Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 132 Three and a Half Heroes

Chapter 132 Three and a Half Heroes

Murphy's fiefdom is near Ravencrow City, a city in the south of the Alterac Kingdom. On the way to Stormwind City, Murphy discussed with Sigret and Dalabon, and the three went back to The fiefdom went to arrange the aftermath, and then went to the southernmost town of the Alterac Kingdom to meet in Nanhai Town, and took a boat from Nanhai Town to King's Harbor in the Stormwind Kingdom.

After the discussion, the three of them set off with their own troops.

It has to be said that the mobility of the cavalry is very good. Murphy led the eighteen knights under his command to gallop all the way, and arrived at his family's fief within a few hours.

Entering the valley, speeding between the paths in the forest, you can see the loose outline of the pine village in the valley from a distance - and another small village next to the village.

Hey, what's going on, why is there another village?
Murphy was a little puzzled, he slowed down his horse, and led his knights to approach quickly, and soon he could see clearly.

It is said that the village is not rigorous, it is more like an earthen enclosure surrounded by wooden houses and wooden walls. It is not far from the northwest of Songmu Village. There are also a few farmlands around, and several farmers are plowing in the fields, and some farmers are making smoked fish and bacon in the enclosure.

But more farmers are doing queue training. There are four or fifty people in total, and an old man with a firm face is directing them to walk in the queue.

General Liu (Soldier): "Hold your chest up, look up, stand up straight, look at how you stand, walk in unison - turn left - turn right! One two one, one two one!"

Following the sound of the slogan, these forty or so farmers actually practiced decently.

Mo Feixin asked where did these guys come from?Suddenly I saw two old men coming out of a wooden house, hey, isn't that the leisurely Nanshan guest?

At this time, Youran Nanshanke and the other two old men also discovered the cavalry team here.

That General Liu reacted quickly, "Everyone is there, take weapons, and fight in formation!" With a loud shout, the group of farmers rushed to the side wall in a panic, and each of the fifty or so farmers picked up a gun. Spears were densely lined up in three rows at the entrance of the soil fence. They were obviously just a group of level 1 farmers, but they actually looked like an army formation.

Murphy was startled, thinking what the hell.

The Roland knight behind him saw him and hurriedly gave an order. The eighteen knights immediately formed a charging formation. Although the number of troops was reduced by half, it is not too easy for a fourth-level soldier to fight a zero-level soldier. Rolling can directly win.

The old man commanding the other side was not at all frightened, and stood at the front of the team with a warrior dagger in his hand. He actually looked like a general, but the portrait on his head betrayed his true strength—— Just a level 6 fighter.

The leisurely Nanshan guest recognized Mo Fei, rushed out from the crowd, and stopped him loudly: "Don't be impulsive, don't be impulsive, we are all on our own."

Murphy waved his hand to tell the knights under him not to be nervous.

He got off his horse and was a little surprised to see the battle in front of him, "I said, uncle, what did you do?"

Youran Nanshanke breathed a sigh of relief, "Yo, the young man is back, long time no see, are these your cavalrymen? They look very elite.

This is Lao Ge, this is Lao Liu, they are all my old buddies, come on, don’t be so nervous, this is the little brother Aidan I mentioned, who is also a local landlord. "

The two old men also came over and greeted Murphy.

One is Zhuge Jianguo, a fifth-level mage.

One is General Liu, a sixth-level soldier.

These two names are quite distinctive.Like Youran Nanshanke, they are all gray-haired old men.

Coupled with the seventh-level hunter Youran Nanshanke, it's quite miraculous that the third trumpet made such a big mess.

"I said three, what is going on?"

Youran Nanshanke explained, "Since a few days ago, the village has been driving people out. They are all poor farmers. We looked at them poorly, so we gathered them together and built a few houses for them. Live, teach them to hunt and fish, let them help with farming and so on, at least give them a bite to eat.

As a result, there were more and more people, and gradually spread out. Later, the head of the village didn't dare, and sent militiamen to drive them away. We couldn't do it, so we had to organize people to defend themselves with arms. "

General Liu also interjected: "Young man, is that Goodman one of your subordinates? Don't be angry if I say something that doesn't please you. This Goodman is not a good man. He is simply a landlord in a model play." Like a bully, it's okay to drive these people out, but they still don't allow themselves to make a living, saying that the land here belongs to His Royal Highness.

