Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 117 Dragon Battle

Chapter 117 Dragon Battle

A black dragon flew by silently in the night, its pitch-black body was very hidden in the night, blending with the surrounding darkness, Arundel was quite excited, but extremely calm, for Nessa Master Leo's task, these days it has tried its best to improve its strength, burned seven or eight villages, and abruptly raised its level to level 51.

Of course, the monster doesn't have the concept of level, it only feels that its strength is much stronger than before, so it can be said to be very confident about this mission.

Arrived, there it is, Priest Castle - also known as Black Rock Castle, Yadrar overlooked this castle from the sky, most of the castle has been burned down, leaving only the broken ruins, destroyed by dragons. The scorched black castle looked like a black tomb. Even the outer walls of the castle were burned and collapsed. There were thick ashes everywhere, and there was no grass or tree left around the castle.

Is this Master Neltharion's masterpiece?Arundel was extremely shocked when he saw the terrifying scene. He really deserved to be Lord Neltharion, the legendary Deathwing. The humans in the castle didn't know why they offended him and suffered such bad luck. But it doesn't matter, those human beings who are like ants must be dead.

All he had to do was find the sword.

It already has a judgment on this task in its mind.

Slowly sliding down from the air, the castle was dead silent, and it felt slightly relieved.

His eyes searched back and forth in the ruins. Since he has not yet mastered the magic of transforming into a human form, his body length of more than ten meters makes it quite inconvenient to move in the ruins.

Suddenly, a black two-handed giant sword buried in the ashes caught his attention. This sword is really special, the thick blade looks like a piece of black iron, and there seems to be - very strong killing intent!
That's right, it's this sword, Arundel thought excitedly, the sword seemed to carry a certain meaning of death, which made it fearful, but this couldn't stop it, Arundel was about to walk over to pull it out Sword, suddenly, three magic hits at the same time.

Arundel felt a slight stagnation in his body, as if he was a little heavier.

Hmph, using petrification on a dragon is simply—

The dragon scales on his body made a crisp cracking sound.

This made Arundel furious instantly. As soon as he turned his head, he saw three French adventurers standing behind a door on the right. At the same time, countless human crossbowmen suddenly appeared from the ruins on both sides. , They drilled out from the ashes, from the shadow of the ruins, and fired crossbow bolts at it frantically.

No, it's a trap!Master Nelthario is right, this place is really dangerous.

Originally, for the dragon clan, the threat of crossbow arrows was not too great. The defense power of dragon scales is very high, which can well defend against arrow attacks. Dragon clan flies high and fast, and it is difficult for crossbow arrows to hit flying dragons flying in the air. But at this time, he was on the ground, and the scales on his body were destroyed by the disintegration technique, and he immediately became a living target.

Puff puff puff!The sound of arrows piercing the flesh kept ringing, and just one round of volleys knocked out two thousand blood.

The severe pain aroused its anger instead. Small human beings dared to provoke the great dragon clan. Arundel opened his mouth, and the pure flame dragon's breath swept across the crossbowman on the left.

Instantly burned four or five crossbowmen into coke.

Sure enough, it was a bit powerful, but fortunately, the soldiers under him made the first wave of ambushes.

Murphy's figure emerged from the air, and without the slightest hesitation, he directly began to accumulate energy with his big move, first crippling its flying ability.

Sure enough, Arundel soared up and was about to fly into the sky.

Mo Fei swung out his sword - Storm Splitting the Sky!

Boom, the air-cracking storm was hitting Talander's left chest, a dragon wing was split open by a huge force, blood gushed out suddenly.

With just one blow, one-tenth of Arundel's HP was knocked out.

Arundel screamed and fell to the ground with a crash, his left wing was torn and he couldn't fly at all.


Razidanan, several highland warriors, and the 29th-level fighter launched a second wave of attack from all around.

Looking at the human adventurers attacking around him, Arundel didn't panic. Even if it was just a young black dragon, it was still more than ten meters long, and it wasn't something these small humans could handle arbitrarily.

