Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 144 The Joy of Fire

Chapter 144 The Joy of Fire
Hahaha, what an awesome weapon, although the damage is slightly lower than that of the Dragon Slaying Sword, but the weight is also much lighter, and the attack speed is naturally faster.

And there is 55 wind magic power.

Good thing, the legendary weapon is indeed the hanging. Although there are only three special effects, which seem to be a lot worse than the five special effects of the dragon-slaying great sword, the special effects of the storm controler are obviously more versatile, especially It is this 'evoking storm', which is absolutely powerful when used on a large-scale battlefield.

The eye of the hurricane doesn't seem to be very useful. After all, wind magic is relatively unpopular, mainly because it seems to be more convenient to move in the storm.

But this Gale Force is powerful, 10% of the attack speed, stacking ten layers is 100% attack speed, in other words, as long as the Gale Force is stacked, this two-handed sword can completely cut out the speed of a one-handed sword Come.

This makes it much easier to use against ordinary enemies than the dragon-slaying giant sword. Among the five special effects of the dragon-slaying giant sword, armor is only effective for high-armor units, lore is only effective for extra-large units, and dragon-slaying Only works on dragons.

The only effect of increasing toughness and durability is to save repair costs. Only the special effect of stubborn iron is relatively versatile.

In other words, against ordinary humanoid enemies, the dragon-slaying giant sword is just a whiteboard giant sword with super high damage.

Now I finally have a substitute. In the future, I will use the dragon-slaying giant sword to fight the boss, and I will use the storm controler to deal with humanoid enemies. Haha, it’s so cool.

Moreover, a legendary weapon is still a plot weapon, and this sword can at least be worth 300 million.

Ye Tiandi: Brother, we discussed it, 500 million is indeed too expensive, how about 350 million?Anyway, we have to leave some hard-earned money for us, right?

Aidan: Forget it, you are too dishonest, this business is over.

Ye Tiandi: Wait a minute, if it's 400 million, I really can't add more.

Aidan: Not doing it, not doing it for 1000 million, I tell you man, you've missed your chance, bye.

After finishing speaking, he directly turned off the private message friend list, and turned on Do Not Disturb.

As soon as he turned around, he saw that Alsace was so wronged that he was about to cry. Looking at the two legendary weapons in Murphy's hands, his eyes almost shed tears.

Mo Fei was speechless, alas, children are children, they want anything good to see, and I am a helper.

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "Oh, look at you, why are you so excited, let me tell you that you can't control this power, Brother Aidan is protecting you... Oh, who told you My heart is soft, come, come, I got this sword after killing a black dragon, and it is also an extremely powerful weapon, so I will give it to you to play with."

After speaking, he took out the blazing blade from his bag and handed it to Alsace.

This blazing blade is no match for a legendary weapon like the Stormmaster, at least it is an epic weapon, and in terms of appearance alone, the blazing blade is much more beautiful than the Stormkeeper, the red-red blade is like flowing fire , gorgeous.

Only then did Arthas stop his grievances, "What is the name of this sword?"

"This sword is called the joy of fire, use it well."

"Thank you, Brother Aidan!" Arthas excitedly took over the Blazing Blade—no, now he is so happy.

Murphy ignored Alsace, he looked around, lost the support of the storm controller, and the storm around the island gradually dissipated.

The Alterac Fleet made it look like the scraped east and west suffered some losses, but fortunately most of them are still there.

The two returned down the mountain along the same route, and Murphy sent a private message to Sigret Dalabang, asking the two to come and pick them up. After 10 minutes, the two returned to the Horn of the Storm.

Muradin (King of the Hill): "Odin's beard, you two are lucky that you two are not dead, Arthas, as long as you are alright—hey, this sword is."

Arthas (Prince of Lordaeron): "This is the weapon that Brother Aidan gave me."

Muradin (King of the Hill): "Oh, Aidan, you are such a generous person, Arthas, what I taught you before, for those who have helped you, you must keep in mind and thank you from the bottom of your heart. "

Arthas (Prince of Lordaeron): "Thank you."

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "Haha, it's easy to say, let's go quickly, don't wait for those pirates to catch up again."

The fleet didn't stay any longer, and after regrouping, they headed south again.

As the fleet gradually moved away from the nameless island and out of the Sea of ​​Storms, Murphy finally heard a system prompt.

[System prompt: Complete the plot mission 'The Land of the Storm', you have obtained 1000 plot points, your hero rank has been raised, it is now bronze level [-], you have unlocked a new hero specialty, you can play in the Storm God Learn the god-given combat skills in the temple. 】

It was finally completed, and Mo Fei was overjoyed. Bronze rank five, and one more step up to the silver rank.

I don't know what kind of hero specialties can be brushed out this time.

He clicked on the rank system and took a look.

This time the hero specialties are pretty good.

1, Admiral (war feat).You have led a fleet to defeat a superior number of enemies in a naval battle, so you have mastered the essence of naval warfare.

Special effect: When you lead an army to fight at sea, the base morale of your army will increase by 30 points, and the combat efficiency will increase by 10%.

2. Arsonist (behavioral feat).You incinerated and destroyed a large warship in a battle using your fire ability, and you have become more proficient in the use of fire.

Special effect: The power of your fire skills increases by 10%, and the destruction effect of fire skills on the scene increases by 15%.

3. The Destroyer (Legendary feat).You have forcibly destroyed a god's creation in savage and violent ways, and have thus mastered the true meaning of destruction.

Special effect: Your normal attack comes with 10% real damage, and when you attack enemies with sacred armor (demigods, gods, ancient gods, and outer gods), the probability of hitting a fatal blow is slightly increased.

Murphy looked at the specialties of the three heroes and studied them. Admiral was the first to be rejected. This thing is useless, and it is a leading skill. He will still be on land in the future and improve his personal combat power. Definitely the number one priority.

Arsonist and Destroyer are both good combat specialties, one can increase the power of fire skills, and the other can attack with real damage.

One increases scene damage, and one slightly increases the chance of critical strikes against enemies in Holy Armor.

Don't think that this weak improvement sounds bad, but you must know that enemies with sacred armor, that is, all kinds of existences with the suffix "God", are unable to deliver a fatal blow under normal circumstances, and often require targeted artifacts, Forbidden spells can exploit weaknesses.

Otherwise, you can only rely on piles of human heads to grind blood to death.

No matter how weak the probability is, it is the difference between 0 and 1.

After a little hesitation, Murphy chose Destroyer, not because he wanted to kill God, but because he currently only had one fire skill——Arundel's pure flame, and it was really a waste of a feat just for such a skill A bit too bad.

In contrast, the versatility of physical attacks is significantly higher.

(End of this chapter)

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