Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 161 Ice is cold, new taste

Chapter 161 Ice is cold, new taste

Murphy was speechless, you are still thinking about having fun.

"So what exactly happened?" Wang Xuan put down his wine glass and asked.

"What else could be going on? I went to Draenor with Medivh, and when I came back, I met Aegwynn. Medivh immediately had a showdown, stopped pretending, and then both of them started to fuck, but with The difference from the original plot is that this Aegwynn actually recruited several apprentices to help."


"That's right, and each of them is a local tyrant, a gold-ranked hero, and Medivh is about to finish the ball, so I can only help, oops, then, Deathwing and Sagra Is the matter of Sri Lanka United going to spread?"

"That's for sure, but don't worry, for the heroes of the alliance, whether Sargeras or Deathwing is an evil force to be defeated, there is no difference in essence between evil villains, and such a If you come, the portal of darkness should be opened soon.

Haha, this good show is finally about to be officially staged.

By the way, your Black Dragon Legion has to prepare for its debut, so you can prepare for it in a while, and when the time comes, the battle will be together, and the wind and clouds will meet. Isn't this Mani coming soon? "

Murphy nodded, "I'll go back and gather the black dragon lords to prepare for the battle." Speaking of this, he suddenly thought of something, and said a little nervously.

"By the way, Akanagos is dead too."

"What? Why did he die too?" Wang Xuan looked a little surprised, the magic of life absorption shouldn't be a threat to a blue dragon, right?

"It was Medivh who did it. At that time, Akanagos was going to help Aegwynn. As a result, Medivh fired a big fireball and killed Akanagos. Afterwards, he resurrected it into Nightmare." Murphy said without blushing, he was not sure whether the effect of the Bluff Master would be effective on the player, and he felt somewhat guilty.

However, Wang Xuan seemed to have no doubts at all.

"So he is Nightmare!" Wang Xuan was stunned, "That's no wonder, I used to wonder why I didn't see Akanagos when I was playing World of Warcraft." He sighed, "Just die, this is also his fate."

Mo Fei was a little surprised by Wang Xuan's calmness, "You won't be too sad, will you?"

"Why should I be sad?"

"Achanagos—isn't he your friend?"

"Uh... that's right, but I have a lot of friends, I can't cry every time I die, besides, Akanagos and I just drank and ate together , It’s just that I’ve dated girls, it’s not considered very familiar, and it’s just a game after all, so you understand.”

Murphy was taken aback for a moment, then nodded thoughtfully, "You are right, this is just a game, by the way, can you give me a ride?"

Ten minutes later, Murphy looked at Tongtian Peak in front of him and took a deep breath.

I am coming again!

He opened the skill bar and took a look. The ability to unseal was still on. It seemed that because he was still in the plot event, this skill should be usable for a while.

The opening of the Dark Portal is a major event, and major events generally take a long time and can last for a long time.

If the orc invasion is counted as a big event in the future, the time can last for several years. Now that Deathwing has entered the arena, I am afraid that I can use this skill for a long time, which is convenient. In the future If you want to change, you can change, it is very comfortable.

Of course, in this way, once he transforms, he must be prepared to change the plot. After all, Deathwing has such a big wrist, and it will definitely attract everyone's attention when he appears. If he messes around, he may make some moths .

After thinking about it, Murphy decided to keep a low profile.

He originally planned to fly up to Tongtian Peak in the form of Deathwing, to experience the experience of forcibly breaking into a storm, but after hesitating, he decided to go up.

Passing through the remains of the snake man, passing through the dark cave, and stepping on the ancient rock steps, Murphy once again came to the peak of Tongtian Peak.

Looking at the aurora and stars above his head, he suddenly wanted to laugh, as if every time he came here it was at night.

Standing in front of the altar in the Dragon Feast Ceremony Hall, Murphy slowly took out Akanagos' heart and put it on the ceremony table.

The voice came as promised, as if it had been waiting for him.

Mysterious voice: "Welcome, those who chase the power of the dragon, it seems that you are very diligent in your work, and you have brought the third heart of the dragon so quickly, let me see, um - a blue heart The heart of a dragon contains powerful magic power, pure magic power is condensed in it, it seems that your taste is very tricky, the taste of such pure magic power must be very delicious."

