Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 116 Buy Buy Buy

Chapter 116 Buy Buy Buy

The way back to the city was another good meal, but because there was no detour and the straight line was followed, it didn't waste too much time.

By noon the next day, the walls of Alterac City could already be seen in the distance.

Another group of wild wolves blocking the way were killed, a white light flashed, and Murphy rose to level 20.

Level [-], finally...

Murphy felt a little emotional. Level [-] is the threshold for buying mid-level players, and it will be even more difficult if it goes higher.

Murphy added the 5 attribute points obtained to his physique again, and his current physique has reached 25 points. Counting the automatic increase in blood volume every time he upgrades, and the 10% bonus of the life ring, his blood volume The upper limit has a full blood volume of 2420.

This blood volume is already the standard for an adventurer's high-level tank. Even in the face of a big boss of level [-] or [-], it can take two or three hits, and it will not easily die suddenly.

If you add his ability to block and dodge, it is not impossible to serve as a team's tank to challenge a more powerful boss.

However, this is not absolutely safe enough. After returning to the royal city, Mo Fei immediately went straight to the auction house. He was going to upgrade his equipment skills.

It just so happens that I still have more than 2000 gold coins in my hand, so I just need to buy what I need.

The first thing he wanted to buy was the skill book, the three skills Fearless Slash, Whirlwind Slash, and Lion Slash.

He searched the auction house by entering the three words Fearless Cut, and a list of auction items that were on consignment immediately appeared.

[Fearless Cut] The cheapest one is only 200 gold coins, um, isn't it very expensive?

He pulled it casually, and suddenly realized that something was not quite right.

In the entire consignment list, there are a total of [-] Fearless Slashing skill books being auctioned. The first [-] books are worth two to three hundred gold coins, but the price of the last two books has suddenly increased.

One book sells for 14000 gold coins, and one book sells for 15000 gold coins.

Converted into RMB, that is 14 and 15. Who is so black and dares to sell a skill book so expensive?
He checked the introductions of these two skill books, and then looked at the cheap Fearless Slash skill books above, and suddenly found that the two skill books seemed to be different.

The cheaper one reads——

[Fearless Slash (Skill Book/Warrior)

Use: Enables you to learn Dauntless Slash.

Learning conditions: Level 25 (only for warrior profession).

Item introduction: A skill book, which records the use method of Dauntless Slash, which can help adventurers quickly learn the skills in the book. 】

The expensive one says——

[Fearless Slash (Book/Advanced Combat Skill)

Use: Enables you to learn Dauntless Slash.

Learning conditions: strength 30, agility 30.

Item introduction: The legendary combat technique, the fearless warrior leaps into the air and swings a deadly sword. It is said that the ancient dragon slayer leaped from the mountain peak in order to fight the flying dragon in the sky, thus comprehending this battle technology.

Those who use this combat technique need to be fearless. It is said that only true warriors can face death. 】

Looking at the different introductions of these two skill books, Mo Fei vaguely guessed what was going on. He searched the forum, and his guess was confirmed.

The cheap Dreadnought Slash is specially for adventurers. It can only be used by the warrior class. The skill effect is fixed. It can jump up to eight meters at a time, and the attack can cause 175% of the normal attack damage.

The expensive Fearless Slash has no occupational restrictions, but has attribute restrictions, and the skill effect is not fixed. How far you can jump depends entirely on the player's attributes and performance. A few meters away, even tens of meters away.

In theory, adventurers can also learn it, but basically only hero players are willing to spend this money, because it is too rare and the price is very expensive.

Murphy could accept that hero skill books would be more expensive.

But this is too expensive, 14 yuan is enough to buy a car.

Do you want to buy it?
He suddenly became entangled again. It stands to reason that with his current worth of 2000 million, 14 is not impossible, but he always feels that it is a bit too exaggerated.

Buying a tavern for 3 yuan made him feel distressed for a long time, which is 14 yuan.

He also checked the prices of the other two skill books. Whirlwind Slash is the cheapest, only 8 yuan, Lion Slash is more expensive, 13 yuan. In comparison, Fearless Slash is undoubtedly the most expensive one.

The three books add up to 35 yuan. I have to say that it really hurts Murphy. It's not that he can't afford the money, but you must know that this is just an advanced skill. Although it is easy to use, it is not a ceiling skill. There are also extraordinary combat skills, and various elemental combat skills, god-blessed combat skills, and magical combat skills. If you spend money to buy them, how much money will you spend?

It feels completely bottomless.

No, let's learn by ourselves.

Mo Feixin said that this thing is not an out-of-print skill. You can always find a chance to learn it. No matter how bad you are, you can find a substitute. By the way, Muradin Bronzebeard may have a similar skill. Even Arthas can do it. Teach, what's wrong with teaching another prince of Alterac.

The throwing trick of the dwarf feels very good, jumping high and far, it may not be worse than Fearless Slash.

The plan was made, and Mo Fei directly gave up the prodigal idea of ​​buying skill books, and started buying equipment directly.

It is much cheaper to equip this thing, because adventurers and heroes can communicate with each other, and it is impossible to sell it too expensive, unless it is a plot item. Of course, the main reason is that his current level is too low to wear top-level equipment. .

Murphy spent 300 gold coins to buy a level 200 Blood Word Knight set. The armor value of this set is about [-]% higher than that of the North Wind Knight set, and the weight is also slightly heavier. The important thing is that this set of equipment is of excellent quality and has set attributes - HP +[-].

This set of equipment is also a standard set for low-level tank adventurers. It can increase the upper limit of blood volume very well, and can be worn until level 30.

Then Murphy checked the price of the accessories again. These items are much more expensive, but there are also cheaper ones. They are all garbage with +10 health and +3 attack power.

This attribute is really not enough to catch the eye, but it is not bad for adventurers. I am a hero, so I can't pull it like this.

In the end, I chose a red tearstone ring with +50 HP, but such a gadget cost [-] gold coins. I have to say that the equipment in this game is really expensive.

Then Murphy bought five bottles of fire protection potion, five bottles of super healing potion, five bottles of medium magic potion, one bottle of invisibility potion, three magic scrolls of advanced exile, and one scroll of random teleportation, these top-level consumables The prices are not cheap, and after buying and buying for a meal, the property has once again shrunk by 300 gold coins.

Fortunately, Killing Snowman brushed a lot of snowman fur in the past few days, and threw them all at the auction. According to the current market price, it can almost return about [-] gold coins.

And that blue frost staff can also be sold for seventy or eighty gold coins.

Putting on the Blood Word Knight suit, a gorgeous black armor with red textures, and a red tearstone ring, Mo Fei's life value is as high as 2695, rounded to two thousand and seven.

Then there is no problem.

Looking at the long blood bar, Mo Fei felt overwhelmed with security.

At night, Murphy came to Black Rock Castle with his army. Those adventurers had already come as promised, and after the two sides met, they lay in ambush in the ruins of Black Rock Castle.

(End of this chapter)

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