Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 129 Eternal Dark Moon

Chapter 129 Eternal Dark Moon
Murphy took stock of his four hero specialties.

Guardian, Bluff Master, Dragon Slayer, Black Prince.

Only the first guardian directly increases the combat power, the other three are special specialties, especially the Master of Bluff and the Black Prince, it feels like they are specially designed for fooling people, and I am obviously such an honest and upright person , Why does it feel like it's developing in the direction of talking about it, no, the next specialty must be a combat specialty.

As for how to master specialties, Mo Fei has figured out some rules. As long as he concentrates on doing something for a period of time, or if he is particularly good at something, it is easy to generate specialties. As long as he wants to It is best to brush the specialties, and then operate on them.

Thinking in his heart, he returned along the way he came, passed through the portal, passed through the tunnel of the lava cave, and finally returned to his camp, choosing to quit the game.

Opening his eyes, he looked at the ceiling of the bedroom. This time he truly 'woke up'. Murphy regained his body perception, and immediately felt a burst of heat in his heart.

He hurriedly crawled out of the game cabin, went to the mirror and pulled off his pajamas to look at it. His heart was slightly red. He touched it with his hand, and his heart was beating extremely powerfully, and he also felt a slight fever.

Is this some kind of enlistment?

He took a deep breath.

Arandel's pure flame—huh
However, no faucet phantom appeared, and what came out of his mouth was not flames, just breath.

Mo Fei covered the spray with his hand and sprayed it twice, as if it felt a little hot.

But it could also be just psychological.

Is it hallucination?No, although the various sensations on the body are not obvious, eating the dragon heart obviously has some impact on the body. It must be because I fell asleep in the game, which led to the dragon dream in the game, and Its power can only be presented in the game... not in reality...

Mo Fei felt a little absurd for a while, but felt that this should be the case, and felt depressed.

The point is that he is really yearning for things like superpowers. If there is no such thing at all, it will be fine. Now this kind of invisible feeling, grasping a faint feeling but not being able to confirm his guess, really makes me feel uncomfortable. He had the tickle of a cat scratching him.

Oh, it's really terrible, next time you finish eating the dragon heart, you must go offline immediately and sleep in reality!See if you can continue to dream, and then you should be able to comprehend the ability.

Do you want to take a nap and see?Maybe I can dream again.

Murphy thought to himself, and fell asleep while lying on the bed.

It's a pity that this time he slept very soundly, and didn't have any dreams until dawn.

After waking up the next morning, Murphy ate breakfast helplessly, and immediately bid farewell to Scholar Okard after he went online in the camp.

Hearing that he was going to leave, the Ogad scholar was quite puzzled.

Okard (polymath): "Isn't His Royal Highness planning to wait until we finish our investigation?"

Aidan (Prince Mark of Alteran): "I originally had this idea, but after yesterday's observation, I found that you have very good soldiers, especially Your Excellency Tianxiu, who is a powerful fighter, enough to protect the archaeological team. It's safe, and today is the day when the kingdom's affairs are announced, I have to go back to attend the royal meeting to learn about the kingdom's affairs that will be carried out next week, so——I wish you all the best in archaeology."

Ogad (polymath): "I also wish Your Royal Highness the best of luck."

On the way back, Razidanan suddenly said, "Your Highness, I have upgraded again."

Mo Fei was slightly pleasantly surprised, and thought that it was time to upgrade.

In fact, Razidanan is not the only one who has been upgraded, and there are several soldiers in the Kingdom Crossbow who can advance to the third level. However, it is naturally impossible for Mo Fei to spend money to upgrade these free soldiers, and it is not his own private soldiers. .

He clicked on the troop list, and the upgrade option appeared on Razidanan's head.

[System prompt: There is a soldier in your army who has accumulated enough military exploits and can be promoted to a higher rank. 】

Click to upgrade the arms, there are two arms that the Kingdom Guard can upgrade.

[Alterac Fortress Guard (Level 44)
Upgrade cost: 240 gold coins.

Unit characteristics: immovable as a mountain, anti-charge, heavy armor, anti-cavalry.

Unit equipment: full body plate armor, heavy tower shield, sharp-edged spear.

Troop introduction: Wearing heavy armor and holding a large shield, heavy warriors are as solid and reliable as a fortress. No matter what kind of enemy they face, they can stand still like a mountain. They are the most powerful line infantry in the Kingdom of Alterac. 】

[Northern Wind Knight (Level 46)——(Knight Corps Arms)
Upgrade cost: 300 gold coins.

Features of arms: riding on horseback, strengthening impact, basic combat skills.

Arms and equipment: North Wind Knight Armor, Knight Spear, Cavalry Saber, Guard Buckle, Snow Mountain Horse.

Introduction to arms: Alterac’s national knights——Knights of the North Wind Knights, the North Wind Knights fought in the snow and snow, and once made great martial arts for the Alterac Kingdom. Every member of the Knights After rigorous training, he has mastered basic combat skills, and can charge with horses and tear apart the enemy's lines. 】

"Which one do you want to be promoted?" Mo Fei asked tentatively.

