Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 130 Stormwind City's Request for Help

Chapter 130 Stormwind City's Request for Help
When Murphy walked into the meeting room, there were already many people in the room, and there was no place to grab. Murphy skillfully took out a chair from his bag and found a seat to sit in.

One after another, the remaining princes also arrived, and everyone whispered to each other, discussing what happened in the last week and the kingdom affairs to be done next week.

Sigrete is still promoting his belief in the eternal dark moon. Don't tell me, a few princes seem to have become interested in this evil god after his eloquent meal.

In the end, it doesn't matter what kind of evil god is the main god to the players, not to mention believing in the evil god, as long as the benefits are in place, even if they are allowed to lead the way for the Burning Legion or serve as pawns for the Scourge.

Dalabun is inviting everyone to form a team to attack the storm giant.

Darkseid discussed the ice elemental lord of the Hoarfrost Mountains. According to him, he went to the Hoarfrost Mountains for a special inspection a few days ago, but was driven back by several players from the Adventurer's Guild.

The reason is also very realistic. Ice elemental lords will constantly summon ice elemental creatures to expand their power, and most of these ice elemental creatures will drop frost essence and ice elemental crystal nuclei, which are very valuable materials. They will completely regard the Hoarfrost Mountains as a treasure land for brushing materials, and the ice elemental lord is their cash cow, so no hero is allowed to kill or expel the ice elemental lord at all.

Zhuo Genbao mentioned a white dragon that flew over from Northrend recently.

Murphy couldn't help but be concerned about this. There are many kinds of dragons in the firmament world, and the white dragon is a relatively unique one. It has pure white scales and skin, and can breathe frost. It mainly lives in the glaciers of Northrend. However, because Alterac has a relatively high latitude and a cold climate, white dragons occasionally visit it.

I don't know how the white dragon's heart tastes like. Mo Fei was thinking about what abilities he could get from eating the white dragon's heart. Aiden Kingdom walked in with a minister.

Different from the leisurely and carefree appearance he showed in the past, today's King Aiden looked a little dignified. As soon as he sat down, he immediately looked at the princes with melancholy eyes.

"Father!" The princes all stood up and saluted, and Aiden waved his hand, motioning for everyone to sit down.

Aiden Perenolde (King of Alterac): "Before assigning this week's kingdom affairs, I need to discuss with you an important matter. Just yesterday, a message came from the Kingdom of Stormwind in the south A disturbing news, it is said that the race called orcs who once invaded the Eastern Continent once again appeared in the dark swamp in the south.

Those savage orcs established a large number of outposts in the swamp, and clashed with the garrison of the nearby Stormwind Kingdom. King Lane believed that these conflicts were likely to be the prelude to the next large-scale invasion, and this time the orc army was very powerful. It may come out in full force, and an unprecedentedly powerful offensive will be launched.

In order to deal with it, the Alliance had to form a coalition to fight against it. Therefore, King Ryan appealed to the countries of the Alliance for help, inviting them to send envoys to discuss the formation of a coalition.

My dear children, what do you think about this?Do you think those orcs will really invade our world on a large scale? "

After King Aiden finished speaking, he looked at everyone with scrutiny.

The princes were all excited when they heard this.

Victor (Prince of Alterac): "My mother, these orcs are finally coming. Great, now I have a chance to make a difference."

William (Prince of Alterac): "Hahaha, that's right, I can finally feel better now, I don't have to fight robbers and fight snowmen all day long, I finally saved up this equipment, and finally some decent enemies can There's a war."

Demacia (Prince of Alterac): "Brothers, let those stupid orcs know how powerful we are, for Demacia!"

Zhuo Genbao (Prince of Alterac): "Yes, yes, the Horde pigs will die."

Seeing these cheap sons screaming to go to the battlefield, King Aiden couldn't help frowning.

Are all our Perenold pups so belligerent?

William (Prince of Alterac): "Father, I think this matter is very likely to be true. Those orcs are savage and warlike, bloodthirsty, and like to conquer and invade, and I heard that their planet has been destroyed. Unfortunately, there is no way to live in people, so these orcs will definitely invade our world, I am willing to accept this task and go to the Kingdom of Stormwind to discuss the formation of a coalition army, I promise that I will not lose the prestige of our highland warriors."

King Aiden was noncommittal, and looked at the others.

Demacia (Prince of Alterac): "Father, let me go. My level is the highest, and I can't take the turn of others."

"Do you think those orcs will launch a large-scale invasion?" King Aiden asked suddenly.

Demacia was stunned for a moment, "Of course, it's necessary, the official website... Ahem, I mean, isn't everything written in King Ryan's letter?"

