Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 102 Alterac Trojan Horse

Chapter 102 Alterac Trojan Horse
Murphy walked out of the gate of the palace and saw Razidanan chatting with Roland. Seeing the two of them like that, they were quite speculative.

Roland (vassal knight): "Young man, your idea is very good, only by fighting hard with His Royal Highness can you succeed in your career.

When I was young, I always thought too much, thinking that I could break through the world with my own martial arts. However, when I was older, I realized that the reality is so cruel. Many times, personal efforts are so small. If you can’t follow, it’s worth it No matter how hard you try, it is meaningless for the loyal monarch.

No matter how much blood you shed, you can't buy a piece of land to live in. Unfortunately, I realized it too late. "

Razidanan (Guardian of the Kingdom): "No, Lord Roland, I once heard a king say that an old man has a long-term ambition, a martyr is old, and his ambition is endless. Although you are old, your body is still strong, and now you have become an old man. If you become a guardian knight, there may not be a day when you will achieve success."

"Hahahaha, you are right, Lord Roland... this sounds really good."

Murphy looked interesting, but Razidanan and Roland got along quite well.

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "Did I bother you?"

Roland (vassal knight): "Your Highness, have you made a decision?"

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "That's right, I have found a stronghold that can be easily captured, let's go, gather soldiers, we are going to fight!"

The three of them led the troops to the barracks outside the city. Murphy still had 32 troops to dispatch. He chose ten kingdom crossbowmen and six sword and shield infantry.

Together with the previous five highland swordsmen, five highland warriors, a royal guard, Murphy himself and Roland knight, the 'army' of nearly 30 people, 'mighty' marched towards the destination.

There was no danger along the way. In front of such a powerful lineup, groups of wild monsters were just giving experience. By noon, Murphy had already arrived at the destination.

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "That's the fortress. This is the first target we're going to attack today!" Murphy said, pointing to the Lone Wolf Fortress on the hillside ahead.

Roland looked at it for a while, then nodded in agreement, "It does seem like an easier fortress to attack. His Royal Highness has chosen a good target, but we lack siege weapons, which is still a problem."

"Don't worry, that fortress has just gone through a battle, the gate should not be repaired yet, we can just go in, I will take the lead in a while, Lord Roland, you will be in command of the soldiers, be careful, don't kill that Bandit leader, I have special use for this man."

Roland was a little surprised when he heard this. The fortress is so far away. How did the prince know that the gate of the fortress was broken? Could it be that the prince still has the unknown prophecy magic?

He looked at Murphy's majestic muscles with a strength of 55 points, and thought he couldn't tell.

Although the knight Roland was puzzled, he knew very well that as a vassal, he should not ask questions about some things that should not be asked. He immediately took over the command, with the infantry in front and the crossbowmen in the back. advance.

When the troops approached the Lone Wolf Fortress less than 100 meters away, a system prompt sounded in Murphy's ears.

[System prompt: You have entered the area of ​​the plot campaign [Clear the Bandits 1/3]. Your identity has been judged as a 'just crusader', please prepare to enter. 】

At the same time, Lin Dengwan in the fortress was drying away his tears and led his men to continue repairing the arrow tower. Just now, another wave of mobs came out, and the remaining bandits who died before were busy with their work. is in full swing.

They have done this kind of work for countless times. They have died and died, repaired and repaired, but they have never been completely repaired. Thinking about it, it feels a bit tragic to start a business, but he hasn't had time to move himself. Well, the system prompt sounded in my ear.

[System prompt: You have entered the area of ​​the plot campaign [Clear Bandit 1/3]. Your identity has been judged as 'Bandit Leader', please prepare to enter. 】

Wocao, what the hell, a plot event?Clear up the robbers?I'm still the bandit leader who is going to be handed over?
Lin Dengwan was immediately dumbfounded. It was okay to be taken by the adventurers before. Although he lost a lot of experience and dropped a lot of items, and the supplies from the camp were harvested wave after wave, but at any rate There is always hope in death and resurrection.

But if he died in this plot event, it would really be GAME OVER.

Others are actually fine, but he is the leader of the bandits, and he has stepped into the threshold of a plot character. This is really the feeling of joining the national army in 49. If he dies, he will really die.

I'm so stupid, really, I shouldn't have come to this sad place, if I hadn't come, these things wouldn't have happened, if I had escaped earlier, I wouldn't have been stuck here, sure enough, if you want to wear the crown, you have to bear the weight, Even a bandit leader in a copycat is not so easy to be. If I knew it earlier, I might as well stay in Broken Ridge and become someone's younger brother.

I am so weak, why do I have to be the bandit leader?If he went to another cottage and became an elite monster, he wouldn't be waiting to die here.

