Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 158 I am not alone in the fight

Chapter 158 I'm Not Fighting Alone

Akanagos (Blue Dragon Archon): "What happened up there?"

Aidan (incarnation of Deathwing): "It's nothing, my mother is teaching her son up there, I think it's better for us not to intervene casually."

boom!There was a deafening explosion, and the entire tower trembled, as if confirming what Murphy said.

Akanagos looked serious, and was about to go up to check.

Murphy blocked the door.

"Step aside."

"What if I say no?"

"Hmph, Prince Aidan, blocking a dragon's footsteps is not a wise thing to do," said Achanagos, his eyes gleaming with arcane light.

Murphy pretended to be thinking and nodded.

"Well, you're right, then go up." He turned sideways and made way for a path.

Akanagos was slightly taken aback, obviously a little wary, but he still walked towards the top of the tower, but the moment he passed by Murphy.

Roundabout!Mo Fei drew his sword abruptly and made a move, turning around, and the blade swept across.

Magic is stronger beyond seven steps, but within seven steps, it is better to use a sword.

Even though there was such a huge difference in rank, Murphy still had some confidence in killing him in a close-range fight.

It's just that Akanagos is obviously not an easy person, and he has already prepared himself for it.

The moment the blade was swung, Akanagos suddenly flickered, like a delay on the screen.

Phase transfer!
The blade swept across his body, but only cut a phantom.

The figure of Akanagos appeared seven steps away, with a look of shock and anger.

"Mortal, you've angered me." He said, a ball of thunder condensed in his hands.

Murphy is no nonsense - the storm strikes!
With the wind blowing from the soles of his feet, he jumped up into the air, and with the help of the power of the storm, he reached Akanagos in an instant, and chopped off the head with the dragon-slaying giant sword in his hand.

Akanagos hastily switched skills - Dragon Claw!

With a slap, the left arm instantly turned into a huge dragon claw, grabbing the dragon-slaying giant sword straight.

Blood dripped slowly from the blade, feeling the pain on the dragon's claws, a trace of anger flashed in Akanagos' eyes.

Dragon form!
Akanagos swelled and became bigger, and instantly turned into a blue dragon with a body length of more than 40 meters.

Akanagos (Blue Dragon Archon) Disaster Level 68 Boss, Level 67000, HP [-].

Although it is not the blue dragon lord, it is not much worse.

The huge dragon claws slowly pressed down. Although Akanagos belonged to various legal dragons, the huge size of the blue dragon still brought a huge advantage in strength. Even with a power attribute as high as 55 points, Mo Fei held The dragon-slaying giant sword was still being slowly pressed down, and the stone bricks under his feet cracked and cracked.

"Small mortal, who are you and why are you blocking my way? Tell me, and I will give you a happy death!"

A sinister smile appeared on Prince Aidan's handsome face, "You want to know who I am? Hehehehe, as you wish."

Seal lifted!

Black magic instantly enveloped Mo Fei's whole body. His body began to swell and grow crazily. His huge wings shattered the statue on the tower, covering the moonlight and starlight in the sky. Below him, the ferocious dragon head looked down at Akanagos, those dark golden eyes made Akanagos' heart sink to the bottom of the valley.

A horrified expression appeared on the blue dragon's face, "Death—Deathwing!"

"The answer is correct, but unfortunately no..."

Lightning Breath!Akanagos was also in a hurry. Before Murphy could finish his sentence, he sprayed out his dragon breath. Because blue dragons are naturally good at controlling magic power, the effect of their dragon breath is also the most fancy. You can choose between frost, lightning, Even switch between arcane flames.

What Akanagos breathed out was lightning breath, which theoretically had a paralyzing effect. The bright white lightning hit Murphy's body, making a crackling sound. To Yi, it was just tickling, and the paralysis effect was directly exempted by his strong physique.

He looked at the desperate blue dragon with a smirk, "Is it over? Then it's my turn."

The prehistoric flames!

Ah, the blue dragon let out a scream, and its flesh was quickly burned to ashes by the dragon fire, exposing the scorched bones. Akanagos struggled and wanted to escape, but Deathwing's dragon claws slammed Pulling out, the sharp claws pierced his chest, and pulled out a dragon heart.
51251 (fatal blow)!

With a bang, the body of Akanagos slid from the platform to the bottom of the tower, and fell to the square in various ways. Its body was still burning.

Mo Fei slowly transformed into a human form, looking at the dragon heart in his hand that exudes arcane light, he actually had a salivating feeling, but now is not the time to enjoy this delicacy, so he casually put the dragon heart in his backpack,

Glancing at the burning dragon corpse of Akanagos, he felt no pity in his heart.

There was another violent explosion, and the Star Observation Tower shook violently. Fortunately, when Karazhan was built, he took into account the damage of defensive magic, and the entire castle was strengthened by magic. collapsed.

At this time, the two figures separated again, one on the left and the other on the right suspended inside the Star Observation Tower, one was covered in blue light of arcane energy, and the other was wrapped in green flames of fel energy.

Aegwynn's face was frosty, and his beautiful silver hair was scattered all over. He was no longer as graceful and luxurious as before, but only had a biting killing intent.

Sargeras looked at Aegwynn with disbelief on his face, how could this be possible, this woman was able to draw with him.

No, it wasn't just a tie. In terms of technique alone, Aegwynn actually suppressed him.

This was something Sargeras hadn't expected at all.

Medivh (incarnation of Sargeras): "I have to say, I seem to underestimate you, witch."

Aegwynn (Guardian of the Star World): "You can't save your little devil even if you say it nicely, I want to..."

Woohoo.A miserable dragon roar suddenly sounded, and a trace of suspicion flashed in Aegwynn's eyes—Acanagos?

"Is that your blue dragon pet? Huh, I don't think he can come in, my friend will take care of him, you are so stupid, Aegwynn, you dare to come here alone, you think I only have this Power? Hahaha, let me understand what real power is."

Group life absorption!

At this moment, in the hall of Karazhan, countless nobles were reveling, but suddenly, they wailed in pain, the flesh and blood on their bodies dried up quickly, and their vitality was fleeting, turning into streaks of green evil energy. Did not enter the body of Sargeras.

The evil fire on Sargeras' body burned violently again.

Aegwynn showed disdain, "You still haven't changed your old habits, devil, if you can't beat him, you just use this kind of obscene greeting, but you miscalculated a bit, I'm not alone."

Group call!

Shhhhhhh, the silver light of the teleportation technique emerged one after another, and five figures appeared in the tower in an instant.

Morgan Lisa (Great Arcanist), Gold Level [-].

Floating Dream (Great Astromancer), Gold Level [-].

Saliman (Court Archmage) Gold Level [-].

Dark Night Magic God (Great Element Envoy), Gold Level [-].

Morgana (Wild Witch) Silver Tier [-].

what!Sargeras looked angrily at the five mages who suddenly appeared in front of him, and wondered where did so many powerful mages come from?
(End of this chapter)

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