Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 151 Varian's Invitation

Chapter 151 Varian's Invitation

Murphy returned to his residence in Stormwind Fortress and waited patiently. As a result, the "call of fate" did not wait, but the attendant sent by King Lane.

"Prince Aidan, Prince Sigret, Prince Dalabangba, His Majesty the King has invited several princes to the dinner tonight, please be sure to attend."

Murphy readily agreed, and when the attendants left, Sigret and Dalabon became excited.

Sigret: "Haha, there is still a palace dinner to attend, the title of this prince is not in vain."

If you want to say that the most cost-effective prince title is the Prince of Alterac, 50 can participate in the high-level decision-making of the alliance, which is really a bargain.

Dalabang: "Brother 36, our third brother should perform well tonight and make more contact with other kingdoms. Our third brother is too weak. When the Qing emperor seizes the throne in the future, we can count on their help. .”

Murphy had already explained his strategy to the two of them before, combining the strength of the three of them, gathering elite soldiers inside, and receiving strong reinforcements from outside, when the orc army attacked Alterac at the time of the storm, it would be the time when Murphy became king.

Once Mo Fei becomes king, as partners, the two will each give a big city as a fief, and if they have money, they will earn money together. The two are very happy to agree to this. , the two of them admired Murphy very much.

When they heard that they were going to attend a palace banquet, the two immediately became excited.

But Mo Fei said: "Don't take it too seriously, this court banquet is at most just to get acquainted, if you really want to win the support of the countries, you must win their favor through plot events That's fine, just like saving Alsace before gaining the favorability of the Kingdom of Lordaeron.

The favorability of Stormwind City can be improved by participating in the Battle of the Dark Portal. The other kingdoms are more troublesome, but it is definitely not enough to drink a few glasses of wine and say a few good words. "

Dalabang said: "Don't worry, this game has a high degree of freedom. It's better to do it than not to do it. It's okay to have a familiar face. If you choose the king in the future, this group of people will have to stick to their acquaintances no matter what. Come not."

Murphy said yes.

When it was time for the dinner, the three of them put on the most decent outfits and came to the banquet hall of the palace.

The banquet tonight is very grand, not only King Ryan and the royal family of the Stormwind Kingdom, special envoys and deputy envoys from various countries, as well as the major nobles of the Stormwind Kingdom, as well as the children of the nobles, the entire banquet hall was crowded with people, their skirts turned Flying, drinking and drinking, the atmosphere is really warm.

All kinds of delicacies filled the long tables of the banquet hall. Princesses and princes, earls and dukes, even kings and queens, all the attendees were distinguished people.

Murphy first enjoyed a sumptuous meal, and then it was time for the dance.

Murphy didn't have dancing skills, but fortunately, his agility was high enough, so he didn't feel ashamed. After dancing two casual dances, he withdrew. Sigret's dancing skills were quite good, and he flew all over the field with a countess in his arms. , probably because of the skills or talents of aristocratic etiquette, the meticulous etiquette performance is really a bit of the elegant demeanor of a prince, and it has won the favor of some princesses and ladies.

The relationship between Dalabangbala is more wild. They toasted one by one with a bottle of dwarven spirits. When the wine was dry, they drank and lay down for a while, but the effect was quite good. The dwarves of the wind and the human aristocrats have become one with each other, and they almost kowtow to worship each other as if they were brothers.

Mo Fei couldn't help but look amused, these two really let go.

Then it's time for free networking.

This kind of dance party is held at the juncture of the kingdom's crisis, which is not entirely for pleasure, but more to create a social occasion between high-level countries, to connect feelings, to reach secret contracts, to win relationships, and the like.

So soon the nobles in the audience divided into small circles. It can be seen that King Lane still has no hope of wooing countries to form a coalition, or at least wants to get the support of countries.

Hold a glass of wine and talk closely with this prince for a while, and have a cordial meeting with that minister for a while, without the airs of a king at all.

The Kingdom of Ironforge, as the alliance force closest to Stormwind City, naturally cannot be ignored. The Kingdom of Stromgarde and Stormwind City are somewhat connected by blood. They are both descendants of Emperor Thoradin, and they are also the key targets. Supporting Stormwind City directly from the sea also made great efforts.

Dalaran's Kel'Thuzad is the focus of attention.

