of the Beiguo Judgment Council. I will be responsible for what happens. What should you guys in the prevention team do? It's best not to meddle in your work here. "He Fei said very defiantly.

Before everyone could speak, He Feikun stepped forward again, this time with a somewhat oppressive tone: "What pyramid, it is obvious that this is nothing more than an evil necromancer, although I want to take this old man away .”

"What?? He is an important clue for us now, how can you just take it away??" Qi Yang was suddenly angry.

"You guys can use your brains." The judge He Feikun reprimanded, then glanced at the prevention team and Mo Fan and others with contempt, "Now the whole town is dead, so why isn't he dead? And this old man doesn't know any magic. If he can witness the whole thing happen, then why is he alive? What's even more ridiculous is that he said that he saw the pyramids...the pyramids are in Egypt, where are we? The pyramid, every word of his has no credibility, either he is a deranged lunatic, his mind is full of messy and useless things, or he is related to the prisoner, and then deliberately confuses our sight !"

Everyone in the prevention team was speechless.

To be honest, they were still willing to believe what the old man said at the beginning, because they also witnessed the undead, and the description was very close to the scene they investigated, but when the pyramid was mentioned, everyone felt that the old man must have no spirit recovery.

"Afterwards, I will ask something valuable from him. Aren't the people in your prevention team tracking HJT? If this matter is related to HJT, then you can still intervene, but if it has nothing to do with it, then you should What are you doing!" He Feikun said without any politeness.

Then before everyone could speak, He Feikun had someone take the old herdsman away. The old herdsman was scolded, questioned, and oppressed like this. His spirit collapsed again, and then he smashed things indiscriminately, cursing wildly in his mouth Say some nasty words.

"Look, I'll just say he's a lunatic." He Feikun said with a sneer at this moment.

When Mo Fan, Zhao Manyan, and Lingling heard this guy's words, they were already furious. They had worked so hard to find clues and dig out the truth, but now this bastard who came out unexpectedly gave an important witness to It's broken, how can they continue to investigate? ?

"Mo Fan, what do you think?" Zhao Manyan asked.

"I don't know, although what the old man said is really absurd. Pyramid... It's unlikely that when I came back from the ancient capital just now, I was thinking in my heart that it might be done by an evil necromancer." Mo Fan said.

"I'm playing the previous recording for you. Come and listen to the old man's description of Minghui, right? I am also very confused now." Zhao Manyan said.

So Zhao Manyan played the recording to Mo Fan. Before Mo Fan came, the old man was depressed but he was narrating Minghui steadily.

Mo Fan listened to it very carefully, his brows were already furrowed.

"I don't think it's possible to explain in such detail without seeing the real Minghui," said Zhao Manyan.

"Yes, then he should have seen Minghui." Mo Fan nodded.

"Doesn't that mean that he really saw the pyramid???"

"Is there any power in this world that can move the pyramids so far away?" Mo Fan said.

"I think there are still pyramids." Lingling spoke at this time.

The old man's description is very true. If he can explain why he is alive, then the old man's words will be much more credible.

"Random guesses are meaningless, and they are the only ones who can confirm this now." Mo Fan whispered.

"You mean the extraditionists Shepherd and Cheng Ying?" Zhao Manyan said.

"Well, I hope the old man is insane, and then he integrated the false things he saw in some film and television works into his real world." Mo Fan said.

It's not that Mo Fan doesn't have any sympathy for this old herdsman, but he himself can't believe it, if the pyramid really appeared on the border of the north...

"By the way, what did Lin Ran do?" Mo Fan asked suddenly, he seemed to have never seen Lin Ran and thought he had gone to the bathroom, but it's been too long, right?

Lingling said: "Lin Ran said that he sensed it and went to investigate, but he never came back. Now I suspect that something happened to Lin Ran, and it has something to do with our investigation."

Mo Fan opened his mouth, Lin Ran disappeared?

At the same time, Lin Ran was placed in the palm of Medusa. She looked at Lin Ran with some curiosity. In order to arrest him, all the monarchs had taken action, but they still couldn't win, and even severely injured several monarchs. , she was also injured.

But fortunately, Hades took down this human being in the end.

Scorpion Lord Medusa looked at Lin Ran, she was very excited, if she had offspring with this human, how strong would it be?
Thanks to his loyalty to Hades all these years, Hades was willing to entrust Lin Ran to her care.

Although he has many restrictions from the gods of the underworld, he still exudes a very powerful aura.

Underworld God probably wants to turn this human into his subjects, so that there will be another master whose strength is second only to Underworld God, but the flame of this human being is so strange that even Underworld God can't kill him.

It's amazing.

Scorpion Lord Medusa's snake hair looked at Lin Ran one after another.

Snake pupils were full of curiosity.

(End of this chapter)

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