Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 142 I'm Afraid You Can't Control It

Chapter 142 I'm Afraid You Can't Control It
The captain said: "That is the Sea of ​​Storms, which is covered by strange storms all year round. Any ship entering it will be swallowed by the storm! But don't worry, as long as you stay away from that sea area, you won't be affected by the storm."

Sea of ​​Storms?Land of storms!Does he still remember his mission of the gods, the place where the storm falls, isn't this the place he is talking about?

A flash of inspiration flashed in his heart, "Let's rush in."

Morgan Lisa (Princess of Lordaeron): "What, are you crazy?"

Murphy looked confident, "I am the blood of the God of Storms, and I have the blessings of God of Storms on me. No matter how strong the storm is, it will not hurt us. Captain, turn around and let's enter the storm."

"Yes, Your Highness, follow your orders."

Huh, huh, the horn sounded, and the semaphore was lit at the same time.

After receiving the order, the Alterac warships turned their bows one after another and sailed into the storm, disappearing one by one in the storm of dark clouds, lightning and thunder.

Ye Tiandi, who was chasing after him, was stunned, "Crazy, these people are fucking crazy——

Jack Sparrow (Pirate Captain): "Damn it, let's go in too!"

Ye Tiandi hastily stopped him: "Damn it, I won't risk my life for this mission—besides, as long as they die in this storm, our mission will still be considered complete."

The only question is, will this group of people die in it?Since the other party is so confident, there must be something to rely on, Ye Tiandi couldn't help but feel a little uneasy.

at the same time--

Wocao, the God of Storms promised protection!Why is this blessing of the wind ineffective?

Standing on the bow of the ship, holding the mast tightly with both hands, Mo Fei felt as if his body would be blown away at any moment.

In the storm, there was even more thunder flashing, and the lightning kept falling around the battleship, turning into electric current and spreading everywhere on the ocean.

Huge waves are like mountains and valleys, constantly throwing the Horn of the Storm up and down. The violent jolts make everyone on board lose their minds. Fearing the power of the world, even the most experienced sailors can only resign themselves to their fate at this time .

Whether it is a hero or a knight, a sailor or a soldier, they can only tremble.

Arthas was no exception, he was holding a cable tightly with both hands, his face was pale.

Suddenly, a huge wave hit, and the cable he was holding on to suddenly broke, and he was about to fall into the sea. Murphy rushed up and grabbed his wrist.

You can't die, you brat, I haven't got the task reward yet.

The next second, a bolt of lightning suddenly struck between the two of them. Boom, amidst the roar of the lightning, the two of them flew into the sea together.

Murphy heaved up and down in the icy sea water. He regained consciousness in less than three seconds after being unconscious. Sure enough, there were no white spots in these dozens of physical fitness points. Not far away, the outline of the Horn of the Storm could be seen, but the wind and waves were too strong. He swam a few times vigorously, not only did not get close, but was pushed to the other side by the waves.

Murphy found helplessly that he had no ability to swim in the turbulent waves, he could only drift with the current, and suddenly his eyes lit up, and he saw the sun, and then his body softened suddenly, and he floated to the beach superior.

here is--

Standing on the beach, Murphy was surprised and stunned for a moment. In front of him was a small island in the center of the storm, surrounded by a dark and dense storm. Those Alterac battleships were faintly visible, struggling in the storm, drifting with the current, As if it would collapse at any moment.

Only a small area around the island is calm and there are no waves.

How is this going?Mo Fei was surprised and confused for a moment.

Until Alsace's shout sounded behind him.

As soon as he turned around, he saw that this kid also got out of the waves, and on the beach, he struggled to climb ashore.

Both of them were a little shocked.

It wasn't until this time that Murphy had time to look at this "Son of Destiny" carefully. Although he was only 12 years old, he was already 1.7 meters tall, but the childishness on his face still showed that he was just a child.

Arthas (Prince of Lordaeron): "Are you Brother Aidan?"

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "Yes, how do you know?"

Arthas (Prince of Lordaeron): "Muradin often talked about you. He said that you once slew a dragon with your own hands. Wow, your sword is so domineering. This is the legendary dragon slayer. sword?"

Alsace looked enviously at the black giant sword in Murphy's hand.

Murphy nodded, he was also quite benefited from the youth's admiration, but this is not the time to listen to people's flattery.

He looked around, the small island seemed to be the center of the storm, Murphy looked up at the sky, the storm surrounded the small island, forming a huge circular sky, even the sun could be seen.

