Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 139 Legendary Creature: Mr. Ke

Chapter 139 Legendary Creature: Mr. Ke

Although it was Murphy's first time to go to sea, he was no stranger to sea battles. He didn't play too many naval battle games like World of Warships, Age of Discovery, Assassin's Creed, and he was influenced by various fictional historical novels. To understand the main points of naval warfare in the age of sailing warships, the key is to grab the T prefix.
The artillery of the sailing battleship is on both sides, so it is the key to give full play to the advantage of firepower as much as possible. Only by grabbing the T prefix and lining up the battleships in a row can the enemy be hit with the fiercest firepower advantage.

And once both parties want to grab the T prefix, then the speed of the ship becomes the key.

Normally, the speed of pirate ships is usually faster than that of regular fleets, but Murphy has the blessing of the God of Storms, with a 30% speed increase, which makes his fleet not weaker than the pirate fleet at all, and even faster.

The two fleets circled around Murphy's fleet and reached the rear side where the opponent's fleet was weakly defended.

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "Cut up from the right rear of the enemy, all warships are ready to bombard!"

300 meters!
200 meters!
100 meters!


Boom boom boom!
The battleships on both sides started to fire artillery at the same time, but the Alterac fleet had already cut into the enemy's rear line. The fleet cut through the rear of the pirate fleet, firing artillery shells in rows, and the pirate ships in the rear fought back after a round of fire. The shot caught fire and burned in the sea.

Jack Sparrow (Pirate Captain): "Damn, the enemy fleet is too fast, we have to adjust our formation, we can't go around anymore, our speed can't beat them, all the warships are scattered, form three or three formations, rush into Enemy formations engaged in melee."

The pirate fleet immediately gave up fighting in formation and spread out to charge. This kind of melee is what they are good at.

Murphy was not nervous. He ordered to continue firing while leading the fleet to move forward. When the pirate ship charged, only the cannon at the bow could fire, so there was no need to worry.

And at the superior speed, even if the pirate ship wants to start a melee battle, it is not easy.

However, sailing warships are not so easy to control, especially in large formations. After seven or eight pirate ships were sunk or seriously injured, the remaining pirate ships rushed into the formation of the Alterac fleet and started a melee. You come and I go, playing lively.

(That’s it? Hehe, these pirates are too weak. Alterac’s fleet is not afraid to compete in firepower. Whether it is the protection ability of the battleship or the number of artillery pieces, the regular navy is stronger than the pirate ship. It is absolutely impossible to fight like this win here)
Just as Murphy was thinking, suddenly, a huge vortex emerged in the sea, twisted limbs churned in the sea, huge tentacles set off waves, a passing Alterac battleship was about to drive away, but was caught A few huge tentacles entangled, and the monster's size actually surpassed the battleship. The huge tentacles entangled the battleship's waist, and the deck and ribs of the strangled made crisp cracking sounds.

The soldiers on the ship fired desperately and fired artillery, but there was nothing they could do to take the monster.

Siegret: "Wocao, what's that?"

Muradin: "Odin's beard is a sea monster!"

Dalabang: "It's over, the opposite side has summoned Mr. Ke!"

Aidan: "Fuck, what are you yelling for, it's just a legendary creature."

Kraken (deep-sea behemoth) legendary creature, level 88, HP 1092822!

It was indeed Mr. Ke, but this Mr. Ke was not Mr. Mr. Peak. The monster in front of him was not an ancient evil god crawling out of the abyss, but a huge ocean monster with a size as large as a hill.

With more than 100 million health points, its blood volume can compete with Deathwing.

That body is extremely huge, like a mountain wriggling in the sea.

But Murphy is very clear that the combat power of this thing is not as exaggerated as it seems, at most it is the strength of a world-class boss.

However, Murphy was a little surprised that this player organization had such a strong hole card.

Legendary creatures are a special template that cannot be purchased directly with money. The only way to obtain them is through player upgrades.

And the way to upgrade is quite weird, it must be upgraded from a small animal template. Players of the small animal template can open a special mode after entering the game - the evolution mode.

The evolution mode is also known as the real eating chicken mode. Players who open this mode can obtain evolution points by continuously devouring other creatures. After accumulating a certain number of points, they can obtain an evolution, increase their body size, and increase their blood limit.

Theoretically, this process of evolution can go on indefinitely. The longer it grows, the bigger it becomes, the stronger it grows, and finally it becomes a 'legendary creature'.

The great turtle that carried the Wandering Isle was a legendary creature.

After the official announcement of the existence of this template, many players started with small animals, dreaming of success in one fell swoop. However, small animals are the template with the weakest combat power in the game. They can't even beat the civilian template. It's in the single digits, and any beast you encounter can turn into an appetizer.

If you want to grow, you can only devour other small animals. However, the reason why the evolution mode is called the real eating chicken mode is because once the player dies, the evolution points will be cleared, and you need to start from scratch. If you want to grow into a legendary creature, then The odds are simply not too slim.Therefore, Murphy has never heard of anyone who has practiced it.

I didn't expect to see one with my own eyes today.

Legendary creatures are not BOSS and do not have BOSS skills, but they have extraordinary size and health, especially the size, which often grows into the kind of behemoths that only appear in monster horror movies.

This kind of monster is very disgusting, and it is almost impossible to kill it, unless Murphy can become Deathwing now...

He looked at the battleship of Lordaeron in the distance. After all, the giant ship was overtaken by pirate ships. Seven or eight pirate ships threw the cables onto the side of the giant ship. Countless pirates were swarming up to take down the last results.

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "Don't worry about that ship. All fleets follow my orders and move forward at full speed. Don't fight with pirate ships and go to meet Lordaeron's warships."

Murphy immediately made a decision. Although the legendary creature has average combat power and no skills, it is destined to be a disgusting monster that cannot be killed just because of its super giant size and super vitality.

And if this thing is killed, it is estimated that it will be difficult to reveal anything good.

My goal is to save Alsace, not to fight to the death with these naga pirates, I have to save my capital to make contributions in the future.

The messengers immediately issued semaphores to the ships. At this time, there was a loud noise from behind. It was the sound of the keel of the battleship being smashed into two pieces by a huge tentacle with a length of several tens of meters. Being torn in two, the sailors and sailors on the ship fell into the sea like dumplings. What awaited them was the siege of murlocs and naga. Those disgusting monsters rushed out from the bottom of the sea, dragging the sailors and sailors into the deep sea During this time, the screams of soldiers were everywhere.

A knight couldn't stand it any longer, "Your Highness, our soldiers—"

"Why, do you want to accompany them?" Mo Fei asked coldly, and waved his hand involuntarily, "Full speed ahead."

The sound of artillery fire was still fierce. The Alterac fleet charged hard, and the pirate ships rushed up to stop them. As long as they could entangle each other, the giant beasts in the sea could kill these warships one by one. The shells flew across the city. It is so powerful that even elite units are likely to be killed in one shot.

Although Murphy has nearly [-] HP, he will definitely not be killed in seconds, but seeing the shells flying by from time to time, his heart is extremely nervous.

A pirate ship suddenly stopped in front of the Horn of the Storm, the captain hurriedly turned around, but he still couldn't make it in time, they collided with each other with a bang, and the horn of the pirate ship crashed deeply into the Horn of the Storm's hull , the battleship was pulled to a stop immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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