Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 104 'Single Kill' 'BOSS'

Chapter 104 'Single Kill' 'BOSS'

Plot battles naturally have a sense of ritual. When the two met, they didn't start fighting immediately, but each put on a handsome pose.

This is almost the default rule, and both players and NPCs will abide by it. According to a certain game master, lines and poses are also key factors for obtaining plot points. The so-called "according to your performance in the plot battle" means this.

Not only must you win, but you must also be handsome enough to meet the plot status, so that the system can give you high scores and get more plot points.

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "Catch you villain, your days of doing evil will end today. As the prince of Alterac, I, Aidan, will bring you to justice today! Put it down Your weapon, I promise you a fair trial."

Scar Wilson (bandit leader): "A fair trial? Hahahaha, don't be kidding, we sons of the mountain will never surrender, go to hell invaders, I will use your skull as a bowl."

After finishing their lines, the two rushed towards each other at the same time.

Murphy dare not be careless about the enemy in front of him. Although he is a hero, the opponent's level is too high. It is difficult to say that he will win in a one-on-one fight. Fortunately, his side now has an absolute advantage. If he can't beat him, he can still shout. It is best to be able to kill solo, so that plot points should be given more.

Combat technique - stab!
The huge sword stabbed head-on, with a huge blade close to two meters, the attack distance completely defeated the opponent.

Scar Wilson sneered, and suddenly moved a step sideways.

Combat skills - broken steps!
This skill may seem ordinary, but it is used just right, just avoiding the edge of the sword, and slashing at Murphy.

Mo Fei hurriedly withdrew his sword to block, Dang, blocked the saber without a moment's notice, and at the same time he swung away the opponent's attack, Mo Fei took a step forward.

Lunch - pick up!The edge of the sword goes from bottom to top, cutting diagonally upwards.

Scar Wilson rolled sideways to dodge, and then slashed with his knife——spinning!

Murphy hurriedly rolled backwards to dodge.

The moment he stood up, Mo Fei looked at the positions of the two of them and screamed in his heart that something was wrong. The two seemed to be back and forth, fighting back and forth, but he could clearly feel that the speed of the other party was faster than him Not a lot.

It may only be [-] seconds, but I am already slow in terms of rhythm. If I continue like this, I will definitely be caught by the opponent first. I can't go on like this, and I must force the opponent to fight head-on.

Get ready!

He raised the huge sword, half as defense and half as offense, and approached the opponent.

This move is constant and adapts to all changes, whether to defend or attack, it all depends on the opponent's reaction, if the opponent attacks, he will block and counterattack, if the opponent defends, he can slash with a sword, it can be said to be both offensive and defensive.

However, Scar Wilson was not fooled, and chose to retreat directly. At this moment, Simbu, who was sweeping aside, waved his staff - slowing technique!

This spell was used just right, Scar Wilson's footsteps suddenly slowed down, and now he couldn't do anything else.

What a good girl, Mo Fei secretly praised her in his heart, and continued to approach her.

Seeing that he couldn't run away, Scar Wilson no longer backed away. He swung the knife head back, and then slashed out with all his strength—slamming with full power!
This move was a shield-breaking technique, and Mo Fei didn't hesitate. At this time, the opponent would definitely block him when he blocked it, so he simply slashed forward with the same sword.

clang!The giant dragon-slaying sword and the exile's sword collided together, and the huge force caused them to bounce the sword at the same time. Since the opponent used the power storage technique, Mo Fei obviously felt that his balance had dropped a little more, but the difference was not that big. Without hesitation, he swung his sword vigorously again.

clang!In the second collision, Murphy regained a bit of an advantage. Fighting swords not only depends on the strength attribute, but also depends on the weight of the weapon. At this point, he has a greater advantage. Scar Wilson is obviously a little bit impatient.

clang!In the third collision, the big knife in Scar Wilson's hand was knocked out, and he himself fell into a short moment of stiffness.

While you are sick it kills you.

Combat technique - stab!
This time Wilson couldn't dodge, puff -1100!Huge bright red figures emerged.

