Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 148 Written as Varian, read as Long Aotian

Chapter 148 Written as Varian, read as Long Aotian

King Ryan's expression suddenly became a little ugly.

The Western Wilderness is the earliest territory opened up by the Stormwind Kingdom. Although it is called the wilderness, it is actually the granary of the Stormwind Kingdom. The fertile plains are endless, with wheat fields and farms everywhere, and there are mountains in the north and south. Safety can be said to be the quintessence of the Stormwind Kingdom. Lordaeron wants to open the Westfall as soon as he opens his mouth. It's like a lion opening his mouth.

However, it is estimated that Lordaeron will never agree to change to another place. If the site to come is located in the interior of the Stormwind Kingdom, and the inside and outside are isolated, there is no way to effectively rule it. Only the Western Wilderness, which happens to be close to the sea, can be directly connected by the navy. .

But King Ryan absolutely cannot accept this. It is not just a matter of a piece of land. Once Lordaeron gets a fulcrum in the south of Azeroth, with the strength of the Kingdom of Lordaeron, it will soon be able to use the western wilderness as the basis. The starting point is to expand the territory everywhere, and the south of Azeroth will no longer be the private land of the Stormwind Kingdom.

King Lane nodded expressionlessly: "I will seriously consider King Tenaris' proposal—then Prince Aidan, what do you think of my proposal just now?"

Murphy already had a draft.

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "Of course I'm happy to see it happen, but forming a coalition is a very serious and important matter. I personally can't offer much advice on this. It still depends on The view of the countries of the Union."

What he said was basically nothing, but it was a positive response anyway, King Ryan nodded, so be it.

The two walked out of the king's hall. Murphy looked at Alsace at the side with some surprise in his heart, and said to himself, boy, this political language is quite proficient, and it doesn't look like the stupid head who slaughtered the city at every turn in history. boy.

Aidan: "Alsace, did you think up those words just now?"

Arthas: "Of course, is there anything strange about this? - Well, it's not all that I thought of, my father also told me a lot before I set off, and my brothers and sisters in the past few years But it taught me a lot."

Murphy couldn't help being curious, and didn't know what knowledge these players who feared chaos would instill in Alsace, but judging from Alsace's performance today, he should have learned something.

The next day, the emissary of the elf kingdom of Quel'Thalas finally arrived.

To Murphy's surprise, the Quel'Thalas mission consisted of female players.

From Princess Galadriel, who was the special envoy, to the knights and mage entourage under her, all of them were fair-skinned, beautiful and long-legged, with graceful figures and exquisite facial features.

These high elves are really eye-catching.

Quel'Thalas was not particularly powerful in its original history. Although there are powerful magic groups, the biggest problem is that the population is too small, which is also a common weakness of elves and other long-lived species.

However, in this life, this problem has been largely solved by the emergence of players.

The entire Quel'Thalas has concentrated more than four levels of female players in the entire game. There is no way, the high elves have a charm bonus. In reality, no matter how ordinary the appearance is put on the elf model, it will immediately be the same as adding beauty special effects. Whether they are civilians, adventurers or even heroes, the number of high elves players is very impressive.

As a direct result, the population of Quel'Thalas has skyrocketed over the past few years.

This also makes this group of elf girls more proud and complacent than in history. They always feel that the old hats of the Alliance are not worthy of leading a noble and wise elf family, and the elf kingdom is located at the northernmost tip of Azeroth. I am afraid that tossing will not affect them.

Therefore, the elves are the most indifferent towards the formation of coalition forces.

As the special envoys of various countries entered the venue, the alliance meeting finally officially started.

King Ryan didn't propose to form a coalition right away, but first made friends with everyone, reviewed the historical friendship between the countries of the alliance, and then expressed concern about the various changes that have occurred in various parts of Azeroth recently. .

In the end, it was suggested that for the safety and peace of Azeroth, and for the stability and development of the alliance, it is best to form a powerful coalition army to deal with the terrible threats that may arise at any time.

However, no matter how eloquent King Ryan is, as Murphy guessed, those who can be sent to the meeting are more or less politically wise. It's the Kingdom of Stormwind, why should we form a coalition army based on the fact that the wind is the rain? When the time comes, sending troops and money will not be doing your Storm Kingdom a favor. What benefits can we gain?

So each kingdom is pushed back and forth.

The only one who slightly agrees is the dwarven kingdom of Ironforge, because Stormwind is Ironforge, if Stormwind can't stand it, the next one will definitely be the dwarves.

But this kind of support is not strong. In the end, the Stormwind Kingdom is also a powerful kingdom that has been established for hundreds of years. Although everyone gloats, they don't think that a group of barbaric orcs can destroy the Stormwind Kingdom. At most, both sides will suffer.

Seeing that the meeting had been going on for a whole morning without Mao discussing it, Mo Fei felt a little tired. Well, it seems that there will be no results for a while.

Politics is really boring.

Originally, I thought that I would have to fight with words, impassioned speeches, and speeches full of wisdom, but the result was nonsense.

He was about to yawn out of boredom, when suddenly there was a bang, and the people in the meeting room were knocked away, and a heroic young man in military uniform strode in.

Varian Wrynn (Storm Prince), epic first-order hero, level 66.

Damn it, it turned out to be King Wa, why is this guy so high-ranked?Murphy was a little surprised. Varian Wrynn and Arthas can be said to be the two main characters in the Warcraft story.

