Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 137 The Barrel Knight on the Naga Sea

Chapter 137 The Barrel Knight on the Naga Sea

The Murloc Prophet's expression was dull, he never expected such a result anyway, so he suddenly sneered.

Gurugala Xiefin (Murloc Prophet): "Hmph, well buddy, then I'll just say it straight, retreat immediately, or you will definitely regret it."

Huh, it really is a player.

Murphy answered him directly with actions.

fire!He ordered.

Boom boom boom!The artillery roared, and just a volley fired, causing the murlocs on the sea to fall into chaos.

"Bastard!" The seawater avatar of the murloc prophet rushed towards Murphy, and with a single swing of his sword, Murphy was cut into a puddle of water. After charging, they rushed to the side of the boat and climbed up the boat frantically. There were even many murloc spellcasters, stepping on the waves and shooting ice arrows one after another.

However, the ship's side was tall and its defense performance was excellent. Most of the ice arrows were blocked by the ship's side. The crossbowman shot the arrows condescendingly, and the sea water was immediately stained red with blood.

The knights swung their long swords, beheading the murlocs who finally climbed up one by one.

The battle lasted only a few minutes. After hundreds of murlocs were killed or injured, the opponent obviously found that this attack was useless. With the sound of horns, the murlocs all chose to retreat.

He jumped back into the sea with a plop, and then drilled towards the depths of the ocean.

Seeing the murlocs struggling to swim in the sea and disappearing into the depths of the sea, Mo Fei was not too excited. The murlocs themselves are very weak, and the only thing they rely on is their large numbers. It's a bit troublesome, but the Alterac fleet is still a regular navy, and the ship's sides are tall, so it's not so easy for the murlocs to climb up.

Even if tens of thousands of murlocs come to fight this kind of defensive battle, they are not afraid.

But these murlocs dared to take the initiative to attack the battleship, they really had the guts.

"Your Highness, we are about to enter the Naga Sea." The captain said anxiously to Murphy.

The Naga Sea is located to the south of the South China Sea. It is a very vast sea area. It is famous for the large number of Naga haunts here. Usually, small ships rarely dare to approach here. Many merchant ships will choose to sail close to the coast to avoid suffering as much as possible. Naga attack.

Entering the Naga Sea, the fleet's alert level immediately increased by one level. Naga is not a lowly creature like murlocs. The powerful Naga Sea Witch can control the ocean, lightning, and even tornadoes.

The powerful Naga warriors are by no means inferior to the best knights of human beings, and the most terrifying ones are the Naga royal guards. They can not only cast magic but also have powerful melee capabilities, and can even penetrate the deck of a battleship.

However, Naga royal guards are very rare and generally not so easy to encounter.

The fleet formed a tighter formation, and an ominous fog suddenly appeared on the sea ahead. On the calm sea, some wreckage pieces of ships floated out of the fog. It seemed that a tragic naval battle took place not long ago. .

Strangely, not a single body was found.

Murphy looked at the wreckage of the ship below, and suddenly saw a familiar flag. It was the L-shaped flag of the Kingdom of Lordaeron, which was soaking in the sea water. There were obvious scorched marks on the flag.

He was slightly suspicious in his heart, how could Lordaeron have been involved in this matter, and suddenly, a voice sounded from below the side of the ship.

"Hey, is anyone here, pull me up quickly."

Putting on, everyone looked down the boat and saw a dwarf squatting in a huge wooden barrel. The dwarf's body was hidden in the barrel, only a head full of beards was exposed. The ship suddenly yelled.

Everyone hurriedly dragged the wooden barrel up, and dragged the dwarf out of it. They were shocked when they saw the dwarf Murphy, hey, isn't this Muradin Bronzebeard? The sea is coming.

"Aidan, is that you?" Muradin looked at Murphy in surprise, with ecstasy on his face, "Aidan, hurry up and save Alsace, or it will be too late."

Alsace?Murphy looked confused, thinking about what was going on, "Don't worry, just speak slowly."