Lin Dengwan only felt hopeless for a while, but he was a free and easy person after all. In despair, Lin Dengwan suddenly felt a little relieved.

Damn, I've had enough of this broken account. If I die, I'll be relieved. If I can die a few times before I die, it's best to leave my name in the annals of the sky. .

I heard that the Chronicles of the Sky will publish a physical book, and it may be a bit of a trick at that time, such as Lin Dengwan who died under the sword of a certain hero on a certain day in a certain year.

He gritted his teeth and roared, "Brothers, prepare to fight."

His two younger brothers also heard the sound of the system upgrade, and they all looked at him in despair. Seeing that the boss was so energetic, they thought there was no room for change, so they cheered up and followed Lin Dengwan to the wall.

The three of them looked down the city wall, and all of them felt a chill in their hearts.

Looking at the approaching army, Lin Dengwan felt a pang of regret. It is a pity that he has not been able to fill up the population of the cottage since he took over the cottage. He has not even fought a decent battle just because he has been harvested continuously. Being a bandit leader is really not very enjoyable.

He originally wanted to struggle, but when he saw the lineup below, Lin Dengwan knew that he had nothing to do with it.

Boom! The door that had just repaired a few hundred points of durability was shattered in the blink of an eye.

The battle at the main gate lasted only a few seconds, and the few miscellaneous soldiers who automatically blocked the gate according to the system procedure were killed by the highland swordsman.

Seeing that something is going wrong, passer-by A shouted, "It's over, it's over, boss, run away, you are a character in the plot, you can't die, we will cut off the heir for you."

After speaking, he took out his javelin and was about to go, Xiao Bingyi also pulled out his hand ax and round shield. Looking at the two good brothers, Lin Dengwan couldn't help but feel a lot of emotion in his heart. These good brothers did not make friends in vain.

He was also full of pride at this time, and he took out the two scimitars behind him, one of which was a blank weapon that had just been brushed out, "Why run, brothers, the ancients said that you don't want to be born in the same year, the same month, the same day, but ask for Died on the same day in the same year, the same month, today we will die together! Let’s be good brothers.”

"Big brother!"

"Second brother."

"Third brother."

"Second brother!"

"Big brother!"

"Third Brother!"

As soon as Mo Fei walked into the gate, he saw the embarrassing scene on the wall, and couldn't help being speechless.

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "Let me tell you, don't be in a hurry to die. Are you interested in making a deal?"

"What!" Lin Dengwan was taken aback for a moment. "Are you a player?"

He immediately breathed a sigh of relief, it's good to be a player, as a player, there is something to talk about, even if it's a younger brother, it's better than deleting the account.

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "Yes, I am a player, and I have a deal with you. As long as you cooperate with me, not only will you not die, but you will also be rich."

Most of Lin Dengwan's desire to fight to the death was extinguished immediately. This account was also practiced by him after a lot of hard work. Of course it is better not to die, "How to say?"

"It's very simple, we just need to do this, this, this, this, this, this, this, and this, and finally... how about it, after the matter is completed, the materials will belong to me, and the cottage will belong to you."

Lin Dengwan was dumbfounded, his eyes lit up, "This, can this work?"

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "You'll know if it works or not. Even if you fail, you have nothing to lose, right? It's better than being stuck in this place and being rounded by adventurers every day."

Lin Dengwan (bandit leader): "Okay, I'll hang out with you, brothers, let's go."

Lin Dengwan is also a person who can afford to talk about it and let it go. He leaves as soon as he says, without any nostalgia.

But I didn’t go too far, I just waited outside the fortress. Their configuration of an elite plus two mobs is simply a dessert-level drop gift bag. If they meet a high-level adventurer when they go out, they will definitely Heads were confiscated.

Murphy was also unambiguous, and directly started to tear down the house.

First rob the fortress of materials, the warehouse can automatically refresh the materials, but unfortunately it was robbed by adventurers in the morning, and the warehouse is really deserted, and only single-digit wood and stone resources have been robbed.

The next step is to destroy the fortress hall. A group of infantry smashed around the hall. With a bang, the durability returned to zero, and the fortress hall was destroyed.
The city wall of the Lone Wolf Fortress also collapsed, instantly becoming extremely dilapidated, and the blood bars of the city wall and the arrow tower also completely disappeared, from [damaged building] to [ruins].

Of course, even ruins can spawn monsters, but most of them will spawn bandit ghosts, skeletons, mummy and so on.

[System prompt: You successfully defeated Lin Dengwan, the bandit leader of the fortress, and destroyed the evil bandit stronghold of the Lone Wolf Fortress. Flaws, based on your performance in the story events, you get 79 story points.Your story mission is currently 1/3 in progress, please continue to work hard. 】

It's only 79 points. This is the first time that Murphy has obtained such a small number of plot points, but it is understandable. After all, he only killed a few bandits and demolished a hall. There is really no serious record to speak of.

