Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 164 King Arthur and Merlin

Chapter 164 King Arthur and Merlin
While eating breakfast, Murphy was still watching the video on his phone.

He tried several times before, but it still didn't work, the power seemed to have completely disappeared from his body.

No matter how hard he tried, how hard he held back, he had turned back to that ordinary person now, and he couldn't even let out a little halo.

What a hassle, why is it so hard to learn a superpower?Murphy looked helplessly at the picture in the video. This video was not clear, because it was shot with a mobile phone, and with one hand, the picture effect was very poor. Compared with the magic in Hollywood blockbusters, it was completely different. language.

However, looking at the blue ball of light emerging from his hand in the video, Mo Fei felt extremely joyful and full of sense of accomplishment in his heart.

This is an extraordinary power, a supernatural ability that I have actually experienced. Although there is only a little effect at present, as long as I continue to dig, I will be able to truly master this power.

This is the difference between 0 and 1. It seems small, but there is a qualitative difference.

Money is nothing, as long as you have power and Pava, you can become an extraordinary existence, surpassing the higher level of worldly power, money, fame and fortune are just clouds.

Thinking of this, he has already made up his mind, no matter what, he must continue to dig, and he must truly grasp this power, even if he sacrifices all the resources in his hands for it.

Since he left the live broadcast company, he has been at a loss, not knowing what to do in the future.

He is not a person who pursues money very much. 2000 million is already a staged goal for him, but he seems to have no way to do something else, so he can only continue to play games.

But now he knows that his goal is to pursue the legendary power.

After breakfast, Murphy couldn't wait to enter the game again.

Going online in his room, Murphy tidied up his equipment and left the room.

As soon as I went out, I saw Alsace chatting with a Mediterranean uncle in the side hall,
Hey, isn't that Kel'Thuzad?
How did these two come together again?

Murphy looked sideways. In the original history, the relationship between Alsace and Kel'Thuzad was similar to the relationship between King Arthur and Merlin. Of course, it was a dark version. Alsace was under the temptation and guidance of Kel'Thuzad. Go dark and eventually become the Lich King.

Kel'Thuzad is Alsace's subordinate, his mentor, and his collaborator.

Seeing what the two of them were talking about, Mo Fei approached curiously. When he walked over, he found Tianxiu was watching with a gratified expression.
Alsace is asking Kel'Thuzad about magic.

Arthas (Prince of Lordaeron): "Master, is magic easy to learn?"

Kel'Thuzad (Master of the Kirin Tor): "Hehe, learning magic is of course not that easy, but with His Highness Alsace's aptitude, it shouldn't be too difficult. His Highness Alsace is interested in becoming a mage Is it?"

Arthas (Prince of Lordaeron): "This... I haven't figured it out yet. I have been learning swordsmanship from Mr. Muradin Bronzebeard. They all say that I am a genius in swordsmanship, but I always feel that swordsmanship alone is a bit It's too monotonous, force doesn't solve everything, and if someone close to me gets hurt, or someone needs help, there's only so much swordsmanship can do.

I thought maybe I could learn a little more. "

Kel'Thuzad (Master of the Kirin Tor): "Your idea is very good. Anyway, I can't continue my spell research during the meeting. If you need it, I can give you some pointers on magic. .”

Arthas (Prince of Lordaeron): "That's really great, it sounds a little strange, I always feel very kind to chat with you."

"Hahaha, that would be a great honor, Prince Arthas."

"By the way, Master Kel'Thuzad, what kind of magic are you studying? Can you tell me?"

"Oh, it's a relatively unpopular kind of magic. There is a little taboo. I think it's better not to say it. If I have a chance to visit my laboratory in the future, I can show it to you."

"Oh, that would be great..."

Mo Fei listened to the exchange between the two, but was speechless in his heart, and glanced at Tianxiu next to him.

"I said, it's not like you set up a bridge for these two to meet, right?"

Tianxiu readily admitted, "That's right, it's my servant. I'm a royalist, and it's my mission to guide Arthas to become the Lich King. I'll make him familiar with Kel'Thuzad while I have the opportunity." Not bad."

Murphy nodded, and said yes, "Then take your time and watch, I'll go to the venue to take up space first."

He waved at Alsace and walked straight to the venue.

Although yesterday's meeting was disrupted by Varian, the meeting still had to continue, even though it knew nothing could be discussed.

It's really politics.

As soon as I entered the venue, I saw Varian chatting with Morgan Lisa.

Morgan Lisa looked radiant, but Varian was a little reserved, completely lacking in vigor and vigor from yesterday.

"Oh, little brother Varian, good morning, how did you sleep last night, did you dream about my sister, sister, I dreamed of you, do you want me to tell you that I have sex with you in my dreams What is it?"

Morgan Lisa said and patted Varian's shoulder affectionately, but Varian hurriedly backed away.

"Princess Morgan Lisa, please be more reserved." Varian tried to put on a serious posture of a prince.

Morgan Lisa didn't care at all, instead she kept leaning up, "Oh, look at what you said, everyone is an adult, so there's nothing to be embarrassed about."

"I'm only 14 years old this year."

"But your mental age is very mature. How did you think about my proposal last night? You will definitely not suffer from a marriage with me. With the support of Lordaeron, Stormwind City must be solid, and--sister, I am very understanding. Yes, marrying me will definitely make you extremely happy every day, hehehehehehe, come here, let my sister hug you."

Varian looked at Morgan Lisa, who had an evil expression, and her face turned red. This beautiful and lustful big sister in front of her was much more terrifying than those green-faced orcs with fangs.

Seeing Murphy walking in, he hurriedly cast his eyes for help.

Varian (Prince of Storms): "Prince Aidan, you are here, welcome, Princess Morgan Lisa and I are discussing about orcs, would you like to join us?"

Murphy glanced at Morgan Lisa, who didn't seem to recognize him at all.

However, he could see the traces left by the other party's experience last night. Morgan Lisa used to have long fiery red hair, but now she had her hair cut short, and she could even vaguely see some burnt marks.

(End of this chapter)

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