Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 105 What About the Promised Fourth Natural Disaster?

Chapter 105 What about the fourth natural disaster?
Pinewood Village - a clearing in the woods.

Blade Flurry!

With two swords in hand, Mo Fei used the combat technique he had just learned against a wild boar.

A staggered horizontal slash, a second slash with three consecutive slashes, and a third slash followed by a slanted downward slash.

Where the sword's edge passed, blood splashed, the poor wild boar was just a level five mob, and was killed on the spot by a set of combos.

After the seven swords were cut, Mo Fei checked the time, and it only took 2.2 seconds.

In contrast, the flat cutting speed of the dragon-slaying giant sword is 1.2 seconds, and the time it takes to cut one sword can almost swing four swords with the flurry of blades.

The two swords he is using now are the two blue one-handed swords that broke out yesterday from the bandit leader - the swift blade, with a thin and sharp blade, in sharp contrast to the dragon-slaying giant sword.

Although the current stance output is far less exaggerated than the dragon-slaying giant sword, if you have a top-quality one-handed weapon in the future, you may not be able to catch up.

Of course, you can't just look at the damage. To deal with large enemies like dragons and giants, the two-handed giant sword has a natural advantage, but to deal with humanoid enemies, especially those agile enemies, the dragon-slaying giant sword is too cumbersome. It is easy to be dodged, and often a few swords can't even touch an edge.

In response to this problem, he added the 10 points of free attributes obtained from yesterday's upgrade to his agility, so that he could meet the attribute requirements for learning Blade Flurry. Unfortunately, the assassin's pace requires 30 points of agility to learn, so he can only wait for two more upgrades. Let's talk about it after the first level, when the mobility ability is further improved, it will definitely make the combat effectiveness further.

From here, it is not difficult to see the huge advantage of heroes over adventurers. With 30 points of agility, a hero can accumulate enough attribute points as long as he upgrades to four levels. If he changes to an adventurer, he needs a full level of 20.

Because of this, the occupations of adventurers are all fixed, one way to another, either agility, or strength, or pure intelligence magic, or spiritual magic, few people can also learn.

But it’s not the case for heroes. It’s a normal operation to take one course concurrently, and you can also handle two courses concurrently. Various professional skills are matched together to form various routines, which can be described as a hundred flowers blooming.

The remaining extra attribute points can be added to the physique to support more blood volume.

Only heroes can really play well in occupations such as Magic Swordsman and Miracle Warrior, which are both physical and legal.

There are even people who have played the bucket number. The overall and average points are added. Although the ultimate ability is not as good as that of a specialization, they can use various skills of various occupations. The upper limit of strength is relatively limited.

Murphy doesn't plan to play the Water Bucket, but it is definitely necessary to do part-time training. At present, Limin weekend is also a good choice, which can ensure his melee ability to enter the T0 echelon of melee heroes to the greatest extent. As for The lack of magic ability can be supplemented by dragon feast skills.

Familiar with the flurry of blades, the next step is to practice the skill of 'savage roar'.

Taking a deep breath, Murphy roared—ah!

This roar was full of primitive wildness and shocked people's hearts. Mo Fei felt his blood boil, his whole body became excited, and he seemed to have endless strength.

However, compared to his own feelings, Murphy believed in the changes in the attribute panel. After looking at the stamina and strength, the two attributes have increased by 30%.

It's a pity that this effect only lasted for more than a dozen seconds before it began to decay, and it completely disappeared after 30 seconds. In addition, using this skill requires mana, and his mana is only 200 points in total, so it is not suitable for normal leveling. It is not a resident skill, but an explosive skill that should be used when desperately fighting for victory...

When Murphy summed up the newly acquired skills, the Roland knight on the side looked admiring, "His Royal Highness is really talented, and he has mastered these two advanced combat skills so quickly, such a talent is really amazing I think it took me two full months to learn cleave..."

Razidanan on the side had a heh-heh expression.

Mo Fei smiled. These NPCs sometimes said something casually, which was quite humorous.

"Okay, Roland, stop talking about flattery, you'll embarrass me, let's go see what's going on at the construction site."

Before going offline last night, Murphy returned to his fief. He spent 3000 gold coins, 1000 wood, and 1000 stones to order a tavern to be built. Counting the time, it should be completed soon.

When the three of them came to the center of the village, sure enough, a two-story tavern with the function of a hotel had already sprung up.

Looking at the fantasy-adventure-style tavern in front of him, Murphy nodded in satisfaction, yes, yes, there is finally a building in this small dilapidated village that stands out.

He went in and took a look. The inside was a standard tavern layout, and the system also presented several NPCs, a bartender, a waitress, a chef, and an innkeeper.

It seems that it can be opened immediately.

Murphy walked up to the waitress and decided to try the abilities of these NPCs, "Bring me a hard bread."

"A total of 7 copper coins, thank you for your patronage."

"Huh? So expensive?"

Murphy didn't wonder why the lord of the village had to spend money. What he wondered was why the price was one copper coin more expensive than the bread in Alterac.

Don't underestimate this copper coin, of course it is nothing to him, but for adventurers who have just entered the game, every copper coin is precious.

He also bought a jug of dwarven spirits and a jug of Irish cider, both of which were slightly more expensive than those in Alterac.

It seemed that it was not an accidental phenomenon. He studied it carefully and soon discovered the problem.

It turned out to be because of the commercial tax rate.

The higher the commercial tax rate in the territory, the higher the price. For example, this bread costs five copper coins. If the tax rate is 0, it is sold at the original price. The tax rate in Alterac is 20%, so it sells for six copper coins, while loose Kimura's tax rate is as high as 40%, and the selling price will naturally increase by 40%, which is 7 copper coins per bread.

Whether it is commercial tax or agricultural tax, both can generate income for the lord. If you can own a large and prosperous city, it is best to be close to a popular leveling area. You can earn a lot of money just by collecting commercial tax every month. It is said that there are players who are good at management, and they can earn a monthly income of more than one million by operating the territory.

Of course, it's hard to say whether it's true or not.

Murphy doesn't expect to collect much business tax in the early stage, the key is to attract adventurers to be born here.

He directly lowered the business tax to 0%, so that the price is even cheaper than Alterac, which must be good news for adventurers.

He still has a lot of resources in his hands, but Murphy is not in a hurry to continue building more buildings. Resources can be robbed by bandits, but gold coins are not. A tavern costs 3 yuan, and money can't be wasted like this what.

Now wait for more and more adventurers, and then use adventurers to operate the construction of the village.

A day later-

Standing in the small square of the village, Murphy looked at the empty people around him in bewilderment. What about the promised fourth natural disaster? Where's the promised army of adventurers?Why is there no one?
By the way, the novice village function has been activated, right?
Murphy ran to the village hall to double-check to make sure everything was safe.

That's right!Pine Village (novice village).

The suffix of Novice Village is clearly marked on the back of the territory.

Could it be that the poor mountains and bad waters of the Alterac Kingdom cannot attract adventurers?
After thinking about it, Murphy decided to ask the village chief.

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "Village Chief, are there any adventurers showing up this day?"

Goodman (Pinewood Village Chief): "Yes, there are, Your Highness, many adventurers appeared in the village yesterday afternoon, and some of them asked me to accept the mission, but at night, they all disappeared. It didn't show up again today."

Mo Fei frowned when he heard this, so the functions of the Xinshou Village worked, but why did they all disappear in one day?

No, you have to ask someone.

After thinking about it, he left the village hall and searched everywhere.

(End of this chapter)

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