They came to drive us away with a group of scumbags, so we had no choice but to train all these farmers, and each of them sent a spear, so at least we beat those scumbags.

I was puzzled, even the relatives of the emperor had to give people a way to survive. In ancient times, officials forced the people to rebel. This is the 21st century, why are they living more and more going back? "

General Liu was quite excited.

Murphy was speechless when he heard that, Goodman is an NPC, why did he become a landlord and bully again, and why did he drive the peasants out?As for the dog legs, it should be the 20 militiamen in Songmu Village.

He thought to himself that there must be some reason for this, but he couldn't just listen to the one-sided words of the three old men in front of him.

"Gentlemen, don't worry, I'll go and ask what's going on."

As he spoke, he was going to ask Goodman for clarification. Before he left, he couldn't help but take a look at the field fence in front of him and the farmers around him. The three old men didn't know how they managed to build such a large building. For a stronghold, it must take a lot of materials to build so many house walls, so where do they get the materials?

And these NPCs, why are they so obedient.

He was puzzled, but he didn't stop, and soon rode into the village. When he came outside the village, he found that the population of Songmu Village had increased significantly. Only one-third of the fifty wooden houses in the village used to live. There are two people, but this meeting seems to be full, and the farmland is full of hard-working farmers, and the number is obviously much higher.

He vaguely guessed what was going on.

When we got outside the village hall, we saw twenty militiamen guarding the outside from a distance. It seemed that the situation was quite tense.

He walked into the village hall and immediately called Goodman over.

Goodman (village head): "Your Highness, may I help you."

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "What's up with those farmers out there?"

"Oh, Your Highness, I'm about to report to you. Since you reduced the village's tax rate to 0%, the village's population has continued to grow, and soon reached the village's population limit, so I had to put some redundant The peasants were driven out to fend for themselves."

Sure enough, Murphy thought.

The population growth in this game is inversely proportional to the agricultural tax rate. The lower the tax rate is, the faster the population growth will be. The higher the tax rate, the slower the population growth will be. If the tax rate is too high, or natural and man-made disasters occur, negative growth may even occur.

Before, because Murphy didn't like that little income, he directly adjusted the village's tax rate to 0%. As a result, the population exploded. The upper limit of the village's population was only 500. There were already nearly 400 people before, and it was easy to be full.

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "Can't we build more houses and cultivate more farmland?"

Goodman (village head): "But Your Royal Highness, building houses and reclaiming farmland require resources, and the population limit of a first-level village is only 500. Only by upgrading to a second-level village can the population increase to 1000, but Doing so will cost a lot of resources, including gold coins..."

Murphy has a deep memory of this, the fiefdom system in this game is like burning money.

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "What's the matter with the dirt fence outside?"

Goodman (village head): "You mean the refugee camp? It was created by those troublemakers. They gathered a lot of villagers and even occupied a large area of ​​land outside the village. I sent people to drive them away. , unfortunately failed.”

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "Why drive them away?"

Goodman (village head): "Because the forest and land around Pinewood Village belong to His Royal Highness, how can we let them take it for nothing? These shameless guys are still fishing in the river and hunting in the forest , These are all the property of the prince, if you are an adventurer, it is fine, but those useless farmers dare to do this, it is simply unreasonable.

It's a pity that there are too few militiamen in the village, otherwise I should really kill them all. Fortunately, His Royal Highness is back, and I ask His Highness to drive those refugees away quickly, otherwise when they become robbers, they will definitely attack the village. threatening.

Although adventurers can be hired to clean it up in the future, there are too few adventurers born in our village, and I'm afraid it may not be possible to clean it up. "

[System prompt: Trigger the fief mission 'Drive out refugees'. There are a large number of refugees in your territory. These people are an unstable factor in the village. Please solve them as soon as possible. If the refugees are not included or cleared within a week, they will Automatically transform into humanoid wild monsters such as robbers, thieves, and robbers, and will reduce the security level of your fief. 】

I wipe, there is such a setting?Mo Fei was speechless, this is forcing the player to be a black-hearted lord.

No, this is forcing players to make money.

The current situation is to either spend money to upgrade the village, or drive these farmers to die, or wait for them to become bandits.

