Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 160 Medivh Lying Down Again

Chapter 160 Medivh is lying down again (two chapters in one)

Medivh (incarnation of Sargeras): "Deathwing, what are you waiting for, hurry up! Kill them!"

Neltharion (King of the Black Dragon): "Hmph, your words don't sound like a begging tone, Sargeras."

He looked at the heavily injured Medivh/Sargeras and the group of mage heroes around him. He originally planned to make a direct shot, but at this moment, an impulse suddenly arose in his heart——such a good opportunity, should we take it away? Are they all done?

That's right, kill them all, kill everyone, be it witches, demons, players, NPCs, heroes or villains, kill them all.

Kill these ant-like humans, kill this arrogant demon king, then no one can stop me in this game.

This idea was so strong that even though Murphy knew that the script of the system was not written in this way and that he should play his role well, he still had this urge.

Those few players were the first to react to his dazed effort.

Morgan Lisa (Grand Arcanist): "Forget about that black dragon, kill Medivh first!"

Salliman (Court Archmage): "That's right, do it!"

These words reminded several players, what are you waiting for if there are bosses that are about to die, if you don’t hurry up, what are you waiting for? In the world, getting plot points and equipment is better than anything else.

Several people raised their staffs almost simultaneously.

At this moment, Murphy couldn't hesitate anymore, ho!

The prehistoric flames!

Opening his mouth, the turbulent dragon flames sprayed wildly into the tower. Deathwing's body was too large, there was no way to enter the tower, and he had no intention of entering, so he just sprayed.

Anyway, apart from the hole on the top, the tower has only a few doors and windows, it is completely like a closed oven, no one can hide from the flames.

Looking from a distance in the night, a huge dragon with a wingspan of nearly 200 meters is lying on the tower, crazily spraying fire into it, and all the windows of the tower are spraying out flames and thick smoke, just like being blown by a blower. stove.

In an instant, flames enveloped everyone.

This fire sprayed for more than ten seconds, until the entire tower was burned red, and he stopped.

With a crash, the scorched black and crisp tower walls that were burnt by the dragon fire collapsed, and then became uncontrollable, and pieces began to collapse. Mo Fei hurriedly flew into the air with his wings flashing, looking at the ruins that had turned into a piece of charred rubble. That was refreshing, but then a feeling of uneasiness popped up, thinking what did I do?Shouldn't Aegwen Sargeras and those few players be burned to death right now?
Forget about the players, Medivh and Aegwynn are both important plot characters, if...

No, there is no system prompt sound, so none of them should be hung up?

He pawed at the ruins twice with his paws, but he couldn't see anything, he could only see a scorched black area. Needless to say, he must have teleported away.

"Death! Death! Zhi! Yi! Are you trying to burn me to death?"

As soon as Murphy turned his head, he saw the demonized Medivh standing on the platform of Karazhan's main castle, looking at him angrily, with green blood still flowing from his chest.

It turns out that they didn't die. These mages just hate them. If they can't beat them, they will teleport them. It's very annoying.

He landed slowly on the edge of the platform, because the warning was too big, he could only hold half of his body.

Neltharion (King of the Black Dragon): "Don't complain about Sargeras, you're fine, and if I didn't do this, you would have died just now."

Medivh (incarnation of Sargeras): "Hmph, you just want to kill me and them."

Neltharion (King of the Black Dragon): "Haha, how come, I know you have the ability to escape, so I shot it, and if the legendary Sargeras is so vulnerable, I just spit it twice The flame was burned to death, which is too wasteful.

If you don't even have the strength to escape from dragon fire, what qualifications do you have to cooperate with me? "

Sargeras was speechless for a moment, thinking that what you said made sense, but I was speechless.

Neltharion (King of the Black Dragon): "So stop your silly complaints, and think about what to do next, Aegwynn has already run away, and those mages, they will definitely take your If the news spreads, the killers sent by Stormwind City will arrive here soon and send you back to the west."

