Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 125

Chapter 125
The screen switches again——

A stalwart figure appeared in front of him like a mountain.

"Remember, this thing is very important. It is related to the future of my black dragon clan. You must find it, find that sword, but when you act, you must go alone. You must be secretive, understand?"

"Yes, Lord Neltharion, I understand." Arundel was extremely excited in his heart.

He can finally show his strength.

The screen switches again——

Adlar searched for the sword in the ruins, the surroundings were pitch black, and there seemed to be countless crises hidden in the shadows, but it didn't care, it just wanted to find the sword, and finally it found it, but the sword was held in the In the hands of a shadow.

It jumped on it without hesitation.

The black shadow also rushed towards him, fighting, biting, scratching, Adlar felt the pain, its body was cut by the sharp blade, it was bleeding, it felt the familiar smell of fear, that once Memories it had forgotten came back to mind again.

It was in a trance for a while, and once again recalled the fear of being dominated by the adventurer. The figure of the adventurer in the memory overlapped with the shadow in front of him. Fear and anger rose in his heart at the same time, burn it!

Its dragon heart is hot, and the flame burns in its heart, that pure flame, yes, it is my flame!
Arandall spewed out raging flames, and the pure white flames engulfed the figure in front of him.

Win, Arandel thought to himself.

Lost, Murphy thought.

The next moment, the blade pierced the flames, and the severe pain made everything freeze at that moment, and Adlar's eyes turned into darkness.

Mo Fei suddenly woke up from the nightmare. He felt sweat all over his body, and his heart was burning hot, as if he had really sprayed flames just now.

He touched his mouth, the phantom pain made him feel stuck in his throat, and it took him a while to recover.

This is—hey, he looked to the side, a woman,
It's Evie Scorching Sun, that elf woman, so she's still in the game?

I actually fell asleep in the game, and had a dream, which is interesting... Mo Fei smiled self-deprecatingly, it seems that every time he devours the heart of a dragon, he will have a dream, absorbing the soul of a dragon, could he also absorb the devoured one? Is it the memory of the dragon before he was alive?
Well, think of it as watching a cutscene.


He suddenly remembered one thing. After finishing the Dragon Feast, he originally wanted to go offline to sleep, and wanted to see if it would be affected again in reality, just like getting lava after devouring Flor's dragon heart. The ability of the blood is the same, and this time it may also have the ability to breathe flames.

But now it seems that the plan is in vain.

Mo Fei rubbed his forehead in distress. He didn't expect that he would fall asleep during the game.

His thoughts were a little erratic, and his eyes fell on the elf beside him again.

I have to say that the taste of Miss Elf is really wonderful, and the feeling of 100% fidelity is extraordinary.

It seemed that I enjoyed being with Onyxia at the beginning, but it always felt like there was a layer of separation. Tonight's experience was completely different, that kind of real and delicious feeling...

It's just that I feel a little bit guilty in my heart, and I feel like I've scummed others.

But thinking about the high probability that the female nobles of the elves are queens who have lived for hundreds of years, it doesn't seem to be a big deal, it doesn't matter who is scumbag.

He got up from the bed and walked to the window. It was pitch black in the distance, and the forest in the distance whistled in the night wind. He opened the window, and a gust of wind blew in, making his chest less hot, but he I feel thirsty more and more.

After hesitating for a while, Murphy did not log off, and the strong sense of immersion made him decide to temporarily put reality behind him.

Let's get some drinks first, and check to see if Wang Xuan is still there.

He thought, put on his clothes and walked out of the room.

The corridor was pitch black, and the sound of music could be faintly heard from the direction of the banquet hall. The party was still going on, it really was a never-ending party.

When he walked into the banquet hall, he found that everyone was staring in a daze. Those men and women were still dancing on the dance floor, but they were swaying, as if they were out of shape.

The sound of the music was intermittent, and the magic circuit on the arcane puppet flickered. Several maids dozed off on the chairs in the bar, and even most of the candles in the hall were extinguished.

The whole party was like a psychedelic ball.

Everything was in a very strange state, and he felt a little uneasy. He searched around, but couldn't find Wang Xuan. He took a bottle of Dalaran black wine from the wine cabinet, and decided to go back to his room first. Besides.

