Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 138 Naga Pirates and Marysu

Chapter 138 Naga Pirates and Marysu

Are you able to tell yourself?And even if they arrive, can they really stop the actions of this mysterious force?You must know that there are too many people who want Alsace to die. If this kind of big company really goes all out, the manpower it can use is absolutely terrifying.

Murphy was a little bit guilty, but after figuring out what kind of enemy he was facing, Murphy didn't panic at all. The unknown enemy was the most terrifying. Once he knew the answer, there was nothing to worry about.

Soldiers come to block the water and cover the soil.

Besides, this is the game world, no matter how powerful the power is in reality, it is impossible to directly convert it into an advantage in the game. My own understanding of the game is by no means comparable to those utilitarians who do everything for profit. So very confident.

This game is completely different from the past games. To them, this is just a game, but to them, this is the real world.

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "Don't worry, Muradin, as a member of the alliance, I will never stand idly by such evil. For the glory of the alliance, for justice and peace, I will definitely save Alsace, pass my order, raise the battle flag, and all the battleships form a battle formation - advance at full speed!"

As the battle flag was raised, the Alterac fleet formed an arrow-shaped offensive formation and moved forward at full speed.

Muradin looked at Murphy gratefully, "Great, I knew you can rely on brother Aidan, let's fight side by side, I want to let those sons of bitch pirates know that our alliance is not easy to bully, wait until we fight!" After this battle, I must treat you well in Ironforge!"

Murphy laughed: "That's a deal."

Under the influence of the blessing of the wind, the fleet braved the wind and waves, sailed all the way in the sea, and soon entered the depths of the Naga Sea,
The fog gradually dissipated, and the open ocean appeared ahead, as well as the figures of monsters churning in the sea.

"It's the Naga Sea Beast!" The captain exclaimed, and immediately rang the warning bell.

A huge dragon turtle with a length of seven or eight meters was slowly emerging from the water. On the back of the turtle's armor, a three-meter-tall Naga warlord stood impressively on it.

In the ocean behind Naga Warlord, there are countless ugly snake-like figures of Naga rolling.

"Blow the horn and prepare for battle!"

While giving the order, Murphy picked up the binoculars and looked over.

The third prince Ao Bing (the king of the tide) is level 49, a terrifying first-level boss, with 39700 HP.

You can tell that you are a player just by looking at the name. The King of the Tide is a title in the Naga society. It can be understood as a Naga lord. The blood volume of this kind of commanding boss is generally not too high, and the ability is mainly based on control and Strengthen your subordinates.

Murphy ordered the fleet to move on. He fixed his eyes on the tide king, and watched the dragon turtle approaching the battleship.

Third Prince Ao Bing (King of the Sea Tide): "Give up, human prince, take your people and leave this sea area, while you still have a chance to leave alive, maybe you can defeat those inferior murlocs, but in the face of With my naga army, you have no chance of winning.

See the naga army behind me, once I order an attack, you and your fleet will not be spared, this is your last chance humans, make a wise choice. "

Tsk tsk, you're pretty good at drawing words, okay, I'll cooperate with you.

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "Huh, evil and despicable monster, put away your useless false words, the people of Alterac will never yield like a group of water monsters, my fleet will take you and your The distorted brethren are crushed into powder, and I swear by my name, Aidan, that the glory of the alliance will never be violated, go back to the deep sea, this is your last chance!"

The Third Prince Ao Bing (King of the Tide): "Huh, so be it! You will regret your choice, no one dares to confront me, the King of the Tide."

Combat Skill - Thunderbolt!Dalabang suddenly swung his long sword, and a golden thunderbolt fell out of thin air.

Dark Moon Divine Art - Dark Ball!Sigret also waved his staff, and a black magic ball the size of a washbasin flew towards him.

The two spells hit the target almost at the same time. The Tide King uttered a scream and almost fell into the sea from the back of the dragon tortoise.

Third Prince Ao Bing (King of the Sea Tide): "Despicable!"

Sigret (Prince of Alterac): "With an evil creature like you, there is no need to talk about the glory of the alliance!"

Dalabon (Prince of Alterac): "That's right, what are you waiting for, let's fire!"

Boom boom boom!

