Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 101 This day can't be over

Chapter 101 This day can't be over

Murphy inspected the outer wall of the fortress carefully, and checked the barracks in the fortress. They were almost empty, only one barracks had soldiers, and there were only two guards in the fort hall. The entire fortress could No more than [-] were beaten, and the rest were bandits like him who only had one or two levels to make up the number.

(Haha, this is considered stable now. With such a weak defense, when our army overwhelms the border and the soldiers approach the city, it will definitely be wiped out in one fell swoop. Lao Tzu is indeed a genius. He can come up with this kind of reconnaissance trick. The three bandit strongholds can definitely be easily Done, ahahaha!)
Murphy was secretly happy, but the two players on the side noticed the change in his expression.

Passerby A (bandit raider): "I said, this newcomer must not be out of his mind, right?"

Xiao Bingyi (bandit raider): "It's probably the first time I played this kind of holographic virtual game, and I was shocked."

Lin Dengwan (the bandit leader): "Hey, have you two chatted enough? If you have chatted enough, hurry up and come to work. We must build the arrow tower of the camp as soon as possible. The next wave of adventurers will come soon. gone."

The two chatting thieves were a little helpless.

Passerby A (bandit raider): "Isn't there a minion over there, just let the NPC do it."

Xiao Bingyi (bandit looter): "That's right, let's play a game, and what we're doing is murder and arson. What's the point of working hard every day to move bricks?"

Lin Dengwan (bandit leader): "Damn, there are only two waves of NPCs coming out today. At least it will be tomorrow until the camp is repaired. What if adventurers come during this time, you don't want to live."

The two bandits had no choice but to pick up tools and get busy.

Xiao Bingyi (Bandit Marauder): "Hey, new here, stop smirking, hurry up and work."'

Grayhouse (bandit boy): "Here we come."

Although it was confirmed that the defense of the fortress was not very good, just to be on the safe side, Murphy decided to observe more and thoroughly understand the topography of the wall.

The terrain of this cottage is not very dangerous. The front is an open and gentle slope with no obstacles, and it is easy to rush to the gate of the fortress.

However, if the defense system can be completely repaired, the arrow tower is repaired, and the ballista is installed, it should still be able to resist.

He was observing how quickly the bandits were repairing the arrow tower, and suddenly felt a chill on his back, and when he turned around, he saw three bandits looking straight at him, standing still and looking Some ghosts.

I wipe, what the hell?

Passerby A (bandit raider): "You have blocked the road. These bandits are all NPCs, and they are all stupid. Once someone blocks the road, it is easy to get stuck and not move."

Murphy hastily stepped aside, and he also noticed at this moment that the walls of the village are very narrow, especially the stairs up and down the walls, which can only allow two people to pass side by side. If one person stands in the middle of the stairs, there will be Easy to get stuck with other people.

Looking at the narrow stairs, Murphy's heart moved slightly. The specifications of these robber fortresses are basically the same. They are all wooden walls with arrow tower ballistas on them. They go up and down through the stairs. The vulture fortress also has such stairs, which are also narrow. .

Usually there are only three or five robbers looking out on the walls of the stronghold. Most of the robbers rest in the barracks, and only come out to meet the enemy when they are attacked.

If you can send people to guard the stairs in advance when attacking the fortress, it will be much easier to attack.

But it is not easy to do this, you need to have a master who can fly or climb skills, maybe you can ask the black shadow for help, it is easy to sneak into the bandit fortress with his agility, but although his level is high, thieves are not good at frontal In confrontation, even if you have a level advantage, you may not be able to defend it for too long, and you don't know if you can defend it until you break through the gate.

Hey, there it is - it's difficult if the enemy gets stuck at the intersection, but it's easy if you're all friendly.

A bold plan emerged in his mind. If this plan really succeeded, not to mention the Lone Wolf Fortress and the Vulture Fortress, all the bandit fortresses of the same type would not be a problem.

However, the prerequisite for this to be achieved is that someone must cooperate, and it must be a player, such as Lin Dengwan. I just don't know whether this Lin Dengwan is willing to give up his "foundation" and cooperate with him.

He was thinking about how to move to benefit, at this moment, a bandit suddenly ran into the gate of the cottage.

Bai Zhantang (bandit minion): "It's not good, it's not good, the adventurers are fucking here again."

As soon as these words came out, there was a sudden silence in the cottage.

Lin Dengwan (bandit leader): "My day, I was mopped up yesterday, and today I'm here again. I can't live through this day. Damn it, everyone is ready to fight, and the archers will go to the city wall for me."

As soon as the order was given, the bandits in the stronghold immediately started to act. Five or six bandit raiders armed with javelins, seven or eight bandit minions filled the wall of the stronghold, and several bandits with handaxes and round shields The looters were all arranged inside the gate, ready to block the gate at any time, and three bandit archers stood on the only repaired arrow tower.

As soon as the layout was completed here, a group of adventurers rushed up from the main road.

This team of adventurers was much more powerful than the trumpets that Mo Fei had encountered before, all of them were trumpets above level [-], although there were only five of them, but when they fought at the door, they felt that the whole momentum was different.

A human monk, an elf druid, a human priest, a human mage, and a dwarf hunter.Pretty standard five-man team.

I have two big snipers (hunters) "Captain, look, this is the stronghold. It looks good to fight. It just happens to be able to grab a wave of war resources. Now that the price of war resources is increasing, it will definitely make a fortune. .”

Archmende (Druid): "I think it will work. I will go up to attract firepower first. The priest will milk me, and the mage is going to blast the door!"

Several people were discussing tactics, but Lin Dengwan greeted them from a distance on the wall.