Razidanan was very casual about this: "Your Highness, you don't have to ask me. As a soldier of His Highness, naturally, His Royal Highness' needs are the most important."

Mo Feixin said that you boy is still very good, and you know how to hug the thigh of the patron.

"Then let's promote the North Wind Knight. The infantry's mobility is still too bad. I plan to train a pure cavalry unit in the future, and it will be convenient to go out."

After speaking, directly consume 300 gold coins, and choose a unit to upgrade.

These three hundred gold coins can not only directly upgrade Razidanan from level 39 to level 46, but even the equipment can be replaced in one step, so overall it is still a good deal.

With the flash of the white light, Razidanan instantly changed into a set of equipment. He was dressed in a North Wind knight suit, holding a spear in one hand, a shield in the other, and a sword on his waist. A snow-white snow-capped horse appeared behind him. mighty.

Tsk tsk tsk, it looks good.

The Northern Wind Knight is already at the peak of the soldier template, and if he upgrades again, he will either be promoted to an extraordinary unit, or he can be directly promoted to an elite template.

Relatively speaking, Murphy is more inclined to upgrade him to the elite template. After all, the elite template is considered to be half a plot character, and the upgrade potential is relatively high.

Razidanan was also very excited.

The group continued on their way.

Hurry up, and finally returned to Alterac City at noon, catching up with the royal meeting.

Let Roland and Razidanan rest outside first, and he walked directly into the castle of the palace.

I met Sigret on the road. Seeing his happy appearance, it seems that this week has gained a lot.

Sigret (Prince of Alterac): "Hey, brother 36, your level has risen very fast, and you are already twenty."

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "It's okay. After all, the early upgrade is fast, and it will not be so easy in the future. By the way, have you completed your mission?"

Sigret (Prince of Alterac) "Haha, I am ashamed to say that the mission failed."

Mo Fei thought that there was something wrong with this person, he was so happy that the mission failed.

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "Well, you look happy."

Sigret (Prince of Alterac): "You will be happy if you change it, you know, I finally found a deity worthy of entrusting my faith." He said and lit up a black moon on his chest Badge, "I have joined the Church of the Dark Moon, and now I am a follower of Eternal Dark Moon Knox."

Eternal dark moon?There is no such guy among the twelve main gods, shouldn't the god of the moon be Elune?
Wocao, this guy probably believed in the evil gods.

There are various gods in the firmament world, among which the most powerful and famous are the so-called twelve main gods. These twelve main gods belong to the official beliefs of various countries and have their own temples and churches all over the mainland.

But there are also some evil gods who act secretly, with evil and cruel methods, and with terrifying styles. At present, seven or eight of them have been discovered by players and posted on the Internet, and the real number will only be more.

Some of these evil gods are very powerful, even no worse than those main gods. Each of them has their own believers and secret churches. In the kingdom missions of various kingdoms, there are often tasks to arrest cultists. The so-called cultists in them are just Most of them come from believers of these evil gods.The believers of these evil gods are often lurking very deep, spreading their beliefs secretly, and if they have nothing to do, they will enliven people to sacrifice, hold terrifying séance ceremonies, and even summon the relatives of the evil gods to descend directly into this world.

Most of these evil gods' followers are boss-level. Once they are successfully summoned, they will often cause disasters. Many dungeons are produced in this way.

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "Brother Nineteen, don't you believe in evil gods?"

Sigret (Prince of Alterac): "Haha, the evil gods are just narrow views of ignorant mortals. There is no justice or evil for the gods. The only thing that needs to be cared about is power. Do you understand power—— Pava! With Pava, everything is possible, without Pava, I don’t care what kind of god it is, it’s none of my business." Sigret said triumphantly, obviously this Eternal Dark Moon has given him a lot of benefits.

Mo Feixin said, Pava, your sister, dare to steal Lao Tzu's lines.

Sigret (Prince of Alterac): "Why don't you trust Knox with me too, what's the benefit of knowing the evil gods? That is, they are very generous to believers, unlike those main gods who drag you down with [-] It's like, praying for a long time without a fart, it's worth the effort to learn some beliefs, and you have to do tasks to learn a magic spell.

The Eternal Dark Moon, which I believe in, gave me the status of an intermediate priest as soon as it came up, and also gave me five elementary magic spells and three intermediate magic spells for free, and the belief value is also very easy to collect. As long as you recruit people to join the club, you will be given a belief value , As long as you sacrifice your soul, you can increase your faith level.

I sacrificed dozens of commoner NPCs in my fief, and they were directly promoted to high-level priests. It's not bad, you should have a fief now, and you can hang out with me.

Mo Feixin said that he never thought that you, Siegret, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, would turn to the evil god and sacrifice dozens of people in the fief. It seems that this guy must have started the progress of blackening, maybe black It melts faster than me.

"Forget it, I am a direct bloodline of the God of Storms, so if you want to worship God, you must also worship the Church of God of Storms."

"Then do whatever you want." Sigritte said, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he looked at a prince who stopped in front of him, "Oh, Brother Thirteen, wait a minute, I want to tell you about our savior, the great Eternal Darkness." Miss Moon Knox."

(End of this chapter)

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