Medivh (incarnation of Sargeras): "Hmph, let them come, I've already arranged everything in Karazhan, do you think I haven't done anything during this time?
My golem puppets and demon minions will tear apart any intruders, and I can even summon a demon lord to assist me, if necessary, those assassins have no chance to get close to me. "

Having said that, Sargeras suddenly looked at the blue dragon that was still burning under the tower.

Medivh (incarnation of Sargeras): "Oh, it seems that you took good care of that blue dragon, Akanagos - this annoying blue dragon has been watching me, and now it can finally be quiet. But maybe it still has value."

He stretched out his hand, and a ball of evil energy was suddenly released, blasting into the blue dragon's corpse, the burning skeleton of the giant dragon suddenly moved, and it flickered with only skeleton wings left. flew up.

It's kind of weird from a physical point of view, but in the wizarding world anything is possible.

Medivh (incarnation of Sargeras): "Serve me, Akanagos, and from today onwards, I will call you Nightmare!"

Boom, two flames burst out from the bone dragon's eyes, as if responding to Sargeras' order, the name on the bone dragon's head suddenly changed to—

Nightmare (Resurrected Evil Dragon), first-order disaster boss, level 68, HP 57000.

Probably because of the Dragon Heart being taken out, the revived Akanagos is only a first-level disaster boss, and his blood volume has also dropped a lot, but his level has not changed at all, still at level 68.

Mo Fei looked at the revived evil dragon in front of him, but was taken aback. Nightmare?So Akanagos is the Nightmare?

In World of Warcraft, Nightmare is a hidden BOSS in Karazhan. It needs to complete a specific task to be summoned, but I didn't expect it to be born like this.

Medivh (incarnation of Sargeras): "Okay, this way, it's safe." Sargeras said, but the fel flames on his body began to fade quickly.

The previous battle had consumed too much of his energy, coupled with the severe injury just now, he used the remaining power to create Nightmare.

Medivh (incarnation of Sargeras): "Oops, I'm afraid I'll have to change back for a while, that bitch Aegwynn really hurt me."

Sargeras covered the wound on his chest, and looked at Murphy warily.

"Deathwing, you will not forget our previous agreement."

"Don't worry, I won't attack you." Murphy said, he would have calmed down now, the sudden mad killing intent before would disappear as if it had vanished, it was a little strange to think about it Why do that.

Sargeras nodded after hearing this, and the last trace of evil fire disappeared from his eyes. He couldn't hold it anymore, rolled his eyes, and fell to the ground with a plop.

The body completely changed back to human form.

Murphy looked at Medivh in front of him, and shook his head speechlessly. It seemed that he had to clean up the mess himself.

He also changed back into a human form, resisted Medivh, and walked down the stairs into the hall of Karazhan Castle. There were bones everywhere, and the bustling and noisy grand banquet had now turned into a Shura slaughter. Field - the place of death.

On the stage are couples of corpses embracing each other. Those gorgeous costumes and ornaments still have bright colors and exquisite patterns.

It feels like a scene from a horror movie.

"Oh, what a pity, I quite like the lively feeling before." Murphy said to himself, throwing Medivh onto a chair, and turned the person lying on the bar into a dry bone The maid pushed it away, took out a bottle of Moonshine Wine from the bar, and poured herself a glass.

After all this trouble, he really needed a drink.

Just after taking two sips, Medivh's eyelids moved, he let out a painful moan, and slowly opened his eyes.

Medivh (Guardian): "What happened, what did I-oh my God, what's going on here?" He looked at everything around him in horror, a little at a loss.

Murphy had a headache. It seemed that he had to explain this matter himself. Fortunately, he reacted quickly and thought of an excuse in a flash.

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "Oh, brother, do you really not remember anything?"

Medivh froze for a moment, he recalled carefully, with a hesitant look on his face.

Medivh (Guardian): "I seem to remember some pictures and fragments, I seem to go somewhere, a strange world, and then... I have conflicts with people, we cast magic on each other, I am about to lose ——It’s so strange, how could I lose, I’m a guardian, and then I used a magic—God, did I do all of this?”