Muradin told the story quickly, and Murphy became speechless the more he listened.

It turns out that the Kingdom of Lordaeron also received a request for help from the Kingdom of Stormwind not long ago, and King Tenaris of Lordaeron immediately arranged for a special envoy to investigate the situation in the Kingdom of Stormwind.

However, there was a problem with arranging a special envoy. As a special envoy who would represent the kingdom to participate in the meeting and decide the kingdom's policies to a certain extent, he must be distinguished and have certain powers. The prince or princess was naturally the best choice.

However, unlike Alterac, there was no competition for the status of the special envoy. About two-thirds of the princes and princesses agreed that the youngest brother, Alsace, should be allowed to attend the meeting .

Because everyone agrees that although Alsace is young, he has already shown a very good kingly demeanor, and he is the best candidate for the crown prince. As the crown prince, he will naturally have to go through various things to represent Lordaeron to attend the alliance meeting , is undoubtedly the best way to accumulate political experience.

By the way, I also communicate with other kingdoms to connect with each other.

King Tenaris didn't know if he liked Alsace too much, but he really agreed.

Muradin Bronzebeard (King of the Hill): "Those bastards don't know what to think, Arthas is only 12 years old, how can a child be sent to complete this kind of task.

As Alsace's teacher and friend, I decided to go with him and go back to Ironforge to see my brother. Unexpectedly, I was suddenly attacked at sea, first by murlocs, then by Naga, and then by Even the pirates appeared, they attacked us crazily, and even asked us to hand over Alsace, it seems that their goal is to kill Alsace.

We fought desperately, two of our ships sank, and only the largest flagship remained, and there were so many pirates that I had to jump on their ships and destroy two, but at the On the three ships, I met a despicable spellcaster and was thrown into the sea by a spell. Fortunately, I found a wooden barrel, otherwise I would die.

Hurry up and save Alsace, Brother Aidan, I owe you a favor, you must not just leave him alone! "

Mo Fei's heart suddenly realized, and now he has thought through all the previous doubts.

He had always wondered what kind of existence could unite different forces such as pirates, naga, murlocs, and undead. Now that he gathered Muradin's words, he suddenly understood that there was only one answer—that is, players.

Alsace's good brothers naturally couldn't be high-spirited, the only possibility for them to let Alsace serve as an envoy was to let him leave the royal city, so that they would have a chance to kill him on the way.

As for who will do it, it can only be wild monsters. After all, how could His Royal Highness' brothers and sisters do such evil things.

With such a powerful force entangled, I am afraid that it will never be an individual's action, or even an ordinary guild, that is going to attack Alsace, it is more like the practice of some kind of large company or group.

As for why Alsace had to be killed, Murphy also had some inferences.

He had been in contact with Wang Xuan for this period of time, and he had some understanding of the operation of the system. Although theoretically, the princes, princesses, and heroes played by players are all plot characters, but the plot characters are also divided into ranks. The system will instinctively tend to maintain the original game plot unchanged, and therefore will guide the plot characters, and will be more inclined to guide those original important characters.

As the undisputed protagonist in the Warcraft trilogy and the most charming villain in World of Warcraft, Arthas is definitely the focus of the system.

So if nothing else, Arthas is the most likely to become the crown prince, and the most likely to become the Lich King.

And if you want to change this, the best choice is to kill Alsace. Only after Alsace is dead can other princes have a chance to be king or become the Lich King.

The benefits of a small Alterac are already so huge. If they can get the entire Kingdom of Lordaeron, or even become the Lich King, the benefits that can be generated behind it will definitely be billions or tens of billions.

For such interests, it is not impossible for even a large company to end up as a whole.

Then the God of Storms gave him this strange mission, the answer to the 'completion of the mission' in the mission description is self-evident, in order to let him arrive at the right time to save Alsace.

The so-called gods should almost be the white gloves of the system. The system can't directly take action in the game, so it can only rely on this way of issuing oracle missions to manipulate the situation.

Hehe, it's pretty smooth to play.

(End of this chapter)

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