Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 143 No one knows how to draw a sword better than me

Chapter 143 No one knows how to draw a sword better than me

As soon as Mo Fei held the hilt of the sword in his hand, a thunderous force shot out from the hilt. With the flash of thunder, Mo Fei felt that half of his body was paralyzed by electricity.

A not-so-large damage figure popped out from the top of his head.

Murphy was taken aback, I wiped it, there is even a defense mechanism, it seems that this is indeed a well-arranged script, this sword is [-]% specially prepared for Alsace.

But Lao Tzu is the blood of the God of Storms, so a small electric shock is nothing at all.

Thinking about it, Murphy simply clasped both hands up. Although the power of the thunder made him feel a little uncomfortable, except for the first blow that would hurt his blood, there was nothing serious about it afterwards, but he could bear it. He used both hands together , but the sword was still motionless.

Mo Fei simply stepped on the huge rock and pulled out the sword with all his strength.

"Ah! Come out for me."

Arthas (Prince of Lordaeron): "Brother Aidan, it seems that this sword is unwilling to accept you, how about I try it?"

"What's the rush? I'm just getting started. Feelings and everything need to be brewed. This Excalibur is spiritual. Let's see how I can conquer it."

However, in the next second, a strong storm force suddenly burst out with the sword as the core, and with a bang, the violent air wave directly lifted Mo Fei away.

What Arthas saw was inexplicably excited. "Brother Aidan, why don't you let me try." Then he went up to draw his sword.

Murphy hurriedly stood up and stopped him.

"Damn, you little brat doesn't want to live anymore. Didn't you see that I was electrocuted just now, and I was blown away by the force of the storm. I have the blood of the God of Storms flowing in my body, so I'm still suffering from it." Minor injuries, if you shot rashly, you might be electrocuted to death directly.

Looking back, how do you ask me to explain to your father? I sacrificed countless loyal soldiers to save you from those pirates. Do you want them to die in vain?

Go, go, be honest and stay there, it must be that my posture for drawing the sword just now was wrong. When I change my posture, I will definitely be able to draw the sword this time. "

As he spoke, Murphy shook his arms and stretched his muscles and bones. He carefully looked at the huge rock and the sword in front of him.

This stone looks quite simple, with a feeling after thousands of years of wind erosion. At first glance, it seems very fragile. The sword is inserted in the stone. The shape of the sword body is very ancient, showing a blue The strange black texture does not seem to be artificially forged, but it seems to be born naturally.

The sword body doesn't look like metal, but rather some kind of special rock. On the hilt, there is a gemstone in the shape of a blue eye. The brilliance flows in the gemstone. When you get close, you can even hear the whistling wind , if you look carefully, there seems to be a storm turning in that gem.

It really is a good treasure, and I must get it today.

Murphy stretched out his hand again, but a strong air current roared and pushed him away, preventing him from approaching.

Damn it, your sister didn't even let me hold it this time, and I just fucked you up.

At this time, the long-lost narration suddenly sounded.

[Narrator: Prince Aidan suddenly realized that this sword was not prepared for him. Fate brought him and Alsace to this island. Maybe it was not his fate, but Alsace's. He decided to give up trying and hand over his fate to the right person. He had a faint premonition in his heart that if he continued to try, something terrible might happen. 】

I wipe, is this threatening me?Murphy is really angry now, the promised free game, the game plot without interference.

"System, system, I'm about to lose my life just to save your fate, what's the point of pulling out your broken sword? Is it worth being so stingy? If you really say that, then I won't be with you." Talking to himself, he directly opened the friend list, chose to add a new friend, and entered the character name—Ye Tiandi.

[System prompt: Ye Tiandi has approved your application. 】

Ye Tiandi: You are not dead yet!how can that be?

Aidan: What are you thinking, I dare to enter the storm because I must rely on something, and I will definitely not die, not only I am not dead, but Arthas is also alive and well, he is now beside me.

Ye Tiandi: Why are you telling me this? Do you want to mock me?
Aidan: Of course not, you want to negotiate a business with you, don't you want to kill Alsace?Give me 1000 million and I'll kill Alsace right now.

Ye Tiandi: Are you kidding me? The job we took over in our studio only paid 500 million yuan in total, and we only gave a 20% deposit. The rest of the payment will only be paid after Alsace is killed. Let's split 500 million in half, and I'll give you 250 million. This is a lot of money, and that's the price for a legendary plot weapon.

Damn, I think you look like two hundred and five. Mo Feixin said that Alsace is such an important figure, so many brothers and sisters want him to die, so he just collected 500 million?What a joke, he was sure that the other party must be crying poor, but he was not in a hurry, anyway, it was business, just talk slowly.

Aidan: A flat price of 500 million. I know that your rewards are definitely more than that. Now you are completely out of recruits. Just promise me that at least you will still make money, otherwise you will just wait for the mission to fail.

Ye Tiandi: Wait a minute, let me discuss it with some friends.

