Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 141

Chapter 141
(The previous chapter has been edited a bit. I misremembered it before. Tianxiu should be Bronze 3, not Silver [-]. The battle process between him and Ye Tiandi has also been revised)

Seeing the reinforcements that suddenly appeared, Ye Tiandi's face suddenly became ugly. He didn't pay much attention to the guy carrying the giant sword on the door panel, he was just a bronze four, but Muradin Bronzebeard was just a guy. It's different.

This guy is a gold-level fifth-level hero, and like Alsace, he is an original plot character. He has been playing Firmament World for so long, and he has already discovered that the original plot characters are usually stronger than the player heroes of the same level.

He had dismantled two of their pirate ships with just this one cargo before, and finally let him fall into the sea because one of the pirate ships blew up. He thought he was dead, but he came back again unexpectedly.

Muradin looked grim, "Your opponent is me, bastard! Well done, I knew you were a good man, take Arthas out of here quickly, and let me and Aidan deal with him."

Without hesitation, Tianxiu nodded, turned around and entered the captain's cabin, dragging out a stubborn blond boy from inside.

Alsace (Prince of Lordaeron), first-tier gold hero, level 12, HP 3200.

As expected, he is the protagonist chosen by the heavens. He already has more than 12 blood volume at level 3000, and he is already at the first level of gold before he grows up.

Murphy looked at the childish brat in front of him, and thought this is Alsace?That's it?
In other words, what will happen if people are really killed, it feels like history can be changed at any time.

But this idea just flashed in his mind, he is not the prince of Lordaeron, even if Arthas died, it would not be his turn to take the position of the Lich King.

Arthas (Prince of Lordaeron): "Let go of me, I can join the war, let me kill that bastard to avenge our compatriots!"

Tianxiu (court swordsman): "Don't be blinded by hatred, Alsace, they died to protect you, and you should not disappoint their efforts, come out of here with me!"

Muradin Bronzebeard (King of the Hill): "Tianxiu is right, Arthas, don't let your people die in vain, go!"

Ye Tiandi (Sword Saint): "It's you again, you dwarf, it seems that you don't know what to be damned at all, since you're here, don't leave today."

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "And me, man, I said, do you want to be so arrogant? You are only one person. Now it is a question of whether you can leave."

Ye Tiandi (Juvenile Master): "Hahaha, alone? You really think I'm alone, it's too naive, we are bound to win this action, you don't even know who you are offending!"

He suddenly took out a flare and fired it out, and there was a sound of air stirring in the air, whoosh!

A few black shadows appeared one after another out of nowhere, and instantly occupied the surrounding ship's side, ship tower, and the high position of the mast.

There are seven people in total, all of them are assassins, thieves, shadow dancers and other professions that are good at assassination, and these seven people are all hero players, each of them is wearing black leather armor, black scarf covering their faces, holding a long knife and sharp blade, and their faces are full of blood. Expressionless and silent, it has the feeling of a professional killer organization.

Murphy was startled, the elite battle group composed of seven hero-level assassins, even the boss could not escape death.

No matter how confident he was, he was not sure how to protect Alsace from death in front of such a lineup.

Although these seven people are only bronze-level heroes, bronze heroes are also heroes and have hero skills, while assassin-type heroes, there is no doubt that their skills are definitely used for assassination. But bad food.

boom!A ball of flame fell on the deck and turned into a female mage in a red robe.

Morgan Lisa (Princess of Lordaeron): "It seems that I'm late. It's so lively, how could I be missing."

Emperor Ye (Juvenile Master): "Morgan Lisa! Damn it, do you know what you are doing? Do you really want to be my enemy? Do you also want to take the position of the Lich King?"

Morgan Lisa (Princess of Lordaeron): "Haha, I don't care about the Lich King or Arthas at all. I just like fighting. Hey, if I can't make it, I'm coming."

Seeing that the situation was anxious for a while, Murphy saw an opportunity.

Taking advantage of the eyes of those people on the female mage in front of him, he shot without hesitation.

