Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 133 South Sea Town

Chapter 133 South Sea Town

Old Henry waved his hoe vigorously, dripping sweat from his hard work, and watched the field ridges in front of him being turned up piece by piece, and the seeds were sprinkled into the soil, and sprouts sprouted in the soil soon, and wheat seedlings grew out.

Old Henry wiped off his sweat, looked at the bright sun above his head, and felt extremely relieved.

After so many years of panic, I can finally live a peaceful life for a few days.

Like thousands of unnamed farmers in the world, old Henry’s daily job is to farm the land—to collect grain. However, it is such a simple job, but it is as dangerous as hanging his head on his waist when doing it. Lions, grizzlies, wolves, giant spiders, murlocs, trolls, yeti monsters, bandits, bandits, and even dragons, every kind of monster will try to use these farmers as food.

Those aristocrats were never absent when collecting taxes and food, but if they were in danger, they simply disappeared.

Fortunately, such a bad day is finally over, and finally live a good life...

Old Henry was feeling emotional when, in the distance, a group of cavalry galloped quickly, and the leader had the suffix of Prince Alterac on his head impressively.

Huh, it turned out to be the prince who arrived. This is the second prince I saw today. It seems that something big is going to happen in Nanhai Town.

But old Henry was not worried, and was quite relieved.

Years ago, King Aiden of Alterac was terrified when he heard the news that his only son was killed by frost trolls.

The king’s lack of heirs means chaos. Once the king dies, either the nobles will compete for the hegemony or foreign countries will intervene. In any case, their peaceful life cannot be maintained. Fortunately, King Aiden is growing strong and has given birth to more than 30 sons in three years. They are all strong guys in their 20s, and now they finally don't have to worry about the succession of the kingdom anymore.

And since then, adventurers have appeared in this world on a large scale, and they can be seen busy everywhere. Those beasts, gnolls, murlocs, robbers, snowmen, and even dragons that threaten their safety are all It's no longer a problem, as long as everyone can pool a sum of money and issue a few extermination missions, there will naturally be brave adventurers who will wipe out these threats.

Compared with those nobles who are just waiting to die, these adventurers are simply too reliable, and they never talk about useless things, where to go, kill a few, call it a day, take the money and leave .

Although the adventurers are not very good tempered, they would draw their knives and cut people at every turn, but they never harm farmers like them.

Old Henry never took it seriously either.

Nowadays, the farmers in Alterac, at least the yeoman like old Henry who has his own house and farmland, live a very comfortable life.

Old Henry lived for so many years, and felt that these years were basically the best years of his life.

In such a dazed effort, the wheat had already grown. He quickly waved the hoe and picked the wheat. Soon the wheat in the wheat field was piled up in a bundle. When two bundles of wheat were harvested, the day's work was considered complete. up.

There was another sound of horseshoes, and old Henry raised his head. He was surprised to find that another prince came galloping with cavalry. This must be the third one today.

What surprised him even more was that the prince actually walked towards him.

Old Henry was nervous for a while, oh, this is a prince, should he kneel down and salute?Or do you want to call him His Highness, Your Excellency or something?He was so nervous, but his face was expressionless.

When the prince came to him, he stood up and looked over with a blank expression.

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "Old man, is Southsea facing in that direction?"

Farmer: "The weather is nice today."

Old Henry cried out immediately after he finished speaking, he was anxious, old Henry, old Henry, are you stupid, how can you come up with such nonsense, the prince is asking you something.

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "Um, did I mean that way?"

Farmer: "Well, this year's harvest must be very good."

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "I ask, how do I go?"

Farmer: "The weather is nice today."

It's over, the prince will be angry, he won't chop me off with a sword, right?Old Henry was in despair. The nobles and the royal family were not reasonable. According to the law, if the nobles were offended, they could attack adventurers. A beating would be light. Even if they drew their swords and looked at him, there was no reason to go. .

However, the prince in front of him just sighed, "Sorry to bother you." He turned and left.

Old Henry breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, and then felt a little ashamed, what happened to him, His Royal Highness is so kind, just asking for directions, and he didn't serve His Royal Highness, damn it!
He struggled to open his mouth, twisted his tongue, and used all his strength, "Prince... Your Highness... Your Highness..."

These four words took almost all of his strength, but the prince had already returned to his horse and galloped away into the distance.