The two of them, one good and one evil, one south and one north, can be said to be the most famous figures in the world.

In history, after the fall of the Kingdom of Lordaeron, Varian became the supreme leader of the alliance. He experienced a series of adventures and shattered the plot of the black dragon. Legion, Deathwing, Twilight's Hammer... and other threats, fought for many years, and finally died in a heroic battle on the Broken Beach...

However, the future Storm Lion, Ghost Wolf "Logosh", and Alliance High King are just a 14-year-old boy now. Why is this level so high?And the rank has already reached the first level of epic, what a joke, I have worked so hard to get to level 20, your level is too exaggerated!
You must know that because history has only just begun, many famous heroes who became famous in the future are still only gold or even silver ranks. You are a 14-year-old brat, how did you get up to this rank?

Seeing his appearance, King Ryan's expression was obviously not very good.

Ryan (Storm King): "Varian, where is your politeness? Didn't you see that I was discussing important issues with the envoys of various countries?"

At this moment, Varian swept across the crowd present with disdainful eyes,
Varian (Prince of Storms): "Hmph, I have heard your discussion just now. This kind of meaningless wrangling makes me sick. The so-called coalition forces—there is no need for them to exist."

King Ryan's complexion suddenly became even uglier, and everyone was shocked, thinking what the situation was, it was your father who wanted to form a coalition army, why did this son of a son dismantle the stage?

And why are you so crazy, without our support, you are not afraid of destroying your kingdom if you fight against the invasion of the orc army?

Varian (Prince of Storms): "There is no need to ask them for help. Apart from scrambling for power and caring about their own interests, what has the alliance done? The so-called alliance is simply a joke. The invasion is so obvious, but you are still questioning and discussing it here, just using this way of playing stupid to evade your responsibility.

Hmph, don't worry, you don't need to intervene at all. With me, Varian Wrynn, the orc army is nothing more than a group of "chickens and dogs". As long as I give an order, they will be crushed For the powder'. "

This time everyone was really stunned, especially the players present. They said, I’m sorry, this Varian is too confident. Who gave you the courage? In history, Stormwind City was wiped out by orcs what.

And why does this line sound so awkward, and it's 'chicken tile dog', 'ground into powder', are you Varian or Zhuge Liang?

Murphy's heart suddenly moved. When he was connected with this guy's lines, he vaguely felt where Varian's confidence came from.

Kel'Thuzad (Archmage of the Kirin Tor): "You know what you're talking about, Prince Varian?"

Varian (Prince of Storms): "Of course I know what I'm talking about. The orc army is indeed very powerful, but I have already mastered a force that is stronger than the alliance. Even if there are millions of orcs invading, I will not pay attention."

Kel'Thuzad (Kirin Tor Archmage): "Oh, so I don't know what the so-called power of His Royal Highness is? Can you teach me a thing or two."

Varian (Storm Prince): "Of course, that power is - Adventurer!
I and my brave adventurers are enough to wipe out any enemies that threaten the kingdom of Stormwind, no matter where they come from. "

"Hahahaha," everyone burst out laughing after hearing this.

Especially those NPCs, what do you think, just adventurers, those gang of mobs are useless, if you kill a few goblins and kill a few wild boars, it's okay, let them fight the orc army, it doesn't matter.

A nobleman from Gilneas said, "Those adventurers are just mercenaries who are looking for money. They don't have the slightest sense of honor. It's a joke to expect them to defend their home and country. Besides, how can a mob fight against a powerful orc army?" Woolen cloth."

"Ahem!" Someone suddenly coughed loudly.

The noble immediately reacted, "Oh, I mean, if the orc legion really exists, of course they don't exist at all, so... ahem"

Murphy is not as confident as that Gilnean nobleman, but he is very aware of the true power of adventurers.

If the adventurers from the entire firmament world can be gathered together, let alone the orc army, even if the Burning Legion comes, they will only be able to deliver food. The fourth natural disaster is not just for fun.

Adventurers may lack discipline, no organization, and a mess, but adventurers are not afraid of death, a pile of human heads can kill an army of orcs.

But this nobleman is right about one thing. Adventurers are really looking for money. Adventurers will not do things that are not beneficial. Varian can indeed recruit adventurers to join the war by sending out missions, but to fight against the entire orc army, How many quest rewards can summon enough adventurers?

It is estimated that the treasury of the entire Stormwind City may not be enough.

Moreover, the map of this game is so large, most of the adventurers are scattered in different maps of various kingdoms to farm monsters for quest upgrades, or to play dungeons to farm equipment.

It's hard to say how many adventurers there are in Stormwind City.

It is not so easy to gather enough adventurers to join the battle. If the number is too small, it is useless to be afraid of death.

Facing the envoys' doubts, Varian was full of confidence.

Varian (Prince of Storms): "You don't know anything about the existence of adventurers. They are the real warriors. They dare to ignore life and death. They fight to the last moment. They are truly noble warriors who will fight against evil without hesitation. enemy.

I have led them to defeat the invading orcs and won their allegiance. I fought side by side with them. I know their courage and strength very well. As long as I give an order, countless brave adventurers will gather in my battle. under the flag.

You see, I have issued a call-up order, and the adventurers of the alliance will soon form an army under my leadership, and those invading savage orcs will suffer a devastating blow.

And you will witness it all with your own eyes! "

(End of this chapter)

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