Mo Fei has no intention of rushing up to melee combat. Don't look at his dragon-slaying giant sword, which looks domineering, but compared with these agile heroes, his speed is undoubtedly too much. Can't cut a single one.

Fortunately, he is not only a fighter, but also a dragon eater.

Murphy took a deep breath.

Dragon Feast Secret Art - the pure flame of Arundel!

A black faucet emerged out of thin air, opened its mouth, and flames spewed out.

This shot was beyond everyone's expectations, everyone regarded him as a giant sword savage, never thought that this giant sword savage could cast spells, and the power of spells was so powerful.

Flames spewed out everywhere, and the seven assassins immediately flew in all directions to avoid it.

Ye Tiandi immediately took a few steps back and became alert. With his speed, it was difficult for fire magic to hit him.

However, Mo Fei didn't intend to burn these guys at all. The speed of fire magic is not too fast. It is not easy to burn the opponent, and even if it burns, it will not cause much damage and will be dodged. The targets are around the sails, deck and mast.

The huge dragon head spewed fire crazily, forcing Ye Tiandi and the assassins to keep retreating. The battleship had already ignited some flames due to the previous battle. At this time, under the burning of the flame breath, it suddenly burned into a sea of ​​flames, and Mo Fei even more so. Turn the faucet to the top of the head and spray it on the densely packed sail cables above. In an instant, fires ignited all around the top of the head, and there were burning flames and crackling sounds of wood everywhere.

After spraying for seven or eight seconds in one breath, Mo Fei successfully ignited one-third of the battleship into a sea of ​​flames.

Everyone was startled, and a look of astonishment flashed in Tianxiu's eyes.

However, the stalemate had been broken, and everyone reacted immediately. Tianxiu dragged Alsace and ran towards the Horn of the Storm. There is Muradin blocking the road and stationed.

Muradin swung his hammer—thunder strike!
Boom, the violent explosion and the radiating shock waves drove all the assassins back.

Muradin (King of the Hill): "Go, I'll kill you!"

Just as Mo Fei was about to say something polite, a chill suddenly rose from behind him. When he turned around, he saw Ye Tiandi looking at him with killing intent on his face. He smiled and turned around and rushed into the sea of ​​flames. He had 150 points of flames Resistance, the surrounding sea of ​​fire will not harm him.

Just as Ye Tiandi was about to pursue him, he was stopped by Muradin.

He looked at the black thread on the king of the hill in front of him. This **** is a lump of iron, especially after the god of heaven is turned on, it is as smelly and hard as a stone, and it can't be touched by hero skills. He looked at it with hatred Like a dwarf.

Ye Tiandi (Sword Master): "Don't be too complacent, shorties, you can't escape this sea."

Muradin (King of the Hill): "Just wait and see, boy, and I'm telling you, I'm a big guy among the dwarves."

After speaking, he backed away slowly, and rushed into the sea of ​​flames.

Ye Tiandi also jumped, stepping on the waves and flying onto a pirate ship.

Boom, click—the mast was burnt by the flames and collapsed, and this Lordaeron battleship became a pile of fire floating on the sea.

at the same time--

"People are back, hurry up and set sail!" Murphy ordered as soon as he boarded the boat.

The captain immediately turned the sails away from the burning Lordaeron battleship. Muradin was the last to jump on board. As soon as he landed, the fleet immediately headed for the deep sea.

However, the pirate ship was still persistently chasing behind, but Murphy was not in vain at all. Looking at the pirate fleet that was gradually being left behind, Murphy felt relieved until the legendary giant beast appeared again. water surface.

Day, even came.

In just ten minutes, the wound on the monster's body has healed, and it is swimming in the sea quickly. Mo Feixin said that this thing is really disgusting. If he is entangled by it, he may be chased by the pirate fleet again. up.

Seeing the Kraken sea monster getting closer and closer, some abnormal phenomena appeared in the right front of the fleet.

"Full speed ahead—wait a minute, what's that?" Murphy asked loudly, pointing to a sea area covered by dark clouds and storms in the distance.

On the sea in the distance, the dark clouds covering the sky and the huge vortex air flow are like the end of the world.

(End of this chapter)

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