Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 103 3 Magical Skills

Chapter 103
Looking at the bandit fortress in front of him, Murphy thought regretfully in his heart—it's a pity that if Deathwing's power could be used, there would be no need for such troublesome things.

He controlled Deathwing for only a few minutes that night, but it still left a deep impression on him. There was only a bandit fortress in front of him. With the firepower of Deathwing, he sprayed down the dragon's breath directly and could not destroy it. It's a matter of minutes.

Ever since Emperor Xuan sealed Deathwing in his body, he tried more than once to unseal it, but it was a pity that he couldn't unlock it every time due to system restrictions.

It's okay to be idle, so he couldn't help but try again.

Lift the seal!He was thinking silently in his heart.

[System prompt: This skill is temporarily unavailable. 】

Well, it really doesn't work.

Mur Fei was not surprised, but was a little regretful that Kong had such a powerful power but couldn't use it, but he could also understand that if he could use Emperor Xuan casually, it would be absolutely impossible to put this power on him.

Murphy didn't give up completely. He still remembered the experience of breaking the system rules when he used Murphys. If he could replicate the original operation, he might be able to succeed.

But that subtle feeling is really a bit hard to figure out...

At this moment, a red flag was suddenly erected on the outer wall of the fortress and waved three times.

This is the signal agreed upon by Lin Dengwan and him, and it means that they have locked their positions.

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "Attack! Follow the plan."

Roland immediately directed the soldiers to advance slowly.

As soon as he got close to the range of the fortress, Murphy heard the sound of the system.

[System prompt: You have entered the area of ​​the plot campaign [Clear the Bandits 2/3]. Your identity has been judged as a 'just crusader', please prepare to enter. 】

Seeing that the team approached the wall of the village, there were only three or four bandit raiders on the lookout on the wall, and there was only one bandit archer stationed on each arrow tower. At this time, they began to shoot arrows and throw javelins.

Roland (vassal knight): "First row, raise the shield!"

The six sword-and-shield infantry led by Razidanan walked in the front. At this time, they all raised the big round wooden shields in their hands, and arrows were constantly shot at it, making a pounding sound. Although the sword-shield infantry was weak in combat effectiveness, they With shield defense skills, it is a very good anti-line infantry, especially good at resisting the attacks of projectile weapons.

The team continued to move forward, and after a few rounds of bows and arrows, they quickly entered the effective range of their own side.

Roland (vassal knight): "The crossbowmen are ready to suppress! Focus fire one by one from the arrow tower on the left."

A row of crossbow arrows shot out, and the archer on the arrow tower on the far left received three or four arrows in an instant, and fell from the arrow tower screaming.

Simbu also sent out a fireball, blowing away the archer on the right arrow tower.

At the same time, five highland warriors and five highland swordsmen rushed to the gate of the village and began to break through.

Although the Highland Warrior is slightly lower than the Highland Swordsman in terms of level, he is a professional when he swings a house and demolishes it. He slashes wildly with a two-handed big axe, and the durability of the thick and heavy door made of thick logs has dropped rapidly.

Murphy was quite nervous. At this moment, their army was completely exposed, and the six sword-and-shield infantry alone could not cover the entire army. If the enemy charged up the wall and started shooting condescendingly, his Troops are bound to suffer heavy losses.

Fortunately, it seems that Lin Dengwan is still very reliable, and no new enemies have appeared on the wall.

At this moment, Lin Dengwan was even more nervous than Murphy. He and two of his subordinates were blocking the stairway of the wall. The three of them held hands and forcibly blocked the road leading to the wall.
More than 30 bandits and robbers crowded under the stairs, shouting loudly, "Kill, kill, go up, go up!"

Due to the limitations of the system rules, and the intelligence of these miscellaneous NPCs is not enough, I didn't do anything to the three of them, but just squeezed up.

The three of them tried their best to get stuck in the main position and prevent these bandits from passing.

Passerby A (bandit raider) "I said, shouldn't we also shout twice?"

Xiao Bingyi (bandit looter) "It makes sense, otherwise I always feel that the eyes of those NPCs looking at us are a bit weird."

Lin Dengwan (the bandit leader): "Then shout - kill, kill, hurry up!"

Passerby A (bandit raider): "Kill, rush!"

Xiao Bingyi (bandit raider): "Go up, go up!"

For a while, the sound of shouting and killing was loud.

Mo Fei was nervous for a while when he heard the shouts of killing, but soon realized that he was worrying too much. The mobs on the walls of the village had been cleared away. Seeing that the durability of the gate of the village was getting lower and lower, Mo Fei You don't know that the critical moment has arrived.

Raise the dragon-slaying giant sword and start accumulating power.

800 durability.

A period of energy!
400 durability
Second level of power!

Boom, the door finally shattered.

Three levels of energy!

The storm gathered on the blade and made a humming sound. At the moment the gate was broken, the highland warriors and highland swordsmen instantly dispersed to both sides, revealing the main gate of the fortress and more than 20 bandit looters blocking the gate. .

Just as Mo Fei had finished accumulating energy, he swung vigorously towards the main entrance. This time, Mo Fei swung it sideways, and a half-moon-shaped cracking storm swept towards the main entrance.

Storm Cleaves the Sky!
In the direction of the cracking storm, there was a burst of flesh and blood in the crowd. The seven or eight bandit looters in front were directly blasted into broken flesh and blood by the violent sword energy, and the mosaic almost covered the ground.