If you can't bear the condemnation of your conscience and don't want to slaughter them, you can only spend money to upgrade the village. This must be a game company's conspiracy.

But wait a minute, why are these three old men not restricted by the rules?He can even reorganize the peasants, isn't it like that leisurely Nanshan guest said before, he has no sword in his hand and a sword in his heart, as long as he doesn't want to be so complicated, he can succeed?

Mo Feixin said, aren't you cheating? He really doesn't know what the reason is, why can't he do it himself?

He thought for a while, and suddenly his heart moved, and he thought of a plan, which might be an opportunity.

Since these three old men can break the rules of the system, it's better to just make those three old men the village chiefs. Anyway, this fief is a gift from the title of prince. Not bad either.

Do what you want.

Murphy returned to the dirt enclosure outside the village again. General Liu was still on guard with those refugees. Strictly speaking, these peasants were not even counted as militiamen, and their weapons were only wooden spears. The spearheads had been burnt and polished. It looks quite sharp,

He picked one up at random.

[simple wooden spear (rough)

Attack power: 1-11.

Item introduction: Wooden spears burnt and polished by wood. Although the workmanship is poor, they can still be used as weapons, at least much better than bare hands. 】

No need to ask, this thing must have been made by those old men.

"I said a few uncles, come over and have a chat."

General Liu (soldier): "Well, I'm not wrong, that Goodman is a bully."

Murphy shook his head and said, "Actually, it's not his fault. He's just an NPC, just like a robot. He has to follow the rules. If the population is full, he can't help it."

Zhuge Jianguo (Master): "We all understand the truth, but why do you feel that things are not right? You said that there is no way to live in such a large area around the village. If the house is not enough, it will be rebuilt. It is surrounded by forests. , As much wood as you want, if you can't do it, you can dig the earth and burn bricks, and the living can be suffocated to death by urine?

You see, we are doing well. "

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "Hahaha, that's true, but it's also because the uncles have high-end skills and can do things that ordinary people can't. Ordinary people can't do these things.

Now that you guys said that, how about this, I leave the position of village head to you, and what you can develop depends on your performance, how about it?
Uncle Zhuge will be the village head, Uncle Liu will be the village militia captain, and Uncle Youran Nanshanke will be the village policy advisor. "

All three were taken aback.

Youran Nanshan guest (hunter): "Young man, do you really want to manage the village for us? Although I don't know much about the game, this fief is quite valuable, right? What if it breaks? Let me tell you about it Forget it, we brothers just gather together in the game to see the scenery, so don’t ruin your business.”

Zhuge Jianguo (Master): "Don't tell me, I just retired and I'm free to do nothing. It's not bad to have a village chief for fun. Otherwise, what should these farmers do? They can't be left to fend for themselves—look at these People don't look very smart, they are stupid, and they really don't care about guessing what happened to Kendi."

General Liu (soldier): "That's right. I think General Liu is familiar with Sun Tzu's art of war. A mere militia captain is nothing."

Leisurely Nanshan guest (hunter): "You can pull it down. When you put the army in the army, you didn't even get a company commander. Would a little platoon leader have the nerve to call him General Liu?"

General Liu (soldier): "What do you know? A soldier who doesn't want to be a general is not a good soldier. I didn't win the battle. I wasted all my skills. I fought with that old bastard Goodman yesterday. I commanded the It's good.

I don't think this world looks like a peaceful and prosperous age. There are so many refugees in such a good time. Sooner or later, the world will be in chaos. Maybe I can make a general at that time. Lao Ge, you think so? ? "

Seeing that the three of them agreed, Mo Fei was also quite happy.

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "That's it, let's go, I'll arrange positions for you."

Bringing the three of them to the village hall of the village, Mo Fei directly assigned Zhuge Jianguo the post of village chief. Platoon leader, but commanding the militia is still competent enough.

As for Leisurely Nanshan Ke, he obviously didn't want to join the team, but the two old friends had already started working, so they could only hang around.

Murphy made all the arrangements and was ready to go.

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "I will hand over Pinewood Village to you seniors."

Zhuge Jianguo (Master): "Don't worry, young man, I used to be a section chief, it's just a small village, I still can't understand it."

Murphy nodded, pulled the reins, and galloped away with his eighteen knights.

(End of the second volume).

(End of this chapter)

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