Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 149 Varian's Bizarre Adventure

Chapter 149 Varian's Bizarre Adventure (two chapters in one)

Listening to Varian's generous words, all the people present looked at each other in blank dismay, some couldn't help laughing, some gloated, some thoughtful (players), and of course, some were furious, such as King Lane was so angry.

But it's not that no one agrees with his words at all. Alsace will look at Varian's heroic demeanor of berating Fang Qiu, with an expression of admiration on his face, and little stars will appear in his eyes, so he almost clapped his hands and applauded. .

After Varian finished spraying, he didn't pay attention to everyone's reaction. After saying this, he sneered and walked away, which made the meeting completely cold.

Malgobi (Prince of Kul Tiras): "Since Prince Varian is so confident, then we might as well see the courage and strength of those adventurers with our own eyes, and by the way, see if this orc army is real or not. "

Malzahar (Prince of Gilneas): "That's right, Prince Malgobi is right, we might as well wait until the situation becomes clear before making a decision."

King Ryan sighed secretly when he heard this, he really had to wait for the orc army to attack the city of Stormwind, at that time it would be too late to form a coalition army, it was necessary to discuss the number of troops dispatched by each country, and then mobilize the soldiers and horses together, and finally send them to Stormwind It would take several months for the city to come to help in the battle. What if the orc army is too fierce, I'm afraid it will be too late for everything.

But now, he has nothing to say, he can only nod in agreement.

Seeing that the meeting was over, Murphy left the venue, went straight back to the palace room where he stayed, went offline, and quit the game.

He definitely doesn't think that Varian can summon thousands of adventurers to join the battle with a single order. This is not to say that Varian does not have this appeal. It is also limited to the country in which you are located.

That is to say, no matter how much Varian calls, his voice can only be conveyed within the Kingdom of Stormwind, and adventurers in other regions cannot receive his call at all.

There must be some reason why Varian is so confident. He relies on adventurers so much. He must have dealt with adventurers a lot on weekdays, and there may be some tricks outside the box.

After exiting the game, Murphy immediately turned on the computer, logged into the official forum of Firmament World, and searched for stories about Varian.

There are clear records of important plot characters such as Varian in the Chronicles of the Sky, and all plot events can be queried.

Murphy searched, and there are a total of three plot events related to Varian.

[Encounter in Mire Town], [Battle of Blood River], [Thirteen Warriors of the Dark Gate].

These three plot events are clearly interrelated.

[Encounter in Mire Town: In 1436 of the Era of the Firmament, there were a lot of rumors about green-skinned monsters in the human villages and towns near the Dark Swamp. Varian, Prince of the Storm, led a small group of knights to investigate and called some adventurers to follow the army. As a result, they accidentally encountered an orc army from the world of Draenor in Mire Town, and the two sides immediately started a fierce battle.

Prince Varian took the lead and led his soldiers to successfully defeat this orc army with the assistance of adventurers, and learned that the orc army was about to invade Azeroth. This battle was the first recorded battle between humans and In the confrontation of the orcs, Prince Varian won glory for himself with his extraordinary courage and excellent fighting skills. 】

[The Battle of the Blood River: In 1436 of the Era of the Sky, after learning of the information that the orcs were about to invade, Prince Varian led a few knights and some adventurers to go deep into the depths of the dark swamp to investigate the truth about the orcs' invasion. Encountered an orc army of thousands of people.

The two sides immediately launched a fierce battle. Prince Varian fought bravely, but the number of the two sides was very different. All the knights under him were killed in battle, and finally only one person remained.

With the help of some adventurers, Prince Varian tenaciously resisted the attack of the orc army. After a day and night of fighting, the five thousand orc vanguards were wiped out, and the blood completely dyed the dark swamp red. Known as the Battle of the River of Blood.

The deeds of Varian leading a lone army to defeat the orc army shocked the world. He awakened a powerful fighting talent in the battle and won himself the title of 'Orc Slayer'. 】

[The Thirteen Warriors of the Dark Gate: In 1436 of the Era of the Firmament, despite the casualties of his men, the brave and fearless Prince Varian decided to continue to attack the orcs' stronghold in the Dark Swamp alone. With the help of some adventurers, he was alone. Launched an attack on the Dark Portal.

On the way, he met some human civilians. Among these civilians, twelve warriors were inspired by Prince Varian's courage to join him and became his only subordinates.

This team encountered the main force of the Horde at the Dark Portal. More than [-] orcs poured out of the Dark Portal like a tide. However, Prince Varian was not afraid and led only twelve human warriors to fight bravely. With the help of some adventurers, they stubbornly resisted the attack of the orc army.

