Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 136 Murloc Prophet

Chapter 136 Murloc Prophet
The wind was high and the waves were rough, the sky was clear, and the blue sea stretched as far as the eye could see. Standing on the bridge of the Horn of the Storm, Mo Fei was full of vigor and excitement.

Behind him, a total of seventeen large and small warships were lined up, and the scene was quite spectacular.

This is my bargaining chip in this troubled world, Mo Fei thought happily in his heart.

The opening of the Dark Portal also heralds the coming of troubled times in the firmament world, just like the Yellow Turban Rebellion at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

Don't look at the fact that the orc army was so aggressive in history that it almost wiped out the alliance, but in fact, they are not as scary as they look, because the planet Draenor is basically barren, and the orcs are very lack of supply capabilities , There is neither a stable source of follow-up troops nor a base to provide food and supplies.

The tribal army is basically a wave of troops, adopting a completely rogue-style combat method.

Supplies are all about looting, wars are all about recklessness, and there is no clear strategy, that is, F2A pushes all the way from the southern part of the mainland to Beiping.

Such an army looks terrifying, but it has no strength at all. Once the front of the army is blocked and the strength is exhausted, it will be the moment of defeat.

This is indeed the case. In the beginning stage, relying on all the soldiers and the violent combat power of the orcs who drank the blood of demons, they launched a wave of devastating offensives. However, as the momentum of the attack was overwhelmed by the complex terrain of the eastern continent and the effective resistance of various alliance forces Gradually resolved, the problem of insufficient stamina will be revealed.

However, the countries of the alliance have deep foundations, and they can continuously provide new sources of troops. As the countries of the alliance prepare their armies, the war machines are fully activated, and a large number of troops are gathered. The tribes will soon be in continuous wars. It fell into a declining trend, and was eventually defeated after being chased and intercepted by various forces.

But despite this, the damage caused by the orc army is unquestionable. The orc invasion dealt a heavy blow to the Alliance's originally stable rule in the Eastern Kingdom. The ruins, either suffered heavy losses, or contributed to nothing, or fell into isolationism, no longer wanting to participate in alliance affairs...

And to say that the unluckiest country in the Alliance is undoubtedly the Kingdom of Alterac. Alterac is the only country that was completely wiped out in the two wars. When it comes to this point, Murphy must be mentioned. That cheap old man, King Aiden, did a trick. This guy actually chose to join the orcs when the orcs pushed them to Alterac, and let the orc army pass through the border, almost turning the orcs into a desperate situation.

In the world of the Three Kingdoms, it was politically correct to help the Han family, no matter how much they wanted to seek to usurp the throne, they would never say so. Yuan Shu was the first to proclaim himself emperor, and was immediately mobilized to attack him, and eventually died tragically.

In the history of Azeroth, for the alliance is political correctness, Aiden is undoubtedly the Yuan Shu of this world, the first king to seek refuge in the Horde, and then the orcs were defeated in the second year, as the largest second in the alliance. Five sons, King Aiden will naturally be settled by Qiuhou, and his death is unknown in the end, and Alterac has become the only alliance country that has been truly destroyed.

Its chassis power is divided up by various countries.

After the Horde was defeated, the remaining orc clans had been separatist in Azeroth for several years, which is quite similar to the ending of the Yellow Turban Army.

But this time, history will never repeat itself.

Murphy thought to himself.

Now it seems that the system will try its best to ensure that the plot follows the original history. In this case, there is a high probability that the drama of King Aiden's treason will be staged again. Treacherous, give King Aiden a face, and correct the mistakes in history by the way.

And what he has to do now is to accumulate strength as much as possible in this 'Yellow Turban Rebellion', expand his reputation, establish his name and prestige, and build a good relationship with the high-level leaders of the alliance countries. With the support of all countries in the alliance, the throne of king is naturally at hand.

Only by becoming a king, having an army, and having a territory, can he keep his place in the following troubled times and leave his own name in the history of this world.

And with the Kingdom of Alterac as the basic base, Jin can rely on the power of the whole country to gain extraordinary power and reach the pinnacle of strength, and retreat can sell noble titles, fiefdoms and castles, and earn him a few small goals. Thinking about it, I feel very happy .

Thinking of this, Murphy couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Murlocs! Look at the many murlocs in the sea!" A sailor standing on the mast shouted suddenly.

Mo Fei hurriedly looked towards the distant sea surface, and saw fish heads swarming on the sea surface, densely packed murlocs flickering in the waves, thousands of them, their colorful skin clearly visible in the blue water. It can be seen that the scimitar and steel fork in his hand are like a forest in the sea.

Murphy's heart shuddered, and his heart said.

Although the murlocs' combat effectiveness is very low, but there are so many of them, it still makes one's scalp tingle.

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "Notify the fleet to prepare for battle, all the artillery is in place, and the knights are on the deck to defend, waiting for my order!"

With an order, the soldiers on the ship immediately moved into action. At this moment, the sound of sea water flowing made Murphy turn his head suddenly. On the deck behind him, a mass of sea water surged up from nowhere. The sea water gradually gathered into the shape of a murloc, with an old face and curly beard, reminding Murphy of the catfish spirit in Journey to the West.

The soldiers immediately drew their swords and surrounded them, but the murloc spoke very clearly, unlike ordinary murlocs who could only speak a few human words.

Gurugala Xiefin (Murloc Prophet): "There is no need to be so nervous, Your Highness, I am here without hostility, but with a piece of advice."

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "Hmph, murloc, if you have anything to say, just say it. I'm listening."

Gurugala Evil Fin (Murloc Prophet): "I want to convey to you the voice from the sea—the deep and dark sea is the burial place of all ignorant people. The terrible evil god has come, and the ancient world forgotten by the world Existence has awakened, and the nameless, indescribable will of fear is returning from the abyss.

Don't go any further, prince of mankind, take your fleet and leave, leave this sea area, otherwise the sea will swallow us mercilessly. "

What Mo Feixin said about this stuff sounds pretty bluffing, but is it so easy for me to be bluffed? It’s indescribable and indescribable. Damn, this is a copy of the Cthulhu Mythos.

By the way, this guy shouldn't be a player, right?
He wanted to test it out, and immediately asked back.

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "So if we keep going, will that monster you speak of appear?"

Gurugala Xiefin (Murloc Prophet): "That's right, by that time, you and your people..."

"Haha, that's good. I'm worried about where to find the boss to fight. Since the monster you mentioned is so awesome, it must be a world-class boss. It just so happens that I brought the fleet out. If I can fight a world-class boss Boss, that’s absolutely cool, get rich, get rich, buddy, do you know how to lure that monster out? If you know, tell me quickly, and when I finish pushing the boss, you will definitely benefit from it.”

(End of this chapter)

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