Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 150 Mysterious Man and Mysterious Man

Chapter 150 Mysterious Man and Mysterious Man

Murphy: "Hey Emperor Xuan, are you there?"

Wang Xuan: "What do you want me to do?"

Murphy: "Have you read the [Varian's Recruitment Order] post on the forum?"

Wang Xuan: "Oh, that promotional animation, of course I watched it, I made that one, what's wrong?"

Wocao, it turned out to be this guy who did it.Mo Fei was a little speechless, and he was afraid that he was being sentimental.

Murphy: "Aren't you worried? What if too many adventurers are recruited? Wouldn't the opening of the Dark Portal fail again?"

Wang Xuan: "Hahahaha, you are quite concerned, don't worry, this time we have made complete preparations, we will never play off like last time, and the more people involved, the more lively it is, so that If there is momentum, it’s best to recruit millions of adventurers at that time, expose them in all directions, and shoot the war scenes directly as a movie. The movement will definitely go out of the circle, and it will be convenient for our game company to do publicity at that time. Millions of adventurers will save the world What, it sounds very touching."

Mo Feixin said that Ni Ya's heart is really big enough, how many orcs the tribe has is enough to cut it down, the entire tribe's army of orcs in history seems to be only a few hundred thousand, if it really recruits a million adventurers, it will be a big deal at that time. It's really that there are more people than monsters, so it's still a woolen yarn, one person and one orc are not enough points, just push back the Dark Portal and sweep Draenor, right?

Murphy: "Are you sure it's okay, why am I so uncertain?"

Wang Xuan: "Don't worry, there's absolutely no problem. It's not convenient to talk about it in detail on the phone. Otherwise, let's find a place to talk in detail. You come to the Pig and Whistle Tavern. I just happen to have something to tell you."

Pig and Whistle Tavern?Murphy was stunned for a few seconds before realizing that what Wang Xuan was talking about was the place name in the game, so he thought it would be fine, after all, it would be more convenient.

Murphy then entered the game again. After leaving the palace, he searched all the way to the dark alley area of ​​Stormwind City.

The Pig and Whistle Tavern is a not-so-famous tavern. The environment is poor, there are few customers, and the food and drinks sold are also average. Moreover, the law and order in the dark alley area is not very good, and there are many thieves and pickpockets. Dark occupations such as assassins would come here to do professional tasks or buy poison, and generally even adventurers would not like to come here.

Most adventurers prefer to have a drink at the Golden Rose Tavern in the trade area, or go to the Golden Barrel Tavern to have a drink...

Because this place was too dilapidated, Stormwind City was later attacked by orcs, and the whole city was almost razed to the ground. Only the dark alley area remained because it was too dilapidated, and later became the old city of New Stormwind City.

When Murphy found this place, the entire tavern was deserted, with only three or five customers. As soon as he entered, the bartender looked at Murphy with a strange look, and opened his mouth in surprise.

Murphy ignored the bartender's gaze. As a prince, he would be more eye-catching. He had long been used to it. He glanced around, but didn't find Wang Xuan's figure until he heard a greeting from the corner—" Hey, over here."

Looking at the prestige, I saw an NPC wearing a traveling cloak and a hood covering his face. The name on his head was impressively-mysterious man (tavern guest), level: ? ? ? ? .

Hey, this game can actually change the avatar and name?And I didn't even notice him just now, he looks so conspicuous...

Mo Fei walked over and sat down opposite the man, and it was indeed Wang Xuan's face under the hood.

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "What are you?"

Mysterious man (tavern guest): "Low-key, low-key, don't you understand? Otherwise, if people see it, how can I explain it? I am a majestic envoy of the gods, the messenger of the gods, and I came to drink in the tavern? Don't you find yourself very eye-catching? Come on, put this on."

As he spoke, he handed over a cloak of the same style.

Mo Fei took a look at it, and it turned out to be a piece of equipment.

[Mystery man cloak (cloak / common)
Divine Creation: Indestructible.

Equipment: Turn you into a 'mysterious person', and your identity will be automatically synchronized with the current scene.

Item introduction: The cloak made of gray woolen cloth is a necessary equipment for travelers to go out. It can shelter from the wind and rain, and it is also an excellent item to conceal your identity. Although the cloak is simple, it is enough to conceal your identity and become a low-key and mysterious existence. , usually unnoticed by those nearby. 】

I'll go, there are such good things.

Murphy put it on without saying a word, and the name on the top of his head immediately changed to - mysterious person (tavern guest), level? ? ? .

