Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 114 Leveling Time

Chapter 114 Leveling Time
Wang Xuan was speechless, "I'll go, you really dare to think about it." But after thinking about it, he nodded again, "Actually, it's not impossible, anyway, Deathwing will die sooner or later, and he will die There will definitely be a great battle at that time. At that time, heroes will gather and the grand occasion will be splendid. Everyone will form a team to fight Deathwing. It is not a problem for me to arrange a plot role for you. It's up to you."

Mo Feixin said that this is too perfunctory, but it is better than nothing.

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "When did Deathwing die?"

Wang Xuan (Holy Envoy of the God Realm): "It will die after the cataclysm event. According to the current main storyline - about ten years away."

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "Damn, you are playing with me."

Wang Xuan (Sacred Envoy of the God Realm): "There is really no way to do this, why don't you order something else? How about I get you an exclusive skin? By the way, our company will launch a BGM system that comes with you. Customize the BGM for your personal appearance. When the BGM sounds when you appear on the stage, the aura and the row of faces will definitely kill other heroes in seconds.

This thing is still in the testing stage, and it won't be on the market in a short time. I'll give you a set first, so how about enjoying it. "

Mo Feixin said how could such a low-key and unpretentious person care about such vanity, "Does that thing increase combat power? For example, increase attack speed during BGM, or have unlimited mana?"

Wang Xuan shook his head and said: "You definitely won't increase your combat power. After all, you have to consider the balance of the game, but as soon as the BGM sounds, your aura will immediately rise, which can be regarded as improving your combat power from the side."

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "This broken game of yours still has balance. It's okay to be invincible with krypton gold. Even the background of the characters can be customized."

Wang Xuan (Holy Envoy of the God Realm): "You can't say that. Although krypton gold is powerful, it is not invincible. Just like you, as a prince, do you think you can defeat those ordinary heroes? People who are stronger than you, no matter how much money you spend, it is impossible to say that you will win.

And once the hero dies in the plot, he really dies, so no matter how powerful the hero is, he will not mess around like in other games, killing trumpets or something, after all, it is really possible to provoke public anger To be killed.

So balance is a very delicate thing. Absolute balance never exists, as long as the players in the game can be checked and balanced, and there is no lawlessness. "

Mo Feixin was right when he said this. In fact, in the early stage of the game, there were many hero players who relied on their strong attributes and equipment to misbehave. However, once such heroes are on the wanted list, they often become public enemies of the whole people. The hunting organization will attack these blackened heroes. Once they enter the plot, they will be easily beaten to death. As a result, the heroes in the current sky world are all high-spirited and helpful. Even if they want to kill, they usually wait until the other party strikes first.

If you accidentally kill someone first, run to the church to do the mission of redemption, for fear of being listed on the wanted list.

Like before, if Murphy wanted to attack those trumpets, he had to wait for the other party to give him an excuse. This is because he has a princely background. Forbearance, there is no such thing as random killing of trumpets. Once you are on the wanted list, there will be people who will come to take your head.

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "Okay, what you said is reasonable, so let's owe the rewards first, and I will talk about it after I think about it."

Wang Xuan (Holy Envoy of the God Realm): "Don't tell me, if you don't say it, I'll always have this kind of thing, why don't I find you a part-time job? Our company has regulations on this. How can I get a salary of tens of thousands of 10,000+ in a month, I still have this power."

Mo Fei is slightly moved. Although he has money, it’s not a problem to sit and eat, but think about it. He is particularly resistant to these big companies, especially when it comes to account security. He is not afraid of ten thousand or ten thousand. one.

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "Haha, let's forget about part-time jobs. Don't be too utilitarian between friends, and don't have any psychological pressure. Friends just want to help each other, maybe in the future I'll still ask you for help."

Wang Xuan felt a little relieved when he heard this, (Are you a friend? Hehe, that's fine.)
He nodded, "Well, if you insist, then we'll see you again—friend."

As he spoke, he took out the hearthstone and disappeared with a flash of white light.

Roland (vassal knight): "Your Highness, that person just now was..."

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "It's nothing, just a friend, don't worry about him, let's go, go and gather soldiers and prepare supplies, we have work to do."

Three days later, I will go to ambush Arundel. Although he can lead troops, recruit adventurers, wait for work, and have equipment skills to restrain fire-breathing dragons, etc., Arundel is a level 48 Skeleton III after all. Tier BOSS.

And not only can it fly, but its flame breath is also super fierce.

His blood volume of only 1320 (plus the bonus of the life ring) is indeed a bit dangerous.

Even with [Flor's Lava Blood], plus [Dragon Slayer's Flame Amulet], which provides up to 150 points of fire resistance, Murphy dare not say that there is no danger.

In order to be foolproof, it is necessary to increase the fault tolerance rate as much as possible.

So he decided to take advantage of these three days to try his best to improve his level.

He is going to go to the Snowman Mountains to upgrade. Although killing the robbers has a lot of experience points, the distance between each robber stronghold is too far, and it takes a lot of time to just walk, and attacking the robber stronghold requires cooperation. There are more mountain monsters.

Moreover, the snowman is large in size and low in defense, which is very suitable for non-destructive leveling with Kingdom Crossbowmen.

Murphy now has 70 dominance points, and directly recruited [-] kingdom crossbowmen, two highland warriors, plus Razidanan and Roland knights.

With sufficient supplies, we headed into the Yeti Mountains.

With so many kingdom crossbowmen gathered together, killing monsters and leveling up is as easy as a lawn mower, especially monsters like the Yeti have no IQ, are large in size and low in defense, and they come in groups every time they encounter He rushed up without a brain, and was completely a living target under the volley of crossbowmen from the kingdom.

Rounds of arrows rained over, and they all turned into hedgehogs. Murphy didn't even need to shoot, just watch.

Just killing them all the way along the mountains, the efficiency is astonishingly high, leaving only snowman corpses everywhere. The only problem is that the number of monsters is not enough, killing too fast and spawning too slowly.

Murphy simply went all the way to the depths of the Snowman Mountains. After two days of killing, he passed through the snow-covered canyon, and finally came to the entrance of a huge ice crevasse.

(End of this chapter)

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