Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 157 Stop pretending, I am the king of demons

Chapter 157 Stop pretending, I am the king of demons

Orgrim (Horde Chief): "Gul'dan, what's going on with your plans?"

Gul'dan (Demon Master): "The Dark Portal is in good condition, and the Warchief can be opened at any time. In addition, I brought you two human warlocks. They come from Azeroth and know that world very well."

Orgrim (Horde Chief): "Hmph, two defectors, it seems that luck is on our side."

Orgrim said and looked at the two of them, but the moment he saw them, his heart was shocked.

He keenly felt that the two humans in front of him were absolutely extraordinary.

"Humans, who are you? Tell us your identities, otherwise..."

Medivh (incarnation of Sargeras): "Otherwise? Heh, orc, don't try to challenge my patience. I gave you hope of victory, but I don't mind taking it back."

He glanced at the orc chiefs in the big tent as if no one else was there. Several orc chiefs reacted differently. A trace of fear flashed in Ner'zhul's eyes. He could feel the powerful mana in the human body in front of him.

Kilrogg Deadeye's eyes flickered.

Kargath Bladefist was silent.

Only Hellscream gave a cold snort of disdain, and picked up the tomahawk, intending to copy the guy and kill people if there was a disagreement.

Orgrim gestured at him with a calm down gesture.

Orgrim (Warchief): "Let me guess, are you the one who opened the Dark Portal?"

Medivh—or Sargeras was a little surprised, "Hehe, I didn't expect you to be so stupid."

Orgrim (tribal chief): "Hmph, I once learned the principle of teleportation magic from the orc warlocks in the legion. The door of darkness must be opened from both sides at the same time, which means that there must be another door opener." — Orcs are just used to brute force, but they're not stupid."

Medivh (incarnation of Sargeras): "Maybe, so why are you different?"

Orgrim (Horde Chief): "Because I've seen too many fools who died of inexplicable brute force, so what news do you bring?"

Mysterious man: "Humanity is convening an alliance and discussing the formation of an alliance, but it will not be completed in a short while. You have plenty of time to launch an attack."

Orgrim (Horde Warchief): "Oh, why, I thought the last invasion should have alerted them."

Mysterious man: "There is something called a political game, and the top leaders of those alliances are obsessed with it."

Orgrim (tribal chief): "I really don't understand you humans. You say we orcs are stupid, but it seems that you humans are the stupider ones."

Mysterious man: "Pay attention to your words orc lord, you are provoking an existence that you should not offend."

Mo Fei stared, and the Dragon King's majesty was fully opened, and the powerful aura emanating from his body immediately made all the orcs in the big tent show vigilant expressions.

Orgrim looked at him in surprise, and suddenly laughed.

Orgrim (tribal chief): "It seems that we have two powerful allies, so the two came here just to tell me this information? I think there must be other reasons. "

Mysterious man: "Yes, I hope to form an alliance with the tribe. When the army of the tribe invades Azeroth, I will assist you. If necessary, my army will also join the battle.

Orgrim (Horde Chief): "So what do you two want?"

Mysterious man: "Of course it is power. Once Azeroth is conquered, I will share my half of the territory."

Orgrim (tribal chief): "And you, Your Excellency the Human Warlock."

Medivh smiled mysteriously, "You will know the chief, when you conquer that world, you will know-hahahaha." (Of course I enslave you orcs to serve me, but it is not necessary to say this too early Speak out, and when the day you complete your mission, you will understand what a great existence you are serving)
Orgrim (tribal chief): "Then let's look forward to that moment coming soon—hahahaha." (Hmph, no matter what your background is, as long as the tribe's army occupies that world, you will lose your use value, At that time, I will let you know what respect is.)
Mysterious man: "That's right, wish us all the best—hahahaha." If it’s not in place, hurry up and shout.)
After half an hour—

The two returned to Karazhan.

After passing through the portal, Medivh had a rather smug face.

Medivh (incarnation of Sargeras): "It seems that our plan is going very well. Soon, the orc army will conquer this world, summon my body into this world, and completely destroy this world."

Mysterious man: "I still think it's too much trouble, those stupid orcs are not worth relying on at all, but whatever."

Medivh (incarnation of Sargeras): "Be patient man, our goal is the same, now, no one can stop us."

"Oh yes, dear son, it seems that you have been very busy with work during the period when mom is away."