Scar Wilson let out a scream, and stretched out his hand to untie the two scimitars from his back.

Blade Flurry!

The two swords slashed like snow.

Mo Fei hurriedly lifts the sword, and the Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang, all the seven swords were chopped on the spine of the giant sword.

Murphy counterattacked with a backhanded sword, and Wilson wanted to roll and dodge, but the effect of the slow technique was not over yet.

Pfft, -582!

As soon as the sword hit, there was a stiffness immediately.

Combat Skill - Roundabout Slash!

The opponent could hardly dodge this knife, -776!

Scar Wilson screamed and staggered back. Murphy did not pursue, but raised his sword to charge, and the storm——

Wilson saw that it was cheap, raised his hand and shot throwing knives continuously.

Combat skills - chain throwing!
In the state of charging, Mo Fei was unable to block, and was hit consecutively, -79! -88! -91!

Murphy didn't dare to wait any longer.

The second stage of charging - the blade of the storm!
With a puff, the sword energy almost split Wilson in half from the middle.

Wilson, covered in blood, took a few steps back, collapsed to the ground, and bled to death.

With a flash of white light, Mo Fei was directly promoted to level 14 with a large amount of experience given by the bandit leader.

Huh, finally won!

Looking at the corpse on the ground, Murphy felt a little emotional. Although he was only an elite monster, his strength was not weak, forcing him to use all his skills to barely win.

The level is still too low, especially the agility attribute is too low, if it is not for the advantage of fighting the opponent with the weapon, the outcome is really hard to say.

At this time, the others also killed the rest of the robbers, and all the equipment that exploded was collected into a pile, but most of them were blank items, occasionally mixed with a few low-level green equipment.

The real most valuable one is the drop from Scar Wilson.

Although Scar Wilson was only an elite monster, but because it was a boss template and it was a plot kill, he dropped a lot of good things.

The first is a skill book.

[Blade Flurry (Book/Battle Technique)

Learning requirements: swordsmanship specialization, agility 20, strength 20.

Conditions of use: Dual wield sword weapons.The first stage is 10 physical strength, the second stage is 15 physical strength, and the third stage is 20 physical strength.

Combat technique introduction: The combat technique of an outstanding swordsman, with dual-wielding slashable sword weapons, launches continuous multi-stage slashes towards the opponent, combined with flexible movements, a deadly move like dancing]

On this day, this thing came out.

This blade flurry is also an advanced skill, but it is a combat skill of double-knife combat, double-knife thief, and double-knife ranger.

He can learn it himself, but the problem is that he can't use it without a suitable weapon.

Murphy looked at the dragon-slaying giant sword in his hand. If he could increase his strength to 100 points, he would learn a skill like Titan's Grip.

Instead, you can hold giant swords in both hands and let the blades dance wildly. Thinking about it, the picture is really beautiful. If you can do that, it will be powerful, and the damage will definitely explode.

It's a pity that this kind of thing can only be thought about at present. To gather enough attributes to build, at least sixty or seventy levels are the last thing.

Of course, it can be used if you have two top-quality one-handed weapons, but it feels more troublesome when switching weapons.

Of course, there is another optimal solution, which is to get a combined weapon.

For example, the artifact of the desert trolls - the Excalibur Suzas, or the one used by King Va - the sword of Salamani Highborne.

This kind of weapon is two-in-one. When combined together, it becomes a two-handed sword, and when separated, it becomes two one-handed swords.

I feel that it is very suitable for my situation. I must do it when I have the opportunity in the future. At least this way I can use a lot more combat skills, and the weapons are more flexible. One-handed weapons can cut human figures, and two-handed weapons can kill monsters.

Although this dragon-slaying giant sword is not good at dealing with dragons and giant monsters, it is too slow to deal with ordinary humanoid enemies, and it feels like a cannon hitting mosquitoes.

He put the skill book in his pocket, and planned to add agility later and learn it later.

In addition to the skill book, Scar Wilson also revealed three blue weapons.

[Evil Barb (One-Handed Sword/Excellent)

Equipment requirements: strength 15, agility 15.
Attack power: 17-54.

