Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 127 No one knows how to destroy the world better than me

Chapter 127 No one knows how to destroy the world better than me

After a brief tacit understanding, Sargeras asked the key core question.

Medivh (incarnation of Sargeras): "So Neltharion, how do you plan to destroy this world?"

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "I have comprehended the true meaning of power, the mysteries of the gods, and I have mastered the laws of the earth. I only need to gather the power of the other four guardian dragons, and I can Summon the power of the ancient dragon god. With this power, I will become the World Destroyer and set off a real catastrophe.

When that moment comes, the sky will burn, the earth will be torn apart, the world will tremble at my power, and the wretched kingdom will collapse in my wrath! In the end, all of Azeroth will be destroyed. In my shadow everything is reduced to ashes!"

Listening to Murphy's description, Sargeras was silent for a while. If things really turned out like this, then the world would indeed be destroyed, but then what is he?
My demon lord, the Dark Titan, also needs face.

Medivh (incarnation of Sargeras): "Can you really do this?"

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "It just takes a little time, as long as you can help me capture the power of the four guardian dragons, everything will be under control."

Sargeras sneered in his heart, what should he do if he repents at that time, he will not pin his hopes on anyone in the matter of destroying the world (saving the world).

Medivh (incarnation of Sargeras): "Hmph, your plan sounds too far away, why not talk about my plan to destroy the world first, I have controlled the orcs on the planet Draenor, and they have formed A terrifying army is about to wipe out this decadent planet. At that time, they will build an incomparably grand portal for me and summon my body to this world. At that time, I will easily destroy this world. "

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "Hehehe, are you talking about the group of orcs who were beaten by a group of adventurers half a year ago? I heard that they fled back to their own world in embarrassment. If you dare to show your face, do you expect such a group of trash to destroy the world?

Brother Sargeras, your plan is a bit unreliable. After 1 years, why do you feel that you are living more and more? You are either bewitching elves or bewitching orcs. What about your Burning Legion and your army of demons? ?
Let me say give up your useless garbage minions, only real power can destroy this world, do you know power - Pava, Pava. "

Medivh (incarnation of Sargeras): "That's enough, stop your boring taunting, my plan is completely fine, I just encountered a small obstacle, but it doesn't matter, the orc army has assembled again, Gathering more powerful forces, I have dispatched my demons to give them more demonic blood and to teach them the fel technology of the Burning Legion.

The orc who drank the blood of the devil twice will turn into an unstoppable war machine. Just wait and see, the portal of darkness will open again in a week, and by that time, the entire alliance will be wiped out. "

As Medivh said, the fel flames all over his body surged, and Murphy took a step back calmly.

He spread his hands and curled his mouth, with an expression that deserved a beating as much as he wanted, and it was clear that he was going to say-blow, you keep blowing.

Now Sargeras can't stand it anymore.
Medivh (incarnation of Sargeras): "You don't believe it? Then let you witness all this with your own eyes, come with me!"

As the blackened Medivh raised his hand, the space was forcibly torn open a gap, opening a portal to the unknown world.

He stepped in, and Murphy hesitated for a moment and followed.

The two of them appeared at the top of a mountain, looking down the mountain, they could see a huge canyon, a huge stone gate hundreds of meters high stood at the end of the canyon, countless orc laborers were desperately building it, and in the dark In front of the gate, densely packed tents stretched for tens of miles, all the way to the Hellfire Citadel in the distance. Countless orcs were roaring and making terrifying shouts, practicing the military formation.

All kinds of terrifying war machines are displayed in the open space near the portal of darkness, mobile fortresses, thorn chariots, hellfire catapults...

In the distance, more orcs can be seen coming from more distant places like a trickle.

It's so spectacular, Mo Fei couldn't help being amazed, the so-called hundreds of thousands of troops are so amazing.

Sargeras was elated.

Medivh (incarnation of Sargeras): "See Neltharion, such a powerful army, such a majestic legion, although these orcs are ignorant and stupid, lack discipline and tactics, but their crazy power will Remove all obstacles for me.

Come on Neltharion, join my plan, let us destroy this world together! "

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "Okay, let's start with your plan, if it can be successful-I will meet your orc army and prepare for their conquest of the world." Prepare, my black dragon army will also join the battle, but if your plan fails and those orcs do not defeat the alliance as you expected, then you must help me realize my plan."

Medivh (incarnation of Sargeras): "No problem, but my plan will never fail. With your black dragon army joining, this army will be unstoppable."