Who is it? The two looked towards the source of the voice at the same time, and saw a silver-haired beauty looking at Medivh coldly.

Aegwynn (Guardian of the Star World) is level 100, legendary level five—it is Medivh's mother, the previous guardian, Ms. Aegwynn.

Medivh (incarnation of Sargeras): "Ah, dear mother, long time no see, are you finally willing to see me?"

Aegwynn (Star Guardian): "You are not my son, who the hell are you!?"

Medivh (incarnation of Sargeras): Why do you say that, can't you see, I am your dear son, hahahaha, well, stop pretending, yes, I am not your son at all, I am Sargeras, Lord of Darkness, Lord of Demons, Ruler of the Burning Legion, Conqueror of Worlds, Destroyer of Azeroth, destined to destroy this world. "

Aegwynn's complexion changed drastically. Although she had already guessed something, she could hardly accept the moment the truth emerged. However, the tenacity in her heart quickly restored her composure.

"Who am I? It turns out that you are the defeated general. Hehe, you can't face my power head-on, so you can only play tricks in the dark. What kind of demon king is nothing more than a despicable person."

you!Sargeras was furious at the moment. Being defeated by Aegwynn was a shame in his life. Hundreds of years ago, Sargeras built a portal by commanding some remaining demons in the War of the Ancients, and successfully descended into this world, but Because the portal wasn't big enough, he could only project a small part of his power into this world, but in his opinion, such power was enough to sweep the world.

But I didn't expect to encounter a legendary female mage as soon as it arrived. This female mage was the guardian Aegwynn at that time.

One man and one demon waged a great battle. What Sargeras didn't expect was that the opponent's magic was so powerful that he defeated him head-on.

Losing is losing, albeit a fraction of his power.

Aegwynn sealed his body in a temple and sank to the bottom of the sea, which is the origin of the tomb of Sargeras.

As the king of demons, Sargeras naturally couldn't die so easily. In fact, he could return to his own body directly at that time. However, such a failure was regarded as a shame by him. What should those subordinates do if they returned in such a disheveled manner? look at him.

So Sargeras simply used his tricks and hid in Aegwynn's body as a remnant soul. He developed insignificantly until Aegwynn gave birth to a son before he was secretly transferred into Medivh's body. Medivh didn't have such powerful power as Aegwynn. , was easily controlled by Sargeras.

Also steals the Guardian's power.

This matter is considered a coup, but for an existence of the level of Demon King Sargeras, this kind of thing is a shame.

If you can push it head-on, who would be willing to engage in these conspiracies and tricks.

It is a failure in itself for the majestic demon king to be forced to use such indecent means.

Now he can finally have his revenge.

Medivh (incarnation of Sargeras): "Hmph, do you think you can really defeat us a human witch? You're so naive. That's all just my trick. Look, now the power of the guardian is all mine."

Aegwynn (Guardian of the Stars): "Since I can give you this power, I can also take it back. Sargeras, I killed you once, and I don't mind killing you again. Come on, my son. , let your mother teach you how to behave."

Powerful arcane energy gathers around Aegwynn. Although she has passed on the power of the guardian to her son, she is also a legendary mage herself. There are countless demons, evil gods, and all kinds of powerful alien creatures who died in her hands.

She not only learned advanced combat skills from the battle, but also absorbed the terrifying magic power from the corpses of those powerful aliens.

At this moment, as the anger in his heart erupted, the aura was astonishing.

Facing the old enemy in front of him, Sargeras, he didn't dare to be careless, he knew the power of this woman in front of him.

But he is not very worried, the power of the guardian is the aggregate of the mana of all the great mages of the Tirisfal Council back then, plus the wisdom of his demon king, just ask how you lose.

Medivh (incarnation of Sargeras): "Then come witch!"

Sargeras roared, and the power of evil energy surged in his body. Demon horns grew on the top of his head, his skin turned a frightening green, and chaotic flames burned in his eyes, and the evil energy was like a flame. burning around him.

Before the two of them could make a move, the fel energy and the arcane magic power escaping from around their bodies had already collided in the air, making a terrifying sound.

Murphy retreated hastily. He was still in human form, so he didn't dare to intervene in a battle of this level.

He couldn't stop once he retreated, so he simply exited the door.

As soon as he exited the observatory, he saw Akanagos standing by the door, as if looking out for Aegwynn.

As soon as the two met, they immediately showed vigilant expressions.

(End of this chapter)

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