Special effect: highly poisonous.When attacking, it is possible to poison the enemy and reduce all attributes by 5 points. 】

[Cruel Barb (One-Handed Sword/Excellent)

Equipment requirements: strength 15, agility 15.
Attack power: 14-57.

Special Effects: Tear.When attacking, it is possible to cause a tearing effect and cause continuous bleeding damage. 】

[Exile's Broadsword (Two-Handed Curved Sword/Excellent)]

Equipment Requirements: Strength 30.

Attack power 55-105.

Special Effects: Sunder Armor.Ignores 200 armor points of the target.

Weapon introduction: The weapons used by exiled warriors have abandoned all the gorgeous and majestic useless decorations, only for the pursuit of extreme lethality, and require a certain amount of strength to use. 】

They are all blue-quality weapons. Mo Fei really doesn't like them. He is proud to be able to use the armor. Unfortunately, these bandits basically drop leather armor, which is weak in defense and has no additional attributes. Useless.

He looked at Xinbu who was at the side. This female sorceress worked hard in this battle, and she had to give some benefits.

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "Beautiful lady, thank you for your assistance just now, please choose a trophy."

The three weapons mages can't use, but the two-handed weapons are obviously more valuable, and they can be sold for hundreds of dollars at the auction house.

"I'll just choose this." Simbu said, pointing at the exile's broadsword.

"Your Highness, can you let me choose a trophy as well?" Lin Dengwan drooled as he looked at the two scimitars. He only used two high-quality scimitars before, and then someone let them out One, looking at the two blue weapons for a while.

Murphy smiled slightly: "Okay, it's okay to give it all to you, but well, you have already got the Vulture Peak Fortress, and if you want additional equipment, you have to continue to work. It just so happens that my task of clearing up the bandits has not been completed yet." Well, why don't you help me lay down two bandit fortresses, one with a machete, how about it?"

Lin Dengwan was a little moved, but he was also a little reluctant to part with the fortress he had just acquired.

Mo Fei smiled and said: "Your two brothers probably don't have any good equipment, or else, you can choose the equipment that the boss exploded as long as I can't use it. They will fight with you anyway, and you can't treat them badly." Bar."

Lin Dengwan glanced back at the two younger brothers who were staring at him eagerly, and gritted his teeth, "Okay, that's the deal."

Before leaving, Murphy naturally did not forget to plunder the warehouse.

This vulture peak fortress is indeed a fat that has not been breached for several months. It has robbed 1055 iron, 1437 stone, and 2355 wood.

This made enough materials to build the tavern at once.

For the next whole afternoon, Murphy cooperated with Lindenwan all the way south, and successfully pulled out two bandit fortresses.

The process was much the same, Lin Dengwan and his two minions wanted to sneak into Carmen, Murphy led a frontal attack, and Simbu followed the team to kill.

At the beginning, it still feels a little thrilling to open up wasteland, but when you get proficient later, it is basically FARM.

The three fortresses were defeated, two or three hundred mobs were killed, and three bandit leaders were also killed. Murphy not only earned more than 500 plot points, but also successfully raised his level to level 15.

Of course, the biggest gain is the skill book. Because it is a plot battle, each of these bandit leaders will drop skill books. In addition to [Blade Flurry], there is also a [Savage Roar] and a [Assassin's Step].

[Savage Roar (Book/Battle Roar)

Learning requirements: Stamina 30, Strength 30.

Conditions of use: 20 stamina, 10 mana.

Combat Skill Introduction: Let out a beast-like roar to motivate yourself, and improve endurance and strength attributes within a certain period of time. 】

[Assassin's Step (Book/Battle Technique)

Learning requirements: Dexterity 30.

Conditions of use: 10 stamina.

Combat skills introduction: Can move quickly in a small area with light steps. In close combat, one step is often the difference between life and death. 】

These two skills are not too bad, but it's a pity that the three magical skills that Mo Fei had in mind never appeared.

Seeing that the sky was getting dark, Mo Fei, Lin Dengwan, and Xin Bu made friends with each other, and then returned to the city with the troops.

(End of this chapter)

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