Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 121 Arandel's Pure Flame

Chapter 121 Arandel's Pure Flame
Mo Fei smiled and said, "So those people beat Hu Shuangzhi's sorrow to become the Lich King?"

Tianxiu (court swordsman): "It's about the same. At least most of them think so. It's funny to think about it. When the Lich King chooses his successor in the future, I'm afraid he will be picky. There are more than 40 princes. Just ask how you choose.

But I guess Arthas will be the Lich King in the end. "

"Oh why?"

Tianxiu (Court Swordsman): "Because of the halo of the protagonist, let me tell you, this game definitely has a main plot, and all the important plot characters have halo protection, especially Alsace—" Tianxiu Having said that, he suddenly lowered his voice, as if he was afraid of being heard.

"Let me tell you, don't tell others. In our family, there are not one or two people who want to kill Alsace. They have used all kinds of methods, killers, robbers in ambush, accidents, what a pity. Alsace just couldn't die, and now he was about to be killed by force, but I guess no one would dare to do that, after all, the number would be ruined as soon as he made a hand, a prince's background would cost 500 million, and no one would want to make a wedding dress for others, right? "

Mo Fei thought that they were all ruthless people, and his younger brother could do it, but he could understand the thinking of these people.

If you can really become the Lich King, you will definitely be able to make a lot of money. This is a profitable business. This is not just a show in the game, but a real economic benefit. Not to mention, it is just transforming death The ability of the knight will attract many players to spend money on services.

After all, the death knight is handsome and powerful. Although he has to be blackened and controlled, it doesn't matter whether he is a game or not.

Canonize the four knights of the apocalypse, one must sell for a few million. In the future, they will rule the Scourge Legion. There are countless bosses, big and small. They can be sold directly to the head of the adventurer boss, or simply sell the ice dragon mount directly, 100 million One is not expensive...

As long as players want to engage in PY transactions, the money they can make can be overwhelming.

It is probably because of this that the system will protect Alsace to death. The so-called halo of the protagonist is probably the power of the system.

Tianxiu (court swordsman): "Brother, tell the truth, do you know how to open this statue?"

Murphy shook his head, "I don't know, I haven't researched anything yet."

Tianxiu (court swordsman): "Don't talk about it, otherwise, what are you doing here in the middle of the night?"

"Hehe, I thought you had some way to open the statue, so I came to try my luck in the middle of the night. You asked me, and I want to ask you, did you find any tricks?"

Murphy would not reveal his identity as a dragon feaster.

Tianxiu (court swordsman): "I'm going to research it and wait here. It's triggered a long time ago, but I think that mirror should say something, maybe the key is here."

As he spoke, he walked to the mirror, looked at it, and guessed.

"I think a dragon heart may be needed, take a picture of the dragon heart in the mirror, and then the mirror will open a portal, or a phantom wall or something.

Or something like the ghost of an ancient dragon feaster coming out of the mirror, and then the dragon feast ceremony can begin. "

He went up to touch the runes around the mirror, and then looked at the ancient dragon statue.

"However, it may require other special props to trigger it, which would be troublesome. If so, this special prop would be worth a lot of money. If it can be monopolized, then it will be issued. When the time comes, it will directly sell the door-opening service, 5 Yuan opened the door once."

Mo Fei said: "5 yuan is not much, you can't even afford this skill book."

Tianxiu (court swordsman): "You can't think like this, the so-called small profits but quick turnover, as long as the benefits of the Dragon Festival ceremony are publicized, with the first batch of successful cases, there must be more and more people who want to carry out the Dragon Festival in the future , when the time comes, you can make a lot of money just by collecting the tickets.

Mo Feixin said that this guy really dared to think about it, but yes, if he spread the way of Longxiang and then set up a door-opening service, he could indeed make a lot of money, but if he really let many people know that he has The key to open the portal, I'm afraid he will be targeted immediately and beaten to death.

He was thinking in his heart, but there was a surprised expression on his face, "Wo Cao, this is a good plan, but unfortunately I really don't have it, if I have, then I won't post it."

Tianxiu (court swordsman): "Is that so, I was overthinking, sorry."

Eh, it was so easy to fool you?Murphy was a little surprised. Could it be that his master bluffing expertise was effective?By the way, does this stuff work for players?

The two chatted for a while, and wandered around the statue for a long time, Tianxiu finally couldn't bear it anymore, "It can't be done, I'm too sleepy, I'm going offline to sleep."

"Well, then I'll withdraw too."