A series of artillery fires blasted at the king of the tide, and the third son Ao Bing waved his trident, summoning a magic shield made of sea water, bang bang fired a few shells, but the magic shield also slackened for a while, it Without hesitation, he turned over and jumped into the water.

"Kill me—Gudu Gudu." On the sea, countless Naga immediately swarmed towards the fleet.

The battle started again, quite similar to the previous battle with the murlocs. Those Naga warriors rushed to the side of the ship and climbed towards the ship, while the Naga sea witches stood in the waves, shooting lightning bolts, Frost arrows blasted towards the sailor soldiers on the side of the ship.

However, like the previous battles, relying on the protection of the ship's side, the sailors on the ship can shoot condescendingly, completely taking advantage.

The soldiers on both sides of the ship can easily chop the Naga warriors into the sea.

Not to mention that there are big killers like artillery.

The fight from above was intense, and suddenly there were bursts of crashing sounds from below the side of the ship.

Muradin smashed the head of a Naga warrior with a hammer, and his expression changed when he heard the voice, "Damn it, Naga wants to cut through the bottom of the ship."

Captain of the Horn of the Storm: "Don't worry, our battleships are all made of the best oak wood, those little things don't want to penetrate our battleships."

Murphy is not so optimistic. If there are Naga royal guards participating in the battle, the ship board may not be able to resist, but it seems that these mysterious players have not yet had the ability to summon the Naga royal guards to participate in the battle. The steel in the hands of ordinary Naga warriors The fork iron spear cannot damage the ship plank.

But Murphy couldn't let them be destroyed like this.

"Dalabon, drive them out."

"Received." Dalabang crazily blasted thunder and lightning towards the sea, and the lightning was transmitted to the bottom of the ship. Soon some Naga got out from under the side of the ship, and immediately became the target of the sailors on both sides.

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "Stay in formation, lead by the Horn of the Storm, and advance at full speed."

The fleet immediately searched for a dragon formation and formed a narrow herringbone formation. The Horn of the Storm rushed to the front, and the battleship frantically fired fire into the sea water on both sides. At the same time, it kept moving forward. .

Facts have proved that in the face of a fleet that is fully equipped and has the advantage of artillery fire, this kind of attack based on numerical superiority is useless. The confrontation lasted for 5 minutes, blood rolled on the sea, and the dead bodies of Naga were everywhere.

None of the warships of the Alterac fleet were lost, but some sailors on the ship's side were killed.

After breaking through the obstruction of the Naga army, Mur Fei did not turn around and fight. The purpose of these Naga was obviously to delay them, and this was exactly what he wanted to avoid.

The fleet continued to advance, and as the shadow of the mast appeared on the sea ahead, the dull roar also came from afar.

As the distance got closer, the roar became more and more clear.

boom!boom!A dull roar came from afar. Murphy raised his binoculars and saw dozens of pirate ships besieging an unusually huge alliance battleship. The L-shaped flag of the Kingdom of Lordaeron was flying on the battleship.

This battleship must have a displacement of two to three thousand tons, and the cannons on both sides are densely packed, firing shells continuously, but the real source of the roar is a female mage standing in the tower above the battleship, The woman has long flamboyant fiery red hair, an elegant red robe with high slits, revealing her slender thighs wearing high boots, holding a long staff in her hand, and the top of the staff is inlaid with a huge crystal glittering Luminous, clearly visible even from several nautical miles away.

The female sorcerer was firing flames and lightning continuously, the sound of explosions came and went, and the magic light reflected around her like a female Thor.

Morgan Lisa Menethil (Princess of Lordaeron): "Hahahaha, you rubbish, come on, give me all of you, see if I don't blow you into scum, wahahaha! Eat mine Lightning storm!"

A series of five bolts of lightning as thick as buckets blasted out continuously, and an approaching pirate ship was struck by the lightning. The pirates on board were either turned into charcoal by electricity, or fell into the sea screaming, and finally even the entire pirate ship was killed. Boom to pieces.

Damn it, it turned out to be a golden fifth-level hero, and this girl was at the same level as Muradin!
Murphy was a little surprised, but he was not surprised. The prince and princess of Lordaeron are the real masters. The title of a prince of Lordaeron costs 500 million. If you can spend 500 million to buy a local tyrant with a royal status, it is natural It would not be short of 250 million to buy a first-tier gold hero.