Old Henry sat down on the ground, feeling that all the strength in his body was exhausted.

He shook his head helplessly, forget it, let's continue harvesting wheat.

Murphy was a little speechless. These unnamed farmer NPCs felt that their intelligence was a bit insufficient. They talked over and over again with just these two lines, and they couldn't figure out why when they asked for directions.

I don't know how the three old men gathered these farmers.

A crossroad appeared ahead, and there were street signs nailed around the intersection. Murphy glanced at it.

To the north - Tarren Mill.

To the East - Dunholde Castle

South - South Sea Town
To the west - Hillsbrad.

Fortunately, I didn't go wrong, this is the way to Nanhai Town.

In the evening, the team finally arrived at Nanhai Town,

It is said to be a town, but it is actually more like a city, with thick stone walls and bustling streets. It used to be just a deserted small fishing village, but with the development of north-south commerce, Nanhai Town became a gateway to Ironforge, As a result, the important commercial port of Stormwind City became more and more prosperous.

This is the southern important town of Alterac and also the center of commerce, where the only fleet of the Kingdom of Alterac is stationed.

It used to be the fiefdom of the third prince, but the third prince was killed by the black dragon and left no heirs before his death. Therefore, the city was also nationalized and is currently managed by a baron as a city magistrate.

Seeing Murphy enter the city gate with the knights, he immediately brought people up to greet him.

Jeffrey (the mayor of Southsea Town): "Ah, Your Royal Highness, welcome, the other two or two princes have already rested in the castle."

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "Well, find a place for my people and prepare dinner. I'll go meet my brothers and lead the way."

Ten minutes later, Murphy followed the mayor into the town hall of Nanhai Town.

The three greeted each other, just as the city magistrate sent someone to bring dinner, the three took out a map while eating, and discussed the course of action.

There are two roads to Stormwind City, one is land, through Hillsbrad Hills, through Thoradin's Wall, into the territory of the Kingdom of Stromgarde, through the plateau wilderness of the Arathi Highlands, through Mosquito Fly-infested and crocodile-infested swamps, then Khaz Modan covered in ice and snow, and then the Burning Plains where black dragons ravage fireworks...

Finally arrived in the Kingdom of Stormwind.

This road is quite long, even if the whole cavalry is on the way, it will take at least a week.

And all kinds of monsters appear along the way, so you have to fight a few encounters, maybe you can brush a few bosses along the way.

Although it sounds very poetic to gallop a horse and travel thousands of miles, but after two days of riding on the road, Murphy is already a little bored. Thinking about riding a horse in the game for a week, Murphy feels a pain in the ass .

It's a pity that teleportation is not allowed in plot missions, and it's not realistic to take a large group of people to teleport over a long distance, otherwise there would be no need for such effort.

The other route is the sea route, starting from Nanhai Town by boat, crossing the South China Sea and the Naga Sea, resupplying at Menethil Harbor, then bypassing the coast surrounded by Khaz Modan mountains, passing through the Sea of ​​Storms, and finally Arrive in Stormwind City.

It is also about a week's journey, but fortunately, there is no need to ride a horse, and it is not so hard to sit on the boat. If you are not afraid of accidents, you can go offline in the cabin and wait until seven days later to go online.

The three discussed for a while, and decided to take the sea route.

Murphy called the mayor in.

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "We want three big ships. We will set off for Stormwind City tomorrow. Find a good ship for us, load up supplies, and ask for the best sailors. Let's do it right away."

The mayor, however, looked embarrassed: "Your Highness, this matter may be a little troublesome. Recently, the murlocs and naga in the South China Sea are rioting like crazy, and there are also a large number of pirates running around, seeming to be searching for What, many fishing boats and merchant ships have disappeared, and that sea and land may not be safe."

Dalabon (Prince of Alterac): "What, there is such a thing? Where is our fleet?"

Jeffrey (Mayor of Southsea Town): "Fleet Admiral Earl Dennis believes that in the face of such a situation of unknown intelligence, the primary goal should be to preserve the fleet as much as possible."

Sigret (Prince of Alterac): "Hmph, they are a bunch of trash. The Kingdom spends a lot of money to support you every year. What are you doing to eat? Tell that Dennis to come see us right away."

(End of this chapter)

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