Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 118 Okad

Chapter 118 Okad

Early the next morning, Murphy set off with his troops.

The target is the Dragon Feast Land of Tongtian Peak.

After walking for a whole morning, they finally arrived at the snake man ruins near Tongtian Peak.

However, what surprised him was that there were already people here, and there were quite a few of them. A large camp was spread out in the open space of the snake man's ruins, and it looked like there must be a hundred or so people.

The flag of the Explorers' Association was flying over the camp, and besides that, there was a strange but familiar flag, a variant logo with a capital L.

Damn, why are these grave robbers here again? Hey, which unit's flag is that?

L?Could it be Lordaeron, this group of people came here no matter what.

He felt a little upset, originally he thought that he could go up the mountain to complete the Dragon Feast without being disturbed, but now it seems that he still has to get in touch with it.

The soldiers in the camp also noticed the existence of his army and immediately put on guard. Murphy also ordered to put up a battle formation. Although it was unlikely to start a fight, necessary precautions were still necessary.

It wasn't until the person in charge of the camp showed up, met with Murphy, and revealed their identities to each other, that the two sides relaxed.

The people who came turned out to be people from Lordaeron—and archaeologists from the Explorers' League.

The human being in front of him was dressed as a scholar, with a loose academic gown and unilateral glasses. He looked like an aristocratic scholar with a high status.

Ogad (erudite scholar): "Oh, you must be Prince Aidan. I heard Muradin mention you, but I didn't expect you to still be here. I am Ogad Borax, the court of the Kingdom of Lordaeron Scholar, this is Tianxiu Menethil, swordsman of Lordaeron court, he is also the captain of the guard of this team, it is an honor to meet you, Prince Aidan of Alterac."

Tianxiu?This name sounds like a player, but since the surname is Menethil, it stands to reason that he should be a member of the royal family, right? Why is he just a captain of the guard?It's a little strange that he doesn't even have the title of prince. Murphy glanced at the man. Tianxiu is a second-level bronze hero. His upper body is a gorgeous knight's breastplate, and he is covered with a blue cloak. His lower body is Noble trousers, no helmet, flowing long hair, and a sword hanging around his waist, it's hard to say what occupation it is.

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "I'm also very happy to meet you, Scholar Orgarde, Your Excellency Tianxiu, may I ask if there is any special important thing for you to appear on the land of Alterac?"

Ogad (erudite scholar): "Of course not, we are just here to investigate. I heard Muradin tell the story about the remains of the snake man in Lordaeron. I am very interested in this strange creature, so I hurried here In order to conduct a field investigation, I have to say that the harvest is very great-let’s go in and talk about it.”

He said and made a gesture of please.

Murphy asked Roland to take someone to find a place to rest, and followed the two into the camp. It can be seen that this archaeological team is really a professional. It is completely different from the archaeological method of those dwarves. It is very meticulous. The objects are arranged one by one, marked with their uses, and some scholars are still using small brushes to search for new relics from the ruins, and every discovery can attract cheers.

They are not limited to gold, silver and precious stones either—in fact, after Muradin's excavations, there are basically nothing left of this kind of thing.

The archaeological team focused more on the daily necessities, sacrificial props, and weapons of those snake people, especially those stone tablets carved with murals and carvings. They were particularly concerned.

Of course, Ogard does not need to do these tasks in person. As a university student, he naturally has his subordinates to do the hard work. The wonderful feeling of the cold wind and the warmth of the campfire.

When the three of them came to the campfire, an attendant immediately brought hot beer and barbecue, but it was just in time for the meal.

Murphy is also welcome. After walking for a whole morning, the fatigue value just needs to recover. He can inquire about some news while eating. He has already gotten used to the benefits brought by the status of prince. There is a young scholar named Hopps who is also aristocratic.

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "Master Orgard, have you found any results? Where did these snake people come from?"

He was asking casually, but he didn't expect that Okad would actually have an answer.

Ogad (erudite scholar): "According to my research, the snake people here are likely to be descendants of dragon eaters."

Mo Fei was startled, and said to himself, how do you know about Dragon Feeders, but he pretended to be ignorant, "Dragon Feasters, what is that?"

"Ha, it's no wonder that Prince Aidan is unfamiliar with this term. In fact, Dragon Feeders appeared very long ago, and have already disappeared in the long river of history, so many people doubt whether it really exists. Or it’s just a ridiculous legend fabricated by bards, but according to my research, Dragon Feeders do exist, and once flourished, they were tragic heroes brought by the times, but they were also abandoned by the times.”

"In the ancient dark era, human beings at that time had not yet created a country, but were distributed by various tribes on the vast eastern continent. The world was ruled by giant dragons. They spread throughout the sky world, ruling the sky and the earth. and ocean.

In the eyes of the dragon clan, human beings are just a weak race like animals, and they are prey that can be devoured at will. "

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "What, there is such a thing, these savage beasts!"

Ogad (polymath): "Savage? Maybe, but in the eyes of the Dragon Clan, human beings are inferior creatures like animals. Would you feel guilty for killing a cow or a sheep? I don't think so. Yes, so in the eyes of the Dragon Clan, cannibalism is not really an evil and barbaric act, at most it is a unique taste, and this kind of life has lasted for thousands of years.

Human beings were almost extinct at one time, but whenever faced with a crisis or desperate situation, there will always be warriors among the human beings who will stand up to save the world. For thousands of years, there will always be powerful warriors in the human tribes trying to fight those dragons, despite suffering a lot However, there are still occasional people who successfully slay dragons, and some ancient legends are also born. They fought against giant dragons, slayed evil dragons, and rescued their compatriots who were in desperation. In this case, the Dragon Feast Ceremony was born up.

The original origin of the Dragon Feast Ceremony has been unable to be verified, but according to my speculation, it is very likely that it is some kind of behavior of venting anger, but it is more likely because of some primitive hunting traditions of human beings. Human beings have believed in devouring since ancient times. The heart of a beast can gain its strength.

And what beast can compare to a dragon? "

So those powerful warriors devoured the heart of the dragon, hoping to gain the power of the dragon and help them protect human beings, and the fact is just like what they expected, some people really mastered more powerful power, It is getting stronger and stronger, and can even fight the dragon head-on.

As a result, the group of dragon feasters has gradually grown. "

Murphy was surprised to hear this, but he didn't know that there was such a story behind the Longxiang ceremony.

At this time, the player named Tianxiu suddenly interrupted.

Tianxiu Menethil (Court Swordsman): "Wait a minute, I think there is a problem here, if the way to gain power is so simple, why are there no dragon eaters now? If you just need to devour the heart of a dragon Gaining strength, there should be many such people, but I have never heard of such a thing.”

Mo Fei glanced at that person, thinking that this person also wants to gain the power of Longxiang, right?Most likely, which player can not be tempted by the temptation of power.

It's a pity that you don't have mission items, and you can't get in even at the door, hehe.

(End of this chapter)

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