Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 126 Two Great Injustices

Chapter 126

Seeing Medivh with green fire in his eyes and a sinister aura all over his body, Murphy was like a shit in his heart, bastard Emperor Xuan, damn you are going to kill me, why did you come across such a crap?
Mo Fei was very skeptical that this was planned by Emperor Xuan?

But after thinking about it, it doesn't seem to be good for him to do so. Could it be just that his luck is too bad?
He was speechless, but Medivh in front of him didn't give him time to react.

Medivh (incarnation of Sargeras): "Prince Aidan, why don't you speak, or do you feel something? Well, it must be like this. I can see the fear in your heart. Why do you feel fear? Ai Prince Dan? Aren't we friends? We were drinking together just now, come on, let my friend talk to you."

He waved towards Murphy, with a trace of cruel killing intent in his eyes. Murphy had no doubt that with Sargeras' character, he would definitely kill a suspicious person like him first.

Don't panic, what are you afraid of, you Medivh is awesome, did you just give me Aidan for nothing?Everyone is a big wronged species possessed by an evil villain, who is worse than who.

He lowered his head, took a deep breath, and instantly entered the blackening mode.

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "Hey, hey, hey, ahahahaha!" He let out a sinister laugh, which soon turned into a maniacal laugh, echoing unscrupulously in the room .

"What are you laughing at?" Blackened Medivh asked in confusion.

"Sargeras, Sargeras, I haven't seen you in 1 years. Have you fallen to such a point? Possessed in the body of a mortal, trying to use conspiracy to win victory. Back then, you wanted to sweep Azeroth and destroy the sky world Where did all the domineering go? Could it be that you were scared of being beaten by me? You didn’t even dare to show your true colors.”

Sargeras, whose true identity was revealed, looked at the young prince in amazement. He could feel an invisible aura emanating from him, an aura that only a truly strong man possessed. It shouldn't be what the young man in front of him should have.

When the young prince raised his head, there was a hint of familiar evil in the dark golden pupils.

Medivh (incarnation of Sargeras): "Who the hell are you?"

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "It hurts me to be so forgetful." Murphy said, walking directly towards Medivh, the moonlight shone on him, and the wall behind him Great shadows with dark wings cast down.

Murphy walked up to Medivh and looked at him without fear. His dark golden eyes revealed a terrifying look and the shadow of a black dragon, "Do you remember now?"


Medivh—or rather, Sargeras recognized it instantly.

In the War of the Ancients 1 years ago, two evil great demon kings had a brief encounter. At that time, Sargeras was leading the demon army of the Burning Legion to attack the capital of the night elf empire. Righteousness and evil were in a battle near the Well of Eternity. The final decisive battle broke out between the two camps.

At that time, Neltharion was the leader of the five-color dragon army. The dragon army he led fought fiercely with the demons above the Well of Eternity. , did not really play against each other.

But in that battle, both sides undoubtedly made a big impression on the other.

Medivh (the incarnation of Sargeras): "It turned out to be you! But how... so you are possessed by this human being in front of you?"

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "Hehehe, yes, it seems that we all want to go together."

Medivh (incarnation of Sargeras): "Hmph, you actually told the truth, aren't you afraid that I'll kill you?"

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "Kill me? Then you need you to have this ability. Don't think that I can't see it. What is attached to this human is just a trace of your remnant soul. A mere human mage, I don't take it seriously, I just don't want to reveal my identity too early, otherwise once I release my true power, believe me, the one who dies will definitely be you."

Medivh (incarnation of Sargeras): "Do you think so? Hehe, you don't know anything about the mysteries of magic. The human being in front of you is not an ordinary mage. He is a guardian. The powerful energy gathered by the many mages of the Tirisfal Council, not to mention the blessing of my soul power and wisdom, is definitely not something you can resist."

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "Hahahaha, do you think I don't know, what kind of guardian, what kind of powerful power gathered together, these are all leftovers from my play, remember when I was in the sky above the Well of Eternity , The power I displayed when I swept your demon army with the soul of the dragon, that is the powerful artifact formed by the power of the five guardian dragons, this artifact has been in my hands for 1 years, If it was your body that came, I might even pay you three points.

No matter how powerful the human puppet you are controlling is, it is meaningless in the face of the power of the dragon soul. I will kill you and this puppet you are controlling, and together with this decayed castle, it will be crushed into dust .

You should be thankful, Sargeras, glad that you are not my enemy now, otherwise, you would have died just now. "

Sargeras was furious, with evil flames all over his body, and the green flames lit up the entire study room, but Murphy was not afraid, and confronted him with his arms around his shoulders, and even yawned boredly.

This move angered Sargeras even more, but he was not a violent and reckless person. On the contrary, he was extremely scheming. In order to complete his plan, he had been lurking in Medivh's body for decades. This bit of anger It doesn't affect his judgment at all.

On the contrary, he realized an opportunity, and his expression suddenly became calm.

Medivh (incarnation of Sargeras): "So the rumor is true, that the Guardian of the Earth betrayed his brothers and sisters?"

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "Huh, betrayal? I didn't betray anyone. Those idiots couldn't see the world from a higher perspective, but I saw things they had never seen before. See Arriving at the terrifying corrupting power that is already irreparable, hearing the terrifying whispers in the darkness, the ancient evil has awakened, and this world is already hopeless.,

You know what I'm talking about, Sargeras, that is the ancient evil god who came to this world when this world was born, the terror pure presence from the void, that is also your purpose of reaching this world, isn't it?

If you want to save this world, you have to destroy this world, if you want to save this universe, you have to destroy this universe! "

Sargeras was stunned for a moment. Yes, what Murphy said was exactly his plan. The planet Azeroth had already been corrupted by the Old Gods, and the evil tentacles had already taken root in this planet. , he once witnessed the evil existence born from the corrupted planet, which was a monster that even the titans and gods could not fight against.

Just born, they have incomparably terrifying power. Once they grow up, this universe will fall into endless despair.

Because of this, Sargeras decided from that moment that all corrupted planets must be destroyed, all worlds destroyed, so that the Old Gods could not corrupt this universe.

His purpose of creating the Burning Legion is to achieve this goal and destroy all worlds... As long as I destroy the universe first, the universe will naturally not be destroyed by others.

It can only be said that the logic ability of the villain is full marks.

Sargeras snorted coldly, "It's really surprising. My biggest enemy has become the one who knows my heart best. What made you change Neltharion?"

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "Because I saw the end of time, I saw the end of the universe, in that timeline where we did not succeed, everything will eventually be swallowed by nothingness and corrupted by shadows, That's why I came to you, let's destroy this world together!"

As he spoke, Murphy stretched out a hand towards the other party.

Sargeras hesitated for a moment, and held him together.

The evil energy flame and the black dragon flame formed an alliance at this moment, and the two great demon kings reached an agreement to destroy the world together. For the first time, they felt that they were not fighting alone. It turns out that there are so many comrades in order to save the world. (Destroy the world) is struggling unremittingly.

(End of this chapter)

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