Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 120 The Immortal Is Still Funny

Chapter 120 The Immortal Is Still Funny
Murphy nodded. He really had nothing to say about the deduction made by the Ogad scholar, and he felt that this was really the case.

Okard (polymath): "Then Prince Aidan intends to stay and observe our archaeological progress?"

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "Yes, as the prince of Alterac, it is necessary for me to protect the personal safety of the guests and avoid accidents that people don't want to see. I hope you can understand. "

This kind of thing is also the meaning of the title. Although Alterac is the weakest and most insignificant of the Seven Kingdoms, it is still an independent kingdom. A large group of you are reporting the activities of our land. It's fine if you encounter them, but you have to observe and monitor them no matter what.

O'Gard (polymath): "Of course, we'd love to."

After eating his lunch, Murphy said something, and got up to greet Roland and his soldiers to build a simple camp next to the archaeological camp, using tents and the walls of the snake man ruins to enclose a sheltered area from the wind.

Lighted a bonfire and settled down.

Murphy let the soldiers rest, and he wandered around the archaeological camp. After observing for a while, he found that it seemed that the archaeological work would not be finished for a while. Murphy had a headache. Just have to wait until night.

Murphy logged off at seven or eight o'clock in the evening, and slept for a few hours. At midnight, Murphy logged in to the game again, logged in from the tent, and walked out of the tent. Murphy saw the archaeological camp At this time, it has fallen into a calm state, only a few soldiers watching the night are still watching the fire, and the rest of them have gone into their tents to sleep.

Because Murphy's camp was inside the snake-man ruins, he didn't need to go through the archaeological camp to get to the lava cave. He went straight into the deep passage of the snake-man ruins and came to the lava cave.

When he walked down the passage, he found a figure standing in front of the ancient dragon statue deep in the cave.

It's Tianxiu Menethil, what is this guy doing here in the middle of the night without going offline to sleep?

Tianxiu (court swordsman): "You are here, hehe, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

Murphy was taken aback, I wipe, is this product so powerful?To be able to predict his own arrival, and to be able to sense him from such a distance?This is a bit magical.

Could it be some extraordinary expertise?
He hesitated for a moment, hesitating how to answer, when Tianxiu suddenly said again.

Tianxiu (court swordsman): "You are here, hehe, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

Ok?what's the situation?Murphy was a little stunned. Could this guy be talking to someone else?He looked around, but there was no one but him, so this is...?
Tianxiu (court swordsman): "Here you come, hehe, I have been waiting for you for a long time." Tianxiu said without turning her head while observing the statue.

Mo Fei immediately reacted, my god, I thought this guy was a fairy, but I didn't expect this guy to be a joke?Murphy immediately understood that this Tianxiu hadn't noticed him at all, but was repeating this sentence non-stop in the form of a repeater. As for the purpose...Murphy could probably guess it.

Well, you still know how to play, the name Tianxiu really didn't come up in vain.

Tianxiu (court swordsman): "You are here, hehe, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

This time, Mo Fei didn't hesitate. Since this guy is so good at working, let's cooperate.


Murphy clapped his hands and came out of the darkness, "Hmph, as expected of the Menethil family, they were able to predict my return in advance. I'm curious, how did you know that I would come."

Tianxiu turned around and cast an inscrutable (pretentious) look, "As a master, one must know how to predict the situation. I knew from the moment I saw you that you would definitely come tonight."

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "Then how did you find me? I am obviously far away."

Tianxiu (court swordsman): "Hehe, secret." Tianxiu said with a mysterious smile.

Mo Feixin said you pretend, you continue to pretend, he also pretended to be surprised, walked to the statue, and looked at the huge ancient dragon statue in front of him.

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "Ah, it's a very mysterious statue, isn't it, Lord Tianxiu, have you found anything?"

Tianxiu (court swordsman): "Except for that inscription - nothing was found."

That inscription naturally refers to the warning left by Flor.

"I said buddy, are you a player?"

Murphy: "..." I just brewed a good mood.

"Yes, I am a player."

"Haha, I knew it, well, since everyone is a player, I don't have to pretend anymore. To maintain my aloof personality, I'm suffocated during the day, so I don't dare to interrupt anything, for fear of revealing my secrets." Now, since you are also a player, then don’t be afraid.”

Murphy: "..."

This guy is not only a good showman, but also a funny showman. He pretends to be a master during the day.

"Hey, looking at your appearance today, I really envy you. The prince is just different. That Hopps pushes you all day long. He doesn't dare to say anything even if you beat him up. I can't do it. Status Too low, it’s okay, that bastard keeps picking on me, damn it, I want to hire some robbers to kill him, but when I think that I am now the captain of the guard, I will lose my reputation if someone dies in the archaeological team, so I can only Forget it, how much is the prince of Alterac?"


"It's only 50! Damn, I would have chosen a prince from Alterac if I had known."

"So are you King Menethil's bastard son or a distant relation?"

Since he is a member of Menethil's family and not a prince, he can only be an illegitimate child, or a distant relative, but if he is a distant relative, he must have a title or something, so there is a high probability that he is an illegitimate child. Of course, it may also be the second son of a distant relative, Alsace's second cousin and third cousin.

"Bastard child." Tianxiu said with a sigh.

Murphy was a little amused. He never expected that someone would really set such an identity background for him. Moreover, the illegitimate child of Lordaeron is not cheap. When he built his account, he had studied the illegitimate child of Lordaeron and the prince of Alterac. It is a price, both are 50.

"Brother, you are too overwhelmed. I remember that the illegitimate child of the Lordaeron Kingdom is also very expensive."

"Yeah, I also regretted it later. Didn't I want to get close to Alsace at the time? When the Lich King came to Lordaeron to choose an heir in the future, I just took the opportunity to cut off my husband. If I was lucky, I would become a second-generation Lich King." Dangdang.

At worst, you can follow Alsace, take the route of death knight, mix with the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, who knows that Alsace has more than 40 brothers and more than 20 sisters after birth, this witch The successor of the Demon King will not be my turn no matter what.

I'm just an illegitimate son, who can't even be called a prince, let alone get close to Alsace on weekdays, that old man Tenaris doesn't even send me a weekly task, it's too hard Forced. "

Murphy was speechless, this guy really didn't know what to say, you don't think you are the only one who can think of intercepting Alsace's plan, right?

(End of this chapter)

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