Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 111 The Whisper Behind the Door

Chapter 111 The Whisper Behind the Door

Murphy had always been very curious about this so-called big secret in the past, and wanted to find out what was behind that door.

It's a pity that only a few primordial black dragons know this secret. Even if he later became the lord of the black dragon, this place is still a forbidden place for him.

But the more this is the case, the more serious his curiosity is. Since the threshold for obtaining this secret is so high, doesn't that just show how amazing this secret is?

At this moment, looking at the magnificent obsidian gate in front of him, Mo Fei's curiosity burst out again.

Lao Tzu is now the majestic king of the black dragon, it is not too much to open the door, maybe there is something good behind the door, and if you go back with two things, it can be regarded as a certain benefit for yourself.

Thinking in his heart, he slowly walked towards the giant obsidian gate, when he was only a few meters away from the stone gate, he suddenly heard a strange sound.

Mumbling, muttering, as if someone was whispering in his ear, or as if calling from behind the door, someone or something was speaking to him through the door.

The voice was intermittent, distorted and grotesque, but it also carried an indescribably wonderful temptation.

Come here... come here... open this door... open... the abyss... I will tell you... the truth... the world...

Mo Fei was in a trance for a while, as if possessed by a demon, he slowly raised his dragon claws, and touched the dragon language symbols on the stone gate...

Those sigils seem to be the secret key to open the gate of obsidian.

"Nesario!" Sattario's voice sounded beside him, but the rough voice was extremely far away at this time, as if separated by a thick wall, it was not clear at all, completely covered by the whisper past.

"Nesharion! Neltharion!" Sartharion saw something was wrong with Deathwing, but his call was of no avail until—

[Narrator: Seduced by the strange voice, Deathwing slowly stretched out his claws. He felt a call, and someone was calling his name.

He couldn't help but want to open the obsidian door. Most of his spirit has been controlled, and his mind, which has been tortured for a long time, has become extremely fragile, but deep in his heart, there is still a rational voice telling him—— — Absolutely! Yes! No! Yes! Then! What! Do!]

The following words were completely roared out, as if the volume of the earphones had been turned up to 300% in an instant, and the ear-piercing roar instantly jolted Murphy awake.

Wocao, what's the situation!
He jerked violently, and when he opened his eyes, he saw that his paw had already pressed on a talisman.

He hurriedly took a step back in fright, and the whisper disappeared immediately.

The voice of the narrator continued.

[Narrator: Deathwing finally woke up from his trance, and he felt a burst of fear. Although he didn't know what was behind the door, a voice deep in his heart told him that once the door was opened, he would face extremely miserable His fate, even death cannot free him...

He recalled some memories that he had once forgotten. The nightmare-like whispers had rang in his ears countless times. In the dark and silent night, the whispers called him to his doomed destiny, and finally drove him into madness.

It's time to leave!Deathwing thought that he had finished what he was going to do, and there was no reason to stay here. He had a feeling that something bad would happen if he continued to stay here, so he decided to leave, and immediately— immediately! 】

Mo Fei looked at the dark stone gate. At this moment, the sound had completely disappeared, and there was silence all around him, but he couldn't help being shocked. As the guardian of the earth, he possessed the power of the earth, and his mental resistance far surpassed that of ordinary people. The Dragon Clan, unexpectedly will be recruited all of a sudden.

The existence behind the door is truly terrifying.

And why does it seem like only you can hear that voice?

He glanced at Sartario next to him, who was looking at him with a strange look, as if he didn't hear the voice at all.

Fortunately, the system's narration woke him up at a critical moment, and he wasn't sure if the narration happened by chance, or if it was a protection mechanism arranged by the system for him.

What is behind this door?Could it be the legendary ancient god?
But that's not right, how could the ancient gods be imprisoned in the Obsidian Temple? Even if that thing really existed, it should be sealed in the Titan's prison.