The battle lasted for three days and three nights. After a brutal and bloody battle, the attack of the orc army was gradually defeated, and the chief of the tribe, Blackhand, was also killed by thirteen warriors including Prince Varian in the battle.

The orc army fled in a panic and finally fled into the Dark Portal. With the help of adventurers, Prince Varian chased and killed the Dark Portal all the way. With the Dark Portal being destroyed, the crisis was completely ended.

The prestige of the thirteen warriors of the Dark Gate has thus become a generation of legends. 】

When Mo Fei saw this, he didn't know what to say. This plot is too fantastical. He alone led twelve human civilian soldiers to defeat an army of [-] orcs. No fantasy novel would dare to make up such a thing. okay.

It is mentioned several times in the event log, 'with the help of some adventurers', the question is how much is this some?
It sounds like these adventurers have no sense of existence at all, but when you think about it, you know that's definitely not the case.

He searched for related videos, and there are quite a few videos about that battle, basically all of them were recorded by the players who participated in the battle at that time.

There is a hero's perspective, an adventurer's perspective, and even an aerial perspective. Murphy guessed that it was probably taken by a flying wild monster player.

Murphy found the one with the most views and opened it to read it.

I saw a sea of ​​people in the picture, there may be [-] to [-] adventurers in Wuyang Wuyang, standing densely on the edge of the dark swamp, they seemed to be waiting for something.

"Here we come." I don't know who yelled, but seeing Varian leading twelve 'human civilians' riding over, the adventurers cheered immediately.

Those twelve so-called human civilians were clearly twelve hero players, but they didn't have noble status.

Among them, I suddenly saw two familiar figures, Dawn Excalibur and Midnight Dharma God. This should be what happened before they went to crusade against the black dragon lord Murphys.

In the video, you can still hear the voices of many adventurers talking. Murphy carefully distinguished, and he really heard a lot of information.

"Wo Cao, King Wa is only this big, can he do it?"

"What are you afraid of? Isn't there still us adventurers here? It's enough for King Wa to be a cheerleader."

"What I'm saying is that the main reason to attract King Wa is to trigger the plot, otherwise it's useless no matter how many orcs we kill, they will appear again in a blink of an eye."

"It has nothing to do with that, the spawn rate of monster bosses in plot events will be higher than usual, and there is a chance to explode plot equipment."

"Shouldn't we have to protect King Wa in the fight? If he dies in this plot battle, it will be considered a failure."

"We don't need to worry about it. Those leading guilds have already made arrangements. Have you seen the group of masters over there, who are dedicated to be bodyguards for King Wa?"

"Hahaha, finally the cadres can fall, I'm already hungry and thirsty..."

Murphy dragged the video progress bar and dragged it directly to the battle part.

The battle was quite brutal. This army of orcs was composed of elite soldiers and strong generals. The third-level soldiers and fourth-level soldiers were full of pits and valleys, and there were also many fifth-level soldiers. Some extraordinary soldiers even participated in the battle.

Although there are a lot of adventurers, they are basically a group of mobs. They all fight with a team as the core. They have no experience in fighting large-scale wars at all, and the fight is a mess.

And because it was just a year ago when the game was just released in public beta, the player level was generally low, and there were a lot of trumpets with more than 20 levels and [-] levels, and level [-] was considered a large account.

As a result, groups of adventurers almost died in the first battle.

However, the place where they fought was very beneficial to adventurers. It was near a resurrection point. As a result, they were dead and alive again. war.

Because the battle took too long, the video was obviously edited, and it was more than four hours long, so Murphy had to drag and fast-forward continuously.

After the initial defeat, the adventurers gradually leveled the front line and found the rhythm of the battle. As the two sides fell into a stalemate, the front line barely moved for several hours, and the corpses of orcs and adventurers spread layers on the battlefield. layer.

Murphy continued to drag the video. These orcs were indeed bloodthirsty and warlike. They fought against adventurers who could be resurrected infinitely for three days and three nights. These adventurers had obviously changed several times. They came and went. , Some go to work during the day and participate in the war at night, and some go offline to have a meal and go to the toilet when they are tired.

However, due to the continuous addition of new players, the number has not decreased, but more and more.

In contrast, the orc army is very miserable. The one hundred thousand army looks like a lot, but the more they fight, the less they fight, and the more they fight, the more tired they become.

On the second day, it was obvious that the decline was evident, and on the third day, the front of the orc army had already begun to be pushed back.

Considering that the tribal army can last for three days and three nights, it is considered strong enough.

On the third day, Great Chief Blackhand personally led the Kor'kron Guards to launch a wave of charge, once piercing through the formation of adventurers, but was subsequently besieged by twelve human heroes—well, Varian also wanted In the end, he was surrounded by more than 100 adventurers, unable to move...

In the end, Black Hand died tragically under the siege of twelve heroes, and the orc army suddenly collapsed.

