Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 131 The Truth of History

Chapter 131 The Truth of History

Sigret and Dalabun followed closely behind.

A large group of princes left sighed and complained.

Teacher Ma: "Foolish Lord, stupid Lord!"

Ye Suifeng: "Father, is it the way of a king if you do this?"

Victor: "Father, if you don't listen to my harsh words, the day of the country's ruin will not be far away."

God of War Lu Bu: "Damn, brothers, let's stop talking nonsense with this old guy, let's clean up the king's side together."

Aiden (King of Alterac): "How dare a rebel - Praetorians!"

Hulala A group of imperial guards rushed into the meeting room, and the princes immediately sat back on their chairs after seeing each other.

Murphy didn't know that a tragedy almost happened in the conference room after he left.

He is currently studying the plot mission he received this time.

[Storm City's Rescue (Story Mission)

Task content: Go to the Stormwind Kingdom to investigate the truth about the orc invasion and attend the alliance meeting.

Mission reward: 1000 plot points.Unlock the next mission. 】

This task is good, as long as you go to the place and participate in the meeting, you will be able to get the 1000 plot points.

And it can also trigger the next task. It is estimated that there will be some room for development in the following tasks. What kind of follow-up tasks can be received depends on one's own behavior.

On his side, Sigret and Dalabon followed closely. The two of them also received the mission. The plot identity is 'Alterac Deputy Envoy', and the reward is only 500 plot points, but they are still very happy. .

The three of them walked a long way, and Sigret finally couldn't bear it.

"I said brother, do you have any inside information?"

Murphy smiled slightly, "Inside information? Why do you ask?"

"Why did the father give the task to you, and still think that the orc invasion is fake? He is too stupid."

Murphy shook his head, "It's not that King Aiden is too stupid, but that you are too straightforward. In politics, the truth is never important. Let me ask you, if the orcs invaded and the alliance really formed a coalition, who would win? benefit the most?"

The two thought for a while.

Dalabang said: "It must be the Stormwind Kingdom. The Stormwind Kingdom is the first to bear the brunt of the orc army's invasion. I definitely hope to gather the strength of the alliance countries to deal with it, so that the Stormwind Kingdom can protect itself as much as possible and reduce losses—ah, I Understood.

What about the countries of the Union?Of course, everyone didn't want to do nothing for the Stormwind Kingdom, but because of the alliance's agreement, they couldn't help it.

So the best way is to make this thing a fake! "

Sigret: "But this thing is true, how did it become a fake, and when the Stormwind Kingdom is defeated, won't we still have to form a coalition army in the end?"

Murphy smiled slightly: "As long as there is a tacit understanding between the various forces in the alliance, the truth can also become a lie. It would be best if the Stormwind Kingdom wins. If it loses, will there be time for everyone to form an alliance.

In fact, this matter does not require too much effort from us. It is the Kingdom of Lordaeron that really hopes to make this matter true and false. We only need to go along with the Lordaeron ambassador's proposal at that time. "

Sigret was a little puzzled, "Why did it involve the Kingdom of Lordaeron again?"

Mo Fei patiently explained: "The coalition is definitely going to be formed, but who will take the lead and who will be the leader of the coalition has a lot to say.

Although there are many mountains in the alliance, the most powerful forces are undoubtedly the Kingdom of Stormwind in the south and the Kingdom of Lordaeron in the north. In fact, the Kingdom of Lordaeron is slightly stronger, but the Kingdom of Lordaeron has a fatal weakness, that is, There is no room for development, surrounded by allied countries, there is no way to expand the territory, and it is impossible to fight a civil war with the members of the alliance.

However, the Storm Kingdom is alone in the south. Speaking of it, its form is a bit like the Spring and Autumn Qin Kingdom. It is surrounded by wild lands, trolls, gnolls, black iron dwarves, and goblins. The Storm Kingdom has been fighting continuously since the founding of the country. The stronger you are, the bigger the territory you fight. Anyway, there are enemies around, and the territory you conquer is your own country.

Although the Kingdom of Stormwind is still slightly weaker than the Kingdom of Lordaeron, if it continues to develop for decades or hundreds of years, when the Kingdom of Stormwind digests the surrounding territories and dominates the southern part of the continent, it will undoubtedly replace Lordaeron's dominance.

The orc invasion this time is not only a threat, but also an opportunity. If the Kingdom of Stormwind is really allowed to form a coalition army, push the orcs all the way, and wipe out the surrounding wild monster forces, then the Kingdom of Stormwind will be completely in trouble. Control, who will be the boss of the alliance?Then there is no need to ask.

So Lordaeron definitely wants to mess up the matter of forming a coalition army to fight the orc invasion. The ideal situation for them is that both the Stormwind Kingdom and the orc army will suffer.

In this way, the status of the leader of the Kingdom of Lordaeron is basically unshakable. With Tenaris' political skills, he will never let this opportunity pass.

It doesn't matter if the Kingdom of Stormwind is destroyed. At that time, Lordaeron will come forward to form a coalition army to fight against the orcs going north. With the Kingdom of Lordaeron's strong troops, abundant resources, and strong national power, it will definitely be the main force, and then it will be the leader of the alliance. It's almost a matter of course.

So you get it, our Alterac Kingdom just needs to stand in the right team in this big event, don't force yourself, cooperate with Lordaeron, and Lordaeron will naturally give us benefits afterwards. "

Murphy's analysis surprised both Sigret and Dalabon, and this kind of thing is too dark.

Sigret: "Ah, this is too..."

Aidan: "Darkness? Huh, that's politics."

Dalabun: "But do other countries think the same way?"

Aidan: "Of course, as long as the leaders of these countries are qualified politicians, they will definitely seek benefits for their own countries. At this time, aiding the Stormwind Kingdom will not do them any good, but they cannot refuse to take responsibility clearly. After all, the Alliance If there is a mutual aid agreement, then it is better not to admit that there is an orc invasion, who can pretend to be confused.

Let's go, two brothers, let's set off quickly, the stage is ready, and we still have a big show to be staged. "

The three of them came to the garrison officer outside the city, ready to dispatch soldiers and horses. The journey to Stormwind City was not peaceful, so guards were still needed. No one would compete with them for high-level soldiers, so they could just let go of the application.

Murphy directly applied for the full population of North Wind Knights.

He now has a commanding power of 70 and can lead 17 North Wind Knights (including Razidanan), plus the Roland Knights, exactly [-] knights.

Sigret is also bringing the North Wind Knight. His dominance has reached 120, and he can bring 30 North Wind Knights. Because Dalabon has the specialty of low maintenance cost, he brought a full number of snow mountain rangers. There are more than 50.

The three of them led more than 100 cavalry, all of which were white horses. Just looking at the formation, they had a somewhat chilling momentum.

Mo Feixin said that this is called a 'big army'. Although there are only a hundred cavalry, they are all high-level soldiers, enough to defeat a bandit rebel army of 1000 people, and it can be regarded as a tyrannical army.

However, before setting off, Murphy still needs to make some preparations. It is estimated that it will take a long time to go to Stormwind City this time, and some arrangements must be made on the fief.

(End of this chapter)

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