Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 159 This script is wrong

Chapter 159 This script is wrong
Salliman (Court Archmage): "Tsk tsk tsk, teacher, you finally figured it out. I said a long time ago that your son is hopeless. You see, I'm right."

Morgana (Wild Witch): "Haha, is this Sargeras? It's so ugly, we'll kill him today."

Morgan Lisa (Grand Arcanist): "Old rules, whoever contributes the most will challenge the prize first—the drum stick is mine!"

God of the Dark Night (Great Element Envoy): "Ladies, please be reserved. I am broadcasting the live broadcast. Hey, dear friends, please take a look. This is the legendary Medivh—Sargeras. I will kill him with my own hands! That silver-haired beauty over there is my teacher, Ms. Aegwynn, please say hello to the audience."

Dream of Floating (Great Astrologist): "I told you to be serious, we are saving the world."

The corners of Aegwynn's mouth twitched, and his silver teeth creaked. Hearing the group cross talk of the five apprentices, he felt furious. My mother is going through the pain of bereavement. You traitors can't say a few words Comfort me nicely.

She has traveled all over the years, and met many good seedlings who learn magic, and these apprentices are all well-behaved and sensible, and they speak nicely. On weekdays, they greet each other and give her various gifts and treasures.

She also felt that her timing was lucky, and the apprentices accepted them one by one, seven or eight in one breath.

She didn't expect to find out later that none of these apprentices were worry-free masters, and there was something wrong with their brain size, especially when they said some strange things that she didn't understand, it always touched her nerves and made her want to beat people.

Especially this kind of frivolous behavior regardless of the occasion, sometimes makes her almost want to kill. Before this time, the group of apprentices found her very early, saying that her son was going to be blackened and possessed by Sargeras, To destroy the world or something.

At that time, she didn't want to believe it, but these apprentices would occasionally show some strange abilities, especially the ability to predict the future, which made her fall in love.

Before the departure, the group of apprentices also told her to call them when they fought, and said that afterward, they only need to share some of the treasures in Karazhan with them.

It seemed that he was sure that his son was hopeless.

Aegwynn is an extremely proud master, how could he let these idiot disciples come to eat human blood buns, so he didn't plan to summon them at all at first.

But at this moment, facing Sargeras in a state of complete victory, she has nothing to do. Although she is unhappy, in the face of such a major issue, she can only suppress that bit of discomfort first, and let's talk about it later.

At the same time, Aegwynn was also a little surprised, why didn't Akanagos come up to help!

And Sargeras was even angrier than Aegwynn, these bastards didn't take him seriously at all, and they completely regarded him as a meal in their pockets.

How can I bear this kind of thing, Aegwynn and I struggled to fight, and it's not like playing with you bastards.

Medivh (incarnation of Sargeras): "Enough, you small mortals, dare to be so rude and presumptuous, you must be punished, tremble before the power of the demon king!"

Fel storm!

The fel energy flame turned into a storm-like whirlwind, spreading in all directions, and everything it passed was burned into ashes by the fel energy flame.

Hero Skill - Magic Cage!

Salliman countered immediately, and the arcane energy turned into a hexagonal cage made of prisms, reflecting all the flames of the evil fire back.

At the same time——the other four also shot.

Arcane Meteor!

Starlight perishes!

Shadow Spear!

Four powerful spells hit Sargeras' body protection magic at the same time, and Sargeras couldn't stand it even with the mighty power of a guardian.

"Servants of the Twisting Nether, heed my call!"

The air was distorting, Sargeras didn't even use the magic circle, he directly tore the barrier of space, and summoned several chaotic demons covered in flames.

Floating Dream made an immediate move.

Hero Skill - Return of the Astral World!
A magical vortex leading to the astral world appeared in midair, and before the chaotic demons had time to participate in the battle, they were sucked into the vortex one by one and disappeared into the unknown domain.

Arcane Meteor!

Light of Destruction!

Shadow Spear!

The four spells hit Sargeras again, and the protective magic light on his body was significantly weaker.

Damn, are these mages so strong?He looked at Aegwynn, who looked at him coldly, but did not make a move, but was brewing some kind of powerful magic.

No, we must get rid of these miscellaneous things quickly.

This time Sargeras chose the most lethal instant death magic - Finger of Death!
As long as he hits, he can instantly kill a target. He has already seen that these people are strong, and it is not realistic to solve them all at once. Let's do it one by one.

The persimmons had to be picked softly. Although he couldn't see the ranks of these people, his instinct told her that the witch in the tattered black robe should be the weakest one.

A finger of death!
But in the next second - call the skeleton!
The evil red light of Finger of Death was blocked by a skeleton, but the skeleton remained unchanged after being hit by this legendary spell.

Finger of Death is instant death magic, which can directly destroy the soul of the target. It can instantly kill most creatures, even if it cannot be killed, it can cause a huge amount of damage. Pretending to be a creature has no effect.

The opponent just used a simple magic to summon a skeleton to crack his ultimate move.

Morgana (Wild Witch): "I'm going, I was scared to death, almost gave me a second, you don't talk about martial arts, Comrade Sargeras, but it's useless, we have been waiting for this day for a long time, We have a way to break all those demonic spells of yours."

Sargeras's heart turned cold for a moment, he could feel that the opponent had indeed been prepared long ago, had a clear idea of ​​his abilities, and had carried out targeted training.

at the same time--

Arcane Meteor!

Starlight perishes!

Light of Destruction!

It was another round of concentrated fire, and the protective magic on his body was almost completely destroyed.

This is the embarrassment of playing more with less. Sargeras casts one spell, and the opponent can cast five.

Just then, Aegwynn made a move.

She raised the staff, and the arcane energy gathered into a very small group, turning into an undetectable beam of light, which directly penetrated Sargeras' body.

There is almost no calculation at all in this attack, it is the most efficient use of energy.

As soon as Sargeras lowered his head, he saw a big hole in his chest.

Just like hundreds of years ago, he was shocked and unwilling. The body of this mortal is still too weak. If there is my body of Sargeras again, you are like ants...

"Any last words?" Aegwynn pointed his staff at him and asked coldly.

"You can't kill me. If I die, your son will cease to exist."

A gleam of pain flashed in Aegwynn's eyes, "That's the price I have to pay."

At the moment when the wand fell.

boom!The dome of the Star Observation Tower was forcibly torn apart, and a huge and ferocious dragon's head poked in through the hole.

Several players were all shocked.

Saliman (Court Archmage): "What is that!"

Morgan Lisa (Grand Arcanist): "Damn, what the hell!"

Morgana (Wild Witch): "Deathwing? No, it must be an illusion."

Dark Night Law God (Great Element Envoy): "My day!"

Neltharion (King of the Black Dragon): "Hehehe, Sargeras, you look a bit embarrassed, do you need help?"

Sargeras was so angry, "Deathwing, stop playing, kill these mortals."

Aegwynn looked at the huge black dragon in the sky in shock.

The five players around were even more surprised.

Wocao, why did Deathwing come here?This script is wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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