A kick sent a highland warrior flying, a dragon tail sweep swept away Razidanan, bit the 29th-level fighter, and sent him flying...

The black dragon fought bravely, showing the powerful combat power of advanced life.

Mo Fei was not in a hurry to go forward to harvest. The black dragon's blood volume was so long that it would not die so easily. The dragon he chose must not be that simple.

Everything has been planned, just wait for the other party to make a move. If the prediction is not bad, the next step should be——

Arundel (Black Dragon Flame Weaver): "The spirit of flame from the elemental plane, I summon you in the name of me, Arundel, and come to this world!"

A ball of flames emerged out of thin air, like a floating fireball. The fireball gradually expanded, growing limbs made of flames, and finally turned into a four-meter-high flame giant.

Yo, the ability to summon fire elements has also been upgraded. Fortunately, I have prepared for it.

Flame Djinn: "I came from the realm of flames, and my mission is to set this filthy world on fire, ready to face..."

Simbu (mage): "Fire spirit from the elemental plane, you are no longer welcome in this world. Guided by my magical power, go back to your world.

Elminster (Conjurer): "The spirit of fire from the elemental plane..."

Mordencan (Element Envoy): "The spirit of fire from the elemental plane..."

Murphy didn't let them use the ordinary banishment technique, which was fine against ordinary elemental creatures, but whether it would be effective against elite elemental creatures could only be determined by face.

And only one of the three can use it.

The advanced banishment scroll is more powerful. Although it is a bit expensive, the probability of repatriation is as high as 66%, and it can be used by all legal professions, and it has a high success rate for elite elements. If a caster uses the magic scroll of Advanced Banishment at the same time, I don't believe you can still stick to it.

Sure enough, before the flame giant had time to declare itself, it was enveloped by a beam of light descending from the sky, and its flaming body distorted for a while, and disappeared from the beam of light like a phantom.

Arundel opened his mouth wide in surprise, and forgot to breathe fire for a while, and his most proud elemental ally was eliminated just like that.

However, the crossbowmen did not stop shooting arrows, and the ranger named Drizzt jumped out from nowhere, and shot an arrow at the black dragon's eye. DEBUFF.

A mouthful of dragon fire was sprayed at the ranger, and the ranger stretched out his hand and ran all the way nimbly, the flames rushed over his buttocks.

good chance!Murphy took the opportunity to bully him from the other side.

In the end, the ranger was caught up by the dragon fire, and he screamed and burned into a burning man.

At this time, Murphy had already rushed to the feet of the black dragon, and he was chopping!A sword cut a huge wound on the dragon's chest, -1395!

Adlar was startled and angry, the weapon in the opponent's hand was so powerful that Dragon Claw slapped him on the head.

Murphy did not choose to block, but took a step to the right.

Assassin pace!

With a flash of figure, he swiftly avoided the blow.

A sword fell on the left leg of the dragon.

Dragon bite!

Arrow - pick up!
With a puff of a sword, it was slashing at the dragon's mouth. The giant sword was against the dragon's teeth, and the dragon-slaying giant sword won the victory.
2782 (Critical Strike)!

This blow directly broke the opponent's attack. Arundel's mouth was dripping with blood, and he raised his neck while screaming. Murphy took advantage of the situation and approached, chopping!Roundabout!Two consecutive cuts!

The huge sword slashed wildly, and the black dragon he cut was dripping with blood, and the knife pierced into the flesh. For the first time, it felt the fear of death. It turned out that these ant-like human beings were so fierce. The gesture of running away is waiting for Murphy to chase after him.

But Murphy wasn't fooled at all. For a boss like Heilong, he knew what shit he was going to do as soon as the opponent pouted.

Blocked directly with the giant sword, and sure enough——

Dragon Tail Sweep!

With a bang, the dragon's tail slammed firmly on the giant sword, and Mo Fei retreated seven or eight meters away after being drawn.

