Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 113

Chapter 113
After the dinner was arranged three days later, Murphy was also preparing to retreat.

He spread his wings and soared into the sky, circled over the obsidian temple, and flew in the direction he came from.

Less than a few minutes after flying out, Mo Fei felt a strange change in his body.

Deathwing's huge body is getting heavier and heavier, and every time he flaps his wings, it becomes more and more strenuous, as heavy as a thousand pounds, and there is a huge suction force from his chest, as if he wants to suck all the blood in his body into it , the power on his body also disappeared, and Mo Fei immediately understood that the seal of God began to take effect again.

He hurriedly began to descend, almost swooping down, and finally landed on the ground before transforming back into human form.

With a thump, as soon as Murphy landed on the ground, his body completely changed back to his human form, back to that of Prince Aidan. He staggered forward a few steps to slow down his fall. After he stood still, he looked back into his human form. hands, feeling lost and relieved.

Deathwing's power is indeed powerful, powerful enough to fascinate people, and make people intoxicated in the pleasure of controlling everything brought by that power, but that terrifying power is also a heavy burden, when he incarnates as Deathwing At that time, he was affected by that power all the time, and the surging power in his body made him always want to vent and release it. However, because he couldn't do so, he felt a sense of rage in his heart, and it continued to accumulate.

At the same time, faint whispers were always lingering in his ears, and even when the whispers didn't appear, his thinking always had a feeling of erratic.

Murphy wasn't sure if it was because of his physical incompatibility with Deathwing, or if Deathwing had to face the impact of this situation every day, but he was relieved to be able to regain his human form.

The figures of Wang Xuan and Ye Sha suddenly emerged from the woods.

Seeing Murphy hurried over to meet him.

Ye Furious was extremely excited, baring his teeth and waving his claws like an animation character, "I'm going, you just played too well, it was so penetrating, even worse than Deathwing, the action you threw Nefarian out, Wocao , is simply too handsome."

It said, and even demonstrated the action in person.

Although Wang Xuan was not that excited, seeing the excitement on his face, he was obviously quite happy.

"Good job, Murphy, I have to say, if I didn't know the details of you, Deathwing, I wouldn't have seen it in advance. I was terrified when you held Nefarian down. I thought you were really I'm going to kill him."

Murphy laughed loudly, "Hahahaha, don't mention Deathwing, I can play even Sargeras, but then again, I was actually a little surprised at the time, I felt that I still needed to substitute it to find out the feeling, But the strange thing is that when I became Deathwing, I came into the play naturally, that kind of anger, that kind of rage, that kind of domineering psychology seemed to come out naturally."

Wang Xuan nodded and said: "It's not surprising. Human beings are slaves to the body. Changes in your mentality, mental state, and even your personal preferences are all the result of the influence of the body. The so-called free will is simply an individual Concepts created by the species to comfort itself."

Murphy was a little surprised when he heard this, and wondered when Emperor Xuan started to study anthropology, "So you mean, if I keep the state of Deathwing, after a long time, I will really become a dead s wing?"

"That's right, think about it when you were young, even though you liked beautiful women, you didn't have any special feelings or strong impulses.

But once you grow older and enter puberty, your body will naturally secrete hormones when you see women, stimulating your nerves, prompting you to have a feeling of obsession, impulsiveness, and even pleasure, making you feel that you have grown up. Falling in love, falling in love at first sight, is actually nothing more than a biological instinct evolved by living things.

The so-called killing with a sharp blade in hand, you have obtained the power of Deathwing, you will naturally be affected by this power, and you have endured the burden of Deathwing, and you will naturally be affected by this burden, but I have to say, you can I was a little surprised to get into the game so quickly, but you don't have to stay in Deathwing's form all the time, so don't worry, you won't go crazy like him. "

Mo Feixin said that what Emperor Xuan said had some truth, but he had never considered such a thing as going crazy, and when he heard it mentioned by Emperor Xuan, he became a little worried.

"By the way, when I was in the Obsidian Temple, I heard strange whispers. Is there something hidden behind the gate in the depths of the Obsidian Temple?"

"Where do I know about this? I'm a GM and not a game designer. You have to ask the system about this."

Mo Fei was speechless, thinking that this excuse is really convenient, everything is done by the system, and I feel that you game employees are just fools waiting to die.

Then who developed this system.

But he also saw that Wang Xuan didn't want to get to the bottom of it, so he could only nod his head, "All right, if you don't want to say it, let it go, then let's go back."

"Okay, let me locate first. Is there a knight named Roland under your command? Use him as the coordinate."

With a flash of white light, Mo Fei and Wang Xuan appeared on the grass at the edge of the forest outside Songmu Village.The surrounding birds and flowers are fragrant, and the greenery is full of greenery, which makes people feel refreshed immediately.

Roland stood not far away, watching the two appear out of thin air in surprise.

Despite his mental preparation, Murphy was dizzy again this time.

Fortunately, I didn't vomit, I just held my head and dangled for a while, and then I was fine.

Wang Xuan (Holy Envoy of the God Realm): "To be honest, you really should add some physique. The physique attribute is actually very practical. It can not only boost your health, but also increase your strength, poison resistance and so on. , I’m really worried about your blood now, you’re wandering around, what if you die.”

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "Okay, I will pay attention. After I upgrade in the past two days, I will definitely increase my physical fitness. Well, I have to wait until I add 10 points of agility to learn the assassin's steps."

Wang Xuan (Holy Envoy of the God Realm): "It's up to you, by the way, have you decided what to order for that reward? Let me tell you first, things that affect the balance of the game will definitely not work, let me directly brush your equipment for you Don't think about it, my equipment is still picked up from corpses."

Mo Feixin said that your GM is too miserable. If you don't give equipment, the skill book and so on are probably enough, so what else can you ask for? Hey, I have it!

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "I thought, how about giving me Deathwing's dragon heart?"

(End of this chapter)

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