Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 119 The Legend of the Dragon Eater and the Origin of the Snakeman

Chapter 119 The Legend of the Dragon Eater and the Origin of the Snakeman
Augard (polymath): "Ah, that's right, it's true. According to my research, the Dragon Feast Ceremony has a very meticulous ritual process. If you can't follow the specific procedures to execute the Dragon Feast, then it's just a barbaric devouring Flesh and blood behavior is nothing more than meaningless, and may even cause poisoning due to improper operation. As far as I know, most dragons' flesh and blood contain toxins.

The dragon feast ceremony is solemn and sacred, with the solemnity and solemnity of the martyrs. It is the heroic battles of the ancient dragon feasters that allow the human race to survive and gradually grow. "

Tianxiu Menethil (court swordsman): "By the way, Ogad scholar, I have heard a saying that when Emperor Thoradin was young, he embarked on a journey in search of power, and met a mysterious wizard on the way. This sorcerer told him how to gain power by devouring a giant dragon, so Emperor Thoradin became the No.1 dragon eater, is this story true?"

Okard (erudite scholar): "This story is widely circulated, but I am afraid it is not true. As far as I know, there have been records of dragon eaters as early as 1000 years before Emperor Thoradin. Emperor Thoradin is probably just One of the more famous ones is that people always like to put different stories and legends on the same hero to increase its legendary character. As an archaeologist, you must have the ability to analyze and distinguish, and you can’t just copy what others say. "

snort!The young scholar named Hopps suddenly let out a cold snort of disdain, which made Ogard look over in dissatisfaction.

Augard (polymath): "Hopps, do you think otherwise?"

Hopps (Noble Scholar): "In my opinion, those dragon eaters are not heroes at all, but a group of beasts. Dragons are as intelligent as humans. Since they are intelligent life, how can they eat their hearts? , What is the difference between this and cannibalism, so barbaric, so cruel, it is simply outrageous."

Murphy was speechless after hearing this, what kind of logic is this guy.

Okard (polymath): "So you mean that dragons can devour humans, but it's wrong for humans to eat dragon hearts?"

Hopps (Noble Scholar): "Those dragons are savage monsters. Since human beings are a civilized race, how can they be like wild beasts?"

As soon as these words came out, several people were stunned. Mo Fei thought that this person must be mentally ill. "But you just said that dragons are also intelligent life."

Hopps (Noble Scholar): "Intelligence and barbarism do not conflict. A group can possess extraordinary intelligence and be brutal and violent, but this should never be human behavior. We humans are civilized and should have our own bottom line and principles.

Dragon eaters have indeed helped the continuation of human civilization, but at what cost?Is it really worth it? "

As soon as the words came out, everyone didn't know what to say.

Auchard looked at Murphy with a half-smile, "Prince Aidan, what do you think about this?"

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "Your argument reminds me of a sentence, lose humanity, lose a lot, lose animality, lose everything, if the Hoppes scholar really feels for the behavior of human beings devouring dragon hearts to continue civilization Ashamed, it would be better to find a giant dragon and let it eat you, so that you can get spiritual comfort, wouldn’t it be good.”

Hopps was furious when he heard this, but because of his identity as Prince Aidan, he couldn't get angry, so he could only bury his head and gnaw on his bread.

Okad (polymath): "Ah, it really is an incisive speech, as expected of His Royal Highness."

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "This is just my personal opinion. By the way, the Ogad scholar, if the Dragon Feeders are so powerful, why did they disappear?"

Ogad (erudite scholar): "Because performing the Dragon Feast can certainly gain the power of a giant dragon, but this power will also affect the mind of the dragon feeder. The more you devour, the more you will become like a giant dragon, and even eventually They will completely transform into giant dragons. Those dragon feeders are addicted to the power of dragons, but in the end they cannot avoid becoming the ending of the existence they hate, becoming the giant dragons they once hunted and killing, and becoming the prey of other dragon feeders. This is the cursed fate of dragon feeders."

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "Can't a Dragonfate maintain a human mind?"

Ogard (court scholar): "I'm afraid not. The reason why human beings are human is because of our body. If your soul is in the body of an elf or a dwarf, would you still consider yourself a human being? Elves are immortal Therefore, the concept of time is completely different from that of humans. Dwarfs are strong and can dig through mountains with brute force, and thus become rough and stubborn. These are qualities that humans do not possess.