The two left the cave, bid farewell to each other, and parted. Mo Fei watched Tianxiu go back to the camp, and got into the tent, but he slipped back quietly.

Seeing that there was no one around, Mo Fei took out the statue and pointed it at the eyes of the Gu Long statue. As the eyes of the Gu Long statue lit up, the mirror in front of him slowly revealed the scene on the top of Tongtian Peak. past.

In an instant, it turned into a snow-covered mountain top, and the storm roared in the sky. Only a circular area where the mountain top was located was calm and calm. Looking towards the sky, you could even see bright stars.

Putting away the statue and closing the entrance, he walked slowly towards the top of the mountain. On the ancient stone steps, he saw the corpse of the giant dragon again, but now, he already understood these corpses. It is very likely that it was left by the last batch of dragon feasters.

What puzzled him was why the dragon eater would get in touch with Gu Long.

Filled with doubts in his heart, he walked up to the top of the mountain, entered the Dragon Feast Ceremony Hall, and came to the altar surrounded by dragon-shaped statues.

Mysterious voice: "Ah, you are here again, the one chasing the power of the dragon, did you bring a new sacrifice?"

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "That's right, I brought a new sacrifice, let's start the Dragon Feast Ceremony."

He put the black dragon heart on the altar.

Mysterious voice: "Well, the heart of a black dragon contains the power of pure flames. You have good taste. Those who chase the dragon, although the power of this heart is not particularly powerful, it is very pure. , I have a hunch that it will definitely add magical power to you."

The runes on the altar lit up one by one, surrounding the dragon's heart, and the dragon's heart began to glisten, as if it had been affected by some mysterious power, and the power of the dragon soul contained in it was completely activated, exuding like hot metal. scorching light.

Mysterious voice: "Eat! Mortals chasing the power of the dragon, feast on the flesh and blood, devour the power, integrate the power of the law into your blood, cast it into your soul, feel the power of the dragon, eat it Let's eat... let's go... let's go..."

The voice kept whispering in the ear, with a long echo.

Murphy once again felt that something was watching him, and it was a lot of things. Those invisible eyes seemed to be looking forward to what would happen next, and the salivating feeling used to send chills down his back.

But at this moment, he understood that those invisible gazes were those dragon feasters in the past, their souls, their consciousness, watching all of this.

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "Old dragon eaters, ancient warriors chasing the power of the dragon, please witness, witness all this."

Mo Fei picked up the dragon's heart, it was as hot as hot metal, and he bit it down.

The salty and sticky dragon's blood poured into his mouth, and the hot taste was like burning magma. Mo Fei felt a scorching fire flow down his throat, spreading towards the internal organs, limbs and bones.

So hot!Arundel's heart was hotter than the heart of the lava earth dragon, as if he was devouring molten gold, but soon he felt a hunger, the more he ate, the hungrier he became, he longed for more, and the devouring made his heart Filled with a sense of satisfaction, he felt that power was gathering towards his heart.

His heartbeat was getting better and better, bang-bang-bang-bang!
The heart seems to be infused with nuclear energy, which is extremely strong.

The singing voice sounded again, this time the singing voice was very clear, majestic and solemn, sacred and joyful.



The majestic and sacred singing, as if many voices were singing loudly together, he could recognize the meaning in the singing, it was a hymn sung in the ancient dragon language, praising the dragon feast, praising those who chased the power of the dragon, praising them Praise them for slaying giant dragons, protecting human beings, and achieving legends!

(An ancient dragon language? Why do dragon feasters speak the ancient dragon language.)
The people of the dragon feast, the people of the dragon feast, feast on the flesh and blood, and devour the dragon!

The people of Longxiang, the people of Longxiang, seize the power and forge the dragon soul!
(The dragon feast ceremony must have specific rituals and steps, and this ceremony is performed by the magic of the ancient dragon. Yes, the ancient dragon must have taught the human dragon feast ceremony! The legend taught the dragon feast to Emperor Thoradin The mysterious wizard must be transformed by the ancient dragon.)

He continued to eat, and the singing continued to sing.

(The goal of the ancient dragons is to revive the Dragon God. They want to use the hands of the Dragon Feast to accomplish this goal. The body determines the will, not the will determines the body. If a Dragon Feast swallows enough dragon hearts, perhaps It is possible to obtain the power of the Dragon God, and when one obtains the power of the Dragon God, one naturally becomes the Dragon God.)
People of Longxiang, people of Longxiang, embark on a journey, and there is no way back!

