Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 110 The Secret History of the Dragon Clan

Chapter 110 The Secret History of the Dragon Clan
Neltharion (King of the Black Dragon): "My brother Sartario, I have always trusted you and believed that you will take good care of my Black Dragon Legion, but I have to say that this time you gave me a big surprise , tell me, Sartario, why you are so indulgent with those little bastards, even if you face the risk of civil war."

Sartario heard the dissatisfaction in Deathwing's voice. He was a little nervous, but he tried hard not to show this anxiety on his face. Everyone is a great dragon, and if you lose a dragon, you don't lose. At least you can't lose too much.

Sartario (immemorial black dragon): "Huh, Nelthario, what you said is a bit strange. You are the king of the black dragon and not me. I'm just a useless old guy. Those little bastards won't listen to me."

Mo Fei stopped suddenly, and the ferocious dragon head looked at him.

Neltharion (King of the Black Dragon): "You let me down Sartario, I heard complaints from your voice, what dissatisfaction do you have with me? Come on bro, I want to hear it very much Listen to your faithful words."

Now Sattario didn't dare to speak. In recent years, Nelthario has become more and more crazy. Even he can't help feeling a little afraid.

Sartario (Prime Ancient Black Dragon): "Ahem, I just want to say, you should stay for a while longer, those little bastards can go to the sky without you, you also said that this belongs to you Black Dragon Legion, as long as you are with them, they will not dare to make mistakes, there is no other meaning."

Seeing that his old brother gave in, Murphy did not force him too much. His real purpose was to get some information from Sartario. As the ancient black dragon, he must know some ancient secrets, such as the ancient dragon and the dragon banquet ceremony some type of.

The more you know, the more helpful it will be for him to do this task.

Neltharion (King of the Black Dragon): "Hmph, I have more important things to do than deal with the Black Dragon Legion—do you remember the ancient dragon?"

Sartario (immemorial black dragon): "Those stone-headed people who don't understand the past? Of course you remember, haven't they already perished? After the battle in Sky City, the ancient dragon clan disappeared."

Neltharion (King of the Black Dragon): "But I recently discovered that there may still be ancient dragons alive."

Sartario (immemorial black dragon): "Those stone heads are immortal, immortal, and immortal. As long as they are not killed, they can live until the day when the universe dies. Is it normal for a few remnants to hide and linger, but they There is no way to figure it out, the dragon god is dead, and the authority of the dragon god has fallen into our hands. They are just the afterglow of the setting sun, the ghosts of the old days, and the leftovers abandoned by the times.

Why should you care about them as they go to perish with their ancient traditions. "

Murphy was very pleasantly surprised when he heard that, as expected, and there is a lot of information revealed in these words.

The first thing that can be confirmed is that the Dragon God is indeed dead. He had vaguely heard related rumors before, because the Dragon God seldom responds to the relationship between its followers. Some people say that the Dragon God is dead, and some people say that the Dragon God It is sealed. Some people say that the Dragon God has left the firmament world. At present, it seems that the death of the Dragon God is a more reliable answer. As an ancient black dragon, Sartario has lived long enough and is the elder of the Dragon Clan. He must be able to grasp it. primary information.

"The battle in the city of the sky", one side must be the Dragon God and the ancient dragon forces, so who will be the other side?What kind of enemy can defeat the dragon god and the ancient dragon?
What does the authority of the Dragon God refer to?Wait a minute, could it be - the power of protection?
That's right, the most powerful power possessed by the dragon clan in the firmament world is the guardian power possessed by the five giant guardian dragons. They respectively hold the authority and laws of the five domains. Their power is as strong as that of a god. .

In the past, Murphy always felt very strange, where did the guardian power mastered by the five guardian dragons come from.

The black dragon masters the power of the earth, the blue dragon masters the power of magic, the red dragon masters the power of life, the green dragon masters the power of dreams, and the bronze dragon is the most mysterious, mastering the power of time.

In the setting of World of Warcraft back then, these five powers were bestowed by the Titans on the guardian dragons, but no matter how you think about it, something is not right. Take the power of time of the bronze dragon as an example, this power is so BUG , You can even switch the timeline directly, open other parallel universes, travel through time and space to reach the past and the future.

If Titan had such a strong power, wouldn't it make a few ancient gods look ashamed?

Moreover, it is not even certain whether there is a family of Titans in the firmament universe.

On the contrary, the presence of the gods is stronger.

In the firmament universe, where the guardian power of the five guardian dragons comes from, the game official has never given a clear explanation, but the current camp of the five guardian dragons is quite subtle.

The Queen of the Red Dragon, Alexstrasza the Guardian of Life, is now a follower of the Goddess of Life Nautina.

The king of blue dragons, Malygos, the guardian of the magic net, is a follower of Obo, the god of magic.

The King of Bronze Dragons, Nozdormu the Keeper of Time, is a follower of Espink, the God of Destiny.

The Queen of Green Dragons, Ysera the Guardian of Dreams, and the kin of Elune, the Moon Goddess.

The king of the black dragon, Neltharion, the guardian of the earth, did not belong to the mother goddess of the earth. Instead, he faintly felt that he was fighting against each other. From this point of view, it seems that the power of protection was not bestowed by the gods.