Ok?Mo Fei's heart suddenly moved. He still hasn't figured out what the source of this mysterious voice is, the ghost of Gu Long?The soul of the dragon feeder?Or is it some kind of magic creation, specially used to assist the Dragon Feeders to complete the ceremony.

But when he heard what the mysterious voice said just now, he suddenly had a feeling, could this guy have eaten dragon heart?
He has long wanted to try to find out the owner of this voice, but in the past his strength was limited, and if he got messed up, he would play Dafa, but now that he has the ability to lift the seal, he naturally has confidence in his heart.

He calmly took out a magic scroll of the visualization technique and crushed it vigorously.

A flash of silver light spread in all directions, but there was nothing, it seemed that it was not invisible.

Detect the undead!Another scroll was crushed.

Still no response at all.

Mysterious voice: "What are you doing? Hehehe, are you looking for me?"

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "That's right, but it doesn't look like you're invisible or a ghost, can you tell me what you are?"

Mysterious voice: "I am your guide, I will help you gain the power of the dragon, all you need to know is this."

Aidan (Prince of Alterac): "I have a question, will swallowing dragon hearts of different attributes affect the success rate of transforming a dragon? Would it be better if I only swallowed one kind of dragon heart? How many specific types of dragon hearts?"

Mysterious voice: "Hehehe, you really think a lot, no, it won't have any effect, power is power, there is no difference, as for what kind of dragon you will turn into in the future, that is up to you It is determined by the heart, not the attributes of the dragon you devour."

Murphy was relieved now, and he nodded, indicating that it was time to start.

Mysterious voice: "Eat! Mortals chasing the power of the dragon, feast on the flesh and blood, devour the power, integrate the power of the law into your blood, cast it into your soul, feel the power of the dragon, eat it Let's eat... let's go... let's go..."

The voice kept whispering in the ear, with a long echo.

Invisible ghosts appeared around, and the majestic and sacred singing sounded, as if many voices were singing loudly together.



After the previous two rituals, he is now at ease with this voice.

I even thought it fit the occasion, as if someone would play the piano or sing a song in a high-end restaurant, it would be good to eat.

The people of the dragon feast, the people of the dragon feast, feast on the flesh and blood, and devour the dragon!

The people of Longxiang, the people of Longxiang, seize the power and forge the dragon soul!
Murphy took a bite, and the blue dragon's heart had a strange taste, which was different from the burning taste of Arundel. Pepper, magic energy smells like some kind of metal.

He devoured the dragon's heart, and swallowed the blue blood in his mouth. The taste of the blue dragon's heart reminded Murphy of beef sauce, and the blood stained his hands with magical light. Walking in the middle, like an electric current flowing through the whole body...

A blue halo appeared in front of his eyes, and finally, he took the last bite.

The magic power of the blue dragon was completely integrated into his body and was swallowed by him.

He could feel the aftertaste of magic power and the sublimation of his spirit, and his mind became extremely clear. It was a very novel experience, and this feeling was clearer than the previous two times.

[System prompt: You have completed the Dragon Feast Ceremony and obtained the skill - [Arcanagos' Arcane Vortex], you have absorbed the arcane energy in the dragon heart, and your mana limit has been permanently increased by 100 points. 】

[System prompt: For unknown reasons, your [Death Wing's God Seal] has loosened a little. 】

Mo Fei was overjoyed. Not only did he get a Dragon Feast skill this time, but he also permanently increased his mana value by 100 points. This is really good. It seems that the quality of the Dragon Heart directly affects the effect of the Dragon Feast skill. what.

Because of the force sensitivity route, Murphy's mana value has not been high, only 20 points each time he upgrades, until now at level 20, it is only 400 mana points, and now it has increased by 100 points all at once points, which is equivalent to a 25% increase.

It's such a bargain.

Moreover, the seal of God has loosened again. It seems that as long as it continues to devour it, the seal will be completely lifted sooner or later, and then there will be no restrictions at all.

(End of this chapter)

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