Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 124 Memory

Chapter 124 Memory
Murphy found himself in the darkness, and a deep voice whispered in his ear.

"Run, the adventurers are coming, they brought knives and swords, magic and magic, they will peel your skin, drain your blood, and take off every scale of yours."

A subtle sense of fear made Murphy open his eyes, and in front of him was an open valley, where countless black whelps were playing and playing.

Murphy looked forward blankly. He found himself floating in the air with a pair of young wings flashing. For a few seconds, he thought he had gone back to the past, back to the time when he was just a baby dragon. But he soon discovered that was not the case.

"Run, you're an adventurer!" There was a shrill scream, followed by the sound of flapping wings.

Arundel?This is Arundel's memory, I'm—dreaming?Mo Fei came back to his senses suddenly, and as soon as he turned his head, he saw groups of black baby dragons fleeing wildly along the canyon, followed by groups of adventurers, whose appearances could not be seen clearly. The weapons of his weapon were very clear, bows and arrows and lightning were flying all over the sky, and the young dragons fell from the sky one by one.

Don't run, don't run, fight, fight them!
An anxious voice called out in my heart, it was Arandel's voice.

Arundel shot out a fireball with all his might, but the fireball shattered on the flame protection barrier, and then countless fireballs were shot over, with no exceptions.

Another rain of arrows came, and more dragonlings fell from the sky.

run! - run!Arundel gave up the fight and fled with his companions.

The slaughter continued, with fewer and fewer companions, until it rushed into a dark cave, leaving only its whelp.

The scream of the dying dragon came from outside.

Fear, despair, anger, all kinds of negative emotions intertwined in the heart. At this time, the figure of an adventurer appeared at the entrance of the cave. His figure was pitch black, and the sword in his hand looked like a black silhouette.

At that moment, there was only despair in Arundel's heart.

In the next second, dragon fire fell from the sky, drowning everything, including the adventurer who couldn't see his face clearly.

When Arundel flew out of the cave, what he saw were charred corpses burning all over the place, and—a huge figure flying across the sky.

"It's Master Neltharion!" Arandel thought excitedly.

"It's Deathwing!" Murphy suddenly thought.

The young black dragon looked at the still burning flames around him, and he had infinite yearning in his heart. I also want to have that flame, that deadly flame.

When the screen turned, Murphy found himself soaring in the air, his wings flapping powerfully, the ground was covered with flames and thick smoke, magma was flowing on the ground, and fire elemental creatures lived among them.

Arundel landed slowly, looking for the longing flame, looking at the flame spirits jumping in the lava, they played and played in the flames, emitting light and heat, just like it did with it back then. partners.

A flame spirit absorbs a large amount of flame power and begins to evolve. It gradually grows larger and becomes a fire elemental. Its body is orange-yellow, bright and warm, scorching hot and fiery.

"Can you lend me your fire?"

"Go away, black dragon, this is not the place for you."

The fire elemental spewed flames at him, scorching its skin with scorching flames.

That's right, it's this flame, this fierce flame!
It was a little happy, but also a little angry. It just wanted to borrow some flames. It tried to reason with the fire element, but it only gave him back more violent flames.

It spewed flames towards the fire element, but the fire element was unharmed. It waved its minions, but was burned by the flames.

Arundel retreated slowly, and the Fire Elemental pressed on step by step. Suddenly, a strange creature came out from the ground. It bit the Fire Elemental and sucked it into the body like smoke. The remaining half of the Fire Elemental The body struggled to escape, but it went out after a few steps, leaving only a ball of glowing red crystals.

Arundel looked at the strange creature. It was an ugly monster. Its pitch-black body was like coke, with only a faint flame burning on its chest. It had a pair of coal-like eyes, "Little black dragon, stupid Black Dragon, do you want that pure fire? Then only by plundering, they will not give you such good things, only by plundering, can they take them for their own use."

The briquette monster pointed to the red crystal on the ground, ate it, fused it into your blood, gathered it into your heart, and made your flame more pure. "

"Like you did just now?"

"Just like I did just now."

There was only joy in Murphy's heart. He felt that the fire monster in front of him was a very good person.

He swallowed the fire element in one gulp, the flame scalded his mouth and tongue, burned its throat, and burned it in excruciating pain. The young black dragon rolled all over the ground, but gradually, the flame actually turned into it A part of the body, it emits flames, and the flames are as hot and violent as the fire element.

"You're not dead? Interesting, interesting—look, look, what did I say, devour the flames, make them one."

Screen switching——

"Run, it's Arundel!"

The fire spirits are running around, they jumped into the magma, trying to escape, but Arundel is not afraid of the lava, it fishes out the fire spirits from the lava, and wipes them out one by one, just like crushing an ant, the flame The scream of the spirit was like the sound of a candle being extinguished, small and imperceptible, Adlar felt that he was playing an interesting game, swallowing the essence of the flame into his stomach.

Devouring, devouring more, Arundel spewed flames, the flames were golden yellow and looked very pure, more pure than the flames of the fire element.

Not enough, not enough, needs more.

It looked at the briquette monster, the flame on the briquette monster's chest flickered, even through the thick charred body, it still exuded attractive light and heat, there must be more flames there, waiting for it to return My God, its dragon claws have pierced the monster's body and dug out its heart. It was a ball of fire, the flame was golden yellow, with a strange blood red, beating, as if alive s life.

The briquette monster didn't curse, but just looked at him with eyes like burning coals, "Swallow it, Arundel, swallow this flame, make the flame pure, and use your pure flame to bring the world back to its most primitive state."

Arundel swallowed the flame. He watched the briquettes turn into a pile of black, burnt ashes. He felt the intense burning and pain in his heart. He let out a long roar of flames. Its color is pure and white, that is the pure flame of Arandle.

(End of this chapter)

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