Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 135 The king, the strong soldier and the strong horse

Chapter 135 The king, the strong soldier and the strong horse

Although he accepted the task, Murphy was still a little unclear about some of the details.

However, this did not prevent him from having some anticipation in his heart, no matter what kind of enemy was waiting for him in the sea, whether it was the evil pirate king, the legendary Naga sea monster, or some mysterious treasure.

Come all, after staying in that poor mountain valley in Alterac for a long time, he is eager to have a real adventure, come up with some legends, heroic epics, and get some artifacts and secret treasures by the way.

When Murphy returned to the city hall, he found that Dalabangba and Sigret had also returned.

The expressions of the two looked a little dignified.

Aidan: "What's the matter, brothers, why do you look so serious."

Dalabon frowned and said, "I'm afraid what happened at sea this time is not that simple. I interviewed some fishermen and captains who have been out to sea recently, and collected information. It seems that there is really trouble at sea.

Now the entire sea area in the south is like a boil. Naga, murlocs, pirates, and sea ghosts, these monsters seem to be crazy and attack all passing ships. Moreover, they will join forces with each other. A fisherman claimed that he saw Pirates and Naga are exchanging information with each other, ghost ships sail with the pirate fleet, and some even say that huge sea monsters appeared in the sea.

Any ship passing through that sea area will be attacked by these monsters. If it is only a little closer, it may escape with its life, but once it goes deep into the sea area, no ship can escape.

A few days ago, even an Alterac cruiser disappeared inexplicably. "

Murphy was also a little surprised when he heard it. He thought Earl Dennis was just exaggerating, but now it seems to be true?Reminiscent of the mission sent by the God of Storms, this is a bit difficult to do, but thinking about it, it also means that the treasures that appear on the sea are even more amazing.Otherwise, how could it attract so many parties to compete for power.

But the exchange between pirates and naga, it always sounds wrong.

Even Queen Naga couldn't do such a thing, could it be - the ancient god?
It is said that there is an ancient god buried in the sea, but the exact location is not known. However, although the ancient god can control Naga and murlocs, it seems that he has no ability to control the undead.

What kind of existence can control these four monsters at the same time?
The three of them discussed for a long time without any thought. Although there are all kinds of powerful bosses and terrifying creatures in the sky world, after all, even the magic world has rules.

The Naga is the overlord of the ocean, who controls the endless sea, and is loyal to the Naga Queen Azshara.

Pirates are ruled by seven pirate kings.He and Naga have always been sworn enemies.

Sea ghosts regard all creatures as mortal enemies and attack all living beings. They may be undead without a master, but they may also be loyal to a big boss in the shadow world, or a god in charge of death.

As for the murlocs—they don't have any strong forces, they usually form a group of small wild monsters, and are often enslaved by Naga as a vassal race.

Murphy couldn't connect these monsters no matter what he thought.

Dalabang said: "Why don't we go by land, after all, it's safer, we are playing hero templates after all, unlike adventurers who can roam freely, what if we die.

If I can't fight on land, I can still run, but if I go to sea, I can't run if I can't fight. I haven't even learned swimming skills yet. "

Murphy was also a little tangled, and it did sound a little dangerous.

He was hesitating, when he suddenly felt a ray of wind coming out of his sleeve, it turned out to be that wind spirit, this little guy somehow hid on his body and followed.

The Wind Spirit flew to Murphy's ear and whispered.

"Aidan, Son of the Storm, I have brought the words of the God of Storms—please hurry to the land where the storm falls, a arduous mission is waiting for you, the God of Storms will protect you and bring you courage, Complete your mission, and you will be greatly rewarded for it."

System prompt: Your plot mission content has been updated.

Ok?What's the meaning.

Murphy clicked on the task list to check it out.

[Land where the storm falls (story mission)

Task content: Go to the land where the storm fell and complete your mission.

Mission reward: 1000 story points, battle skills bestowed by gods (God of Storms) x 2 (you can perform and choose the skills you want)]

I wiped it, and the reward was doubled directly.

Mo Feixin said that it seemed to be as he had guessed, and there must be a connection between the commotion of the monsters at sea and the mission of the God of Storms.