We often think that everything is determined by our own will, but in fact the opposite is true, everything around us determines our will.

No matter how much those dragon eaters persist, they cannot change the reality that they have transformed into dragons. They become immortal like dragons, soar in the sky, and are hated by humans. Even if they can maintain human consciousness at first, but with the As time goes by, they are also destined to turn into dragons and regard human beings as inferior races, prey and food.

So the dragon feeders became the prey of the dragon feeders, devouring each other, fighting each other, the old dragon feeders died, and the new dragon feeders were born, the dragons were beautiful and terrifying creatures, and so was the power, so forever There are people who are looking for that power.

After thousands of years of war, finally, the struggle of the dragon eaters won the respect of the dragons. The dragons gradually realized that human beings are as powerful as them, so the two parties signed a contract, and the dragons withdrew from the human race. The territory, and human beings no longer go deep into the mountains and dense forests to hunt and kill giant dragons.

The dragon eaters also began to decline from this, losing their enemies and prey. The dragon eaters became the last evil dragons. Because they were tempted by the power of the dragon, they left the human society one after another and went to the high mountains and wilderness. Being with the giant dragon, swallowing or being swallowed by it, that is the final destination of the dragon eater.

Perhaps among the giant dragons alive now, there are the dragon feasters from back then, but they must have forgotten their past as humans. "

Hearing the story of the Dragon Feeder told by Okad, Murphy couldn't help feeling a little touched, and even forgot that it was just a game.

The audience was silent, and even the Hopps scholar became silent.

Finally, Tianxiu broke the silence.

Tianxiu Menethil (Court Swordsman): "I heard that some people can still maintain the human will after gaining the power of the dragon, and can even switch between the form of the dragon and the human. It is said that Emperor Thoradin is like this The legendary story of Emperor Thoradin is well-known to everyone. He established the Arathor Empire. If he eventually became a giant dragon, there must be many records, but since he is a dragon eater, he did not become a giant dragon. Dragon or other monsters, it can be seen that he probably has mastered the method of maintaining human will."

Okard nodded, "There is indeed such a saying, but I personally tend to think that it is impossible.

The power of the giant dragon is so powerful that the will of mortals cannot be reversed at all. Of course, even if there are such people, they will definitely try their best to hide such things, otherwise, once they are discovered, they are likely to be hunted down. The target, whether it is the dragon race or the human race, I am afraid that such an existence cannot be tolerated. "

Mo Fei was startled. My god, it seems that this is really the case. The so-called non-human race must have a different heart. Such a dragon eater is both a dragon and a human. Conversely, it is neither a dragon nor a human. I am afraid that the dragon and the Humans can't trust such an existence.

But after thinking about it, he was relieved again, the times have changed, the sky world is about to face a series of catastrophes, the invasion of the orc army, the natural disasters, the Burning Legion... I am afraid that the existence of a dragon feeder will not be cared at all Bar.

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "So what's the matter with you saying that the snake people are descended from dragonfeeders?"

O'Garde (erudite scholar): "Not all dragon feeders will eventually become dragons. Some dragon feeders can't get rid of their human identity, and they can't stop chasing the power of the dragon. They eventually become half-human and half-human." Dragon monsters, these monsters have lost the wisdom of humans, leaving only the instincts of beasts, killing, devouring, and—mating.

For example, the lava earth dragon killed by Mr. Muradin and Prince Aidan is very likely to be an ancient dragon feeder.

As we all know, the dragon race has a very strong reproductive ability, and can mate with almost any race and produce offspring, so according to my speculation, the snake man is likely to be the descendant of the lava earth dragon and other dragon feast monsters. It may be the descendant of the lava earth dragon and some kind of local snake-like creatures.

The snake people are afraid of the lava earth dragons, but they also worship the lava earth dragons, because they fear their ancestors, so the snake people seal the cave entrances of the lava earth dragons, and hold sacrificial rituals regularly, feeding their ancestors with flesh and blood, and The lava earth dragon has survived by devouring its own descendants. This is the result of my research. How about Prince Aidan, are you satisfied with this answer? "

(End of this chapter)

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