[Narrator: Suddenly, Aidan felt something in his heart, and he listened carefully, the whistling wind in his ear suddenly disappeared, he looked at the divine sword in front of him, and felt the storm protecting the legendary divine sword in front of him The power disappeared without knowing it, maybe I still have a chance!
Aidan thought excitedly in his heart, but it must not be an easy task to pull out this sword, even without the protection of the power of the storm, it may not be possible to succeed, but he has no complaints about this, if it is really his own strength Insufficient, there is no way to do it, at least I have tried hard...]

Huh?Does the system imply a compromise?Hehe, it would have been fine if it had been like this for a long time. As expected, the most humble person is invincible.

Murphy glanced at Alsace who was looking at the sword eagerly beside him, and said to himself that you are lucky, boy.

Smiling, he grabbed the hilt of the sword, and this time he was not hindered, but he couldn't pull it out even though he tried hard.

Murphy was not surprised. According to the hint from the narration just now, the system obviously meant that it would not intervene, but whether it can be pulled out still depends on one's own ability. If the strength is not enough, you can't blame others.

It's fine, as long as you don't play dirty tricks, it's fine, isn't it just a broken rock, if you can't pull it out, I smash it and it's over.

Without further ado, Mo Fei swung the dragon-slaying giant sword and slashed towards the giant rock.

boom!The blade cut on the stone without even a white mark.

I rub, this stone is so hard, even Deathwing is not so hard.

boom!boom!boom!Mo Fei slashed at the stone with all his might.

The violent vibration made Alsace retreat involuntarily.

"Brother Aidan, let me try it, I always feel that this sword seems to be calling me, calling my name."

"You know a thread, it's the curse on the sword that's tempting you to go into the darkness, don't be fooled—huh, huh, wait for me to catch my breath."

boom! boom! boom!
"Let me tell you... huh, huh, drawing a sword, no one is more professional than me... huh, huh, not only strength, but also perseverance... huh, huh, drawing a sword is a A process...not an action...if you can't pull it out, give up...huh, huh, what's the difference between that and a salted fish."

Click, a small piece of gravel was chopped off the edge of the boulder.

"Hahaha, let's see, is it starting to work... Huh, huh!"

While panting heavily, Murphy thought that it would not be a problem to continue like this, and it seemed that he had to use a big move.

"Alsace, step back for a moment, I'm going to really start drawing my sword."

Alsace said in his heart that he really started to draw his sword?So what were you doing just now?And what are you doing with your sword drawn so high and so far away?
Storm-crack the sky-slash!

boom!The violent explosion and air wave made Alsace hide his face and back away. When the smoke and dust cleared, he looked at the huge rock again, and there was clearly a crack on it.

"Hahahaha, it's going to succeed."

Dragon Feast Secret Art - the pure flame of Arundel!

Charge up and hit!

Storm-crack the sky-slash!

boom!The second time the storm cracked the air, the rock that seemed impossible to be destroyed was finally split into two halves and shattered all over the ground.

The sword was still suspended in mid-air, only the tip of the sword was still embedded in the rock. Mo Fei stepped forward and pulled it out forcefully, but it still didn't move.

Damn it was really troublesome, he kicked, broke hard, and finally let out a savage roar.

Strength and endurance increased by 30% in an instant, and then he pulled out with all his strength, and finally separated the sword from the rock below.

"Huh...huh...huh, hahaha...look at Arthas...huh, huh, I am indeed the legendary king...Isn't this the sword drawn appeal!"

Alsace had a sluggish expression on his face, "But, but... I feel so reluctant to pull it out."

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "What do you know? Of course, this kind of sword will shake the world when you pull it out. If you pull it out lightly, it's nothing like a sword. When you draw your sword You will know."

Alsace looked at the Storm Controller in Murphy's hand resentfully, and said to himself how could he have a chance with you.

Murphy ignored Alsace and looked at the sword in his hand.

This sword is indeed a legendary weapon.

[Storm Controller, Cursed Sword of the Wind Chaser (Legendary/Two-Handed Sword)

Story Weapon: Unique.

Attack power: 85-190.

Wind magic power +55.

Special effect 1: Arouse the storm (limited to once a day).Summons a small storm, causing a continuous blowing effect on small-sized units within the storm range, and a continuous slowing effect on medium-sized and above units. You can increase the power and influence range of the storm by consuming additional mana.

Special Effect 2: The Eye of the Hurricane (passive), automatically deflects all wind magic that targets you, and is immune to the deceleration and blowing effects of all wind skills.

Special effect 3: The momentum of the wind (passive, can be superimposed).Your normal attacks are empowered by the force of the wind, and each attack will gain a 10% attack speed bonus for 10 seconds. This effect can be stacked up to 10 times.

Weapon introduction: The legendary weapon used by Annolos, the god of storms, was discarded on the nameless desert island for unknown reasons. It is said that the nameless god cast a curse on this sword. If the holder of this sword cannot become a savior The hero of the world will surely become the devil who destroys the world. 】

(End of this chapter)

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