Then I was a little angry and wanted to laugh. Damn, the God of Storm is also a jerk. He even wanted me to work hard for 500 plot points before. If I hadn’t heard of the danger and wanted to give up, I probably wouldn’t have increased it.

The majestic gods still play like this?

But I have to say that this reward really moved his heart. The combat skills bestowed by the gods are extremely powerful, and generally have extraordinary characteristics, and they are given to two at a time. What's even more amazing is that they can choose by themselves. This is not an ordinary good treatment. Generally speaking, the skills given by this kind of plot task are mostly random, and whatever is given to you is what you get. If you get a bad skill randomly, you can only cry yourself.

If you can choose, at least two extraordinary combat skills that are not weaker than the three warrior skills.

People die for money, birds die for food, okay, just bet on him.

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "Hahahahaha, you two, you are really timid, why, you started to be afraid before you met the enemy?

If you are afraid, just give up and go back to Alterac. I can complete the task of going to Stormwind City by myself. If you want to get rewards and participate in the plot, you don’t want to take any risks. How can there be such a good thing in the world? matter?
And isn't that the charm of this game?In those games in the past, no matter what you did in the game, no matter how earth-shattering things you did, it essentially had no impact on the game. Players were always just bystanders. The so-called experience of the game plot was just going through the motions .

But now we can finally truly influence the history of this world, to explore real adventures, to find real treasures, don't you want to see what's in the sea?Great adventures await us, and it disappoints me that you are still acting so timid. "

The two looked at each other in blank dismay, wondering when did Brother 36 become so full of chicken soup.

Besides, who doesn't want to take risks, but this character is trained with real money. Few of them are real rich who can go to Alterac to become a prince, and they cherish their game characters very much.

The two remained silent, neither could they say they would quit the mission, but they were also unwilling to just agree.

Murphy saw that he couldn't be persuaded, and smiled slightly, "Don't worry, I went to the temple to pray today, and got the blessing of the God of Storms. The speed of the ships I lead increased by 30% at sea. According to my research, as long as I Come to be the captain, then the ships under my jurisdiction should all enjoy this BUFF.

In this way, there is nothing to be afraid of, if you can't beat it, it's a big deal and just run away. "

When the two heard this, they finally felt relieved.
Sigret said: "That's fine, then we will accompany you to find out, but let's say it first, if you really can't beat it, don't worry about it."

Mo Fei fully agreed: "Don't worry, my account is much more valuable than yours. If I'm not sure, I won't waste it."

When the three of them arrived at the port with the army the next morning, Earl Dennis had already prepared three warships.

All are fully loaded, fully supplied, and equipped with weapons.

Since Alterac is a landlocked country, the coastline is not long, so the navy can only be said to be better than nothing, but there are only a dozen small and medium-sized warships.

Count Dennis prepared three of the largest warships for the three of them, but they were only [-]-ton warships. In the navy of the sea kingdom of Kul Tiras, they could be regarded as fourth-class warships at most.

However, in the South China Sea area, it is still a very powerful sea power.

Murphy looked at the three warships in front of him and weighed their combat power in his mind. These three ships had the same specification, a displacement of 32 tons, double decks, and were equipped with [-] cannons. The total of the three ships was almost [-] cannons. , sounds like a lot, but it is already relatively weak.

You must know that the flagship of Kul Tiras's navy, the Sea Kingship, has 100+ artillery pieces on a single ship, and their calibers have a higher range.

If you only encounter pirates alone, you can indeed fight some, but if you really encounter pirates, naga, and murlocs allied to besiege, it will be really embarrassing.

He glanced at the harbor on the right, where more than a dozen warships of the Alterac Navy were moored, the largest of which had a displacement of more than 1000 tons, three decks, and 54 artillery pieces. It looked mighty and domineering.

Murphy pointed to the large battleship, "Earl Dennis, why wasn't that battleship ready?"

Earl Dennis said: "That is the flagship of the Alterac Navy - the Horn of Storms. As the pride of the Alterac Navy, it must not be taken for a risk. Your Highness, please forgive me.