Murphy glanced at the bartender, and sure enough, the bartender immediately stopped looking.

This cloak also seems to have the effect of reducing the sense of presence.

Mysterious man (tavern guest): "So, what plan did you prepare to deal with the adventurers?"

Mysterious man (tavern guest): "It's not what I prepared, but what the system prepared. The system will automatically optimize and update the game mechanism based on the previous game data. As a GM, I have permission to check it in advance. The updated mechanism this time There are three in total, which is enough to ensure that the plot proceeds according to the script.

The first mechanism removes the resurrection point in the battlefield area. Once the adventurer dies, he can only be resurrected outside the battlefield.

The second mechanism, all adventurers who died on the battlefield will get a DEBUFF called [Wounded], all attributes will be reduced by 30%, the second time they die in battle, they will get [Seriously Wounded] DEBUFF, all attributes will be reduced by 60%, the third The first time you die in battle, you will get the DEBUFF of [Dying Man], and all attributes will be reduced by 90%.

These three debuffs cannot be cured or removed by any magic spells, and can only be automatically removed after the battle is over.

So even if the adventurer is revived, or enters the battlefield again, he basically cannot exert much combat power.

In this way, adventurers cannot win the war through brainless resurrection and brainless piles of heads.

The third mechanism is that the system adds a BUFF called [War Frenzy] to the tribe. With the blessing of this BUFF, the population growth rate of the tribe has increased by 300%, and the birth probability of advanced arms has increased by 100%. Orc centurions, orc warriors, orc generals, orc warlords, orc high-level warlords and other elite and BOSS units with random attributes and skills in the same proportion as the population growth.

So don't worry, when the time comes, the number of the orc army will definitely be enough for adventurers to fight, and they will definitely win the final victory in the second Battle of the Dark Portal.

Other than that there is you. "

Mysterious man (tavern guest): "Me? What does it have to do with me?"

Mysterious man (tavern guest): "Why are you pretending to be a fool? Don't forget that Deathwing has already joined forces with Sargeras. If the Horde really can't defeat the adventurer, you as a Deathwing will naturally lead the black dragon army to join the battle, so won't it be stable?"

Mysterious man (tavern guest): "But at that time, I was just bluffing for self-protection. In the [Conspiracy of the Demon King], my plot identity was Prince Aidan."

Mysterious man (tavern guest): "You don't understand this, as long as it is a plot event, it will be entered into the system's database, and the system writes the script based on the data that has already happened.

You think, the meeting between you and Sargeras must have happened in history, right?

So what is the truth of history? There are only two possibilities.

1. Prince Aidan fooled Sargeras by pretending to be Deathwing.

2. Deathwing turned into Prince Aidan and Sargeras secretly reached an agreement to destroy the world.

Which do you think is more plausible?It must be the second one. The Chronicles of the Sky is not a collection of cold jokes. If Sargeras was played by Aidan so easily, it would be too fake.

Therefore, the system has included Deathwing as a variable, and it is logical for Deathwing to assist the tribe. I have checked the script written by the system in advance. Leading the Black Dragon Legion to secretly spy on the war between the Alliance and the Horde, and ready to intervene at any time]. As for whether to intervene, it depends on the development of the battle at that time.

Damn, I even wrote the script.

Mysterious man (tavern guest): "Can I read the script?"

Mysterious man (tavern guest): "This is impossible, how can the secrets be revealed lightly, the script of the system is placed in the background of the game, that is the river of fate, as one of the mortal beings in the sky world, whether it is Deathwing or It is impossible for Prince Aidan to understand the true meaning of this fate, you can only drift with the tide, go back and wait for the call of fate."

Mysterious man (tavern guest): "Then how can you watch it?"

Mysterious man (tavern guest): "I am the envoy of the gods. The gods are existences beyond fate. As the envoy of the gods, of course, I can predict some future scenes in advance."

Mysterious man (tavern guest): "But I remember that the original script was not written like this."

Mysterious man (tavern guest): "There will definitely be some changes in the details, but it doesn't matter if the main line remains the same. You are probably afraid, right?"

Mo Fei thought that he would not be afraid. At that time, he would have to face [-], or even a million-level adventurers. What if he died.

Hmph, if Deathwing had fallen early in the Battle of the Dark Portal, I'd like to know how you would make up the plot in the future.

But think about it, it shouldn't be so, you can still run if you can't beat it, unless you are all-in-one.

"Okay, then I'll go back and get ready."

(End of this chapter)

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