Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 154 Friends, Friends

Chapter 154 Friends, Friends

With a flash of white light, Murphy found himself in Karazhan's teleportation room.

He walked along the stairs all the way to the interior of Karazhan, and he could hear the carnival and music of the party from a distance.

Tsk tsk tsk, it's really singing and dancing. I don't know when to stop.

Murphy went to the bar to order a glass of wine, and wandered around with the glass in his hand. He had just attended the dinner party, and this evening dress was quite suitable for the occasion, and it was seamlessly connected.

After wandering around twice, he found the person he was looking for—the butler Moros.

"Moros, where is your master? I have something to ask him."

Moros knew Murphy, probably because Medivh had told him, "Master is studying astrology on the top floor of the castle, Prince Aidan, please go out through that door, go up the stairs, and pass through a platform to reach the stargazing. tower."

Murphy nodded, and walked out the door with his glass in hand.

Follow the path pointed by Moros and walk upstairs. The interior of Karazhan is really complicated. Fortunately, with Moros’s guidance, he climbed up a flight of stairs and saw a huge platform leading to another A door on the side.

A handsome guy with blue hair was standing on the edge of the platform, looking into the distance.

Arkanagos?Mo Fei immediately recognized the other party, was it the blue dragon that Wang Xuan was bragging about back then, but he didn't know what he was doing here.

Akanagos also felt something, and turned to see Murphy, looking at him with a strange look.

Akanagos (elven nobleman): "Prince Aidan, long time no see. Are you here to see Mr. Medivh?"

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "Yeah, what's the problem?"

Akanagos (elven nobleman): "I'm just a little confused. What would a prince of Alterac come to Karazhan to find Mr. Medivh? In this sensitive period, I always feel a little suspicious."

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "Hehe, that's right, why did that blue dragon stay in Karazhan? And pretending to be an elf nobleman—especially in this sensitive period, I think it seems more suspicious Woolen cloth."

Akanagos was slightly startled, and suddenly laughed: "How did you guess my identity, did Emperor Xuan tell you?"

"You don't need to guess this one, it's called Haha Goss, it's clearly named after a blue dragon, for example—Malygos, the king of blue dragons."

"It seems that Prince Aidan has a lot of research on the names of the dragon clan."

Mo Feixin said, isn't it? Not only the name is very researched, but also the taste is very researched. He couldn't help but look at Akanagos's chest, wondering what the taste of the blue dragon heart would be, and how could it taste? What skills to acquire.

Akanagos was a little hairy under Murphy's stare, the corners of his mouth twitched, his eyes suddenly glowed blue, a pair of dragon horns grew from both sides of his head, his body exuded a powerful aura, and the eyes on his head The name has also changed.

Acannagos (Blue Dragon Archon) Gold Tier 68 Hero, Level [-].

Mo Fei knew in his heart that the disguise had been removed and he had shown a fighting stance.

Akanagos (Blue Dragon Archon): "Yes, I am indeed a blue dragon. Medivh has a heavy mission on his shoulders. He has behaved a little strangely recently. His mother is very worried about his mentality. problem, so please let me come here to take care of him."

Murphy suddenly realized,

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "You're Aegwynn's friend? No wonder, so did you find anything wrong?"

Akanagos (Blue Dragon Archon): "I don't know, Medivh he... there seems to be a puzzle hidden in him, a shadow, something terrible haunts him, but I haven't figured it out yet What the hell is that, Prince Aidan chatted with Medivh before, did he find anything?"

Murphy shook his head, "It's really not there, but—hehe, I'm going up to see Medivh, and if I find anything, I'll come down and let you know."

"Then please."

Murphy bid farewell to Akanagos and continued to walk forward. He always felt that this blue dragon was inexplicably familiar, and soon came to the Star Observation Tower.

Here is a huge hemispherical building, covered with transparent glass all around, a huge magic crystal is inlaid on the ceiling, and the magic covered on it can directly pull the star map closer to the eyes, which can be called a magic telescope.

Medivh is lying on your deck chair, looking up at the starry sky, looking a little lonely.

"Hehe, here you come."

"Yes, here I am."

Medivh turned around slowly, but he looked unusually peaceful. Murphy glanced at the top of Medivh's head and immediately understood - Medivh (Guardian), this is Medivh in normal form.

Medivh (Guardian): "Welcome Aidan, what do you want me to do?"

Mo Fei said in his heart that I'm not looking for you. Of course, he can't say this directly, he can only say haha.

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "Haha, do you have to come here if you have something to do? It's nothing. I just came to see you. We are friends. By the way, I brought you some delicious food. "

As he spoke, Murphy took out a plate of pastries from the banquet from his bag.

"I just attended the dinner party in Stormwind City and brought you some delicious food."

Medivh hesitated for a moment, picked up a small cream cake and tasted it, and suddenly showed a smile.

"The taste is very good. I still remember the days when I was a child in Stormwind City and Ryan and Lothar secretly ate the snacks in the kitchen. I really miss it."

Medivh's eyes were a little erratic, "Those years are long gone now, Ryan and Lothar, I haven't seen them for a long time."

His tone was a little sad, as if lamenting the loss of time.

"Then why don't you go play with them?"

Medivh (Guardian): "Because of time, Ryan and Lothar are getting older and older, but I have always maintained a young state because of the power of the guardian in my body. I can feel it without seeing them once. Now that they are getting old, when I last saw them, I can no longer see the shadow of their youth, Ryan became king, gave birth to a dozen children, and Lothar was busy with official duties every day.

But I'm still the same person, and I'm really worried that one day I'll watch them die with my own eyes.

Sometimes I doubt whether the power of this guardian is a blessing or a curse. "

Murphy was a little surprised when he heard that, he didn't expect Medivh to have so many things on his mind.

He sat down on the chair beside him, and patted Medivh on the shoulder, "If you want to wear the crown, you must bear the weight, buddy, if you really don't want the power of the guardian, just find a successor, you and I Say, there are many people who want this power."

Medivh's expression suddenly turned ferocious, and he looked at Murphy vigilantly from the corner of his eye: "Are you one of those people?"

"Haha, of course not, I'm not interested in magic, it's not for me."

As he spoke, Murphy straightened his arm, the muscles on his arm swelled up, and the lines resembled the statues of ancient Greek gods, "This thing is the power I'm after. Look at these muscles, these lines, it's no more powerful than your magic .”

Medivh laughed out loud immediately, and he laughed happily. He didn't know whether he was laughing at Murphy's short-sightedness, or his unnecessary worry before.

(End of this chapter)

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