(Hehehe, then you are too naive, the script is not written like this at all, and there are millions of adventurers participating in the battle, how many people come here is not a delivery, but it’s okay, when your plan fails Well, it’s just right for your demons to help me beat up those giant guardian dragons, maybe I can really gather the power of the five guardian gods.)
Medivh (incarnation of Sargeras): "Uh ha ha ha ha ha!"

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "Uh ha ha ha ha ha!"

The two great demon kings laughed together, and the laughter spread far away. An orc laborer raised his head and looked at the sky suspiciously. As soon as he raised his head, he was thrown on the back by a whip.

Even if it was only 30% of the pain, it still made him twitch in pain.

Orc Overseer: "Hurry up, you lazy bastards. The Dark Portal will not be built by itself. If Lord Gul'dan's plan is delayed, you will all be sacrificed."

(Damn, is there any mistake? I am a warrior of the tribe, so I was asked to do the hard work. Does free player have no human rights?) The orc's hard work lifted the stone depressed.

at the same time--

Murphy and Medivh returned to the original world. As soon as they passed through the portal, the fel flames on Medivh's body suddenly went out.

Medivh staggered, and Murphy hurriedly helped him up, watching his name turn into friendly green again.

Medivh (Guardian): "Ahem, what happened just now? Why did I..."

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "You just drank too much, went crazy, and wanted to jump off the balcony. Fortunately, I gave you a hand, or you would be belching, tsk tsk, old Mai , your wine taste is not very good, you should drink less in the future."

Medivh (Guardian): "Didn't you say let me have some wine?"

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "Then I told you to take a nap after drinking, didn't you listen, and you went crazy with alcohol, tsk tsk tsk, don't drink after your drinking capacity Hurry up and go to sleep, everything will be fine once you sleep."

Murphy was in charge of Medivh and went to the sofa beside him, Medivh lay weakly on the sofa, "Thank you my friend, although we met for the first time, you made me feel the kindness in my heart, I think we will became very good friends."

(That's not right, the two of us still have to work together to destroy the world. Can ordinary wine and meat friends support each other like this.)
Murphy thought to himself, seeing Medivh took out a badge from his pocket and handed it to him.

Medivh (Guardian): "This badge is for you. With it, you can often come to Karazhan to find me. We can chat together. If you need anything, just use the magic on the badge."

Murphy took the badge and watched Medivh fall asleep on the sofa, he also heaved a sigh of relief.

Oh my god, it's a good thing my acting skills are online, I was almost silenced just now.

No, I can't stay in this damn place anymore, go back quickly.

He walked out of the study, picked up the badge and looked at it

[Karazan Magic Emblem (Accessory/Magic)

Effect 1: Summons arcane servants.Summons an arcane servant to serve you.

Special Effect 2: Karazhan Teleportation.Teleports you to the tower's teleportation room in Karazhan.

Item introduction: A magic item created by Medivh himself. The teleportation magic attached to it can open the portal to Karazhan, and it is usually only given to the closest friends. 】

Good thing, this is just the right time for me.

Murphy's heart-summons arcane servants.

A fat man made of purple arcane energy was summoned. Its lower body was made of purple smoke, and its upper body was relatively solid. It had arms like human muscles, but if you looked closely, you could still see the strange translucent texture.

Arcane Servant (Aidan's follower): Level 10.

This thing has no combat power, its only function is to serve as a guide, serving tea and water.

The arcane servant looked at Murphy silently, waiting for his order.

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "Take me to find Emperor Xuan." He said, not sure if he could understand it.

The arcane servant obviously understood, turned around and walked downstairs.

Murphy hurried to follow.

As soon as he walked out of the range near the study, the sound of the system rang in his ears.

[System prompt: You have successfully gained the trust of the demon king and joined the glorious and great mission of destroying the world. You have learned that the orc army is about to invade the sky world again, but the darkness in your heart has gradually eroded you will, your heart is consumed by the urge to destroy the world.

Not only did he not stop it, but Prince Aidan chose to join this plan to destroy the world...

According to your performance in the [Devil King's Conspiracy] event, you have obtained 666 plot points, and your hero rank has been raised, and now it is Bronze Tier [-].

Your faction tendency has changed, and you have gained 10% blackening progress.

Warning: Once the blackening progress exceeds 30%, you will become a neutral unit in the eyes of adventurers. Once the blackening progress exceeds 70%, you will become a hostile unit in the eyes of adventurers. 】

(End of this chapter)

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