People of Longxiang, people of Longxiang, the time has come to wake up the Dragon God!

It turned out that Murphy had thought through the whole story clearly.

The dragon eaters devoured each other, and also devoured the giant dragon. Their power was continuously gathered and purified, and the last person would become the dragon god, but Gu Long obviously miscalculated one thing. To revive the dragon god, he needed the divine power of the five guardian dragons , that is, the authority of the dragon god, that is the priesthood it holds, and it is also where the power of the godhead lies.

Without these five kinds of power, no amount of dragon hearts can be devoured.

In the end, with the reconciliation between the Dragon Clan and the Human Clan, the Longxiang Plan also failed completely.

But this is not a problem for him. Anyway, he didn't have much hope for the resurrection of the Dragon God. As long as he can get the power of the dragon, it will be fine, whether it is a giant dragon or an ancient dragon. is acceptable.

Murphy thought to himself, until the last piece of meat was put into his mouth—uh, he burped.

All those eyes staring at him disappeared in an instant.

The singing also stopped instantly, and only the howling wind echoed in my ears.

[System prompt: You have completed the Dragon Feast Ceremony and obtained the skill - [Arandel's Pure Flame]. 】

[System prompt: For unknown reasons, your [Death Wing's God Seal] has loosened a little. 】

Ok?God's seal is loose?
Could it be the relationship between devouring the dragon's heart?

I don't know whether it is the devouring of the black dragon heart or all the dragon hearts will have an impact...

He tried to activate the unseal skill.

[System prompt: This skill of yours is currently unavailable. 】

Sure enough, he thought too much, but this gave him a glimmer of hope, he can try it every time after Long Xiang, maybe one day he will be able to unblock it.

He started to look at the newly acquired dragon food skills again.

[Arandel's Pure Flame (Dragon Feast Skill)
Use: Breathe out pure flame dragon breath, causing continuous fire damage to enemies in a straight line or cone in front.

Conditions of use: Consume 50 mana points, and consume an additional 20 mana points for every second of continuous spit.

Skill description: Arundel devours the crystal nucleus of the fire element, absorbs the essence of the flame, and integrates the elemental fire into his own dragon's breath. The mottled black dragon flame thus becomes pure. It is said that the purest flame can burn all things. Return the world to its most primitive form, but after all, it is only flesh and blood that bears the flames. Even if you master the power of pure flames, you still cannot escape the fate of death. 】

Good luck!Mo Fei was overjoyed. As expected, what he got was the dragon's breath skill. Judging from the description of the skill, it seemed very strong.

He turned to face the empty mountain.

The pure flame of Arundel!

Murphy took a deep breath, his heart was hot, the blood in his body was hot like lava in an instant, the power of the dragon soul instantly condensed, the air in front of him twisted for a while, and the phantom of Arundel's dragon head emerged out of thin air, It completely overlapped with his head, and at that moment, Murphy's perspective suddenly switched, and he directly entered the perspective of the dragon. Murphy didn't panic, he was very familiar with this perspective.

Opening its mouth, the faucet roared and spewed out a fiery golden-white flame. This pure flame did not look intense, and even had an elegant and pure color. The flame spewed out more than ten meters away. Mo Fei slowly Turning his head, Arundel's faucet also turned, and the flames swept across the ground of the ceremony hall, sweeping away the thick ice that had been frozen for hundreds of years.

Excitedly, Mo Fei kept spraying flames, adjusting the angle, spraying straight streams of flames, and conical waves of flames. In just a dozen seconds, the mana in his body was completely exhausted. up.

Arundel's dragon head disappeared immediately, and his perspective switched back to the human perspective.

Looking at the destructive effect on the ground, the power is quite astonishing. Not only did all the covered ice and snow disappear, but even the rocky ground showed a certain degree of carbonization. A fan-shaped area of ​​more than 100 square meters was completely burned. It was pitch black.

This trick is not too powerful for clearing mobs, and it should be quite effective against those agile enemies. No matter how strong your dodge ability is, I don't believe that you can escape such an attack.

And it is also very useful to deal with those super-large enemies. You must know that AOE skills such as Dragon Breath calculate the damage according to the hit area. The larger the body size means the larger the burned area and the higher the damage received.

Due to the blessing of Flor's lava blood, the power of this skill can also get an additional bonus of 10%.

The only problem is that it consumes too much mana. He has a total of 400 mana now, and basically sprays it for more than ten seconds before the mana is empty.

It seems that I will bring blue bottles more often when I go out in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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