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "That's right, you did it all, and the other person who fought with you - your mother Aegwynn, I don't know why you guys quarreled, maybe I was going downstairs to get a drink, and as soon as I went upstairs, I saw the two of you throwing magic spells at each other, so I didn't dare to go up, I could only watch from the sidelines, Akanagos, you know?"

"That blue dragon?" Medivh said unconsciously.

"That's right, that's him, this dude still wanted to go up and persuade you to fight, but in the end, you were burned to the bone when you fired a big fireball, alas, this is miserable, don't mention it.

When I saw this situation, how could I dare to go up, I could only watch you guys fight, until there was no movement on the top, I dared to go up, and when I went up, I saw you unconscious there, your mother didn't know what I went, probably because I couldn't do anything to you, or I was beaten away by you.

Then I memorized you. "

Medivh (Guardian): "No! It's impossible! I can't do such a thing. It shouldn't be like this!" Murphy couldn't bear it.

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "Oh, don't be so overwhelmed. Domestic violence is actually a very common social phenomenon, and it mostly occurs in single-parent families. Although both of you are guardians and have different statuses, but Is it also human in nature? This kind of career is also inevitable.

After all, the matter has already happened, so don't be too regretful, come, have a drink first and relax, we are all a family, there is no overnight feud between mother and child, just wait for your mother to calm down. "

As he said that, Murphy poured a glass of moonshine wine for Medivh.

Medivh drank it down in one gulp, and Murphy immediately filled it up again.

Medivh drank three cups in one go before recovering slightly.

Medivh (Guardian): "Is there no one alive in Karazhan? Moros! Moros!

The old man Moros appeared out of nowhere. His face was full of madness and fear, and his skin became haggard and old. A British uncle who was originally quite energetic, now he is as haggard as a mummy.

Moros also seemed to have two skills. After all, he was Karazhan's chief steward, so he needed some magic power, but it was obviously not enough to completely protect himself. Although his life was saved, he still suffered a huge trauma.

And the spirit seems to be a little abnormal.

"Master, master! Don't, don't!" Moros looked at Medivh in horror, his eyes were almost crazy, and he muttered vague words in his mouth.

When Medivh saw Moros, he felt even more painful, "I'm sorry Moros, I'm sorry... Forget everything that just happened, forget those painful experiences."

He said and put his hand on Moros's forehead, and he didn't know what magic was used, and Moros' eyes gradually calmed down.

"Go to sleep and rest, I don't need your service for the time being."

Moros nodded numbly, turned and left.

Medivh (Guardian): "I touched his memory to calm him down." Medivh said, but the pain in his heart could not be erased.

Murphy patted Medivh on the shoulder, "Look out, buddy, at least your mother should be fine."

Medivh grabbed the bottle and drank it, Dun Dundun drank the whole bottle of spirits in one breath.

An unnatural flush appeared on his face, and the ferocious and painful expression made Murphy a little nervous. Murphy was about to say a few more words of comfort when he heard a plop, and Medivh fell down again.

Mo Fei shook his head speechlessly, thinking that this man is really...

At this time, footsteps suddenly sounded from behind, and then Wang Xuan's unbeatable voice sounded in the hall.

"Wo Cao, what's the matter here? The plot has already happened? This is too fast.

It's over, it's over, it's not easy to have a place where you can have fun, it's gone now, Mo Fei, why didn't you send me a message earlier, if I intervene, maybe I can keep this place, you see Seeing that so many people have died now, how can they come here to relax in the future. "

Wang Xuan looked at the mess around him regretfully, and his eyes stayed on the two maids for a moment, "Oh, it's a pity that none of these beautiful girls survived." He also took out a bottle of wine and drank it. .

Murphy glared at him angrily, "Are you ashamed to say that damn Aegwynn summoned a team of heroes to fight together? There is no such paragraph in the script. Those players almost killed Sargeras." Yes, fortunately, I made a timely move."

Wang Xuan waved his hand: "It doesn't matter, anyway, Medivh will die sooner or later, there is not much difference if he dies sooner or later, it's just a pity that such a good place, I thought there would be a chance to keep it, now I won't be able to enjoy it anymore. "

(End of this chapter)

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