Lin Dengwan (bandit leader): "Brothers, can you save face, at least wait until all the NPCs in my stronghold have been spawned before you come back."

Akmende (Druid): "Damn, I'll give you a little face, a new expansion will be released soon, everyone is collecting materials, collecting materials, if we don't come, someone else will come-ready to attack! "

After speaking, he let out a loud roar, and turned into an armored giant bear directly, with a shiny silver armor and white hair, he looked very heroic.

Lin Dengwan (bandit leader): "Is there any mistake? Armored bear transformation is an advanced skill at level 50, right? Do you have any conscience if you come to brush up our small stronghold with more than [-] levels of large size?"

Righteous light (pastor): "You scumbags, everyone will punish you, boss, stop talking nonsense with them, go ahead!

While speaking, the bear had already applied the bark technique, bull's power, and protective arrows, and several BUFFs rushed up, and began to smash the door of the village.

Lin Dengwan (the bandit leader): "Go to hell with them, shoot the arrows."

The archers on the arrow tower immediately began to release arrows, and the bandit raiders also threw their javelins vigorously. After all, this game is not a numerical game of purely fighting for levels. Even if the strength is weak, there are fortresses to rely on. Still can hit a dozen.

However, there are too few archers. Bandit raiders only have three javelins and no ballista. The priest behind is still adding blood. The bear was shot like a hedgehog, and he couldn't die.

The mage's figure suddenly appeared, with a Pyro-explosion technique, boom!The gate of the village, which didn't have much durability left, suddenly shattered.

Woohoo!The armored bear roared and took the lead to rush into the gate of the village. The bandits and looters blocking the gate rushed up, and chopped down with five or six axes. However, there was the opponent of the giant bear. Palm, as easy as pulling out a chicken.

The monk rushed to the bottom of the wall, obviously wanting to show off his operation, and he strung up the wall with a 'flying body and cloud', and kicked a bandit raider off the wall with a roundabout kick. It was a Bailie fist that beat a bandit raider to the mouth and sprayed blood, and then hit!Ah hit!While screaming strangely, kicking and kicking, he overthrew a group of bandits.

This kind of close-to-hand combat type of occupation is the most effective in a small space.

Lin Dengwan hastily drew out his double swords to meet the enemy, one of them danced wildly with two swords, and the other somersaulted and kicked, which really felt a bit like a martial arts movie.

The archers on the arrow tower were still trying to release their arrows, but they were headshot one by one by the dwarf hunter with a musket.

These combat soldiers didn't stand on the top for 2 minutes, and the bandits collapsed at the touch of a touch, and fled in all directions.

Only Lin Dengwan was still struggling, the two knives in his hands were dancing like a wind, he was slashing with a circle on the left, and another sword danced wildly, but his younger brothers were chopped down one by one, and his heart suddenly panicked.

Unexpectedly, the monk appeared behind him with a somersault, and an acupuncturist was given on the spot. The mage flashed over and shot Pyroblast, the critical blow plus the heavy blow extension directly dealt four times the damage-in seconds.

Even one of the two blue quality scimitars in his hand exploded.

Finally, the fighting subsided, and the adventurers happily rushed into the hall of the cottage, looting all the few resources.

Murphy did not make a move from the beginning to the end, hiding in the corner trembling and pretending to be an NPC. These adventurers seemed to look down on the few experience points of these bandits, and left after grabbing things to prevent him from tasting death in one go. taste.

When the bandits were revived again, facing the dilapidated cottage, each of them wanted to cry but had no tears.

It was miserable enough before, and this will really feel like a ruined building.

Fortunately, this group of adventurers understood the principle of sustainable fishing, and did not destroy the fortress hall. As long as they waited for a while, bandits could still be spawned.

But the bandit brother couldn't take it anymore.

Lin Dengwan (the bandit leader): "Damn it, I can't live through this day. I'm being mopped up every day. Damn, wait until we recover before attacking. At the beginning, I was also obsessed with ghosts, and I actually took such a set. Thinking that it was a big pit, damn it, I knew that the guy sold me a fortress for 500 yuan and there were ghosts in it, no, I quit, I went to the Syndicate Brotherhood.”

Passerby A (bandit raider): "No, boss, what should you do if you leave this stronghold? The bandit leaders that the system spawns are mentally retarded. We will really become leeks by then. Besides, you went to another stronghold You can only be a younger brother to others, and you may not even be able to mix with rare elites, so if you stay here, you will be a bandit leader, a small boss level."

Xiao Bingyi (bandit looter): "Yes, boss, let's work hard together. As long as we can repair the fortress and make a few more waves, we will be stable at that time. We have died here so many times. Anyway, get some money back."

The thieves wept with each other in their arms, making Murphy amused.

Not bad, such a miserable BOSS must be able to accept my proposal.

After silently exiting the game, Murphy logged back into his Prince account.

Feeling the powerful power in his body, Mo Fei was quite emotional, "Huh, you are still a hero."

Although this game claims to be realistic, and claims that even the weakest person has a chance to defeat the strong, but in the final analysis, this possibility is just a possibility.

In reality, a child can kill a general in armor with a single knife, but in a real fight, a hundred children are no match for a general.

As long as you are not a fool, after the strength reaches a certain level, it will be very difficult for a low-level player to defeat a high-level player.

I was able to leapfrog and slay dragons not only because of technology, but also because of the legendary dragon-slaying giant sword worth several million.

Before, he always felt that the Prince was too weak compared to the Black Dragon Lord, and the road to upgrade was too long, but after playing a level-[-] thief, he really understood what it means to be weak.

Not to mention, quickly upgrade it.

(End of this chapter)

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