Your Royal Highness, this journey is really dangerous, no matter what, please think carefully. "

Murphy laughed.

"Count Dennis, I've changed my mind. You're right. We shouldn't act so recklessly. We must be more cautious."

Thankfully, Earl Dennis breathed a sigh of relief.

After he went back yesterday, the more he thought about it, the more he felt that something was wrong. It was just a mission. Is there a need for such a big fight?And if the king really authorizes the prince, there will definitely be a king's scepter as a token.

But I have already given up, and I can only reluctantly let my subordinates prepare three warships. After hearing the prince's persuasion, I was immediately relieved, but I heard Prince Aidan in front of me continue to say...

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "It's still too risky to sail with three ships, so I decided to send out the entire Alterac fleet to ensure that this operation is foolproof. How about it, is it enough to be cautious.

Now I order you, call all the captains at once, and prepare to sail. "

Earl Dennis was shocked, "What! Your Royal Highness, I must not accept such an assignment."

Murphy sneered, "Are you going to disobey my order?"

Earl Dennis shook his neck: "Your Highness, I will never allow you to risk the entire Alterac navy, no matter how many authorizations you have, it is useless, I will not accept this order."

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "To tell you the truth, before I set off, my father had granted me the status of crown prince. Now I will relieve you in the name of the future king of Alterac. I will Serve personally as the captain of the fleet until the end of the mission."

Earl Dennis stared wide-eyed, "This, this... this is simply crazy!" He was completely speechless in shock and anger, but he instinctively believed what Prince Aidan said, even though There was a trace of doubt in my heart, which was quickly extinguished.

Both Dalabunba and Sigret were shocked, but they didn't know what to say.

And going out with the whole fleet feels more majestic indeed.

Murphy nodded to the Roland knight beside him, "Roland, send someone to summon the captains, Earl Dennis, in order to prevent accidents, please stay here and wait for my further instructions, Dalabon, Sigret , look after him, if he dares to mess around, you guys know what to do."

The two of them were also dumbfounded now, I know a lot of wool, are they going to kill Count Dennis?What should I do if my father settles the score later, brother, you are crazy.

Fortunately, Earl Dennis was completely taken aback, and he watched Murphy summon the captains honestly.

Murphy looked at the captains in front of him. I am Prince Aidan, and I am in charge of this place. We will set off in 20 minutes.

The captains had no doubts at all, and went down with their hands to prepare to set off.

Only then did Murphy let Count Dennis leave.

When Earl Dennis and the captain left, Sigret and Darabun couldn't hold back immediately.

Siegret: "Wow grass, brother, do you really want to lead the entire fleet to sail?"

Dalabang: "What will happen if the father blames you in the future?"

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "Don't you understand, the times have changed, the war has come, the orc army will soon sweep the world, now is not the time to engage in red tape, power, only power It is the foundation for us to live and work. The stronger the power in our hands, the more bargaining chips we can get and the more rewards we will get when the war comes.

The Kingdom of Alterac only has such a fortune, but there are more than 30 princes. If you don't hurry up and do it now, you will be gone in the future.

Although the Alterac navy is not very powerful, it is still a whole fleet with thousands of soldiers and horses, which is much stronger than the few knights in our hands. This is the capital of our achievements, two brothers.

Moreover, there is no way to take the foreign emperor's order and take it out to fight, and do things cheaply.

Besides, don't you know what happened to King Aiden in history?If the plot doesn't change, King Aiden will turn to the orcs in the end, and then die for no apparent reason.

At that time, who can achieve the throne depends on who has a strong army, who has a better reputation, and who has made more contributions within the alliance. "

After hearing what Murphy said, the two stood on the spot in a daze for a while, mainly because they had been in Alterac for a long time doing weekly experience brushing, and the two of them hadn't changed their minds for a while.

After being reminded by Murphy, he finally reacted.

Dangdang Dangdang!
The bell of the battleship sailing continued to ring.

Murphy patted the shoulders of the two, and led his knights straight towards the largest battleship.

The two looked at each other and hurriedly followed.

Ten minutes later, the Alterac fleet sailed out of the harbor in a mighty manner, heading towards the unknown sea.

(End of this chapter)

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