He wanted to ask Satario clearly, but he was afraid of revealing his details. Looking at the huge obsidian gate in front of him, he could feel a kind of fear from the bottom of his heart.

That fear didn't come from him, but from Deathwing's remaining body instincts. He suddenly understood why Deathwing didn't want to stay in the Obsidian Temple anymore, maybe it was because of the things behind the door.

No matter what it is, it will be an unprecedented terrifying existence.

Murphy suddenly felt a little nervous.

He thought to himself that it is better not to stay here, but to go up quickly.

Deathwing was so afraid of that voice, he had better not make a mistake.

The two dragons returned to the upper level of the Obsidian Temple, and as they got farther and farther away from that hall, the feeling of fear gradually disappeared.

Murphy breathed a sigh of relief.

Neltharion (King of the Black Dragon): "After I leave, you must guard this place and don't let them go."

"Don't worry bro, your appearance is the best suppression. After your warning, those brats should be more peaceful." Satario's words were very tactful, and Murphy didn't care. Leave as soon as possible, but before leaving, he still has something to do.

Although he hasn't figured out the principle of the Dragon Feast Ceremony and the resurrection of the Dragon God, but the power that needs to gather the five guardian dragons probably hasn't escaped.

But with his current strength, this kind of thing should not even be thought about. The five guardian dragons are all demigod-level existences, each of which commands an entire dragon clan, and any one of them can slaughter cities and countries. The gods are the backing.

No matter how confident Murphy exploded, he would never consider attacking the guardian dragon.

But if you can't get the original five giant guardian dragons, you can get a knockoff version, maybe you can make something out of it.

So he decided to try a whole dragon heart from the black dragon, red dragon, blue dragon, green dragon and bronze dragon.

What happens after the collection is completed.

Now that we've all come, let's start with the black dragon.

He looked at the black dragons around him. Although those black dragon lords took some of their race away, the main force of the black dragon army has always been stationed in the Obsidian Temple. At this moment, almost all the essence of the black dragon army is here.

Mo Fei looked at these black dragons with eyes of picking ingredients, and quickly selected a few targets.

"You, you, you and you, you guys come with me, I have something to tell you."

Mo Fei ordered six or seven young black dragons in one breath, all of which were skeleton-level bosses. They flapped their wings and flew towards the forest in the distance. The young black dragons were unknown, but the Dragon King had an order, so naturally he dared not refuse , One by one followed and flew over.

Arriving at the clearing in the woods, Murphy landed.

The seven young black dragons followed closely behind, surrounded Deathwing, respectful one by one.

Young black dragons are generally between level 45-55. There is not much difference in level, but their ranks are different, ranging from ordinary mobs and elite monsters to skeleton-level and horror-level bosses.

The reason why this happens is mainly because dragons are the same as humans, and there are often huge differences in strength between different individuals. Some black dragons belong to the liver emperor type, and they go out to fight and burn the village every day, harming the common people. Burning the village is also considered a plot The event happened, although the plot points given are very few, but if they add up, they will be able to raise the rank.

Of course, it is more dangerous to do so, if you are not careful, you will be slaughtered by the dragon slayer.

And some are more Buddhist, hiding in caves and sleeping all day long. Anyway, dragons also give experience points for sleeping. Such dragons, no matter how high their level is, even if they are promoted to adult dragons, they are mostly just elite templates.

Mo Fei picked skeleton-level bosses. Dragons of this level are more suitable for attacking. If they are too strong, they may overturn. If they are too weak, the quality of the dragon's heart will be greatly affected.

However, you need to think about who to choose. The power obtained from the Dragon Feast Ritual is likely to be the ability that the dragon was best at during his lifetime. Mo Fei now very much hopes to have a high-damage and wide-ranging dragon breath skill. It is very convenient to clear mobs and deal with those agile enemies.

His eyes swept over the seven young black dragons in front of him one by one.

(End of this chapter)

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