Therefore, the princes and princesses of Lordaeron are basically born with a golden rank, unlike the fake local tyrants in Alterac, who are all bronze and silver.

Moreover, many princes and princesses of Lordaeron have extraordinary backgrounds. The awakened version of the Storm God, like Murphy, can be said to be the protagonist in Alterac, but it is just a basic operation in Lordaeron. , I heard that almost all of those real local tyrants have extraordinary personal backgrounds, either they are the ancient blood of a certain god, or they are extremely talented and have extraordinary potential, or they have an unusual affinity with a certain element. Practitioners of wind/fire/water/earth/light/dark elements, and even heard that there is a prince who is an extraordinary offspring conceived by a certain god in her mother's dream.

It's like a group of Long Aotian and Mary Su got together.

The Morgan Lisa in front of me is obviously this kind of Mary Sue's character design, with a tyrannical magic, it is like Thor is alive, a human-shaped fort, and magic is thrown down without money. Just looking at the gorgeous light of her equipment, it is estimated that there must be at least three people on her body. Five pieces of epic, two or three pieces of legendary equipment.

Although those pirates were numerous, they couldn't take down the only alliance warship in front of them for a while.

Muradin (King of the Hill): "Haha, good job Morgan Lisa, that crazy girl can really fight, look, Aidan, it seems Arthas can hold on."

Seeing Alterac's fleet approaching, the pirate fleet immediately dispatched a squadron to stop it.

There are about 20 battleships in this squadron, and one of the battleships with black sails came out more and more, and rushed towards the Horn of the Storm at an extremely fast speed. After firing a shot, Murphy didn't bother to pay attention, and directly ordered the battle formation, ready to rush to fight.

Seeing this situation, the pirate fleet on the opposite side hastily rearranged and formed an artillery formation, confronting the Alterac fleet.

Murphy was not nervous. Although there were more pirate fleets, more than 20 ships, most of the pirate ships were fast ships with double decks or even single decks, and the number of artillery was much less. It is important, so the performance of firepower and protection is also sacrificed, and he is not afraid to confront Murphy head-on.

At this moment, a parrot suddenly flew over with flapping wings and landed on the side of the Horn of the Storm.

A sailor raised his musket and was about to fire.

Flower language parrot (pet): "Quack—don't fire, negotiate, negotiate, croak!"

Murphy raised his hand to stop his subordinates.

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "Are you a player?"

Flower language parrot (pet): "Quack - yes yes, I am a player, quack."

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "Can we have a good talk."

Flower language parrot (pet): "I try to—try to—croak."

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "What do you want me to do?"

Flower language parrot (pet): "I have a business and I want to discuss it with you, quack."

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "I don't think we have anything to talk about." He said, waved his hand, and the battleship didn't stop at all, and continued to move forward.

Flower language parrot (pet): "100 million, retreat immediately, croak, bank card number, 100 million, croak."

100?Your sister's 100 million, do you local tyrants and profiteers have any training manuals, the bid for the briber is a fucking 100 million.

I came out with a fleet, you fucking want to buy me for 100 million?How disrespectful.

He didn't even bother to pay attention, he directly took the musket from a sailor and pointed it at the parrot, "I'll give you one last chance to talk well."

Flower language parrot (pet): "200 million."

boom!The gunshot rang out, and the parrot's head was blown to pieces. Murphy casually threw the musket to the sailor, "Get ready to fight!"

On the flagship of the pirate fleet, a pirate suddenly opened his eyes. He was the one who used the beast's eyes to control the parrot to negotiate.

Jack Sparrow (pirate captain): "They said no."

Ye Tiandi (Sword Saint): "Hmph, as expected, since you are so ungrateful, let's kill them all together."

Jack Sparrow (pirate captain): "The opponent is a regular fleet, and our ships alone may not be enough to complete the mission."

Ye Tiandi (Sword Master): "It's okay, let the third prince quickly bring Naga over to help in the battle, let the murlocs come over too, and - summon Fatty Ke."

Jack Sparrow (Pirate Captain): "Fatty just went offline for dinner again."

Ye Tiandi (Jugmaster): "What, bastard! You still know how to eat at this time, let him go online quickly, if he delays the decisive battle, he will be fined for three days without eating, the order of Tiandao Studio will never be disobeyed."

 Two chapters in one, updated today

(End of this chapter)

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