Murphy continued to drag, and basically chased and killed all the way. The resurrected adventurers swept away the orc remnants exhausted from continuous fighting like an army of undead, and pushed them all the way to the gate of darkness.

Then with a bang, the Dark Portal exploded, and the battle came to an end.

I go……

Mo Feixin said that these adventurers were really scary, [-] to [-] adventurers with an average level of only in their early twenties just overwhelmed an army of [-] orcs.

Now more than half a year has passed, and the average level of adventurers has been above level [-]. This time, I feel that the orcs are still in danger.

He searched the forum for a while, hey, this post is——

A post was pushed to the top of the forum, and the number of viewers exceeded [-] million, and the popularity was the number one on the forum.

The name of the post is called.

[Varian's call-up order: For the glory of the alliance]

Murphy hurriedly clicked in.

[Remember, brothers and sisters, the glass slag withdrew from Huaguo ten years ago, and we have lost this world since then, do you remember brothers and sisters, World of Warcraft announced the permanent suspension of operations five years ago, and we will never be able to return to North Korea? Longing for Azeroth.

But now, the sky world has given us a second chance, a brand new Azeroth, a new history, the evil orc army is invading our world, we have the opportunity to change everything forever and prevent all tragedies from happening , experience the bloody era and tragic history.

The Dark Portal is about to open again.

What are you waiting for? Brothers and sisters, blood and youth are calling you, join our army of adventurers, and fight for the alliance. 】

There is also a promotional video below, which is obviously edited out of the scenes from the videos that Murphy has watched before.

In the picture, the young Prince Varian stands on a desolate swamp, and in front of him is an army of countless orcs. Because of the camera, Varian looks lonely, as if alone To face the entire orc army.

Then the screen extended backwards, twelve human heroes appeared, followed by a dense army of adventurers...

Then the picture changed into a battle between adventurers and orcs, the two armies collided, the sound of passionate music, the sound of magic explosions, the sound of slashing and killing, the sound of horns and shouts intertwined, making people Looking at it, there was a burst of enthusiasm.

I have to say that the war scenes in the holographic virtual game like Firmament World are really quite spectacular, even more enjoyable than the Warcraft movie released more than ten years ago.

The picture finally freezes at the moment when the Dark Portal explodes, Varian holds up his weapon, surrounded by countless cheering adventurers.

A line of bright red literary characters appeared on the screen.

【For the past King Varian, for the glory of the Alliance!Come back, warriors of the alliance, what are you waiting for! 】

Below the video are densely packed tens of thousands of replies.

[Invincible Battle Maniac: Haha, great, finally opened the Dark Gate again, I missed it last time, this time I must kill it to my heart's content. 】

[March of that year: I will call the brothers in the guild, brothers, see you at the Dark Gate. 】

[I'm Zha Zhahui: Wocao, is the game of Sky World so awesome?I just heard people say it before, but I didn’t expect the war to be so spectacular. I’m going to sell my house to buy a game helmet. Brothers in the alliance are waiting, I’m here. 】

[The king asked me to patrol the mountain: Damn, why is it just to promote the alliance? When will my big tribe stand up? It’s not fair. Why can the tribe only create soldier templates? Why are there no adventurers to choose? Dog planning Come out and explain. 】

[Forever God: Yes, this is too unfair, warriors of the tribe, let’s go to Draenor to join the orc army, even a small soldier can contribute to the tribe, all men of the tribe stand up . 】

[Wing Meow King: Tribal pigs get out of here. 】

[Faye arrives: Weizun Tianxia Guild is here to recruit people with lofty ideals from all over the world to join together, everyone will cut tribes together, if you are interested, add me on QQ...]

Looking at the content of those replies, Mo Feixin said that it is so, no wonder Varian is so confident, these are some adventurers, they are clearly hundreds of millions of adventurers, it is not difficult to imagine seeing such a promotional video, will How many adventurers rushed to Stormwind City from all over Azeroth to join the battle.

At that time, not to mention ten or twenty thousand, perhaps one hundred thousand adventurers have gathered.

There are [-] adventurers participating in the battle, even if the tribe sends an army of one million orcs, it is estimated that they will give experience.

But if this is the case, won't the door be opened this time to repeat the mistakes of the last time?
The 20 to [-] adventurers who opened the door last time pushed the tribe back. This time, as soon as the call-up order came out and the promotional video hit the air, I am afraid that more than a dozen or [-] adventurers will join the battle.

It is also thanks to the high price of the helmets in this game, and various other templates divert the player population, otherwise let alone a dozen or 20, millions of adventurers are not a problem.

He could be regarded as a non-staff employee now anyway, so he hurriedly called Wang Xuan.

(End of this chapter)

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