Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 115 The Bizarre Adventure of the Snowman Kingdom

Chapter 115 The Bizarre Adventure of the Snowman Kingdom

At this time, after these two days of crazy leveling, Murphy has already risen to level nineteen.

He added 10 attribute points to his agility, and finally learned the combat technique——Assassin's Step, and now he added another skill of moving and dodging.

The other 10 attribute points were added to his physique. In this way, his blood volume finally broke through the two thousand mark, and he was no longer that crispy melee that would die at the touch of a touch.

Standing outside the entrance of the icy fissure, Murphy hesitated, whether to move on or go back to the city.

Below the ice crevasse is a more dangerous adventure area - Snowman Kingdom, where adventurers above level [-] team up to take risks. There are not only snowmen, snow monsters, but also ancient snowmen and snowman kings.

, if luck is good/bad enough, you may even meet the legendary ancient yeti, that thing is a monster above level 70, and its combat power is comparable to that of a storm giant lord. It is said that there is a very small chance of dropping legendary equipment and skill books Woolen cloth.

Just as he was hesitating, he heard a roar - roar!

A huge snowman with a height of five or six meters suddenly emerged from a snow hole not far away, and rushed towards them with rumbling steps.

This is--

Ancient Yeti: Rare elite, level 43, HP 13300.

Murphy was surprised and delighted. This thing is a small gift bag in the Yeti Mountains. Occasionally, it will be refreshed in a small amount in areas with a large number of Yeti. It is bigger in size and has higher blood volume.

Generally, at least a five-person team above level [-] can challenge.

There is a high probability that blue-quality equipment and materials will drop. Unfortunately, I don’t know if it’s bad luck or the wrong place. Mo Fei has been brushing the snowman for so many days, but he didn’t expect to meet it at last. .

Before he gave the order, Roland automatically started to command the battle. Roland was working most of the time these two days.

Roland (vassal knight): "All crossbowmen disperse and shoot freely! Razidanan—retreat step by step and prepare to pick up monsters!"

Under his command, the 28 crossbowmen (two of whom were killed in the previous battle) immediately formed a scattered formation and started shooting. Only steel crossbow bolts were fired.

The dense crossbow arrows all shot wildly at the ancient snowman.

The ancient snowman was tall and fat, and he was an excellent target. In the blink of an eye, he was shot into a hedgehog. The thick fur on his body was obviously not ideal for defending against heavy crossbow attacks. Every arrow could shoot three or four times. Ten points of damage, after a few rounds of volleys, the blood bar will drop by one-third.

Roaring and screaming, the snowman rushed into the team of crossbowmen recklessly, killing a crossbowman with one punch, and was about to hammer all the way through, when Razidanan and two highland warriors rushed up.

Two axes and one spear slashed at the snowman at the same time, and then quickly dispersed and retreated.

The ancient yeti roared and punched Razidanan with a fist.

boom!The parry was successful, and Razidanan was at least a level 39 royal guard, the peak level of a third-level soldier. In terms of defense alone, this team was second to none.

It's a pity that the mobility is almost lacking.

Razidanan stabbed out with a spear, and the two highland warriors also attacked again. The crossbowmen were still focusing their fire. Seeing that the ancient snowman's health dropped to 30%, the ancient snowman finally became angry. With a roar, his eyes instantly turned blood red .

No, the monster went berserk!
"Rachidanan retreat quickly!"

Razidanan immediately began to retreat, but he lifted the shield defense state, and was immediately rolled out by the snowman's punch.

This is still playing, the ancient snowman stepped on it with all his strength.

Frost on the ground!boom!

Frost emerged from the ground and spread rapidly forward. Razidanan and the two highland warriors were instantly frozen in place.

The ancient snowman roared and rushed towards the three of them.

Not good.Mo Fei thought to himself, this guy is obviously going to pull a few backs before he dies.

At this time, a hero needs to appear on the stage, and Mo Fei rushed forward with the dragon-slaying giant sword in his hand.

Storm Blade!With a wave of the giant sword, a sword qi was first sent out to slash on the back of the ancient snowman, attracting hatred.

Assassin pace!Turning sideways, easily dodged the heavy blow of the ancient snowman turning around.