Everything in front of him made him feel a chilling feeling.

He went up the stairs, into a dark corridor, and found himself lost when he walked for a while.

The internal structure of Karazhan is very complicated, especially in this dark night, he couldn't find that room.

Murphy took a big gulp of wine, the sweetness of the wine made him feel a little more relaxed. He seemed to see a familiar door in front of him. When he opened the door, he found a strange study inside.

He was about to leave when suddenly a voice sounded from the corner of the study.

"Who is there."

He turned around abruptly, and saw a man curled up on the carpet in the study, staring blankly at the darkness in front of him.

Medivh (Guardian): Legendary Tier 95 hero, level [-].

It's Medivh!Murphy was a little surprised. He seemed to have lost all his previous vigor, hiding in a corner like a shell.

"who are you?"

"An ordinary guest, I came with Wang Xuan."

Wang Xuan?Medivh's expression was a little blank, as if he didn't know the name at all.

"I am Prince Aidan of Alterac."

"Alterac, I heard that Alterac is a kingdom of ice and snow, it must be beautiful."

"It's beautiful."

"I really want to see it, I've been in this tower for too long," Medivh muttered to himself, his eyes wandering.

Mo Feixin was right, another crazy one, the benign bugs that he said would not be affected.

He was somewhat nervous. Although he had expected to meet Medivh, he hadn't expected it to be in such a way. This guy is a big boss possessed by Sargeras. Although he was calm now, But if he starts to do it, he is afraid that he will give it in vain.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Medivh said, trying to stand up, but collapsed.

"I'm fine." He murmured, looking a little confused.

Murphy was thinking about whether to get out of the way, when Medivh suddenly spoke.

Medivh (Guardian): "Have you ever had the feeling that you don't know if you're awake or in a dream, awake but dreaming, dreaming but awake." He looked at himself Pale hands, "Who am I? Where am I? What am I doing? Have you ever thought about these questions? Haven't you ever had such doubts? Or is it just me."

Murphy couldn't help but sympathize with Medivh. This guy is really miserable. Although he is a guardian, he is controlled by Sargeras and is doomed to death. That's fine, but he even encountered a game bug and got stuck in this tower. For six months, there are parties and carnivals every day. It seems that things like carnivals can't be done too much.

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "If you can think of this question, it means you must be awake, so don't think too much about work.

There are no really standard answers to the questions you just asked.

The reason why you ask this question is that you have encountered a so-called existential crisis.

An existential crisis is usually triggered by a major event in life, which can easily lead to conflicts in people's thinking.

Such things as being chronically surrounded by feelings of loneliness and alienation, fear of death, and discovering that life has no meaning or purpose.

I guess you must have experienced something recently, and you don't have any friends and family to accompany you, so your thinking is limited.

At this time, it is best not to think too much, the more you think about it, the better it will be. The best solution is to drink a big glass, and then have a good sleep. When you wake up tomorrow morning, you will find that everything is fine. "He corked the wine bottle in his hand to the other party.

Medivon drank the wine in the bottle in one breath, and a tinge of blood appeared on his pale face.

I don't know if it was the drink that played a role, or the comfort, but Medivh really calmed down.

"Thank you friend, thank you for everything you have done for me, I think you may be right, I should have a good sleep." He said, actually yawned.

Dang-dang-dang, the midnight bell rang melodiously.

Medivh's expression suddenly changed.

"No, it's midnight, you have to get out of here, he's coming!"

he?Murphy was stunned for a moment, and immediately came back to his senses. Could it be Sargeras he was referring to?

He thought to himself, let's go. Just as he was about to get up, he felt a chill on his back. A strong sense of crisis made him turn his head away. A green light of evil energy appeared in Medivh's eyes behind him. His pale face instantly became gloomy. He looked at Murphy with a smile on his lips, green evil energy lingering in his hands.

Medivh (incarnation of Sargeras): "Where are you going, Prince Aidan."

The name on the head suddenly changed, turning into a bright red color.

Medivh (incarnation of Sargeras): World Destroyer first-order boss, level 95.

[System prompt: You have triggered the plot event [Conspiracy of the Devil King], please be prepared. 】

Mo Fei's heart suddenly turned cold, prepare for your sister.

(End of this chapter)

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