The seven or eight people behind were also staggered by the shock wave, and their formation was in a mess.

Cool!Looking at the red mosaic on the floor, Murphy was somewhat satisfied, "Enter the swordsman!"

The five highland swordsmen lined up and slowly advanced, sweeping!The five two-handed swords were swung precisely and mechanically, poof, click, the blades cut into the human body, tendons were broken and bones were broken, and flesh and blood flew. The five two-handed swords continued to chop and kill the huddled robbers.

The Highland Swordsman is worthy of being a professional anti-infantry unit. This kind of positional cutting is almost as efficient as a harvester harvesting crops.

The small round shield in the hands of the bandit looters couldn't withstand such an attack at all, and was cut down in an instant. The five highland warriors used their charge skills in a detour from the right, and rushed directly into the enemy's back row. Watching those bandit shooters in the back slash and kill wildly.

When Murphy rushed in, the enemies at the entrance of the fortress had been killed and scattered, but when he turned his head, he noticed that there were more than 30 bandit raiders on the stairs of the wall. Rush towards the wall.

Fortunately, the plan worked!Mo Fei whispered in his heart, if these more than 30 long-range units are allowed to go up the wall of the village and output intensive firepower condescendingly, then this wave will definitely cause heavy casualties.

Without hesitation, he rushed directly towards the group of huddled bandits.

Sweeping with one sword, chopped down two, lunged - roundabout!

Taking a step forward, the giant sword in his hand whirled and slashed out. Where the sword edge passed, flesh and blood flew and limbs were broken. The giant sword with both hands was as sharp as cutting leeks against this kind of enemy gathered together.

One sword - two swords, I cut, I cut again!

Hands up and swords down—hands up and swords down.

The jaw-dropping sound of bones breaking, the sound of flesh being torn apart one after another, such a realistic sense of shock, and such a bloody picture, made Mo Fei's heart unavoidably feel a sense of scalp numbness.

Fake, fake, all fake, it's just a game, he kept thinking silently in his heart, comforting himself, and mercilessly scattered the corpses of bandits in front of him all over the field.

After chopping down a dozen of them in one go, the rest of the bandits finally came to their senses and shot arrows at Mo Fei while retreating in all directions, throwing javelins, throwing axes, and throwing knives.

Each of those bandit raiders carried throwing weapons with them. Although the aim was not very good, the power should not be underestimated. Ten blood.

He hastily blocked the giant sword in front of him, clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang, the sound of arrows and throwing weapons colliding continuously came from the sword body, now it was Murphy's turn to be blinded.

He really has no good way to deal with this kind of scattered long-range enemies. If he rushes forward and slashes directly, he will inevitably suffer constant damage. His 1000-odd blood seems to be quite a lot, so he can only carry it for a few rounds Fortunately, Razidanan followed up with the sword and shield infantry at this time. The sword and shield infantry were the nemesis of these long-range monsters. They directly stepped forward with the shield, forcing the bandits to start melee combat.

Roland also followed in with a crossbowman. The crossbowman quickly occupied the wall and began to shoot arrows condescendingly.

Lin Dengwan and his two men huddled in a corner of the city wall, for fear of being killed by mistake.

Seeing that most of the bandits in the Vulture Fortress were killed and injured, and were about to be destroyed, a burly bald bandit rushed out of the fortress hall with a few bandit warriors.

Scar Wilson (the bandit leader) is level 38, the monster leader, and has 4800 HP.

Also the leader of the bandits, this Scar Wilson looks much more powerful than Lin Dengwan, wearing tight leather armor, with bulging muscles, bald head, and a huge scar on his face, a standard villain image.

The weapon is a huge machete with an exaggerated shape.

When Mo Fei saw it, he immediately became energetic and went straight to meet him.

Humanoid bosses above level [-] have a certain chance of dropping high-level skill books, and the drop rate is astonishingly high if they are killed in the plot.

This Scar Wilson is a typical warrior monster, and he uses a two-handed weapon. If the skill book is dropped, he may be able to use it.

What Mo Fei is most looking forward to is the three combat skills known as the three warrior skills - Whirlwind Slash, Lion Slash, and Fearless Slash.

Whirlwind Slash is an advanced skill of Whirlwind Slash. Whirlwind Slash can only be turned once and swung once. Whirlwind Slash can be turned three times, swung three times, and can move while turning. It is absolutely powerful in melee and clearing mobs.

Lion Slash is a magical skill for single-target output, and its movements are super handsome. It jumps up in the air and flips 360 degrees in the air and then slashes with all its strength. It has a domineering effect in the first hand. This skill requires strength correction, speed correction, and even weapon weight. Correction, the higher the level, the higher the attribute, the more exaggerated the damage of this skill. In the late stage, it is definitely a T0 level output skill.

As for Fearless Slash, also known as Jumping Slash and Climbing Dragon Sword, the damage is not exaggerated, but it has a super long-distance jumping and dashing effect. For the warrior class with relatively slow movement speed, it is definitely a combination of displacement, output and A one-of-a-kind skill.

It is even more indispensable to deal with those long-range enemies or spellcasters.

These three skills cannot be learned from ordinary trainers. If you want to learn them, you must either complete the hidden missions, or learn them from the skill books dropped by the humanoid boss. They are very precious.

(End of this chapter)

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