Arrow - pick up!
A sword slashed upwards, but unfortunately the snowman was too tall to cut off his head. He cut it directly on the stomach. The giant sword ripped open the snowman's belly and emptied the last trace of blood from the snowman. The snowman fell down with a bang. go down.

(I'm going, it's over)

Murphy looked at the huge snowman lying on the ground in a speechless manner. In fact, the blood volume he actually knocked out was about two to three thousand, less than one-third, and the rest were those kingdom crossbowmen. Sustained output results.

Murphy curled his lips a little unsatisfactorily. Although he has been practicing crazily for the past two days, to be honest, he hardly took any shots. Can't do it.

I thought that meeting a small boss would finally lead to a battle, but I didn't expect to lie down before I had much fun.

Alas, as a prince, he doesn't even have the chance to fight happily, it's too miserable.

He touched the corpse and took out a Frost Staff. Unfortunately, it was just a blue weapon, and it was an equipment for a magic class.

Murphy was a little disappointed, but thinking about the drop of this kind of small boss in the wild, it's just like this, and it's not a plot kill, so there are so many good things.

However, the intrusion of this ancient snowman successfully aroused Mo Fei's interest. The ancient snowman is so weak, if it is a snowman king, it is estimated that it is not much stronger. If you encounter an ancient snowman, you may be able to beat it .

The Ancient Yeti and the Ancient Snowman were probably bigger and more damaging. With so many crossbowmen under him, he would die if he changed his blood.

Moreover, the boss without a name is not considered a plot character, so there is no need to worry about being killed by the plot, but you can try your luck.

As soon as he gave an order, the large group of people walked towards the bottom of the ice crevasse. This wide ramp went deeper and deeper, and the surrounding light gradually began to dim, only the faint blue light from the ice walls on both sides.

He thought it would be a lonely underground adventure, but he didn't know that he didn't go far, and saw the world under the ice layer illuminated by a few torches in front of him, and the ice wall reflected the light of the torches. Bright and dazzling, it turned out that several adventurers were killing snowmen to level up.

The snowmen in the Snowman Kingdom are all relatively high-level, most of them are above level [-], but like their compatriots outside, they are weak in long-range and weak in fire, and they have no melee skills except for a snowball throwing skill that is easy to hide remote capability.

As long as there are enough archers and fire-type skills in the team, the killing will not be so fast. In the team in front of you, there is a cursed fire master, a sun god priest, one who emits huge fireballs, and one who shoots out thorns. Yang Zhihuo, those snowmen were burned into torches one by one, and were shot indiscriminately by the rangers and hunters in the team, and fell down one after another.

Judging by their skilled fighting methods, it is obvious that they have been here for a long time.

Murphy looked at it for a while, and was about to go up to say hello, when the adventurers also noticed them. They didn't expect that the moment they saw Murphy, they immediately showed terrified expressions.

"Wocao, it's not good, it's a hero."

"Damn it, why didn't the team at the door send out an alarm, so hurry up and let everyone know that a hero is coming!"

Immediately, two people in the team left the team and ran towards the depths of the cave, shouting while running—"A hero is coming, a hero is coming, everyone pay attention, a hero is coming."

Looking at Mo Fei with a confused face, what's going on in his heart?Lao Tzu is a hero, not a devil entering the village.

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "Few brave adventurers, why are you so nervous?"

The rest of the adventurers all looked at each other, and the one in the lead suddenly laughed and said, "There's no reason to be nervous, we just feel that a prince is coming, we should let everyone come and pay their respects, haha, the weather is good today."

Not bad, your sister, Mo Fei sneered in his heart, there must be ghosts in this.

As soon as he waved his hand, he was ready to take people away. The map in the frost crevice leads in all directions, so there is no need to take this road.

But the leading mage hurriedly stopped him, "Oh, your highness, don't leave in a hurry, there are monsters everywhere, and there are black lights and ignorant ones, and there are ice holes. If you accidentally fall down, you will die. Let me help you find out." Please refer to the leveling route."

"Step aside!"

He said coldly, those adventurers really didn't dare to stop them, so they could only step aside.

Murphy continued to walk in, but he didn't know how far he had gone before he saw a large group of adventurers blocking him.

The number 34 was obviously divided into several teams, and they didn't seem to be familiar with each other, but when they faced the hero, they were surprisingly consistent, directly blocking the road ahead.