The other four guardian dragons are more like art investors, bringing capital into the shares. Neltharion doesn't know whether it's because of a lack of treatment or some other reason, but they are the only guardian dragons who have not bowed to the gods.

Originally, Mo Fei always thought that the power of the five guardian dragons might be related to the gods, but now he couldn't help but doubt it. Could it be that these five guardian powers are the authority of the so-called dragon gods?
Thinking about it this way, the mysterious voice of Tongtian Peak seems to have mentioned that if you want to collect the lost power of the dragon god, does it mean the power of protection?

With a slight change in his mind, he decided to continue exploring.

Neltharion (King of the Black Dragon): "I recently learned that the ancient dragon has started performing the Dragon Feast again."

Sartario suddenly turned pale with shock, "What! What are they doing, trying to resurrect the Dragon God? Humph, those stone heads are really a bunch of lunatics, the Dragon Feast Ceremony is destined to be a dead end, besides killing countless dragons , making no sense other than to create a bunch of twisted monsters.

Wanting to revive the Dragon God through the Dragon Feast Ceremony is simply wishful thinking. "

Ok?The ultimate goal of the Dragon Feast Ceremony is to revive the Dragon God, but how to revive it?
The Dragon Feast Ceremony is to gain power by devouring the dragon's heart. Could it be that as long as enough power is accumulated, the Dragon God can be revived?No, it must not be that simple, otherwise it would have been successful after so long, would it require a specific dragon heart, for example, one dragon heart for each dragon family?
Not right, there are many types of dragons in the firmament world, maybe there are more than a dozen types, and the Dragon Feast Ceremony swallows ten dragon hearts and it will transform into a dragon.

Neltharion (King of Black Dragon): "Do you think so? I don't think they may not be successful. After all, ancient dragons have unlimited lives, and they have plenty of time to carry out this plan."

Sartario (Prime Ancient Black Dragon): "What's the use of that? If you want to revive the dragon god, you must gather the power of the five guardian dragons. Didn't you once swear that you would never gather the power of the dragon god? Even though 1 You successfully persuaded them to make an exception a year ago, but I think judging from the results of that time, they will definitely not do it again."

You swear? 1 years ago?Battle of the Ancients!

Murphy immediately thought of the background of Sartario's words.

In the War of the Ancients 1 years ago, facing the demon army of the Burning Legion, Neltharion summoned the guardian dragons (at that time he was not blackened, he was the leader of the five guardian dragons), and declared that he would build a Artifacts to fight the Burning Legion.

This artifact requires the five guardian dragons to use part of their own strength to gather together. Once completed, it will easily defeat the Burning Legion. The other guardian dragons are very disturbed by this, but facing the fierce offensive of the Burning Legion I had no choice but to agree.

So the five giant guardian dragons picked off one of their scales and injected part of their power into it. The five dragon scales merged into one and successfully created a powerful artifact called the Dragon Soul.

As the head of the five guardian dragons, Neltharion became the user of the artifact. This thing is really powerful, and countless demons are wiped out once fired.

However, while fighting, Neltharion suddenly turned his gun and started to attack other dragons. It turned out that Neltharion had already been blackened. Due to the corruption and pollution of the ancient god N'Zoth all the year round, his will had already been destroyed. Has fallen into madness, the purpose of creating the soul of the dragon is to do evil deeds such as dominating the world and destroying the world.

Under the attack of the dragon soul, the four great dragon clans suffered heavy casualties. Since then, they have completely fallen out with Neltharion, and the four great dragon clans also regard the black dragon clan as their mortal enemies. Since then, the black dragon has completely become a synonym for evil.

At this time, the background of the story in his mind was linked to the information revealed by Sartario just now, and a flash of inspiration flashed in Murphy's mind. Could it be that the so-called dragon soul is the power of the ancient dragon?
It turns out that everything makes sense, the five guardian dragons can create such a powerful artifact as the dragon soul with only a part of their power, and if they donate all their power, they may really be able to revive the dragon god.

Of course, if you do this, the guardian power of the five dragon kings will definitely be gone, so if you think about it, you know they will never do this.

But the Dragon Feast Ceremony is not about inviting guests to dinner and discussing cooperation, but to gain the power of the dragon by hunting and devouring the dragon's heart. The dragon's heart is the essence of the dragon's power. Perhaps as long as you swallow the dragon's heart of the five guardian dragons, Can you become a dragon god?
No, if this is the case, there should be an introduction in the quest description, but whether it is the quest description or the mysterious voice, it just lets me eat the dragon heart to gain strength, and never mentions the guardian dragon.

Moreover, Satario was talking about resurrecting the dragon god, which is obviously not the same thing as his own incarnation of the dragon god. Could it be that he guessed wrong?
Mo Fei was a little confused for a while, and suddenly the front was dark. Before he knew it, the two dragons had come to the depths of the obsidian temple. In front of him was a thick obsidian gate, which was hundreds of meters high. It is also a very magnificent building for the dragon family.

This is the forbidden area of ​​the Obsidian Temple, where the oldest secrets of the Black Dragon Clan have always been buried.

(End of this chapter)

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