Teacher Ma (Prince of Alterac): "Father, let me go. This time the meeting to form the coalition must discuss the ranking relationship within the coalition. This kind of thing cannot be won by force. The brothers I have the highest intelligence attribute, and I have the expertise of a master of diplomacy, so I am definitely the best candidate for this mission, send me there, and I will definitely get us a good place in Alterac."

King Aiden frowned the more he listened, as if he was not satisfied with the challenge of these sons.

Murphy looked at King Aiden's expression but secretly hehe, it seems that his previous guess was correct, his idiot brothers, their understanding of politics is still too superficial.

He has studied the plot of World of Warcraft very carefully, and has a deep understanding of the various events that happened before and after the first orc war.

In the original history it was written like this——

After the Kingdom of Stormwind was invaded by the orcs, it asked all countries for help, but no country was willing to send troops to support it, not even the nearest Ironforge.

Everyone thinks that the so-called orc army is just an exaggeration of the Stormwind Kingdom. The orcs are just a group of barbaric natives similar to trolls. There is no real threat at all, and there is no need to send troops to support them. The kingdom was destroyed, and the leaders of the countries realized that the orc invasion was real, so they hurriedly formed a coalition...

But is the truth of history really like this?Of course it is impossible. The Kingdom of Stormwind is not a remote and closed place. All countries have envoys, businessmen and even spies in the Kingdom of Stormwind. All kinds of news can be transmitted at any time. How can it be possible for various countries to be kept in the dark about such a big thing as the orc army invasion? In the dark, this actually hides a deeper reason, and this kind of thing will not even appear in official materials.

The truth of the matter can only be found through bold speculation and conjecture through the clues in the plot and some fragmented information.

At this time, King Aiden's reaction just proved his conjecture.

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "Father, my brothers and I have different opinions. I think that this time the orcs will definitely not invade on a large scale. There is no need to form a coalition army."

What?These princes were all dumbfounded, and they thought you must be stupid, how could the attack of the orc army be false? The official game has announced that the Dark Gate will be opened for the second time in the near future.

King Aiden's eyes lit up, "Oh, keep talking."

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "I think this is simply a drama that the Kingdom of Stormwind wrote and directed in order to compete for the dominance of the alliance. Those so-called orc armies are probably just barbarians in a remote area. It's no different than a troll.

Besides, even if the number of orcs' army is larger than expected, with the strong national power of the Stormwind Kingdom, it must be enough to deal with it. The Stormwind Kingdom's request for help is just to take the opportunity to consume the national strength of our countries, and at the same time gain fame for themselves That's all.

Please also ask my father to send me to investigate this matter. After I go, I will definitely investigate carefully to ensure that I will not be deceived by King Ryan's lies. At the same time, I will also contact the special envoys of other kingdoms to find out the truth of the matter together. Our people sacrificed in vain for the benefit of other countries. "

King Aiden nodded slightly, seeming very satisfied with his remarks.

Sigret, who was on the side, saw it and immediately reacted.

"Father, I also think that the orc army is fake at all."

Dalabang also said: "Yes, yes, yes, fake, fake, all fake."

The two of them didn't understand what was said in it, but it was right to act with a wink.

King Aiden nodded in satisfaction: "Very well, then I will leave this matter to the three of you. Aidan will be the special envoy of Alterac and will be fully responsible for this matter. You two will be the deputy envoys. Investigate the matter clearly, and don't be fooled by that old Ryan."

The other princes were all anxious when they heard this. This kind of mission must be a plot mission, and the plot points are absolutely indispensable, and they can also participate in such a big event as the opening of the Dark Portal, and can directly participate in the formation of the coalition army. The beauty who left her name, was cut off just like that?
Victor (Prince of Alterac): "Father, the orc invasion cannot be fake."

Teacher Ma (Prince of Alterac): "That's right, father, how can such a thing be asserted? What if the orcs really invaded on a large scale?"

enough!King Aiden shouted angrily, "Don't I know as much as you do? I am really disappointed that a group of big and small people are not as sensible as your 36th brother. Go to my three good sons, and you immediately go to mobilize the guards. Go to Stormwind City, and I will leave this matter to you."

[System prompt: Trigger the plot task [Storm City's Rescue], this plot task is related to the large-scale plot event [Dark Tides], your identity in this plot event is 'Alterac Envoy', please do well Prepare. 】

Mo Fei was overjoyed, he looked so handsome, he couldn't help saying, Mo Fei bowed his head, turned around and walked outside.

(End of this chapter)

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