Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 155 Then I Don't Have To Be Afraid Of You

Chapter 155 Then I Don't Have To Be Afraid Of You

After laughing for a while, Medivh sighed.

"No, I can't give up this power. My mother entrusted this power to me. This is the responsibility she entrusted to me, and it is also my responsibility to this world. My father came here to help me master this power. Death, I must protect this world, I must..."

Mo Feixin said that he never expected that Medivh was also a victim of his original family. Also, this guy lost his father since he was a child (his father still died to save him), and he grew up in a single-parent family without many friends. His mother, Aegwynn, is also a tiger mother. She is very strict with his education and has high expectations. It is no wonder that she has become extreme.

Even without the influence of Sargeras, there would probably be something wrong, not to mention the remnant soul of the Dark Lord residing in his body.

He kind of felt sorry for Medivh.

Aidan: "Actually, you don't need to be so pressured. The so-called planning is up to people to make things happen. Just be yourself. As for the outcome, let fate decide."

Medivh (Guardian): "Fate? Maybe, but I always have a feeling that there seems to be an invisible hand manipulating my life. Everything around me is covered by an invisible fog. shrouded in.

I have specialized in astrology, astrology, and prophecy magic, but they are all like starlight in the mist, blurred, they are laughing at me, watching my jokes, I can always feel the malice from fate, as if The whole world is against me. "

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "That's because you've been in the house for too long. You've become 'mourned' at home every day. People's thinking will be affected by the surrounding environment, and people can't imagine that they don't The things you have seen, you have been reading those terrible prophecies and histories in books all day long, how can you not be depressed, if you want me to say that you just find more interesting novels to read, or go out for a walk. Take it easy, bask in the sun more, you can see how pale you are."

Medivh (Guardian): "Thank you Aidan, it was a pleasure chatting with you, you are right, maybe I should really go for a walk."

He stood up, "By the way, I discovered something recently, a terrible thing, I didn't want to tell anyone, maybe people will think I'm crazy, but maybe you can understand me." He walked quickly to A side cabinet.

Murphy was looking forward to it. Suddenly, Medivh stopped in his footsteps. His body twitched and made a strange noise. The light from the Star Observation Tower shone on him, casting a huge shadow with twisted horns. .

Mo Fei's heart trembled, and he immediately felt the change in the aura, and looking at the name on his head, it really changed.

Medivh (incarnation of Sargeras): "Jie Jie Jie Jie, you are here, Deathwing, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "Sargeras, why did you keep me waiting for so long? It seems that your control over Medivh is still not in place."

"Hmph, this guy has been trying to find me. He seems to have found some clues. He keeps trying to use magic on himself to get rid of me. Unfortunately, his poor magic is useless to me.

He is researching a new magic recently, but all the secrets in his heart can't be hidden in front of me, that magic is beyond his grasp, and he is getting weaker, soon I can completely occupy his body , At that time, there will be no such trouble. "

Murphy didn't know that Medivh had tried to expel Sargeras from his body.

"Oh, what is he going to do?"

"He wants to drive me out by splitting my soul, hahaha, but how is this possible? Soul magic is very profound and ancient. Only those ancient races with a long history and life have such power. His attempt It will be in vain after all.”

Soul splitting magic?Hey, the black dragon clan seems to have mastered similar dragon language magic.

It seems to be called "soul splitting technique". In the original history, Onyxia used the soul splitting technique to tear Varian's soul, turning Varian into two people, and then experienced a series of adventures before finally reuniting as one.

Murphy had checked the skill tree when he transformed into Deathwing form, and it seemed that this skill was included in Dragon Language Magic.

When he was stunned, Medivh had already walked back to the recliner and sat down, "So what do you want from me."

The distance between the two was very close, and Murphy could clearly feel the terrifying evil energy on Medivh's body. He tried his best not to show nervousness, and said calmly.

"I came here to tell you about the recent situation within the alliance. The Kingdom of Stormwind has noticed the movement of the orcs near the Dark Portal. King Ryan wants to form a coalition army to deal with the upcoming invasion. He issued a summons. The special envoys of various countries We have arrived in Stormwind City and held a meeting."

"Oh, what about the result?"

"The result is that everyone doesn't want to contribute, and just wants to wait for both the Stormwind Kingdom and the orc army to suffer."

"Hmph, as expected, those short-sighted humans, arrogant elves, and stupid dwarves have no surprises at all in terms of what they can do."

"This is our chance, Sargeras. Taking advantage of the fact that the alliance is still unable to unify, he dispatched an army of orcs to occupy the southern part of the Azeroth continent in one fell swoop. How is the Horde going?"

"They are ready, the war is about to begin, and you have good news Deathwing."

[System prompt: Complete the task, [Road to Darkness], you have obtained 300 plot points, your blackening progress has increased by 10%, you have obtained the plot status [Incarnation of Death Wing], your 'seal Disarm' skill is activated. 】

Mo Fei opened the skill list, and sure enough, the icon of the skill 'Release the Seal' lit up, and now he felt confident.

Now that everyone is BOSS, then I don't have to be afraid of you.

Aidan (incarnation of Deathwing): "Hmph, maybe you should urge those useless orcs. The noble lords of the alliance are indeed selfish, but they are also good at exchanging benefits. As far as I know, Lordaeron The kingdom has already proposed a marriage to King Ryan. Once the marriage is successful, the Kingdom of Lordaeron will send reinforcements, and other kingdoms will also be forced to join.

It will not be so easy to win again at that time. "

Sargeras felt the change in the aura of the man in front of him almost immediately. He had some respect for him before, but suddenly he became unscrupulous.

But he has nothing to do. At this moment, he really has nothing to do with Deathwing. Instead, he has to ask Deathwing for help, but he still muttered, "Hmph, I don't need you to teach me how to do things."

He said and stood up.

Medivh (incarnation of Sargeras): "Come on, Deathwing, let me take you to Draenor. The army of the Horde is ready to go, and the Dark Portal is about to open again."

Speaking of which, Medivh opened a portal, and the two of them passed through the portal, and they were on the mountain peak that day.

The orc camp outside the Portal of Darkness has expanded several times. Millions of huge troops are ready to go. The roar is earth-shattering. Packs of wolves, powerful ogre legions, Goron warriors, various siege weapons, The orc warlocks and their demon servants formed a powerful army.

At the end of the canyon, the Dark Gate has been completed, and some orcs are constantly dragging the captives into the cages on both sides of the gate.

To open the door of darkness requires an enormous amount of magical energy. Fel magic can directly transform life and soul into fel energy, and these sacrifices are obviously the source of fel energy.

(End of this chapter)

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