Although the elves of Quel'Thalas have a proud personality, they have the most powerful magic legion, and they are also attracted by the grass and rabbits.

King Ryan led a group of Stormwind nobles, almost surrounding them.

In contrast, Murphy didn't get much attention. There was nothing he could do. A weak country had no diplomacy. As the weakest kingdom among the seven human kingdoms, the Kingdom of Alterac needed soldiers but no soldiers, no generals and no money. , and they are still far away, so there is really not much value in wooing them.

Even if Alterac agrees to send troops, it will not be able to send a few soldiers, and the distance is still far away. When the reinforcements arrive, the day lily will be cold.

Murphy was also leisurely and happy, drinking a glass of wine to himself. It was interesting to see the lineup of these big figures who could only be glimpsed on the computer screen in the past. Suddenly, a young attendant left come over.

"Prince Aidan, my master is here to invite you."

Murphy nodded, without asking who your master is, and followed the attendant into a compartment beside him.

Inside is a secluded lounge. The thick wooden door isolates the hustle and bustle of the banquet hall. Varian and Alsace are holding a glass of wine each, talking heartily.Murphy was a little surprised. He didn't expect Varian to invite him, but he immediately understood after seeing Alsace blinking at him.

Varian (Prince of Storms): "Ah, Prince Aidan, welcome to join us, I guess you must be bored outside, those old men are boring old-fashioned, even if they say flattery, it is only a cliché. "

As he spoke, he poured a glass of wine himself and handed it over.

Murphy was also polite. Although the prince of Alterac was worthless, he was still a prince no matter how cheap. At least everyone was equal on the surface.

He took the wine glass and sat down. Looking at Varian and Alsace beside him, he was quite moved. The two protagonists of Destiny got together, but they didn't know what they were talking about.

In the original history, Alsace and Varian were good friends. When Stormwind City was breached, Duke Lothar took Varian to Lordaeron for refuge. Varian and Alsace were both children. Naturally they became good friends, but their later encounters were quite different. The subjugated Prince of Stormwind successfully returned to his country and eventually became the High King of the Alliance, while the prince of the mighty Kingdom of Lordaeron destroyed his country single-handedly, and finally He became the Lich King.

Just two extremes.

Now it seems that this friendship was born early, but neither of them should have any idea how interesting this moment is.

Varian (Prince of the Storm): "Arthas talked about Ni's heroic feats on the stormy sea, and I have to say, very admirable, saving the prince in distress from the evil naga, pirates, and terrible sea beasts, Through the terrible storm, set foot on the mysterious island that no one has ever set foot on, and pull out the legendary sword...

That is a story that only exists in ancient heroic epics.

But the story is also regrettable. The once great alliance is now so disjointed. It is a shame that even the pirates can spy on the weakness of the alliance and act recklessly because of it.

My naive father actually thought that he could win over countries to form a coalition, hehe, sometimes I really doubt who is the young and ignorant one. "

Murphy was delighted to hear it. He didn't think there was anything wrong with it because he had experienced it himself, but after hearing what Varian said, it seemed really awesome.

However, this kid complained so much about his father, which was unexpected.

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "Your Majesty Ryan must have his own difficulties. To protect his own country, he must hope for more help."

Varian (Prince of Storms): "Huh, maybe, but it's better to strengthen yourself than to beg for help from others. The alliance has long been incoherent. Everyone is trying to find ways to seek personal gain for themselves, and refuses to fulfill their due obligations. The ancient covenant and the glory once held by the alliance have been forgotten.

The reason why the Arathi Empire collapsed was because of this. Obviously, they did not learn the lessons of history at all.

The peace of the past thousand years has made those kings and nobles corrupt and depraved. They have already lost the courage and glory of their ancestors. They only know how to whitewash the peace, play tricks, and intrigue.

But peace will not last forever. I have led adventurers deep into the endless sea, explored the wild archipelago, set foot on the icy Northrend continent, encountered the ancient Night elves and an evil race no one has ever heard of.

I saw a lot and felt a lot.

The darkness is about to move, and the threats lurking underground are awakening. The orc invasion is just the beginning. I can feel that the threat facing the alliance is by no means limited to this.

It's time, someone must stand up and unite the alliance. The king's idea is right, and indeed a coalition should be formed, but his approach is wrong. People will not make selfless sacrifices for a covenant. Only a strong force can is the key to solidarity. "

(End of this chapter)

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