At the highest point in the center of the island, a blue light can be vaguely seen going straight into the sky, as if it is emitting some kind of strange energy, Mo Fei has some vague guesses.

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "I think the source of the storm is likely to come from there. If we can go to the top of the mountain and find out the reason, maybe we can calm the storm!"

Arthas (Prince of Lordaeron): "Then what are we waiting for!"

The young prince was a little excited, and he was about to go up the mountain.

Murphy was a little hesitant. He made this inference based on his past game experience, but combined with the tasks he received and the process of the two of them falling into the water, he always felt that it was a bit too coincidental.

But now there was obviously no other choice, and the two climbed up the mountain side by side.

Murphy was a little wary at first, thinking that there must be some powerful bosses on this island, but after walking for a while, he only encountered a few wild wolves and a few low-level elemental creatures, before Murphy even had time to make a move. It was solved by Alsace who rushed ahead.

Probably because of his apprenticeship with Muradin, Alsace's weapon is a warhammer, and his fighting power is not weak.

Soon the two came to the foot of the mountain, climbed an ancient rock staircase, and came to a platform at the top of the mountain.

"Look, there seems to be a sword!" Alsace shouted excitedly.

Mo Fei took a closer look, and it turned out to be a big sword with a strange shape. It was stuck on an ancient rock. The force of the storm spread out from the hilt, forming a small whirlwind, constantly rotating around the sword. , the whirlwind grew bigger as it went up, and gradually disappeared into the sky. However, the whistling sound of the wind showed that the whirlwind had not disappeared, and it even seemed to be echoing the surrounding storm.

Arthas looked at this rather miraculous sword with bright eyes.

However, Murphy's eyes widened in surprise. This scene is too déjà vu. The sword stuck in the stone, Alsace and his companions, are there instructions for use engraved on the stone?
He searched around the boulder, and sure enough, some words were engraved in the common language on the boulder.

The two read together.

[Storm Controller—the cursed sword of the Windchaser.

Only a real king can pull out this sword. Anyone who holds this sword will gain the power to control the storm. Incarnate as the demon king who destroys the world. 】

"The real king... save the world..." Arthas muttered to himself, his eyes shining, "Yes, as long as you draw this sword, you can save others! So that's why I am a prince. Is it meaningful? In order to save my people, in order to gain strength, I must undertake this important task."

What the hell, what Mo Fei watched was silent. Who the hell wrote this script? He didn't even change the plot. In other words, the system is afraid that Alsace will not be good enough, and the pressure is not strong enough. If you don’t want to pull out Frostmourne in the future, let’s have a preview first.

If Arthas really draws out this sword, he will most likely be able to save those crew members, but in this way Alsace will form a thinking inertia, and when the future plot requires him to pull out Frostmourne and become the Lich King, he will naturally It was a matter of course.

High, it is really high, but although this sword is not Frostmourne, it should not be bad, right? Judging by the special effects, it is probably a legendary weapon. Could it be that I just watched Alsace go astray?That absolutely can't work, I am also Muradin's friend anyway, how can I watch my friend's apprentice being calculated by the system like this?Bearing a heavy burden that he shouldn't have.

I can't say, I have to sacrifice a bit, and I will bear this burden. Alas, who made me a selfless, noble and selfless prince of benevolence and righteousness for my brothers.

Aidan: "Stop Arthas, don't you see what's written on it, this sword is cursed!"

Alsace's childish face was full of determination: "In order to save my people, I am willing to bear any curse."

Aidan: "But they are not your people, they are all my people."

Ok?Alsace was stunned for a moment, looking at the storm in the distance and the battleship in it that seemed to capsize at any moment, it seemed that this was really the case.

Arthas: "But—"

Aidan: "But what? Listen to my advice from Brother Aidan. This sword is too powerful, and the curse is too heavy. I'm afraid you won't be able to grasp it, so I'd better let Brother Aidan come." .”

Alsace hesitated, "But it says that only a true king can draw this sword."

Aidan: "King? Do you think you are more king than me?"

After speaking of the dragon king's majesty and aura, Alsace suddenly felt that Prince Aidan in front of him was full of the aura of a king, which made him stand upright.

Aidan: "You can feel it, this is the real king, you are still young, you need to practice a little bit more, you have to stand tall even if the sky falls, of course I have to do this kind of dangerous thing first, you Just stay aside."

After finishing speaking, he couldn't help but push Alsace aside.

Go up and grab the hilt of the sword.

(End of this chapter)

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