Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 162 Whispers of the Ancient God

Chapter 162 Whispers of the Ancient God

Murphy checked the progress of the task.

【Road to Dragon Feast (Original mission/in progress)
Current mission progress: 30%.

Mission introduction: You have successfully devoured the heart of the third dragon, and you are addicted to the power brought by the dragon feast ceremony. The will of the dragon is eroding your heart, and you can feel some kind of change that is happening in your body. A strange emotion is gradually born in your heart, and you are eager for more...]

Next, Murphy began to check the newly acquired Dragon Food skills.

[Arcanagos' Arcane Vortex (Dragon Feast Skill)
Use: Summons a magic vortex (lasts 5 seconds), absorbs all magic released on you during this period, and converts it into raw magic power, after the skill ends, you can——

Choice 1: Arcane Orb.Convert all the mana you have absorbed into an arcane ball, dealing 100+ arcane explosion damage equal to the absorbed mana to the enemy.

Option 2: Mana Absorption.Convert all the mana you absorb into your own mana. If the absorbed mana exceeds your mana limit, the excess mana will gradually decay within 180 seconds.

Conditions of use: 100 mana.Skill cooldown time is 10 minutes.

Skill description: According to legend, the blue dragon living in the magic hub is born with the power to manipulate arcane magic. Compared with the complicated use of magic by mortals, blue dragons are more accustomed to releasing or absorbing arcane magic in the purest form. This is the essence of magic. Source power]

This skill is still very good, but its versatility is a little bit poor. It seems that it can only be used when fighting against legal professions.

If you are dealing with ordinary enemies who don't know magic, it is equivalent to an arcane missile with 100 points of damage, and it consumes too much mana, so it is really useless.

But if you are fighting against legal enemies, especially those powerful mages, it will be too powerful, which is equivalent to a five-second magic immunity + big mana recovery effect.

No, it should be said that it is much stronger than magic immunity. Magic immunity is only effective for oneself. This arcane vortex can not only protect oneself, but also protect other people.

Not bad, not bad, I will have a hole card against legal professions in the future.

Murphy used the Karazhan badge to teleport back to Karazhan, where Emperor Xuan was still drinking.

And Medivh was still asleep.

"Are you done?" Wang Xuan asked casually.

Murphy nodded, "It's done, take me to the Obsidian Temple next."

Still using Night Fury as an anchor, Wang Xuan teleported Murphy to the forest in the Terra Mountains.

This time Murphy didn't hide it.

Transformed into Deathwing directly, he flew towards the Obsidian Temple.

With a bang, the huge Black Dragon King landed on the platform of the Obsidian Temple, ignoring the surrounding black dragons who saluted him respectfully, Mo Fei directly activated the legion control skill - Summon the Black Dragon Legion.

This skill is equivalent to a group text message and other functions, and only the king of black dragons can use it.

Of course, the black dragon lord also has a low-end version, which can only take effect on the dragons he controls.

The King of Black Dragons is amazing. In theory, all black dragons can feel the will of the King of Black Dragons.

Of course, if the distance is too far, the signal may not be received, so Mo Fei deliberately chose to use this skill at the Obsidian Temple. The Obsidian Temple can greatly enhance the dominance of his Black Dragon King—— Equivalent to a huge signal amplifier.

Neltharion (King of the Black Dragon): "All the Lords of the Black Dragon, warriors of the Black Dragon Legion, I am Neltharion, the King of the Black Dragon, the Destroyer of Destiny, the Terminator of all things, feel my will, obey My call, within three days, gather in the Nightwhisper Forest near Karazhan, a battle to change the fate of the world is about to begin, and the Black Dragon Legion will show its power to the world!"

Sartario (immemorial black dragon): "Brother, what happened?" Satario, who flew out in a hurry, was shocked when he heard Murphy's announcement.The Black Dragon Legion is gathering, is this about to launch a dragon disaster again?
Neltharion (King of the Black Dragon): "Don't worry brother, we will surely win this war. I have found a powerful ally and a group of useful cannon fodder. The orc army from another world will replace us Charge into battle and face the alliance's soldiers. All we have to do is wait for the opportunity to seize the battle results and territories that belong to our Black Dragon Clan.

The Black Dragon Legion is about to rise, guard our temple, and then you just need to wait. "

As Murphy was speaking, he was about to leave, when suddenly, faint whispers sounded in his ears.


again?Murphy immediately recognized that it was the voice he heard last time in front of the giant door in the depths of the Obsidian Temple, but last time the voice said some words he could not understand, but this time, he Hear it clearly, albeit intermittently.

Whispers in the Abyss: " will...surrender to the can't...escape from me..."

Neltharion (King of the Black Dragon): "Shut up, I'm too lazy to talk to you."

Whispers in the Abyss: "Death...wing, Nessa...Leo, release me... release the power of the Abyss...I will truth of all things..."