Clearly not intending to let them pass.

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "What do you mean?"

A ranger came out, "This friend, can you save face and go to other places to fight monsters."


A bald warrior shouted, "Why else? You are a hero. If you kill the Snowman King, the adventure level of the entire area will be lowered, the refresh rate of monsters will be reduced, and the number of bosses will also be reduced. Then let's make wool, we finally found this good place for leveling and treasure hunting, we can't let you ruin it."

The adventurers all agreed, "That's right, is it easy for us to upgrade to a level? The good places outside have been taken by those grand guilds. After finally finding a good place, you heroes still come to join in the fun."

Mo Fei was speechless. Well, what these people said is true. It doesn’t matter if you kill the ancient yeti or even the ancient yeti. These are monsters without names, but there is a high probability that the snowman king has a name (usually The name is considered a plot character, and it doesn’t matter if there is no name), if it is killed, it is likely to trigger a plot event.

On a certain day of a certain year, Prince Aidan heroically beheaded the Snowman King, resulting in a sharp drop in the number of Snowmen in the area, and there is a high probability that the adventure level of this map will be lowered as a result, but generally speaking, it will recover after a period of time .

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "Don't worry, even if the Snowman King is killed, sooner or later there will be other bosses."

This is also a feature of this game. The monsters and bosses in the same area are not static. The biggest variable is the hero, or the plot character.

If the plot characters kill the BOSS in a certain area, or destroy the monster lair, then new monster forces will develop after a while.

Just like the bandit stronghold that Murphy destroyed before, without the bandits, there will naturally be ghost skeletons to fill the vacancy of the monsters. After a long time, an undead elite will evolve from it to be the leader. If someone cleans up these undead, There may be beast settlements, or cultist camps, goblin tribes and the like to settle there, in short, it will not leave an area blank for a long time.

A bit like natural ecology.

If the Snowman King is killed by him, there will either be a new Snowman King, or an ice elemental lord from the elemental plane, or a frost giant, white dragon, storm giant, etc. wandering from other places. It will make a huge snowman kingdom fall.

However, the adventurers did not buy it.

"But the Snowman King drops well and is easy to farm. We only figured out how to fight the Snowman King after killing several regiments. If you kill the Snowman King, don't expect to have a new boss within a few weeks. After brushing a new boss, I don’t know how it will drop or if it’s easy to fight, so I’m sorry brother, let’s save face and go to other places to spawn monsters.”

This request can't be said to be completely unreasonable, but Mo Fei is still a little upset, why is it all about playing games, why did he set up Tyranny to book the venue.

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "What if I say no?"

There are 27 kingdom crossbowmen behind Murphy alone, plus him as a hero and a few melee soldiers, even a group of adventurers can fight. Although there are many adventurers in front of them, they are obviously not under each other. They are all in small groups of three or five, and the levels are also uneven. There are quite a few trumpets with a level of more than ten, and there are also a lot of people with a level of 30 or more. .

This is also a major feature of the game Sky World. Since there is no concept of level suppression, players of different levels can completely fight monsters and upgrade together, and the interaction is very high.

It is the norm for the tuba to take the trumpet on adventures together.

When it comes to fighting, Murphy is not too false.

Just at this moment of tension, a new team of adventurers arrived. This team obviously ran out from deeper underground. All of them were above level 41, and the leading female mage was level [-].

Seeing Murphy, he was a little surprised and greeted him.

Simbu (mage): "Your Highness, do you still remember me?" It was the female mage who worked together to clean up the bandit stronghold.

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "Hey, Simbu, why are you here?"

Simbu (Mage): "I brush the skill book of Ice Storm here."

Murphy looked at the configuration of the team, a mage at level 41, a ranger at level 39, a magician at level 37, a warrior at level 29, hey, there is even a level [-] elementalist, what a coincidence Isn't it right? It just so happens that you need an elemental envoy to fight the black dragon.

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "Okay, it seems that I will withdraw for the sake of my friends, but you have to do me a favor, I will fight a boss tomorrow, can you masters cooperate with me? Don't worry, I won't let you work in vain, fifty gold coins each."

Simbu (Mage): "No problem."

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "Then see you tomorrow."

(End of this chapter)

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