But at least one-third of the mission has been completed.

In the distance, Lin Dengwan watched the fortress that had been guarded for half a month turned into a pile of ruins, and he couldn't help but sigh in his heart, and at the same time he felt relieved that it was finally over.

Lin Dengwan (the bandit leader): "Your Highness, where are we going next?"

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "Do you know Vulture Ridge Hold?"

Lin Dengwan nodded, with a little excitement on his face. The Vulture Ridge Fortress is much better than his broken cottage. The terrain is dangerous, easy to defend and difficult to attack, and it is far away from the mainland. Few adventurers dare to patronize. It would be great to grab it and make it your own.

"Then what are you waiting for, let's go."

So Murphy set off again.

He asked Lin Dengwan and his two men to walk in the team, so as not to be killed by adventurers. If this kind of elite monster without affiliation is killed, who knows where it will be spawned.

After walking for more than an hour, the group finally came to the edge of the bandit camp outside Vulture Peak.

Looking at the bandit camp in front of him, Mo Fei couldn't help feeling a lot of emotion. The number of times he died here was probably more than the number of times he died in the past six months.

Hey, isn't that the female mage, and those trumpets are still leveling up.

A few adventurers over there also noticed this side, but the female mage didn't care, and was still brushing her robbers.

Those trumpets took the initiative to come over.

Ralph (warrior): "Damn, there are a lot of NPCs here, hey, there's even a prince in there! Come on everyone, maybe you can accept a mission——Your Highness, you are going to attack Vulture Peak Fortress, take us with you."

Isabel (priest): "Wow, Your Highness is so handsome, good brother, bring your sister, I can add blood to you!"

Leng Jian Frost (Assassin): "Honorable Prince Aidan, Leng Jian Frost is willing to serve you."

The newcomers and adventurers all had cute faces. Looking at their flattering looks, Mo Fei was speechless. When he faced the thief Grayhouse before, he was a cruel one. Now he will meet the prince, and he will immediately Become cute and cute.


He glanced at them indifferently, "Get lost!"

After speaking, he led the brigade and walked directly towards the fortress.

The few adventurers were all stunned on the spot, the others looked ugly, but they didn't dare to say anything, but the soldier worked hard.

"Grass, isn't it just a prince, just an NPC, what are you talking about."

There was a sneer from the corner of Mo Fei's mouth. He was waiting for this sentence. If he directly ordered to attack the adventurer, although he would not be wanted, he would lose his reputation. But as long as the adventurer dared to disrespect the prince, it could be used as a reason to start a war. There is no way, the status of a prince can be so capricious.

Turning around and waving at Roland, the old knight immediately understood.

Roland (vassal knight): "Dare to be rude to the prince and kill these villains."

what!Several adventurers were taken aback.

Didn't the heart say that he just scolded an NPC, which triggered the battle?I rely on this game is too real.

The crossbowman fired a volley and dropped the mage in seconds. The highland warriors and highland swordsmen rushed forward, swiping their big swords and battle axes together. Before Murphy could make a move, five new players were knocked down by the coefficient. Before they came out, I really worked hard to farm the bandits and mobs, bursting out with low-level materials and junk equipment all over the place.

Seeing this movement, the female mage immediately became alert,
Murphy didn't intend to do anything. Although the female mage killed him twice, it wasn't the kind of malicious PK. She just beat the rabbit and regarded him as an NPC mob.

In contrast, these five newcomers are much more hateful. Once they find out that they are killing players, not only will they not keep their hands, but they will also be very enthusiastic. In this case, there is no need for him to be polite.

Seeing that Mo Fei was not hostile, the female mage became curious instead.

Simbu (mage): "Are you going to attack the fortress?"

Murphy smiled slightly. A level 39 mage is still very useful.

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "This beautiful lady, are you interested in joining us? If you can help me defeat those evil bandits, I will definitely reward you."

Not knowing whether it was because of Mo Fei's good attitude, or because he was too handsome, or because of the temptation of the booty, the female mage hesitated for a moment and then nodded.

"It is a great honor to serve His Royal Highness."

"Knight Roland, protect this lady."

"Yes, Your Highness."

[System prompt: Player Simbu (mage) has joined the team. 】

Temporarily recruiting an adventurer, Murphy didn't hesitate any longer, and said to Lin Dengwan and others beside him, "Go ahead."

Lin Dengwan ran to the gate of the fortress with two of his men, shouted, and the gate opened immediately.

The bandit leaders in these fortresses theoretically belonged to the Brotherhood of the Sons of the Mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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