Neltharion (King of the Black Dragon): "Go away, you maggot of the dark, prisoner of the abyss, no one can command me, not even the Old Gods, I know who you are, the Nightmare God— -Thousand-bearded demon-N'Zoth, your evil whispers are of no use to me."

Whispers from the Abyss: "You are not...Deathwing, who are you...?"

Ok?Murphy was startled immediately, thinking how does this guy know that I'm not Deathwing, but he can't play.

Neltharion (King of the Black Dragon): "Hmph, if you dare to question the King of the Black Dragon, you should be glad that you did not appear in front of me, otherwise my wild flames will burn you to ashes, even if you hide in the dark Whispering in the shadows of the world, lingering in the depths of the abyss, this is all you can do."

The voice disappeared, and just when Mo Fei thought that the other party had given up on communicating, the voice suddenly reappeared, it was very clear, as if it was right next to his ear.

Whispers in the Abyss: "Stupid...mortal...this world faces...disaster...endless despair...pain..."

The voice was distorted incomparably, with an indescribably weird tone, and it conveyed deep malice. Even if it was only a few seconds, Mo Fei felt dizzy in the head, and felt disgusted and irritable from the bottom of his heart. An indescribable uncomfortable feeling, as if everything has lost its color, there is no hope, no joy, no expectation, only unbearable irritability and the urge to destroy everything.

Mo Fei thought to himself, what the hell is this.

He wanted to stop the voice from invading his mind, but he couldn't do it at all. The voice didn't come from his ears at all, but was transmitted directly to his consciousness.

Neltharion (King of the Black Dragon): "Shut up, shut up the fuck, you stupid bastard, I'm a damn..."

Murphy even forgot to read his lines in a hurry.

Deathwing's eyes instantly turned blood red. The pain and anger made him want to kill. Murphy hurriedly flapped his wings and flew towards the distance.

No, you must stay away from here!Murphy thought that the Obsidian Temple was like a signal amplifier, which not only allowed the Black Dragon King's thoughts to be transmitted farther, but also transmitted the unknown whispers to his mind.

The weird whispers were still echoing in my ears, but as Mo Fei got farther and farther away from the Obsidian Temple, the voice became smaller and smaller, and when Mur Fei flew tens of miles away, the voice finally quieted down .

Huh, I was scared to death, and that ghost thing is too disgusting.

Murphy saw that there was no one around, and then changed back into a human form, scratching his head in doubt. Fortunately, he could only hear that voice in the Obsidian Temple, and it seemed that he could only hear it in the form of Deathwing .

After activating the Karazhan badge, Murphy teleported back to Karazhan again. I have to say, this thing is really useful.

"You look so pale." Wang Xuan was a little surprised to see Mo Fei's expression.

Mo Fei waved his hand, directly picked up the wine bottle and took a deep breath first. He glanced at Wang Xuan, and said to himself that this matter really needs to be asked clearly. It feels too scary, mental pollution.

"When I went to the Obsidian Temple just now, I heard strange whispers."

"Strange sound?"

"Yes, I suspect it's the whispers of the ancient gods."

"N'Zoth? Isn't that normal? Deathwing was driven mad by the whispers of the ancient gods."

"Then I won't be driven crazy too?"

"Hahaha, don't worry, it's okay, this is just a game, those whispers are just a form of expression, we gamers will never really make players mentally ill."

"But at that time, my brain felt like it was going to explode, and I felt like I was mentally abnormal. I wanted to die." Murphy recalled the feeling just now, and he still had a little bit of fear in his heart. No wonder Deathwing would Crazy, if he was tortured like this every day, who would not be crazy?

"Oh, don't worry, this is just the game effect, just like the 30% pain. By the way, did you just adjust the touch to 100% and forget to change it back?"

Mo Fei was taken aback, and opened the system interface to take a look, and it was really the case.

Damn, no wonder it's so uncomfortable.

He hurriedly adjusted his perception back to 30%.

"Just don't do it like this next time. If it's 30%, it's probably not a big deal no matter how much that voice tortures you."

"Then I won't find anything wrong now, will I?" Mo Fei asked, shaking his head, he always felt that there was a double image in front of him, and he was still a little dazed.

"Don't worry, it's alright."

"you sure?"

"Of course, I can't cheat anyone if I cheat you. We are good friends."

But isn't Akanagos also your friend?Mo Fei couldn't help but slander in his heart, but he didn't say it out, if he really said it, it would change the flavor.

He originally thought that Wang Xuan was a trustworthy person, but this feeling appeared inexplicably, which made him believe it.

But at this moment, he suddenly felt that things might not be as ideal as he thought.

After all, he and Wang Xuan had only known each other for a month, although they had eaten together, drank together, and dated girls together, but that was all.

It seems that there is not much difference compared with Akanagos, except that he is a player.

"Okay, then I'll go back."

"Oh, what's the hurry, how about we have a few drinks, this place is about to become a ghost."

"No, I'd better go back offline and go to sleep, that whisper is too degrading, I have to take it easy."

(End of this chapter)

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