Just stood firm - breath of fire.

The dragon's breath is a range attack, and this time there is no way to dodge it.

Murphy grabbed the dragon slayer's flame amulet on his chest—flame protection!The crimson shield surrounded him, and the durability of the shield dropped rapidly under the burning of the flames. Without hesitation, Murphy rolled and rolled to the back of a broken wall with the pace of an assassin. The shield still had half of its durability.

Arundel stared at the human behind the broken wall, and it knew that this mortal was his greatest threat.

But the crossbowmen on both sides did not stop because of this, they kept shooting arrows and shooting arrows, and the three casters kept throwing magic, fireballs and ice arrows kept falling on it, and the conjurer kept attacking Use it to unleash various curses.

Although the damage of these people's attacks is not as exaggerated as that of the giant sword, but the accumulation of small amounts makes a lot, and the blood volume is constantly decreasing. If it continues like this, it will be dead sooner or later.

Finally, Arundel couldn't bear it any longer. When he raised his head, he sprayed flames at the kingdom crossbowmen on the right. The flames swept across, and each crossbowman was reduced to ashes in the flames.

It's now!Murphy rushed out and rushed directly to Arundel, and the other party immediately sensed his movement, and the dragon's head immediately turned to level it, but it was too late, the distance of seven or eight meters was reached in an instant, and as soon as the dragon's head was released Ping Mofei had already rushed in front of him, and Arundel didn't back down, and spewed flames with all his strength, it wanted to burn this damned human being to death.

Murphy didn't flinch either. The insight ability of the dragon slaying expert allowed him to see through the reality of the opponent at a glance. The seemingly strongest dragon fire was also the biggest weakness of the opponent. He directly pierced out with his sword against the damage of the flame.

Combat technique - stab!Pfft, the dragon-slaying giant sword penetrated the flames, pierced deeply into Arundel's mouth, and pierced out from the back of his head.
17951 (fatal blow)!

Arundel's breath stopped abruptly, he glanced twice, and fell down.

Murphy slowly pulled out the giant sword. Thick smoke was rising from his body, the shield protecting him from the flames had disappeared, and his blood volume had also dropped by a third. Fortunately, his fire resistance was high enough. It was burned to death in just two seconds.

Elminster: "I'll go, is this the power of hero players? It's really awesome."

Mordencan: "Oh, I also wanted to train a mage hero at the beginning, but unfortunately it was too expensive. I spent all my private money buying the helmet, and I had to tell my wife that it was a massage device, or..."

Simbu looked calm.

Murphy was not surprised by this result. He had made so many arrangements in advance, and if he couldn't win a mere skeleton-level boss, he would be out of luck. However, the damage from the last breath of the dragon made him take a risk. A cold sweat.

Without further ado, he touched the corpse first.

[Blazing Blade (One-Handed Sword/Epic)

Attack power: 15-55.

Special Effect 1: Flame Blade.Your attacks with this weapon deal fire damage instead of physical damage.

Special Effect 2: Casting.Your attacks will damage the enemy's armor, reducing the enemy's armor value and armor durability. This effect can only be restored by repairing.

Item introduction: Arundel is a weapon made by collecting the essence of flames. It is an invisible sword made of pure flames. It is said that by observing the way the flames dance, Arundel has mastered the true meaning of pure flames. 】

[Fiery black dragon heart (core material)
Item introduction: The heart of the black dragon Arundel. It is said that only powerful dragons can conceive the heart. Even after Arundel is dead, the dragon's heart is still extremely hot.

This item can be used as a core material to create powerful magical equipment, and it is said that the dwarves of Ironforge are very fond of such things. 】

Black dragon scale × 52.

Flame Essence ×14.

The latter two are top-quality materials and are very valuable.

Murphy calculated the profit and found that the profit was good, so it was not a loss.

The most important thing is that the sacrifice has arrived.

(End of this chapter)

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